Fantaisie Noir (D&D5e)

Ira looked at each of the others faces one by one with a look of loathing written across her own.

"Fine" She growled venomously "I will still appreciate some aid though" Ira muttered as she turned on her heel and fumingly marched towards the dwarven fellow behind the desk.

She slumped her arms across the desk and tried to sneak a peak at the newspaper he was reading.

"Evening mate" The Half-Orc yawned "How much for one of these rooms for just the night huh?"

Zoia followed a bit behind the Half-Orc since she asked for it and then busied herself with carefully drying off her clothes without fully igniting them.
Ira approached tilting her head a little to see what the old dwarf was reading. It was the Quattuora Gazette. The finest of news sources here in the Fourth City, unless you ask anyone from the Quattuora Journal, or the Daily Chronicle, or the Times. The papers were as bad as the gangs, each squabbling and stepping over each other to get the story before the others. In the past well, they weren't above a little intimidation, libel, and outright contrived stories to get better sales. Now, well more than one intrepid reporter has wound up dead, chasing a story.

Currently the man was perusing the 'Social' section. More or less a calendar of high class parties and salacious gossip in the 'Brights' the well lit center of the city, where all the movers and shakers of the town rubbed elbows. A place far, far removed from this area of town.

Splashed across top of the of the page in bold letters.

"Platinum Princess Pecks Petrol Prince"

Before the hunter could read the dirty details of a young heiress giving a chaste kiss to a Maerifan royal, the dwarf looked up closing the paper as he did so.

"Ah...well." he started hastaly pulling out a ledger, an embarrassed blush blooming across his ruddy cheeks. "I don't rent rooms by the day…" His words trail off as he spots Zoia and Mercy joining the burly half orc. A wry smile forming on his lips he speaks again. "But, I could be persuaded for a silver piece...and a gold for my…" he chuckles to himself slightly, "Discretion."
"Ah...well." he started hastaly pulling out a ledger, an embarrassed blush blooming across his ruddy cheeks. "I don't rent rooms by the day…" His words trail off as he spots Zoia and Mercy joining the burly half orc. A wry smile forming on his lips he speaks again. "But, I could be persuaded for a silver piece...and a gold for my…" he chuckles to himself slightly, "Discretion."

Ira looked over her shoulder to see what the Dwarf was trying to imply and saw the two woman standing behind her. It didn't take long at all for the Blood Hunter to figure out what the Dwarf was wiggling his eyebrows about.

"Ah yes. Some discretion from prying eyes would be...delightful" Ira purred as she moved two gold coins across the desk. "Me and my friends would so hate to be disturbed tonight, especially from the neighbours. Any one a group of young woman like ourselves should be worried about Mister..?"
While the trio held the attention of the dwarven proprietor Valerian took the opportunity to peer through the gloom once more. Should they be successful in their ploy to gain entrance, it would be a simple matter to stroll through the entrance. But if Cecil intended to remain in his transformed state, it might be necessary to look for a more discrete entrance. He would walk a circuit around the building looking for additional entrances they might be able to use...and any exits they might need to take or improvise...

"Reconnaissance," the soldier whispered to the others. "Alternative entry and exits," was his departing remark as he made his way around the corner.
Reddia simply slipped past while the man was distracted with the admittedly intriging image Ira had presented him with. She didn't want to be involved herself in it, however - imagine if people thought she would use a dingy little dive like this? No thanks, doll.
"Ah...well." he started hastaly pulling out a ledger, an embarrassed blush blooming across his ruddy cheeks. "I don't rent rooms by the day…" His words trail off as he spots Zoia and Mercy joining the burly half orc. A wry smile forming on his lips he speaks again. "But, I could be persuaded for a silver piece...and a gold for my…" he chuckles to himself slightly, "Discretion."

Ira looked over her shoulder to see what the Dwarf was trying to imply and saw the two woman standing behind her. It didn't take long at all for the Blood Hunter to figure out what the Dwarf was wiggling his eyebrows about.

"Ah yes. Some discretion from prying eyes would be...delightful" Ira purred as she moved two gold coins across the desk. "Me and my friends would so hate to be disturbed tonight, especially from the neighbours. Any one a group of young woman like ourselves should be worried about Mister..?"

It didn't take long for Mercy to pick up on the 'subtleties' of the Dwarf's words. The Masque was no brothel, but what some chose to offer at the establishment? Well… Roy had long held the rule that so long as you took it elsewhere and the staff remained uninvolved, that was no business of his. The Harlot welcomed all kinds into her arms… No matter how you ended up playing the hand life dealt you.

@loneangel Though she felt embarrassment for being mistaken for a whore, if playing the part could help then play it she would. Wrapping the olive coat tighter about herself she sidled closer to Zoia, offering her a wink and a small smile as she linked their arms, silently urging her to run with the man's assumption before she turned her attention to the Dwarf. Glassy, aureate eyes stared out from beneath loose rain-sodden strands of raven hair. The cold, condensed breath escaped from between a fanged smile playing across her features as she whimsically scanned the room, tail flitting daintily behind her. Each action deliberate, a lure to draw the eye of all who witnessed. Attracting the attention of a crowd was her job after all, and playing to an audience of one only made it easier to become their focus.

"I think there was blood outside... are you sure we're gonna be safe here?" her gaze danced between the Half-Orc and the dwarf seeking reassurance "I'd hate for someone to scare us out again… there's no one here that's dangerous is there?" her voice inflected worry and held at barely above a purr.

With any luck, the dwarf would share what he knew of his patrons in an effort to make them stay.

Time would tell if their charade was convincing enough.
Ira looked over her shoulder to see what the Dwarf was trying to imply and saw the two woman standing behind her. It didn't take long at all for the Blood Hunter to figure out what the Dwarf was wiggling his eyebrows about.

"Ah yes. Some discretion from prying eyes would be...delightful" Ira purred as she moved two gold coins across the desk. "Me and my friends would so hate to be disturbed tonight, especially from the neighbours. Any one a group of young woman like ourselves should be worried about Mister..?"

It didn't take long for Mercy to pick up on the 'subtleties' of the Dwarf's words. The Masque was no brothel, but what some chose to offer at the establishment? Well… Roy had long held the rule that so long as you took it elsewhere and the staff remained uninvolved, that was no business of his. The Harlot welcomed all kinds into her arms… No matter how you ended up playing the hand life dealt you.

@loneangel Though she felt embarrassment for being mistaken for a whore, if playing the part could help then play it she would. Wrapping the olive coat tighter about herself she sidled closer to Zoia, offering her a wink and a small smile as she linked their arms, silently urging her to run with the man's assumption before she turned her attention to the Dwarf. Glassy, aureate eyes stared out from beneath loose rain-sodden strands of raven hair. The cold, condensed breath escaped from between a fanged smile playing across her features as she whimsically scanned the room, tail flitting daintily behind her. Each action deliberate, a lure to draw the eye of all who witnessed. Attracting the attention of a crowd was her job after all, and playing to an audience of one only made it easier to become their focus.

"I think there was blood outside... are you sure we're gonna be safe here?" her gaze danced between the Half-Orc and the dwarf seeking reassurance "I'd hate for someone to scare us out again… there's no one here that's dangerous is there?" her voice inflected worry and held at barely above a purr.

With any luck, the dwarf would share what he knew of his patrons in an effort to make them stay.

Time would tell if their charade was convincing enough.
"Ahhh...Morigak, Vonbin Morigak." The dwarf introduced himself. "And we have a few rough tenants." There was a loud slam above them, a bit of plaster fell from the old ceiling, the dust hanging in the air like farie fire. "The lovebirds in 2E, always fighting, and not in the fun way. Surprised they haven't called it off yet." He thought for a little bit longer. "Most of the others keep to themselves. Gotten a few complaints here and there but, nothing too serious, mostly noise."

"Blood?" The dwarf looked surprised, his dark brown eyes nearly coming out of his skull, leaning forward on his counter. "Outside my building. I didn't notice when I did my morning walk around." He furrowed his brow in thought, thick lines like craggy mountains. "There's no one dangerous here, a few old veterans but, who of us aint. You might find a few pistols here and there, service weapons from the war. I've gotten a few complaints about the man in 3F but, he seemed nice enough. Quiet certainly but, I don't think he'd harm a fly." He tried to smile reassuringly. "If you have any trouble you can call me, still have my old battle ax under the counter. Haven't had to use it in a while but, I'm still handy with it." He looked to the Half-orc noting the revolver. "Though I think you all are secure enough."
@DannyboyZero @loneangel @Connersmish roll persuasion to get some more information out of the dwarf, or roll perception to see where the ledger might be.
Reddia simply slipped past while the man was distracted with the admittedly intriging image Ira had presented him with. She didn't want to be involved herself in it, however - imagine if people thought she would use a dingy little dive like this? No thanks, doll.
Noting the the gaggle at the counter Reddia slipped in without a noise, like a ghost. The dwarf didn't look up too enamored with the...charming company. Once inside she could get a better look of the place she hadn't been noticed, she could have all the time she needed.
@Mechanical Roll investigation
While the trio held the attention of the dwarven proprietor Valerian took the opportunity to peer through the gloom once more. Should they be successful in their ploy to gain entrance, it would be a simple matter to stroll through the entrance. But if Cecil intended to remain in his transformed state, it might be necessary to look for a more discrete entrance. He would walk a circuit around the building looking for additional entrances they might be able to use...and any exits they might need to take or improvise...

"Reconnaissance," the soldier whispered to the others. "Alternative entry and exits," was his departing remark as he made his way around the corner.
The rifleman was walking around sharp eyes casting about looking for other ways in and out of the building. The rain was beading on his trenchcoat, at least that was holding up. A few lights came on across the street but, no one seemed to care about the heavily armed man wandering about the building.

There were the obvious fire escapes, though of dubious quality. They might hold for a bit...a closer look might help. There was always the windows of the third, fourth floors, maybe the roof if you were lucky, if you needed a quick escape. Using them for entry that was another story.
@StormLord roll investigation to get a closer look at the outside.
The rifleman was walking around sharp eyes casting about looking for other ways in and out of the building. The rain was beading on his trenchcoat, at least that was holding up. A few lights came on across the street but, no one seemed to care about the heavily armed man wandering about the building.

There were the obvious fire escapes, though of dubious quality. They might hold for a bit...a closer look might help. There was always the windows of the third, fourth floors, maybe the roof if you were lucky, if you needed a quick escape. Using them for entry that was another story.
@StormLord roll investigation to get a closer look at the outside.
Raindrops fell down upon him, but his trusty trenchcoat kept his arsenal safe from the elements. Something to keep the rain out of my hair and eyes wouldn't hurt, he thought to himself, but he had soldiered through worse than this drizzle. Echoes of thunder and screams, the stench of blood and gore threatened to peer back through the darkness but he pushed them away before they could manifest. Focus!

His trained eyes sought out sightlines, picking out cover for exchanging long-arms fire to and from the building if needed. If their lycanthrope suspect thought he might be pursued to his lair -- or was a war veteran haunted by memories -- there might be signs of a discretely prepared that might be prepared to prevent pursuers from following a hasty exit.

Investigation: 19+4=23
Yeah fuck one day I'll roll higher then a 10 I swear.

Hey, that's pretty good.

Ira put on her best smile asking if there was anything more that they needed to know. Vonbin looked down while he might be a gossip but, it seems he's a little nervous to reveal anything more. That was until Mercy batted her eyelashes at him playing the innocent, Zoia tilted her head slightly the light catching in the gems. That was too much for the dwarf he finally relented.

"Alright well," he started looking downward then leaning in closer, "Like I said the man in 3F is pretty quiet but, every so often he starts blaring music at night. It's not every night but, it became something of a pattern. I knocked once trying to get him to turn it down." He paused again running a hand over his bald head. "He just yelled at me to go away. It was out of character for him. I was startled I rushed downstairs to grab my axe. By the time I got up to his room the music had stopped. I think he was just going through know…" He tapped the side of his head, "Up here...I know a lot of survivors that never left the war behind...that carry it with them."

He cast a glance down a hall, a fearful look in his eyes, like a man that knew where a body was buried. "Just to be on the safe side, as you're leaving if you see a half elf with two scars," he ran his finger over his left cheek twice showing where to look for said markings, "Just stay away. He's got connections and a sometimes a willful heart. Most of the times he's out partying but, he uses this as sort of hideaway." He put up his hands, "Like I said he's not usually home but, man's sneaky, he can slip past me like a ghost. I only ever see him when he's leaving, never when he's coming back. Just something to keep an eye out for."

With that he pulled a heavy leather bound book, the front all scuffed and marked by too many years of use, and began to look through it. Given the size and age one could guess that it had names going back to the founding of this place, or close to the better days it once had. After a bit of looking he put a key on the counter. "You're looking for room 4A, the fourth floor is pretty empty this month...a few evictions but, do my best to keep the empty rooms clean and no one's live in that room for a few months. Should be fine."
Investigating: 19+4=23

I spot all the things.
The rain continued to pour matting the white hair to the investigator's head. The lightning flashed in the distance thunder following soon after. This was a poor time to be doing this but, his paranoia was getting to him. His keen eyes swept over the area looking any secrets this old building might have. He noted a few silhouettes in some of the windows, some slight movement in the blinds of others. A back door that could be opened for a more stealthy entry. Then his foot fell on hollow ground, or at least a bit of ground that didn't sound right. It was in an alley with very few sight lines looking upon it. He tapped his foot again, yeah there was something down there.

The hollow sound continued straight until he hit the next building. Could it be, the infamous Quattuora Underground? The hidden network of tunnels and buildings built up by purpose and by accident by centuries of construction. Now it was used to move drugs, guns, people, everything the criminals didn't want anyone to see. It was an open secret in the Greys, that most of the illicit trade moved through these tunnels but, they were a maze and no one had ever tried to map them. Legends of a Minotaur that killed all that crossed their path prevented many from looking too deeply into the secrets of the hidden paths. Though it was said that there were a few dedicated, or just crazy beings that had mapped the whole underground...keeping the map up in there head and selling their services to anyone that could pay them.

Could it be that this humble building was a stop on the underground. The entrance would be on the ground floor likely out of sight from the main lobby but, easily accessible. Might need to take a look inside to find it. But, could be useful for a quick escape, or a quick way to get lost, to see if the legends were true, did a half bull stalk the shadow streets?
Once inside Redda cast her eye around looking for clues or just snooping around. Unfortunately nothing was really grabbing her attention, other than the cracks in the plaster, the stains on the floor and the cracks on the handrail going up the stairs. This was not a place the half-dragon would be caught dead in. However she did hear bits and pieces of the conversation from the front desk. About the man in 3F and couple in 2E, could be places to start, she was still concealed, no one but Cicel and maybe Valerian, if he came out of his brooding, even knew she'd entered the establishment. There was all sorts of mischief the young woman could get up to. Idle hands and all that.

Cicel, still a wolf stood out under the awning just keeping him from getting even more wet, watching Valerian disappear around the corner, and Redda vanish inside. He could follow the investigator lend his sniffer to the case or watch the bartender's back with his keen eyes. Both were an option but, wasn't like he had to stay there. The city was his he could do what he wanted...if it wasn't for her, the city herself pushing him to stay, to help them. Looking around it seemed the streets were deserted, no one but, the mad out in this storm. Which was fine...most already considered him mad.
With that he pulled a heavy leather bound book, the front all scuffed and marked by too many years of use, and began to look through it. Given the size and age one could guess that it had names going back to the founding of this place, or close to the better days it once had. After a bit of looking he put a key on the counter. "You're looking for room 4A, the fourth floor is pretty empty this month...a few evictions but, do my best to keep the empty rooms clean and no one's live in that room for a few months. Should be fine."

Ira took the key off the counter and pocketed it. "Room 4A?" She said out loud, hoping that either Reddia or Cicel heard her. "OK I hope we don't disturb you too much tonight" She grinned, wrapping her arms around both Zoia's and Mercy's waist, pulling them tightly against her she guided the trio towards the nearby stairs.

She looked over her shoulder and tried to get the others by the entrance attention with a nod of the head.

@loneangel @Connersmish @MrGazzer @Mechanical @StormLord
Reddia listened to the boisterous half-orc as she called out her room number.
Very subtle.

The half-dragon smiled and walked over to the rear entrance, gently testing the handle to see if it was locked or if it was one of those that only opened from one side.

If it was unlocked, she quietly opened it and stuck her head outside to look for Valerian. She leaned back against a wall, keeping out of sight.
The rain continued to pour matting the white hair to the investigator's head. The lightning flashed in the distance thunder following soon after. This was a poor time to be doing this but, his paranoia was getting to him. His keen eyes swept over the area looking any secrets this old building might have. He noted a few silhouettes in some of the windows, some slight movement in the blinds of others. A back door that could be opened for a more stealthy entry. Then his foot fell on hollow ground, or at least a bit of ground that didn't sound right. It was in an alley with very few sight lines looking upon it. He tapped his foot again, yeah there was something down there.

The hollow sound continued straight until he hit the next building. Could it be, the infamous Quattuora Underground? The hidden network of tunnels and buildings built up by purpose and by accident by centuries of construction. Now it was used to move drugs, guns, people, everything the criminals didn't want anyone to see. It was an open secret in the Greys, that most of the illicit trade moved through these tunnels but, they were a maze and no one had ever tried to map them. Legends of a Minotaur that killed all that crossed their path prevented many from looking too deeply into the secrets of the hidden paths. Though it was said that there were a few dedicated, or just crazy beings that had mapped the whole underground...keeping the map up in there head and selling their services to anyone that could pay them.

Could it be that this humble building was a stop on the underground. The entrance would be on the ground floor likely out of sight from the main lobby but, easily accessible. Might need to take a look inside to find it. But, could be useful for a quick escape, or a quick way to get lost, to see if the legends were true, did a half bull stalk the shadow streets?

The exterior stairways -- if one could call them that -- seemed more of a death trap than an avenue of escape. He quickly inspected the rear exit, mostly to see whether a careless resident had left it unlocked. No such luck but the lock seemed of common quality, and unlikely to prove much of a challenge to a determined thief or a bullet.

But the possibility of a hidden entrance to the Quattuora Underground warranted a closer search, even before confronting their suspect. There wouldn't be time to explore it of course, but simply being aware of the possible -- albeit unlikely -- escape route for the killer would be worth the delay.
Reddia listened to the boisterous half-orc as she called out her room number.
Very subtle.

The half-dragon smiled and walked over to the rear entrance, gently testing the handle to see if it was locked or if it was one of those that only opened from one side.

If it was unlocked, she quietly opened it and stuck her head outside to look for Valerian. She leaned back against a wall, keeping out of sight.
As he concluded his investigation of the possible tunnel he spotted a familiar face peeking out from the previously locked rear door.

"Convenient," was appropriate. Checking his surroundings once more he made his way into the building.

Action: Stealth check 10+3=13 for discrete entry.

To move this along I'm just going to say Valerian spots @Mechanical opening the door. @MrGazzer If Cecil happens to accompany Valerian on his survey so we're all together that's fine!]

Once inside he explained his suspicions about a hidden entrance to the Undergound, and began investigating suitable locations.

Action: Investigation 15+4=19 to find hidden entrance.
StormLord threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Stealth Total: 29
10 10 19 19
StormLord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Investigation Total: 15
15 15
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Cicel, still a wolf stood out under the awning just keeping him from getting even more wet, watching Valerian disappear around the corner, and Redda vanish inside. He could follow the investigator lend his sniffer to the case or watch the bartender's back with his keen eyes. Both were an option but, wasn't like he had to stay there. The city was his he could do what he wanted...if it wasn't for her, the city herself pushing him to stay, to help them. Looking around it seemed the streets were deserted, no one but, the mad out in this storm. Which was fine...most already considered him mad.

Hawkeye, where ya gonin'?

The Wolf-Cecil cocked his head, trotting after the white haired man.
Reddia gave the grizzled vet a smirk as he crept towards the door, before she held up a finger - and silently directed his attention to the crunchy debris of some fragments of broken glass he was about to step on.

She shot him a friendly wink and disappeared back inside, to rendezvous with the others upstairs.

Reddia assists @StormLord to give him advantage on his stealth.
Reddia gave the grizzled vet a smirk as he crept towards the door, before she held up a finger - and silently directed his attention to the crunchy debris of some fragments of broken glass he was about to step on.

She shot him a friendly wink and disappeared back inside, to rendezvous with the others upstairs.

Reddia assists @StormLord to give him advantage on his stealth.
Valerian noticed the dragon-blood gesturing, and with a sting to his pride adjusted his footwork. Stealth was a lost art, especially when his preferred course was to let loose with shot and powder. He gave her a respectful nod before she disappeared into the depths of the building.

Action: Stealth with advantage is 19+3=22 (rolled above in previous post).

Hawkeye, where ya gonin'?

The Wolf-Cecil cocked his head, trotting after the white haired man.
More mindful of his surroundings, the rifleman turned to the wolf form of Cecil and pointed out the scattered debris before continuing forth.

If @MrGazzer requires a stealth roll for entry, pass on the advantage for stealth!
It didn't take long for Mercy to pick up on the 'subtleties' of the Dwarf's words. The Masque was no brothel, but what some chose to offer at the establishment? Well… Roy had long held the rule that so long as you took it elsewhere and the staff remained uninvolved, that was no business of his. The Harlot welcomed all kinds into her arms… No matter how you ended up playing the hand life dealt you.

Though she felt embarrassment for being mistaken for a whore, if playing the part could help then play it she would. Wrapping the olive coat tighter about herself she sidled closer to Zoia, offering her a wink and a small smile as she linked their arms, silently urging her to run with the man's assumption before she turned her attention to the Dwarf. Glassy, aureate eyes stared out from beneath loose rain-sodden strands of raven hair. The cold, condensed breath escaped from between a fanged smile playing across her features as she whimsically scanned the room, tail flitting daintily behind her. Each action deliberate, a lure to draw the eye of all who witnessed. Attracting the attention of a crowd was her job after all, and playing to an audience of one only made it easier to become their focus.

"I think there was blood outside... are you sure we're gonna be safe here?" her gaze danced between the Half-Orc and the dwarf seeking reassurance "I'd hate for someone to scare us out again… there's no one here that's dangerous is there?" her voice inflected worry and held at barely above a purr.

With any luck, the dwarf would share what he knew of his patrons in an effort to make them stay.

Time would tell if their charade was convincing enough.

Zoia jumped a little when she felt Mercy's arm linking with hers. Her knee-jerk reaction would have been to pull away, but she managed to suppress it when she saw the look Mercy was giving her. She felt her cheeks heat a little from being so close to someone, but she could still keep the flames inside her in check.

Ira took the key off the counter and pocketed it. "Room 4A?" She said out loud, hoping that either Reddia or Cicel heard her. "OK I hope we don't disturb you too much tonight" She grinned, wrapping her arms around both Zoia's and Mercy's waist, pulling them tightly against her she guided the trio towards the nearby stairs.

She looked over her shoulder and tried to get the others by the entrance attention with a nod of the head.

She almost (literally) burst into flame as she was then pressed to the side of the Half-Orc just as she had gotten used to the lighter touch of Mercy and it took all she had to not show much more to the outside than more burning cheeks. What is it with these people and personal space?!

She still managed to, somewhat stiffly, follow along with the other two.
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Ira put on her best smile asking if there was anything more that they needed to know. Vonbin looked down while he might be a gossip but, it seems he's a little nervous to reveal anything more. That was until Mercy batted her eyelashes at him playing the innocent, Zoia tilted her head slightly the light catching in the gems. That was too much for the dwarf he finally relented.

"Alright well," he started looking downward then leaning in closer, "Like I said the man in 3F is pretty quiet but, every so often he starts blaring music at night. It's not every night but, it became something of a pattern. I knocked once trying to get him to turn it down." He paused again running a hand over his bald head. "He just yelled at me to go away. It was out of character for him. I was startled I rushed downstairs to grab my axe. By the time I got up to his room the music had stopped. I think he was just going through know…" He tapped the side of his head, "Up here...I know a lot of survivors that never left the war behind...that carry it with them."

He cast a glance down a hall, a fearful look in his eyes, like a man that knew where a body was buried. "Just to be on the safe side, as you're leaving if you see a half elf with two scars," he ran his finger over his left cheek twice showing where to look for said markings, "Just stay away. He's got connections and a sometimes a willful heart. Most of the times he's out partying but, he uses this as sort of hideaway." He put up his hands, "Like I said he's not usually home but, man's sneaky, he can slip past me like a ghost. I only ever see him when he's leaving, never when he's coming back. Just something to keep an eye out for."

With that he pulled a heavy leather bound book, the front all scuffed and marked by too many years of use, and began to look through it. Given the size and age one could guess that it had names going back to the founding of this place, or close to the better days it once had. After a bit of looking he put a key on the counter. "You're looking for room 4A, the fourth floor is pretty empty this month...a few evictions but, do my best to keep the empty rooms clean and no one's live in that room for a few months. Should be fine."

Ira took the key off the counter and pocketed it. "Room 4A?" She said out loud, hoping that either Reddia or Cicel heard her. "OK I hope we don't disturb you too much tonight" She grinned, wrapping her arms around both Zoia's and Mercy's waist, pulling them tightly against her she guided the trio towards the nearby stairs.

She looked over her shoulder and tried to get the others by the entrance attention with a nod of the head.

She almost (literally) burst into flame as she was then pressed to the side of the Half-Orc just as she had gotten used to the lighter touch of Mercy and it took all she had to not show much more to the outside than more burning cheeks. What is it with these people and personal space?!

She still managed to, somewhat stiffly, follow along with the other two.

Mercy listened attentively to the Dwarf as he spoke, mirroring her expressions to the tone of his tale; saddened and understanding as to the mental state of the veteran, and hesitance which held an edge of fear at the mention of the scarred half-elf, clinging slightly tighter to the arm of the Masque's bouncer to complete the act. After all, people always found it difficult to stop themselves talking when faced with an enraptured audience.

As she herself knew well.

A small yelp of surprise escaped her when Ira wrapped a hand around her waist. Blushing lightly she waved goodbye to the dwarf, quietly giggling as the Half-Orc escorted the two girls past him to the stairs. Her act dropped as they left the lobby, but the growing awkwardness between the three only deepened the colour on her face, the regular pale blue turning violaceous as they climbed wordlessly out of the man's sight. Once they were sufficiently out of earshot she wriggled free of the detectives grasp, turning to face them while her tail continued to flick anxiously behind her. Mercy smiled apologetically to Zoia when she noticed the Half-Elf's uncomfortable expression, with her posture so rigid she wouldn't look out place in a Gorgon's lair. "Sorry for grabbing you out of the blue like that..." a nervous laugh left her as she toyed with her hands "I know not everyone takes well to the touch of people like me."

She looked around the landing, looking for any familiar faces before turning back to them "Do we wait for the others? I saw Red earlier, but I don't know where she went to… Or maybe we go on alone and let them catch up? or..." her voice trailed off, unsure of how to proceed. "I don't know..." she said at last with a resigned sigh, now only all too aware of how out of her depth she was getting.

Looking around the landing for anything interesting, or if there's anyone milling about that she recognises.
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Reddia listened to the boisterous half-orc as she called out her room number.
Very subtle.

The half-dragon smiled and walked over to the rear entrance, gently testing the handle to see if it was locked or if it was one of those that only opened from one side.

If it was unlocked, she quietly opened it and stuck her head outside to look for Valerian. She leaned back against a wall, keeping out of sight.

The exterior stairways -- if one could call them that -- seemed more of a death trap than an avenue of escape. He quickly inspected the rear exit, mostly to see whether a careless resident had left it unlocked. No such luck but the lock seemed of common quality, and unlikely to prove much of a challenge to a determined thief or a bullet.

But the possibility of a hidden entrance to the Quattuora Underground warranted a closer search, even before confronting their suspect. There wouldn't be time to explore it of course, but simply being aware of the possible -- albeit unlikely -- escape route for the killer would be worth the delay.

As he concluded his investigation of the possible tunnel he spotted a familiar face peeking out from the previously locked rear door.

"Convenient," was appropriate. Checking his surroundings once more he made his way into the building.

Action: Stealth check 10+3=13 for discrete entry.

To move this along I'm just going to say Valerian spots @Mechanical opening the door. @MrGazzer If Cecil happens to accompany Valerian on his survey so we're all together that's fine!]

Once inside he explained his suspicions about a hidden entrance to the Undergound, and began investigating suitable locations.

Action: Investigation 15+4=19 to find hidden entrance.

Hawkeye, where ya gonin'?

The Wolf-Cecil cocked his head, trotting after the white haired man.
The veteran entered the back door, carefully stepping over the shattered glass, looking like the remnants of a drinking glass thrown against the wall, in a fit of rage. It seems Vonbin wasn't as diligent as he claimed in keeping this place clean. The rain dripped from his white hair running down the back of his neck slightly dampening his shirt underneath his long coat, chilling him a little. It was nothing he wasn't used to, in war you didn't have time to wait for the storm to pass. He kept his steps firm but, not sharp not twisting his foot to quiet the squeak of his shoes against the dingy tiled floor. There was no sound from the front desk just out of eyeline. It appeared the superintendent of the building didn't notice them.

Looking around the space he scanned for an entrance into the Underground. Following the path of the tunnel there was a darkened alcove again out of sight from the front desk. Maybe at one time it was public telephones but, those were long gone, torn out my residents to sell to make rent or get some extra spending money, or by the owners of the building themselves to save on costs. Either way it was a empty darkened place, a perfect location for an illicit entrance to a network of subterranean routes that cross the city.

Cecil followed close behind gingerly leaping across the shards of clear glass. The trio snuck past the front desk slipping up the steps.
Ira took the key off the counter and pocketed it. "Room 4A?" She said out loud, hoping that either Reddia or Cicel heard her. "OK I hope we don't disturb you too much tonight" She grinned, wrapping her arms around both Zoia's and Mercy's waist, pulling them tightly against her she guided the trio towards the nearby stairs.

She looked over her shoulder and tried to get the others by the entrance attention with a nod of the head.

@loneangel @Connersmish @MrGazzer @Mechanical @StormLord

Zoia jumped a little when she felt Mercy's arm linking with hers. Her knee-jerk reaction would have been to pull away, but she managed to suppress it when she saw the look Mercy was giving her. She felt her cheeks heat a little from being so close to someone, but she could still keep the flames inside her in check.

She almost (literally) burst into flame as she was then pressed to the side of the Half-Orc just as she had gotten used to the lighter touch of Mercy and it took all she had to not show much more to the outside than more burning cheeks. What is it with these people and personal space?!

She still managed to, somewhat stiffly, follow along with the other two.

Mercy listened attentively to the Dwarf as he spoke, mirroring her expressions to the tone of his tale; saddened and understanding as to the mental state of the veteran, and hesitance which held an edge of fear at the mention of the scarred half-elf, clinging slightly tighter to the arm of the Masque's bouncer to complete the act. After all, people always found it difficult to stop themselves talking when faced with an enraptured audience.

As she herself knew well.

A small yelp of surprise escaped her when Ira wrapped a hand around her waist. Blushing lightly she waved goodbye to the dwarf, quietly giggling as the Half-Orc escorted the two girls past him to the stairs. Her act dropped as they left the lobby, but the growing awkwardness between the three only deepened the colour on her face, the regular pale blue turning violaceous as they climbed wordlessly out of the man's sight. Once they were sufficiently out of earshot she wriggled free of the detectives grasp, turning to face them while her tail continued to flick anxiously behind her. Mercy smiled apologetically to Zoia when she noticed the Half-Elf's uncomfortable expression, with her posture so rigid she wouldn't look out place in a Gorgon's lair. "Sorry for grabbing you out of the blue like that..." a nervous laugh left her as she toyed with her hands "I know not everyone takes well to the touch of people like me."

She looked around the landing, looking for any familiar faces before turning back to them "Do we wait for the others? I saw Red earlier, but I don't know where she went to… Or maybe we go on alone and let them catch up? or..." her voice trailed off, unsure of how to proceed. "I don't know..." she said at last with a resigned sigh, now only all too aware of how out of her depth she was getting.
The other trio, the 'Good Time Girls' stood, the question was posed by Mercy. Should they wait for their fellows or just move on and have them catch up? The other group knew where they were going, the Veteran on the third floor. A lot of signs pointed towards them. But, would the three women be enough to handle the man if it turned out he was the 'Hearteater' a lycanthrope that had no control.

Down the hall shouting could be heard, the 'love birds' as Vonbin described them. Their voices carried down the hall slightly muffled but, Mercy could hear them clearly.

"...I have had it up to here with your nagging and bothering." A male voice rumbled from behind the door.

"Oh...nagging," A female voice snapped back tone higher pitched but, no less quiet, "is that what you call it, I'll stop reminding you when you finally get a job, a real job. I can't keep this place on my own, with just my tips."

"I am looking it there's just not anything out there for me, they're not hiring people like me."

"If you applied yourself more, or at least talked to my brother…"

"I'm not turning to your family for a handout."

"So you'd rather turn us out onto the streets?"

"I'm trying Gods Damnit, can't you see?"

"Oh yeah trying real hard there how long has it been? Five months, six months since your last paycheck."

"Oh will you just shut up." The unmistakable sound of a gun cocking sounded down the hall.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you just because you got a gun in your hand?" Another sound, a longsword clearing a leather sheath.

All at once a piercing cry of a baby echoed in the building.

"Now look what you've done." the woman shouted back.

The argument continued tensions rising it sounded like it was going to come to blows. The loss of two down on their luck lovers dying in a tragic accident wouldn't really make the front page. Not with the 'Hearteater' out there. However a baby in the crossfire, could the consciences of the 'Good Time Girls' stand that? They could intervene, knock on the door, tell them to chill out, or they could just walk on it wasn't their problem.

The choice was theirs.

@DannyboyZero @loneangel @Connersmish You all are in the hallway hearing the argument from behind a door about 30ft ahead. @StormLord @Mechanical @MrGazzer You all are at the bottom of the stairs just coming up. The dwarf at the desk didn't notice you.
She almost (literally) burst into flame as she was then pressed to the side of the Half-Orc just as she had gotten used to the lighter touch of Mercy and it took all she had to not show much more to the outside than more burning cheeks. What is it with these people and personal space?!

A small yelp of surprise escaped her when Ira wrapped a hand around her waist. Blushing lightly she waved goodbye to the dwarf, quietly giggling as the Half-Orc escorted the two girls past him to the stairs. Her act dropped as they left the lobby, but the growing awkwardness between the three only deepened the colour on her face, the regular pale blue turning violaceous as they climbed wordlessly out of the man's sight. Once they were sufficiently out of earshot she wriggled free of the detectives grasp, turning to face them while her tail continued to flick anxiously behind her. Mercy smiled apologetically to Zoia when she noticed the Half-Elf's uncomfortable expression, with her posture so rigid she wouldn't look out place in a Gorgon's lair. "Sorry for grabbing you out of the blue like that..." a nervous laugh left her as she toyed with her hands "I know not everyone takes well to the touch of people like me."

Battling her own embarrassment, Ira let her grasp on the surprisingly warm Zoia free once the trio was out of sight of the Dwarf. "Apologises for that Ladies. That lecherous little creature clearly only had one thing in mind, so best took action to keep the ruse going..." The Half-Orc coughed, failing to hide the dark grey blush that was creeping across her scarred cheeks.

"Anyway..." She started, getting a baring on her surroundings "I say wait. Give the others a few minut.."

Down the hall shouting could be heard, the 'love birds' as Vonbin described them. Their voices carried down the hall slightly muffled but, Mercy could hear them clearly.

"...I have had it up to here with your nagging and bothering." A male voice rumbled from behind the door.

"Oh...nagging," A female voice snapped back tone higher pitched but, no less quiet, "is that what you call it, I'll stop reminding you when you finally get a job, a real job. I can't keep this place on my own, with just my tips."

"I am looking it there's just not anything out there for me, they're not hiring people like me."

"If you applied yourself more, or at least talked to my brother…"

"I'm not turning to your family for a handout."

"So you'd rather turn us out onto the streets?"

"I'm trying Gods Damnit, can't you see?"

"Oh yeah trying real hard there how long has it been? Five months, six months since your last paycheck."

"Oh will you just shut up." The unmistakable sound of a gun cocking sounded down the hall.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you just because you got a gun in your hand?" Another sound, a longsword clearing a leather sheath.

All at once a piercing cry of a baby echoed in the building.

"Now look what you've done." the woman shouted back.

The argument continued tensions rising it sounded like it was going to come to blows. The loss of two down on their luck lovers dying in a tragic accident wouldn't really make the front page. Not with the 'Hearteater' out there. However a baby in the crossfire, could the consciences of the 'Good Time Girls' stand that? They could intervene, knock on the door, tell them to chill out, or they could just walk on it wasn't their problem.

At the sound of weapons being drawn, Ira found her hands already on the hilt of weapons, her honed reflexes already in motion, ready to be called for a fight. But even worse then the long recognised sounds of conflict was the echoing cry of a baby. For moment Ira was a scared little girl in snow covered in the blood of her own family.

Her eyes darted back and forth between Mercy and Zoia, her impulses screaming to take action and kick down that door.

"Do you hear that?" Ira growled between clenched teeth.
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Reddia climbed the stairs in time to hear their conversation, her crimson eyes glinting in the dark.

"My, my." Her voice was practically a purr as she looked at the three. "What an interesting way of getting past. Very bold."
She smiled, teeth hidden as she teased.
"Are you sure you don't want to visit your room first?"

She listened to the sounds of a couple arguing. Ugly words leading to ugly actions. Reddia's smile slipped slightly as she listened.
"Honestly, a place like this just has no class at all."
She sighed, making a shrug of nonchalance, palms raised to the sky at her chest.
"Well, it isn't our problem. Shall we leave them to it, or are we going to stick our snouts in?"
Reddia climbed the stairs in time to hear their conversation, her crimson eyes glinting in the dark.

"My, my." Her voice was practically a purr as she looked at the three. "What an interesting way of getting past. Very bold."

The voice of her returning friend climbing the stairway helped to rouse Mercy from her momentary trepidations, and she offered the draconic woman a small wave as she came to re-join the group. "Well, he seemed to have already formed his own… ideas, about us." The nervous laugh returned as she continued to toy with her hands "I'm pretty sure he would have let us in, even without the extra nudge we gave him."

She smiled, teeth hidden as she teased.
"Are you sure you don't want to visit your room first?"

She started in surprise at her friend's jest, her eyes widening like golden saucers in an embarrassed panic. "Reddiaa!... stop it!" she said, in the whimsically pleading tone of one used to the bartender's teasing, all the while her face beginning to turn a rather noticeable shade of violet "That's not…"

The other trio, the 'Good Time Girls' stood, the question was posed by Mercy. Should they wait for their fellows or just move on and have them catch up? The other group knew where they were going, the Veteran on the third floor. A lot of signs pointed towards them. But, would the three women be enough to handle the man if it turned out he was the 'Hearteater' a lycanthrope that had no control.

Down the hall shouting could be heard, the 'love birds' as Vonbin described them. Their voices carried down the hall slightly muffled but, Mercy could hear them clearly.

"...I have had it up to here with your nagging and bothering." A male voice rumbled from behind the door.

"Oh...nagging," A female voice snapped back tone higher pitched but, no less quiet, "is that what you call it, I'll stop reminding you when you finally get a job, a real job. I can't keep this place on my own, with just my tips."

"I am looking it there's just not anything out there for me, they're not hiring people like me."

"If you applied yourself more, or at least talked to my brother…"

"I'm not turning to your family for a handout."

"So you'd rather turn us out onto the streets?"

"I'm trying Gods Damnit, can't you see?"

"Oh yeah trying real hard there how long has it been? Five months, six months since your last paycheck."

"Oh will you just shut up." The unmistakable sound of a gun cocking sounded down the hall.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you just because you got a gun in your hand?" Another sound, a longsword clearing a leather sheath.

All at once a piercing cry of a baby echoed in the building.

"Now look what you've done." the woman shouted back.

The argument continued tensions rising it sounded like it was going to come to blows. The loss of two down on their luck lovers dying in a tragic accident wouldn't really make the front page. Not with the 'Hearteater' out there. However a baby in the crossfire, could the consciences of the 'Good Time Girls' stand that? They could intervene, knock on the door, tell them to chill out, or they could just walk on it wasn't their problem.

The choice was theirs.

At the sound of weapons being drawn, Ira found her hands already on the hilt of weapons, her honed reflexes already in motion, ready to be called for a fight. But even worse then the long recognised sounds of conflict was the echoing cry of a baby. For moment Ira was a scared little girl in snow covered in the blood of her own family.

Her eyes darted back and forth between Mercy and Zoia, her impulses screaming to take action and kick down that door.

"Do you hear that?" Ira growled between clenched teeth.

She listened to the sounds of a couple arguing. Ugly words leading to ugly actions. Reddia's smile slipped slightly as she listened.
"Honestly, a place like this just has no class at all."
She sighed, making a shrug of nonchalance, palms raised to the sky at her chest.
"Well, it isn't our problem. Shall we leave them to it, or are we going to stick our snouts in?"

"Funny…" her voice trailing off as she turned her head in the direction of the argument while the group listened in to the couple's disagreement spiral ever closer towards blows. A Lover's quarrel was a deeply personal thing, perhaps Reddia was right. It was no business of theirs after all, and they were here for a much more important reason than to resolve some stranger's relationship issues. "Yeah. Yeah, I hear that… maybe we should just, let it go…" but the shrill cry of a child did much to change her mind. She had seen too much blood already, and potentially adding the life of one so young to the nights death toll wasn't something her conscience was willing to risk.

In songs and stories, crimes of passion were seldom planned, and always ended with the greatest tragedy. And she had come to learn the hard way that life often held a sadistic fascination for the imitation of art's cruellest moments far more often than she would like.

"Or maybe not. Maybe we just, talk to them a little. Before they do something stupid, yeah?" She spoke quickly while walking backwards, palms pressed together as if in penance, and before waiting for a reply from her companions turned on her heel to move towards the door of the arguing couple. Knocking thrice lightly, but with enough force to be heard over the squabble, unable to remain a bystander in case the worst were to happen.

As she waited for the response from inside she looked back to face the others, silently mouthing an apology for the sudden diversion. With luck, the couple would listen to reason and this wouldn't take long. But with the memory of weapons being drawn fresh in her mind, she didn't hold her hopes too highly.
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The voice of her returning friend climbing the stairway helped to rouse Mercy from her momentary trepidations, and she offered the draconic woman a small wave as she came to re-join the group. "Well, he seemed to have already formed his own… ideas, about us." The nervous laugh returned as she continued to toy with her hands "I'm pretty sure he would have let us in, even without the extra nudge we gave him."

She started in surprise at her friend's jest, her eyes widening like golden saucers in an embarrassed panic. "Reddiaa!... stop it!" she said, in the whimsically pleading tone of one used to the bartender's teasing, all the while her face beginning to turn a rather noticeable shade of violet "That's not…"

"Funny…" her voice trailing off as she turned her head in the direction of the argument while the group listened in to the couple's disagreement spiral ever closer towards blows. A Lover's quarrel was a deeply personal thing, perhaps Reddia was right. It was no business of theirs after all, and they were here for a much more important reason than to resolve some stranger's relationship issues. "Yeah. Yeah, I hear that… maybe we should just, let it go…" but the shrill cry of a child did much to change her mind. She had seen too much blood already, and potentially adding the life of one so young to the nights death toll wasn't something her conscience was willing to risk.

In songs and stories, crimes of passion were seldom planned, and always ended with the greatest tragedy. And she had come to learn the hard way that life often held a sadistic fascination for the imitation of art's cruellest moments far more often than she would like.

"Or maybe not. Maybe we just, talk to them a little. Before they do something stupid, yeah?" She spoke quickly while walking backwards, palms pressed together as if in penance, and before waiting for a reply from her companions turned on her heel to move towards the door of the arguing couple. Knocking thrice lightly, but with enough force to be heard over the squabble, unable to remain a bystander in case the worst were to happen.

As she waited for the response from inside she looked back to face the others, silently mouthing an apology for the sudden diversion. With luck, the couple would listen to reason and this wouldn't take long. But with the memory of weapons being drawn fresh in her mind, she didn't hold her hopes too highly.

Reddia let out a quietly amused sigh and joined her friend at the door. Best resolve this as fast and smoothly as possible.
"Have a plan, doll?" she whispered to the tiefling. "Or just winging it?"
Reddia let out a quietly amused sigh and joined her friend at the door. Best resolve this as fast and smoothly as possible.
"Have a plan, doll?" she whispered to the tiefling. "Or just winging it?"

Mercy threw the Half-Dragon a nervous sideways glance before answering in a hushed tone of her own "Oh there's definitely a plan… I just, haven't exactly figured out what it is just yet." offering her a sheepish grin as she professed her own lack of foresight.

"But it sounds like it's been this way for a long time... they're probably just, stuck thinking that this is the only way to see things. Maybe we can show them how to look at their situation with different eyes…" Though as she duly noted, that all depended on how receptive to a strangers suggestion the fighting couple would be.
The veteran entered the back door, carefully stepping over the shattered glass, looking like the remnants of a drinking glass thrown against the wall, in a fit of rage. It seems Vonbin wasn't as diligent as he claimed in keeping this place clean. The rain dripped from his white hair running down the back of his neck slightly dampening his shirt underneath his long coat, chilling him a little. It was nothing he wasn't used to, in war you didn't have time to wait for the storm to pass. He kept his steps firm but, not sharp not twisting his foot to quiet the squeak of his shoes against the dingy tiled floor. There was no sound from the front desk just out of eyeline. It appeared the superintendent of the building didn't notice them.

Looking around the space he scanned for an entrance into the Underground. Following the path of the tunnel there was a darkened alcove again out of sight from the front desk. Maybe at one time it was public telephones but, those were long gone, torn out my residents to sell to make rent or get some extra spending money, or by the owners of the building themselves to save on costs. Either way it was a empty darkened place, a perfect location for an illicit entrance to a network of subterranean routes that cross the city.

Cecil followed close behind gingerly leaping across the shards of clear glass. The trio snuck past the front desk slipping up the steps.
Valerian made a mental note of the suspected entrance to the Underground, but made no mention of it to the others for now. It was entirely possible that their current case was unrelated, as wouldn't their suspect have used the hidden passages instead of the surface trail they had tracked? He might disclose his suspicions to Ira afterwards, and perhaps Cecil considering that one's "connection" to the city. But the Underground might be a dangerous place, and he doubted the singer would wish to venture into even greater depths. Although he supposed she might surprise him; the tiefling had accompanied them on this grisly case. As for the bouncer and the barkeep he couldn't say what use they might make of such knowledge, and as such he would default to remaining silent until necessary.
The other trio, the 'Good Time Girls' stood, the question was posed by Mercy. Should they wait for their fellows or just move on and have them catch up? The other group knew where they were going, the Veteran on the third floor. A lot of signs pointed towards them. But, would the three women be enough to handle the man if it turned out he was the 'Hearteater' a lycanthrope that had no control.

Down the hall shouting could be heard, the 'love birds' as Vonbin described them. Their voices carried down the hall slightly muffled but, Mercy could hear them clearly.

"...I have had it up to here with your nagging and bothering." A male voice rumbled from behind the door.

"Oh...nagging," A female voice snapped back tone higher pitched but, no less quiet, "is that what you call it, I'll stop reminding you when you finally get a job, a real job. I can't keep this place on my own, with just my tips."

"I am looking it there's just not anything out there for me, they're not hiring people like me."

"If you applied yourself more, or at least talked to my brother…"

"I'm not turning to your family for a handout."

"So you'd rather turn us out onto the streets?"

"I'm trying Gods Damnit, can't you see?"

"Oh yeah trying real hard there how long has it been? Five months, six months since your last paycheck."

"Oh will you just shut up." The unmistakable sound of a gun cocking sounded down the hall.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you just because you got a gun in your hand?" Another sound, a longsword clearing a leather sheath.

All at once a piercing cry of a baby echoed in the building.

"Now look what you've done." the woman shouted back.

The argument continued tensions rising it sounded like it was going to come to blows. The loss of two down on their luck lovers dying in a tragic accident wouldn't really make the front page. Not with the 'Hearteater' out there. However a baby in the crossfire, could the consciences of the 'Good Time Girls' stand that? They could intervene, knock on the door, tell them to chill out, or they could just walk on it wasn't their problem.

The choice was theirs.

At the sound of weapons being drawn, Ira found her hands already on the hilt of weapons, her honed reflexes already in motion, ready to be called for a fight. But even worse then the long recognised sounds of conflict was the echoing cry of a baby. For moment Ira was a scared little girl in snow covered in the blood of her own family.

Her eyes darted back and forth between Mercy and Zoia, her impulses screaming to take action and kick down that door.

"Do you hear that?" Ira growled between clenched teeth.

Reddia climbed the stairs in time to hear their conversation, her crimson eyes glinting in the dark.

"My, my." Her voice was practically a purr as she looked at the three. "What an interesting way of getting past. Very bold."
She smiled, teeth hidden as she teased.
"Are you sure you don't want to visit your room first?"

She listened to the sounds of a couple arguing. Ugly words leading to ugly actions. Reddia's smile slipped slightly as she listened.
"Honestly, a place like this just has no class at all."
She sighed, making a shrug of nonchalance, palms raised to the sky at her chest.
"Well, it isn't our problem. Shall we leave them to it, or are we going to stick our snouts in?"

"Funny…" her voice trailing off as she turned her head in the direction of the argument while the group listened in to the couple's disagreement spiral ever closer towards blows. A Lover's quarrel was a deeply personal thing, perhaps Reddia was right. It was no business of theirs after all, and they were here for a much more important reason than to resolve some stranger's relationship issues. "Yeah. Yeah, I hear that… maybe we should just, let it go…" but the shrill cry of a child did much to change her mind. She had seen too much blood already, and potentially adding the life of one so young to the nights death toll wasn't something her conscience was willing to risk.

In songs and stories, crimes of passion were seldom planned, and always ended with the greatest tragedy. And she had come to learn the hard way that life often held a sadistic fascination for the imitation of art's cruellest moments far more often than she would like.

"Or maybe not. Maybe we just, talk to them a little. Before they do something stupid, yeah?" She spoke quickly while walking backwards, palms pressed together as if in penance, and before waiting for a reply from her companions turned on her heel to move towards the door of the arguing couple. Knocking thrice lightly, but with enough force to be heard over the squabble, unable to remain a bystander in case the worst were to happen.

As she waited for the response from inside she looked back to face the others, silently mouthing an apology for the sudden diversion. With luck, the couple would listen to reason and this wouldn't take long. But with the memory of weapons being drawn fresh in her mind, she didn't hold her hopes too highly.
He had overheard snippets of conversation as he traversed the stairs. Intervening in this couple's life wasn't the case, and what if their interference alerted their suspect and he escaped? He opened his mouth to urge the others to continue on when the cry of a babe rang out. Dammit, could he turn his back on a child when his own circumstances could have been much different if Gerald and Tessele hadn't taken him in?

The petite singer took the choice out of his hands, striding forwards and knocking on the door. "Quietly," he called out softly to her, pointing upstairs to indicate his meaning. He continued up one more flight of stairs, lurking in the shadows of the stairwell while keeping an eye and ear out each on both the situation downstairs and on any signs from their suspect's room...with rather poor results due to the distraction.

Action: Perception 2+3=5
StormLord threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 2
2 2
A small yelp of surprise escaped her when Ira wrapped a hand around her waist. Blushing lightly she waved goodbye to the dwarf, quietly giggling as the Half-Orc escorted the two girls past him to the stairs. Her act dropped as they left the lobby, but the growing awkwardness between the three only deepened the colour on her face, the regular pale blue turning violaceous as they climbed wordlessly out of the man's sight. Once they were sufficiently out of earshot she wriggled free of the detectives grasp, turning to face them while her tail continued to flick anxiously behind her. Mercy smiled apologetically to Zoia when she noticed the Half-Elf's uncomfortable expression, with her posture so rigid she wouldn't look out place in a Gorgon's lair. "Sorry for grabbing you out of the blue like that..." a nervous laugh left her as she toyed with her hands "I know not everyone takes well to the touch of people like me."
"It's fine" she said with her tone pitching up a bit at the end. "You're beautiful- err, i mean, it's not you specifically, it's just... stuff like that in general..." she trailed off.

After that slightly awkward moment Zoia mostly stayed silent until they were talking about what to do about the arguing couple. She didn't think they would be able to do much to change the couple's minds.
"Maybe we should just knock and see the situation?"
@Connersmish @DannyboyZero @Mechanical @loneangel @MrGazzer
The room quiets hearing Mercy's knock upon the door. The shrill cry of the baby continued ringing out like an alarm bell through the tenement. The voices stay quiet for another moment before they both shout out over the cry of their child.

"The fuck you want." Their voices were synchronized the man covering the bass tones the woman more a mezzo. It was a discordant performance harsh on the tiefling's ears, an ear tuned to a certain type of music. This wasn't something she wanted to listen to.

Valerian looked around from the upper floor, trying to keep an eye out. With the cry of the infant, the thunder outside and the rain tapping against the cloudy window, it was impossible to separate what noise was important and what wasn't. He could hear other footsteps from the other rooms but, they were coming from all around. Families stacked on top of each other it was claustrophobic the press of bodies, the feeling of people and eyes everywhere, around every corner and behind every door. The paranoia was enough to drive a person mad...if they thought about it.

Short post but, the next update will come quickly after two or three of you post.
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