Fallout: Rotten Days In The Big Apple

"Move quickly friends! Find your gear!"
Sitting up from where she'd been lying unconscious on the floor as the shock of water woke her, Mal reaches a hand up to rub her head, noticing the rusting manacles holding them together with a sigh. Snapping them with a swift movement, she got up, stooping over in the short room. Pushing past the other people in the room, she moved into the store room. Seeing the giant leather coat that could only be hers, she pulled it over herself, revealing the minigun and her other personal effects underneath it. Putting the other drum blocks into her pockets, and slinging the makeshift collection of tools and parts over her shoulder, Mal grinned as she picked up the minigun that had been her constant companion for the last few years.

Slapping a block of ammunition into it, Mal flicked the switch and listened to the electric hum as the mingun started to rotate up to speed.

"I don't know who's coming at us, but unless anyone objects, I think I'll take point."
Looking around the cramped storage room, Elizabeth noticed a familiar looking box resting on a table. A silver shiny box engraved with the unmistakable entwined 'VC'. She waves her pipboy above it and is greeted with a 'click'. "At least i have you." She whispers as she open her personal belonging box, everyone leaving the walls get one paired with their pipboy. Her's contain the Wattz 1000, 3 batteries, and assorted trade good grade medicines. On a nearby rack Elizabeth finds her leather long coat with canteen hanging on the waist strap, the exact setup when she left the city. Putting the coat on and stuffing the laser pistol into the built in holster, Elizabeth felt protected once more. Happily, the knife, the stimpacks, gold coin pouch, and the ration bars remained in hidden pockets of the coat.

Satisfied that she got everything back and ready to face the world; Elizabeth turns around and felt her previous confidence evaporate as a supermutant picks up an honest to god MINIGUN. Nope, nope, nope. Everyone else can go first, she is not keen to be in the friendly fire cone or the ricochet zone.

"I don't know who's coming at us, but unless anyone objects, I think I'll take point."

"No objections here. I'm Elizabeth, by the way."
_____"You've been holding out on us," Silver said. Her shackles fell to the floor, and she pushed herself away from the wall with a grunt. Weak as she was, Silver was the first one on the supermutant's coattails to charge into the store-room. She wrinkled her nose at the sight of a human body, minus head, twitching like a frog leg in brine, but said nothing more. There were more important things strung up all over the store room.

_____Guns, for one.

_____It wasn't often something shined, stuck out like a literal diamond in the rough. Usually everything you found in the wastes had accumulated enough dirt and dust to become the same shade of grey-brown as everything else. Guns especially; all that contact with sweat and heat and corrosive primers made them a rusted-out mess in a few weeks if the gun wasn't finished well. Guns were built like automobiles, and keeping them running was as much a skill as using them.

_____For someone like Silver, a rusty gun was a stain on her soul. She spotted her sidearms by the glint of blued steel, well-oiled. Most of her gear had been tossed in the same rough area. Silver threw on her "work belt," a wide swathe of tanned hide with a quartet of matching holsters, an army hip-pack, and loops for glistening brass cartridges between. Her knife was still sheathed just by her pistol holster. Silver snugged the buckle around her hips and grabbed her working guns — a pair of vintage Smith & Wesson .38 revolvers with four-inch bull barrels and matching parts, equipped with gold bead sights. "I feel better already," the gun-hand said, spinning the cylinder on her right-hand gun before letting it drop into its holster at her mid-thigh.

_____Her single-action piece went into a cross-draw on her left side, and her ten-millimeter Colt dangled from the wall on a matching leather shoulder-holster. Silver tossed on her vest. It was coarse against her bandaged wounds, but she stifled the grunt of pain and threaded her arms through her shoulder-harness, then her coat. Her plain army-style pack had remained for the most part unpilfered, leaving her about the same as she'd been after getting shot in the first place.

_____"Go on, take point," Silver said. "Just don't go picking a fight with a fifty-caliber."
Jeremy Hughes

"Move quickly friends! Find your gear!"
"You don't need to tell me twice, buddy!" Jeremy yelled, already taking his trusty AEP7 laser pistol, also nicknamed 'Pewter'. His machete, frag grenades, and several useful stimpaks and radaways follow suit. He found his coat as well, hazapardly thrown on a heap of fabrics like common trash. 'Some people just has no style' He ruefully thought as he put on the coat.

"I don't know who's coming at us, but unless anyone objects, I think I'll take point.
"Nah, go ahead friend. The stage is all yours." Jeremy said. This was no time to argue who supposed to be the vanguard. They needed to move fast, lest they found their surprise advantage wasted and a minigun up front would definitely help. Checking his pistol's battery cell, he readied himself for whatever may came.

"No objections here. I'm Elizabeth, by the way
"We're doing introductions now? Well, my name is Jeremy. I regret that our first meeting is so unpleasant but oh, you know." Jeremy flashed her a smile as he shrugged. 'and this is definitely among my top 10 worst introductions in my entire life.' He thought, shaking his head.
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"Move quickly friends! Find your gear!"

"Already ahead of you." Ford says. As he gets to the storage, Ford finds his trusty spear. "Good to know, you're still here partner." With spear in hand, Ford looks around some more. He finds his leather armor and throwing knives. Ford puts on his armor, and equips his throwing knives. "I'm good to go."

"I don't know who's coming at us, but unless anyone objects, I think I'll take point."

"Fine by me, you're packing the heavy weaponry." Ford replies. Seeing as this hunk of junk is about to sink, there really isn't time to debate about who takes point.

"We're doing introductions now? Well, my name is Jeremy. I regret that our first meeting is so unpleasant but oh, you know." Jeremy flashed her a smile as he shrugged. 'and this is definitely among my top 10 worst introductions in my entire life.' He thought, shaking his head.

"No objections here. I'm Elizabeth, by the way."

"The name's Ford. Nice to meet ya, even under these circumstances."
Jormungandr hissed, impatiently following the Mutant as the group journeyed through the inevitable shipwreck to their stolen gear.

She was certainly happy to see her armor, stashed in a corner and forgotten about. Certainly, they would've likely sold it for scrap since not many had the rather unique shape to actually carry it effectively, but as it was, it fit Jormungandr perfectly.

Strapping the leg and arm pieces went quickly, but the torso was harder since her head was not designed to lower itself in a manner that made it possible to see what she was doing, leaving her basically blind. Yet, through practice, Specimen 7 had managed to equip it without help.

Finally ready, she checked through the pouches, grinning savagely as the Chems kept there were still present. The beast had thought that the Raiders would've taken it all, but luck seemed to be in her favor for once.

Finished with the preparations, she gave a grunt to the Mutant, signaling that she was ready to move out.
Standing up, Exeter quickly moves to the others and starts undoing their chains and manacles, apparently having concealed a set of lockpicking tools on his person somehow. The chains are sturdy enough that they can be used as weapons, but Eod speaks up now.

The moment he was free, Tyrex couldn't help but wrap his arms around Exeter and place his head over the burnt, thin man's shoulder, giving him what approximated a Deathclaw hug of gratitude. When it became clear that Exeter still had business to attend to, he let go and moved on, trying to stay close to the two men who had tried to help him first. Even if they had failed, they had still tried to help him, which was about the friendliest thing that had ever happened to Tyrex.

Between that and the fact that they weren't attacking or fleeing from him, they were currently his two favorite people in the entire world.

@VoidZero @Swarmingu @CrossGomer @Chancellor
_____Silver had thrown on a small arsenal in just a handful of seconds. That didn't hold a candle to seeing one of the large, predatory mutants that had been in the hold with them now twist itself through the store-room door and don all manner of scrap-armor with as much coordination as anyone else. The gun-hand took a step out of the big mutant's way and held back her disbelief.

_____"Elizabeth, Jeremy, Ford," she said softly, looking to the other wastelanders. "Silver. Nice to meet you, as well. Are... is that," she said, gently tilting her head in the direction of the now armor-clad predator. "... on our side?"

@Space Jawa
_____The woman's eyes went wide as saucers when a fledging deathclaw threw its arms around their escape artist's shoulders. Not with claws bared, as she had become accustomed to seeing. More like a hug, if that were even possible. Silver shook her head with wordless amazement and pulled her cloth mash up over her mouth, stepping over by the door and taking a quick glance into the hall.
"We're doing introductions now? Well, my name is Jeremy. I regret that our first meeting is so unpleasant but oh, you know." Jeremy flashed her a smile as he shrugged. 'and this is definitely among my top 10 worst introductions in my entire life.' He thought, shaking his head.
"The name's Ford. Nice to meet ya, even under these circumstances."
_____"Elizabeth, Jeremy, Ford," she said softly, looking to the other wastelanders. "Silver. Nice to meet you, as well. Are... is that," she said, gently tilting her head in the direction of the now armor-clad predator. "... on our side?"

"Pleasure is mine. I think we don't have to worry about our fellow escapees. Nobody wants to be sold like product." Making mental notes on the more unique individuals, small deathclaw, potted plant, and what looks like a human shaped Wanamingo; Elizabeth decided against looking at gifted brahmin in the mouth.

"They might not be allowed in the city but i'm not too picky on companions, temporary or other wise." Turning her attention to more practical matters she added. "Besides, we might be in Legion territory for all i know. They are far worse than present company."
@VoidZero @Swarmingu @CrossGomer @Chancellor @Space Jawa @Estro
_____"We're companions now? Right now, it looks like we're closer to a zoo." Silver said, her thumb rolling over the side of her piece. The action click-click-clicked as the cylinder spun, shiny brass casings gleaming at the rear. "The Legion can go to Hell, yes, but I'm not keen on being slain by guillotine or mutant claws. You can keep them company, I'll keep an eye on the hall."

_____Silver went back for the store-room door and slipped by the minigun-armed supermutant there. The gun-hand tilted her head in thanks and took a spot a few paces from the supermutant's back, hugging the scant cover in the hall as best she could manage with an eye down toward the other end of the vessel, thumb on the spur of a revolver.
@VoidZero @Swarmingu @CrossGomer @Chancellor @Space Jawa @Estro
_____"We're companions now? Right now, it looks like we're closer to a zoo." Silver said, her thumb rolling over the side of her piece. The action click-click-clicked as the cylinder spun, shiny brass casings gleaming at the rear. "The Legion can go to Hell, yes, but I'm not keen on being slain by guillotine or mutant claws. You can keep them company, I'll keep an eye on the hall."

_____Silver went back for the store-room door and slipped by the minigun-armed supermutant there. The gun-hand tilted her head in thanks and took a spot a few paces from the supermutant's back, hugging the scant cover in the hall as best she could manage with an eye down toward the other end of the vessel, thumb on the spur of a revolver.
Being called something fit for a zoo didn't exactly endear Silver to Jormungandr, making her growl at the human's words. Finally, after a moment of silence, she joined the rest, finished with her preparations. Though it didn't stop her from leaning forwards behind Silver quietly, giving a loud snort as she passed by her ear.

Merely to freak the Gunslinger out, of course. The mutant didn't keep animosity close to her heart, at least not for long.
Ralph Liebowitz @VoidZero @Sushi @Swarmingu @CrossGomer

Liebowitz found his medical supplies stowed away in good order-- his order, more or less. Nearly untouched. They must have expected he'd fetch a higher price if he was part of a package deal. His armor and coat, of course, had been tossed into the community pile, though it had dwindled down to almost nothing by the time he wrapped up his inspection.

He threw the kit over his shoulder and grabbed his AEP7 off a nearby table. Ralph had never been any good with guns that recoiled, but in his defense the Enclave had never been the sort of organization that fiddled around with bullets when there was a perfectly good laser weapon sitting about. He slipped into the back of the group. "Ralph Liebowitz, thanks for the rescue. I've been," he took a moment to straighten his lab coat, "practicing medicine out here most of my adult life. I know humanoid biology like the back of a book, and think I've picked up enough to take a stab at healing any one of us who's found their body unilaterally rearranged by someone else's bullets."

Being called something fit for a zoo didn't exactly endear Silver to Jormungandr, making her growl at the human's words. Finally, after a moment of silence, she joined the rest, finished with her preparations. Though it didn't stop her from leaning forwards behind Silver quietly, giving a loud snort as she passed by her ear.

Merely to freak the Gunslinger out, of course. The mutant didn't keep animosity close to her heart, at least not for long.

Liebowitz took a moment to note, and very much appreciate, the creature's more-or-less reserved reaction. He really should stop calling her that one of these days, but now wasn't exactly a good time to talk. "Impressive armor," he noted. "It must be custom-made."
"Technically zoos don't travel, we are more like a performance troupe going town to town." Speaking more to herself than for anyone else, Elizabeth offloads another trivia she knew. "We would be more fun than the one at Redding, and that means serious profits."

Feeling her nerves easing, she quietly falls behind. It's both for her and the group's safety. The tiny laser pistol does nothing against barricaded position and someone with good eye and ear need to watch out for flanking slavers.
Kane Tucker

Kane's eyes quickly adjusted to the dim brig, as he quietly managed to pick the lock on his shackles using some scrap he'd found on the floor. Always never ceased to amaze how much useful junk people just left lying around. Regardless, it seemed like his luck held out, as the moment he'd managed to get himself out of chains, it seemed some of his fellow prisoners had already busted loose, and taken out the guards to boot.

He quietly made his way over to the locker that apparently held all of their stuff, and he quickly zeroed in on his gear. Simple leather armor, a 10mm pistol, some water, food, and healing powders. Surprisingly, his frags were still tucked away in the hidden pouch on his armor, and his trusty gas mask was still fully intact. He'd worn the damn thing for so long he felt almost naked without it, and putting it back on smelling the rubbery scent brought a little more pep in his step.

And judging from everything else he'd seen in the chest... he might have lucked out once more. Seemed everyone here was pretty well equipped, if the fucking minigun he saw wasn't a hallucination. And taking a look around at the others, the two supermutants and the fucking baby Deathclaw.... his chances of getting out of this with his hide intact were looking pretty good, despite the machine gun in the other room.

Probably best to just tag along though for now, although his eyes did linger on the headless corpse of the raider. Looting can come later, if things didn't go sideways.

Kane hung back, and kept his head down, trying to prepare himself for the no doubt hectic time to come.

He did remember to take a sip of water though, if only to help clear his head.
Jack Wright

"Move quickly friends! Find your gear!"

Jack didn't need to be told twice, though he took a second for the rush to start before lunging in, being too eager to be armed might make him more threatening then he wanted to seem. He nabbed all his stuff, most key of all was his personal Plasma Pistol, which was in his opinion far more trustworthy and elegant then gunpowder projectiles. But, well...wastlanders.

"Ya know, this has been one rotten day, but..." He slammed a fresh charge into the gun, and was granted the satisfying thrum of the device reaching full power "It's starting to look up."

"I don't know who's coming at us, but unless anyone objects, I think I'll take point."

"Hey, no arguments from me. I have this nasty allergy to high-velocity lead. Call me Jack, pleasure." He said.

"They might not be allowed in the city but i'm not too picky on companions, temporary or other wise." Turning her attention to more practical matters she added. "Besides, we might be in Legion territory for all i know. They are far worse than present company."

"I'm gonna second that note. Right now, anyone not actively trying to kill me is alright enough. We are in the, well, same boat after all." Jack grinned a bit at that terrible joke.

He held his pistol in both hands, keeping it pointed skyward but ready to swing downward in a moments notice. Stay friendly with the primitives and...other things, be charming, be helpful, don't stand out too much till you get the lay of the land. And don't point your gun at any of them just yet. If Enclave members can be corrupt dickbags, then wastlanders can be decent people.
@Estro @Another Amoeba
_____The super-mutant's footfalls were noisy. Silver still heard the faint jingle of those ammunition-belts clattering. It was a sound that drew a low whistle in respect. Her presence, and that of her weapon owned the approach. It felt good having that on their side. She could feel the fight brewing, the electricity in the air. There wasn't enough time for their motley party to clear out the stores before backup arrived, and their captors had arranged the vessel in such a way that they had to fight through prepared defenses to reach the bridge.

_____So what was taking them so long? Silver saw one of the others slip on a gas mask and move from the store-room, taking pause to look over the slain, and still slightly warm guard. It looked like there were a few more still inside. The delay gnawed away at Silver.

_____"You. In the mask. Going to check him for weapons? I can cover you."

_____"Shit." Silver drew a ragged breath and stood up about as straight as she could manage. Her heart thumped nervously along at the warm breath across her shoulder and the heavy, deck-shaping footfalls still echoing in the store-room behind her. "Hey there," she said, voice soft. A certain realization dawned upon her face seeing the predator clad in a full set of armor. ". . . I'm glad you're on our side."

_____And that was it.
Recovered Gear/Galley Party

CZ53 Minigun
Current Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo: 5mm
Base Damage: 4
Weight: 18lbs
Ammo Capacity: 250
Effective Range (Yards): 40/80/160/240/360
Trade Value: 1200 Caps

1000x 5mm JHP Ammo
Special Effect: None

Leather Armour
Current Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +3
Weight: 20 lbs
Special Effects: None
Value: 160 Caps

Repair Kit
Type: Consumable
Effect: Allows for use of the Repair Skill on objects, weapons and armour when Workbenches or spare parts are unavailable.
Value: 500 Caps

Your gold coins are still here. Not a surprise; only the NCR and surrounding regions are on the Gold Standard, not the Water-backed Cap used everywhere else.

Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo Type: Small Energy Cells
Base Damage: 6
Weight: 3lbs
Ammo Capacity: 30
Effective Range (Yards): 6/18/30/42/54
Value: 200 Caps

3x Small Energy Cells
Special Effect: None

Vault Jumpsuit
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +1
Weight: 1lb
Special Effect: +1 to two skills
Value: 8 Caps

Leather Armour
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +3
Weight: 20 lbs
Special Effects: None
Value: 160 Caps

Condition: 9 (Good)
Base Damage: 4
Weight: 1lb
Effective Range: It's a melee weapon, don't bother trying to throw it.
Value: 40 Caps

Effect: Relieves 1 Thirst a day. Carries enough water for 7 days.
Value: 20 Caps

Effect: Relieves 1 Hunger
Value: 30 Caps

100 NCR Gold Coins
Value: Largely worthless. Might be able to trade them for caps somewhere.

Trade Goods
Base Value: 1d10 x 5 Caps

2x Stimpacks
Effect: Heals Medicine x 2 HP per use.
Value: 25 Caps

Pipboy 3000
Effect: GM Plot Device. Cannot be stolen or run out of battery. Could be destroyed, but anything that can destroy it means you're dead anyway.

2x .38 Revolvers
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo: .38
Base Damage: 3
Weight: 2lb (each)
Ammo Capacity: 6
Effective Range (Yards): 6/18/30/42/54
Value (each): 90 Caps

.357 Revolver
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo: .357/9mm
Base Damage: 7
Weight: 2lb
Ammo Capacity: 6
Effective Range (Yards): 7/21/35/49/63
Value: 120 Caps
Modification: 9mm Conversion Cylinder (Allows firing of 9mm Ammunition)

Silver's 1911
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo: 10mm
Base Damage: 5
Weight: 1.5lb
Ammo Capacity: 7
Effective Range (Yards): 8/24/40/56/72
Value: 460 Caps

Condition: 9 (Good)
Base Damage: 4
Weight: 1lb
Effective Range: It's a melee weapon, don't bother trying to throw it.
Value: 40 Caps

Pre-War Tactical Vest
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +2
Weight: 8lb
Special Effect: Critical Hits on 1 or 2
Value: 120 Caps

2x Stimpacks
Effect: Heals Medicine x 2 HP per use.
Value: 25 Caps

2x Hand Grenades
Base Damage: x8
Effective Range (Yards): 8/16/32/56/112
Value: 75 Caps

.38 Reloading Kit
Effect: Allows for crafting .38 Hand Load Ammo from 1 Scrap Metal, 2 Chemicals, 1 .38 Casing. 2 Scrap needed if a casing is unavailable.
Value: 120 Caps

120x .38 JHP Rounds
Special Effect: None

140x 10mm JHP Rounds
Special Effect: None

AE7 Laser Pistol
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo Type: Small Energy Cells
Base Damage: 6
Weight: 3lbs
Ammo Capacity: 30
Effective Range (Yards): 6/18/30/42/54
Value: 200 Caps

Leather Armour
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +3
Weight: 20 lbs
Special Effects: None
Value: 160 Caps

Condition: 9 (Good)
Base Damage: 5
Weight: 1lb
Effective Range: It's a melee weapon, don't bother trying to throw it.
Value: 50 Caps

2x Stimpacks
Effect: Heals Medicine x 2 HP per use.
Value: 25 Caps

2x Hand Grenades
Base Damage: x8
Effective Range (Yards): 8/16/32/56/112
Value: 75 Caps

2x Radaway
Effect: Reduces Rads equal to Medicine Skill Value
Withdrawal Effect: -1 Perception, -1 Rad Resistance for 1 Hour
Value: 35 Caps

Condition: 9 (Good)
Base Damage: 5
Effective Range (Yards): 5/15/25/35/45
Weight: 4lb
Value: 40 Caps

10x Throwing Knives
Condition: 9 (Good)
Base Damage: 4
Effective Range (Yards): 5/15/25/35/45
Weight: 1lb per knife
Value: 10 Caps per knife

Leather Armour
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +3
Weight: 20 lbs
Special Effects: None
Value: 160 Caps

Condition: 7 (Worn)
Base Damage: x2
Weight: 2lb
Effective Range: Melee
Value: 50 Caps

Combat Armour
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +4
Weight: 25lb
Special Effects: None
Value: 390

5x Stimpacks
Effect: Heals Medicine x 2 HP per use.
Value: 25 Caps

5x Buffout
Effect: +10 Max HP, +3 Endurance, +2 Strength
Duration: 4 Minutes/1 Combat Round
Withdrawal Effects: -1 Strength, Endurance for 5 minutes
Value: 15 Caps

5x Psycho
Effect: +25% Melee Damage
Duration: 1 Minute/1 Combat Round
Withdrawal Effects: -1 Perception, Endurance for 2 minutes


AE7 Laser Pistol
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo Type: Small Energy Cells
Base Damage: 6
Weight: 3lbs
Ammo Capacity: 30
Effective Range (Yards): 6/18/30/42/54
Value: 200 Caps

Leather Armour
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +3
Weight: 20 lbs
Special Effects: None
Value: 160 Caps

Doctor's Bag
Effect: Restore 2x Medicine Skill Value in HP or completely restore a Crippled Limb, using up the bag unless resupplied.
Value: 25 Caps

5x Stimpacks
Effect: Heals Medicine x 2 HP per use.
Value: 25 Caps

5x Radaway
Effect: Reduces Rads equal to Medicine Skill Value
Withdrawal Effect: -1 Perception, -1 Rad Resistance for 1 Hour
Value: 35 Caps

5x Med-X
Effect: +4 Damage Resistance for 4 minutes
Withdrawal Effect: -1 Agility, Intelligence for 6 minutes

10mm Pistol
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo: 10mm
Base Damage: 5
Weight: 3lb
Ammo Capacity: 12
Effective Range (Yards): 8/24/40/56/72
Value: 250 Caps

2x Hand Grenades
Base Damage: x8
Effective Range (Yards): 8/16/32/56/112
Value: 75 Caps

Leather Armour
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +3
Weight: 20 lbs
Special Effects: None
Value: 160 Caps

Gas Mask
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +1
Weight: 4 lb
Special Effect: +4 Poison Resist
Value: 120 Caps

Brahmin Jerky
Effect: -1 Hunger when eaten
Value: 5 Caps

2x Bottles Of Clean Water
Effect: 2 Bottles worth of water are required to reduce Thirst by 1.
Value: 5 Caps

4x Healing Powders
Effect: Heals HP equal to Medicine Skill, -2 Perception for 1 minute.

RobCo Urban Warfare Plasma Pistol (Fallout 3/4 plasma pistol)
Condition: 9 (Good)
Ammo Type: Small Energy Cell
Base Damage: 15
Weight: 3lb
Ammo Capacity: 32
Effective Range (yards): 6/18/30/42/54
Value: 300 Caps

4x Small Energy Cells
Effect: None

Leather Armour
Condition: 9 (Good)
Damage Reduction: +3
Weight: 20 lbs
Special Effects: None
Value: 160 Caps

Equipped and ready for war, it doesn't take long to notice that the ship has been quiet beyond the noise of the struggling engine and water rushing into the hold as Eod nods, "The Galley has a surface entrance, behind the bridge, at the far end of the room. We will have to fight our way to the stairs and out onto the deck. Once there, we will deal with any remaining raiders, in particular The Gunner."

"Don't forget The Cook in the Galley." Exeter rasps, "She uses a flamethrower, and The Slaver and Doctor will likely defend the Crew Quarters."

"Yes, my friend, you are right." Eod nods, "But we must not be reckless. The Cook has a flamethrower, but The Gunner has a fifty-caliber machinegun and the muscle to carry it." He smiles, grimly, "I doubt even supermutants and our bestial friends can withstand that kind of firepower for long." He cracks his knuckles, slipping on the spiked knuckles onto one meaty hand while grabbing a grenade, before indicating Ral and Jormungand, "Fellow warriors, we will take the vanguard and allow the others to get into position. The little Deathclaw-" He motions to Tyrex, "Will stay with the small ones and help protect them with his claws."

"The Cook is the priority, and perhaps the Jailer as well if he has not fled to the top deck," Exeter hissed, "The rest are dross and should fall easily."

"Indeed." Eod nods, "Make any final preparations and plans of your own, then let us begin the assault."

The Galley was usually a sight for fights amongst the crew for any manner of reasons, but now the tables were overturned in a properly defensive manner, as tattooed and ragged men and women gripped battered, poorly-maintained weapons in nervous hands. Behind them, a large fat man holding a weighted chain in his meaty hands looked around nervously, "Shit, what the fuck is going on? Did they double back to the engine rooms?"

"Stop pissing your pants, you pussy." A scarred woman in a grease and blood-stained apron and pants spat on the deck as she hefted a flamethrower tank onto her back, "This is the only way to the top deck. We'll stop 'em here, and then go find fresh meat closer to Jersey or somethin'."

"I know, I know." The fat man licked his lips, "I just don't like-"

The galley door was flung open and a grenade pitched into the middle of the raiders as the scarred woman shouted, "Grenade!"

And then there was smoke as the grenade detonated, the six unlucky raiders at the center of the blast reduced to a cloud of gore and body parts that painted every available surface in blood, viscera and shrapnel as the remaining five, the Cook and Jailer, were knocked down by a blast designed to knock down Chinese Powered Armour.

Into the fray stepped the escapees.
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Elizabeth Monarch
Trailing halfheartedly after the group, Elizabeth went through her pipboy in methodical details. Reviewing the date and time, checking for any responding pings, and attempting to restore the automap. She entered what she is current carrying of course, and in a separate entry clearly marked as first post her abduction. This pipboy will serve as a reminder, a diary, and hopefully a record of her triumph achievement when she returns home.


Then her finger slipped onto "FINAL DEFENSE PROTOCOL" button when the sound of explosion startled her.
Aggression setting at 10. No allied forces in perimeter. "Unlawful" combatants engaging "Neutral" combatants. Providing limited assistance to ensure survival and increased possibility of returning to headquarter.

Eliz completes her thought cycle a second after FDP comes into effect. Drawing her laser pistol and running past neutrals, entering the smoky bulkhead. Eliz scans the space as she dash towards the side wall with extruding panel. No matter how rusty the hull is, metals are superior cover compared to her flesh.

Hearing muffled steps, Eliz leaned out of cover and squeezed the trigger. Bringing light of civilization into the uncaring world.
The humming sound - more like feel - of the minigun was a welcome reminder. The minigun, more than anything else, had been companion from the master to now. Sure, she'd replaced the motor, done up the barrel assembly, refurbished the trigger and all that. But it was still that same gun.

Humming in her hand, Mal walked into the room, and depressed the trigger. And the roar of the minigun drowned out the world.
_____Silver pocketed the rounds and stood from the slain raider in the same moment she heard the thump of that little explosive hitting the deck.

_____She ducked. The pain in her gut faded into an anxious pinprick when the thump of that grenade shook the dust from the ceiling and the adrenaline hit in a sickening rush. Her head was woozy, she wasn't sure where her feet were stepping, just that she darted past the supermutant with the minigun and emerged in a flurry of rippling fabric and glinting steel. Her thumb flipped off the safety on her 1911, and when her finger caressed that serrated trigger, there wasn't a hint of uncertainty. Her sprint slowed to a half-jog as she gave a perfect, even squeeze, and the woman with the flamethrower became the backdrop to the white dot of her front sight, vanishing behind the bang of the firing pistol. She saw the ten-mil case glint, flying skyward as the slug impacted something metal upon the cook with a brilliant, magnesium-white flash.

_____Her head tracked automatically to the next target with boring, robotic regularity, and she fired at the first moving thing trying to sit up. Then, before the first casing had hit the floor, she fired at a third raider, right as that minigun opened up like shredded sheetrock, a sound blotting out everything else.

_____And that was her exit call. Silver darted back the way she came and slid behind the hard cover of the wall, and caught her breath.
Who's Next?
Well, that was...something?

The Party has earned 40XP for each player in their heroic act of basically embarassing the GM and clearing the encounter in one go.

After the smoke clears and your hearing returns, you all enter the galley to see that there is now a fairly large hole in the floor, one that lets you see into the bottom of the hull and...oh dear, it looks like water is starting to pour in and you can feel the world is at an angle. Eod grunts as he waves at the exit, "Quickly friends! We must hurry!"

With how wrecked the remaining bodies are, it doesn't look like there's going to be anything salvage but you all manage to find (1d20x5) Caps each on the bodies before heading up the tilted, rusty stairs into a wide corridor with various doors and flaps arrayed on either side, marking this place to be the crew quarters.

Although, that is also pointed out by the horde of raiders charging out with knives, axes and battered guns while at the far end, a large figure in heavy metal plate, carrying what looks like a large machinegun, stomps into view.

"You motherfuckers!" The Armored Raider, who could only be The Gunner, roars, "When I'm fucking done with you, Captain's gonna be selling you to fucking Ghouls! Say your fucking prayers!" He opens fires, spraying the corridor with heavy bullets that punch through the thin metal walls like they didn't even exist, "Fucking kill them you useless sacks a' shit! KILL THEM!"

With a roar, the mob charges towards you.

Raiders: Many
The Gunner

There is an absolute horde of these guys, but they should flee to the top deck or other sections of the crew deck if you can kill The Gunner.

The Gunner's Heavy Machinegun can punch through these walls! Try not to get pinned down in any of the 'rooms'!
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Jeremy Hughes

Jeremy cursed under his breath, "Oh hell that's cheating. A machine gun in this cramped place?" He ducked as several bullets passed by, surprise evident in his face as he witnessed the bullets tore through the walls like they were nothing.

Shit, can't even hide. He needs to die first then.

Calming his breath, Jeremy raised his gun and took aim. His laser pistol was strong but his enemy was armored, and sometimes it was enough for some people to survive. If this man survived then with his machine gun he could kill everyone in this room. No, he couldn't take any risk. That man must die now.

He waited until the enemy was in position and pulled the trigger. The result was equally drastic as it was horrifying. The gunner's head exploded. Leaving nothing but gory chunks and red steams, probably from his blood. Jeremy could smell smoke from where he was standing, it made him hungry for some reason.

"Well, that's one way to do it." Jeremy whispered, already aiming at another raider. A quick shot hit the enemy squarely in the chest and he fell like a puppet with his string cut. Was the death of the machine gunman shook them so? He mused, approaching the dead raider's corpse and started rummaging his corpse. Laser pistol was good and all, but their ammo was rather rare and he already used his weekly share. He took the dead man's sawed-off shotgun and found some shells in his pockets. "Hmm, a tad worn but functional. This'll suit me just fine." Jeremy said, testing his newfound weapon.

Gain Sawed Off Shotgun
Damage: 25
Weight: 4lb
Ammo Type: 12ga Shell
Ammo Capacity: 2
Eff. Range (Yards): 4/6/8/10/12
Value: 370
Condition: 6 (Worn)
12 shells.
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Ford Thompson

Seeing this Gunner, Ford begins to regret not having a firearm. "Man, a gun would be so nice right now. Well, whatever. Gotta make use with what I have." Ford pulls out of one his throwing knives and aims at a raider that's fleeing. "This better land." He steps back and throws the knife.
_____What started as a tongue of flame upon that raider's back vanished behind a curtain of light and smoke, shaking the vessel to its foundation in the same moment the explosion uncorked a hole in the floor. There was precious time to collect themselves, as well as any weapons they could find before plunging into the next room. Silver had stuffed a fresh magazine into her ten-millimeter when the heavy chatter of automatic fire begun, that awful, metal-rending sound. A single glance at the heavily-armored buffoon told her firing a pistol would have been a fool's errand, but the gunner's entourage of raiders were not so well protected. She snapped the pistol to eye-level and squeezed, three gunshots piercing the stale air of the hold before the casings had properly hit the deck.

_____Silver had aimed for the closest and the most dangerous. The impact of her rounds was punctuated by the agonized wail of a raider with an automatic turning hard on their heel and falling onto their back. As her hand settled from the recoil of those rounds, the gun-hand turned on her heel and emptied most of the magazine into another enemy wielding a long-barreled assembly of pipes.

_____"You, take this," Silver said, grabbing the looted ten-millimeter in her waistband and scooting it across the floor. The weapon thumped into Ford's shoes as Silver took off at a low crouch. The groans of the wounded rose into the air as she drew her hunting knife and cut away the equipment of the fallen.
Elizabeth Monarch – FDP

Gunslinger designated Silver appears to be more effective than previously assessed. Controlled fire set off the flamethrower canister and destroyed the enemy combatant. Additional breach in ship hull significantly reduced time for salvaging usable assets.

"Move desk side, I may be able to beach the ship before we sink."

The door to the stairs was torn off by the time Eliz finished checking for unlawful survivors. Jogging up the stair brings her into a more open hallway, with hordes of unlawful combatants. One of the better equipped unlawful combatant appears to wield a machine gun. Who was immediately blown open like a blood sausage.

"Your accuracy is to be commend, fellow shipwreckers."

Running up to a safe looking cover, Eliz catches her breath. Leaning out of cover two cracking shots left the focusing diode to cleanse the unclean. The first shot went through a pirate's cheek, and the second carbonized her. It slowly breaks apart under its own weight, leaving a feature less head atop the ash pile.