I think it is a disrespect to the author to put that as if this were a Quest (when it is not, is a pool) without giving reasons or at least making constructive criticism. If you are voting this is because you want it to be a thing, so maybe helping a a good thing.

And for the record, on almost every Fate fic the people spoke about Noble Phantasm parameters and Servant skills. That, my friends, is part of a Gamer System.
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I think it is a disrespect to the author to put that as if this were a Quest (when it is not, is a pool) without giving reasons or at least making constructive criticism. If you are voting this is because you want it to be a thing, so maybe helping a a good thing.

And for the record, on almost every Fate fic the people spoke about Noble Phantasm parameters and Servant skills. That, my friends, is part of a Gamer System.

No its the fact that the gamer system means NOTHING without a base. What do the numbers mean? Having large numbers dont make the character feel strong.
You can make someone as powerful as you want but if the readers dont get engaged then you've failed the main part.
The numbers mean nothing and the gamer system is useless because it changes practically nothing. Its already a curbstomp anyway. No need to use a nuke to heat up an apple pie.
Again, just having excalibur is already a curb stomp as it is.

Ill probably change my opinion as the story goes on but thats what I think.
[X] Non Gaming Sentient Excalibur (NGSE)
Looks like Non Gaming Isekai Excalibur is the winner....Let me erase that last part.....will be updating this today....hopefully...


I'm expecting a lot of talking between the two.

While Excalibur is the "Sword of Promised Victory", Caliburn is her predecessor and the "Sword who chooses".

There is a big chance of having Louise on a throne somewhere.

Heh, even her friend the Princess could play the role of the Lady of the Lake.

I don't think we'll se a rivalry with Derflinger. Either the sword of the Gandalf will give its power to Excalibur or one of the friends around Louise will wield it at her behest. Either Kirche or Guiche.

Could even see many around Louise taking a sword as a magical focus.

Even if we don't use the magic system from the Nasuverse, Excalibur could teach a great deal of magic to Louise. I can easily see her recreating the skills of Arthuria with her own Void magic like the Mana Boost.