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Day by day the eve of destruction grows closer. Follow Edgar McCoy, a government agent, supergenius, communist revolutionary, and more, as he finds himself yanked out of isolation and forced to contend with an imminent apocalyptic future, an oppressive authoritarian government, and a shadow organization of superterrorists.
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Region Selection

The Bird

In that den of villains and scum, OKLAHOMA
You dreamed of fire, rising high into the sky: a great burning cloud, expanding over the city that lie before you, consuming it. All around you, you heard the scream of man, woman, and child as people futilely attempted to escape.

Those closest were luckiest, vaporized by the white wall within moments, leaving behind only shadowy imprints on the wall. Those who weren't in the blast radius close enough to be obliterated were instead burned to death, skin, muscle, and organs flash frying, then burning, then boiling, even as buildings found themselves demolished by an invisible wave of force emanating out from the wall slightly quicker than the flames, shattering them into splinters.

Unable to move, you helplessly waited for it to consume you, your vision going white…


Gasping, you started up, woken by a combination of your nightmare and a strange beeping noise. Looking around, disoriented, you realized you weren't in your cabin: you were-this was-

A hospital? Blearly, you realized you felt the sort of hangover you only really get when someone shoots you with a chem-tranquilizer.

"Good, you're awake," Came a familiar voice, causing you to blink as you realized you weren't alone, next to your bed a familiar looking woman sat, one who you hadn't seen in years meaning, the only reason you couldn't immediately place them, though unfortunately that wouldn't last long.

Blinking slowly, you frowned as you realized who it was, and your mood soured as you realized you had not in fact finally been black bagged in the middle of the night by the nefarious agents of the state. Or at least not the ones you had been expecting. "Clancy," You hissed, eyes narrowing as you realized you seemed to be handcuffed to your bed: typical. You began to scan the room for pencils or any other long, narrow object. "You want to tell me why you kidnapped me?"

"What, no hel-"

"Cut the fucking shit Clancy, if I wanted to hear the mouth noises of a fascist goon I'd talk to the person who killed Rog," You said, venom dripping from your voice. "Oh wait, I guess I am!" You said, causing Clancy to rear back, shock and hurt evident on her face, if only for a moment. Good.

She took a deep breath, reasserting her iron composure. "Charming as ever, I see," she said in a voice that most people would think toneless and neutral, your familiarity with the person across from you the primary reason you were able to recognize the slight tremble in her voice. "Alright, I'll get to the point then. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, you've been pardoned for possessing seditious material. The bad news-"

"I'm under arrest for possessing seditious material," You finished, causing her to frown. "Let me guess, someone sent the cops an anonymous tip that there was a cabin in the woods full of communist literature, someone who SOMEHOW knew exactly where said cabin was despite there being zero foot-paths and being two days walk from the nearest road."

"...I didn't sell you out, Edgar," She said, frustration openly leaking into her voice. "Christ, I know you hate me, but do you really think I'd screw over my only remaining brother?"

"Yes," You said flatly. "I think you would do so in a heart-beat, especially if it benefitted you. Besides, I'm not stupid, Clancy: no one else knew where I lived except Rogers wife, and we both know she wouldn't snitch. Plus, y'know, I know you well enough to tell when you're lying through your teeth."

"...Believe what you want," Clancy eventually conceded. "Still, if it wasn't for me calling in some extremely heavy favors, right now you'd be facing down the barrel of a work camp-"

"Get to the fucking point."

Clancy finally snapped, filling you with a surge of satisfaction. "I have a facility that needs a manager, and as part of your pardon and me erasing the fact my brother is a goddamn Pinko, I expect YOU to do the job."

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"You don't have a choice here, Edgar," Clancy emphasized. "Its either you do this to me or no deal and no pardon. No is not an option." For a moment, silence reigned between you…

Broken by you giving a derisive snort. "Not an option my right ass. Unlike you, Clancy, I'm not a fucking coward," You said, slowly enunciating and taking some small degree of satisfaction in the look of shock on her face. "I'm not going to roll over and work for the people who murdered Rog just because the alternative is a gun to my face."

"Do you hear yourself?" Clancy demanded, incredulous. "You're going to kill yourself the exact same way Roger did, and for what? Fucking meaningless goddamn spite! You dying isn't going to accomplish anything, Edgar!"

"You should have thought about that before you ratted me out," You said flatly, causing Clancy's eye to twitch in frustration. "And if the alternative to death is serving as the cog in the fascist death-machine that is the USA, yeah, I'll pick death, because again, I'm not a fucking coward."

An expression you didn't recognize passed over Clancy's face. "Alright, Edgar, fine, you win," she admitted, voice sounding exhausted. "I'm the one who sent in the tip. I didn't have any other option: you won't answer my calls, you won't respond to my letters, and when I sent an agent you literally chased them off with a shotgun."

"Oh gee, I wonder why," You responded dryly.

"If I could leave you out of this, I would. I don't like this any more than you do," Clancy admitted, and you were grudgingly forced to note she was probably telling the truth here. "Unfortunately, you are literally the only person available for this that I trust."

"My answer is still no. You aren't going to get me to work for you, Miss Patriot, pardon or no pardon," You responded.

"No pardon is off the table. I'm serious here, Ed: you don't get to say no to this," Clancy emphasized. "If you won't accept the stick, I'll have to use the carrot, it seems." She steepled her fingers together. "I have ten SPD tickets. You, Rogers wife and kids, and seven other people of your choice."

You paused. Fuck. If it was just you you'd probably reconsider: all things considered, atomization wasn't the worst way to go. But if you could help Andy and Clara… "Really fucking cold using your own blood as a bargaining chip," You said dryly. "Fine, I'll bite: what exactly are you wanting?"


War, war never changes.

In the months in the wake of NEXT's attack on the pentagon, the DoP would see a period of expansion and contraction, as funds ebbed and flowed, reallocated to other departments seen as more needing with only some of it to be partially re-acquired by the diligent work of the Departments head, Clancy.

At some point in the Spring, however, she would contact her estranged younger brother, Edgar, a man who had contented himself to spend the last days of civilization in an unknown corner of the wilderness only to be dragged back kicking and screaming into the machinations of his sister, the Director of the Department of Preservation.

Little does Edgar know that his sister has more secrets than he realizes.

Welcome to Eve of Destruction Part Two: We Didn't Start the Fire. For those of you who were with us during Part One, welcome back, everything is how you left it, slowly exploding as the world sits on the brink, just the way we all like it.

For those of you just joining, salutations. You're likely wondering what to expect: Eve of Destruction is a quest set in an AU of the Fallout Universe, set prior to the bombs dropping where you play as someone who hates America tasked with saving it.

A post-atom punk political thriller meets biting satire of Americana in various stripes, Eve is a quest that deals in multiple themes, like the slow decay of jingoism and capitalism into base american exceptionalist themed authoritarianism, the ethics of terrorism under a fascist regime, and the societal nihilism of a world where the Bomb dropping isn't an if, but an increasingly close when, among several other topics. It also deals with the future, what comes after the world ends, and how the actions taken in the present can affect, for good or ill, the lives of people centuries later.

I'm going to go ahead and disclaim: this isn't a game where you can save the world. It isn't a game where everyone is going to make it out alive. Your actions WILL hurt people, either directly, or as a consequence of your decisions causing thousands of small butterflies. All you can do is try to save what you can, and attempt to prepare for the future in the hopes your legacy might be able to save whoever comes after you.

Unlike the first game, we're going to have a generally smaller scope here. Instead of running the entire department, you're going to be tasked with overseeing a particular piece of infrastructure and it's management and growth, at least to begin with.

First, let's narrow down what region we're going to be stationed in.

[ ] New York:
Boston, New Jersey, New York: merely three of the cities of importance in the new england region. Most of the development had been focused on the Commonweath sub-region, though apparently the Department's Logistics Division and ACME Transport were both looking to expand.
-Start with an additional Business dice, a [CRIME] Dice, and +5 to Business.
-Major Themes: The Machined Apple, Morte De Cosa Nostra, Urban Collapse
-Employment Options: ACME Transport, DoP Logistics, New York City Government

[ ] Louisiana: The DEEP south, containing not just New Orleans, but also a large amount of wetlands. Apparently, the EPA were working on dealing with dumping and pollution clean up while ACME and the CIT were also investing in the region for as of yet unknown reasons.
-Start with additional Civilian dice, +1 [GOVERNMENT] Dice, and +5 to Civilian.
-Major Themes: Mother Earths Wrath, No Good Corporation, Science Can't Save You
-Employment Options: Environmental Protection Agency, Cambridge Institute of Technology, and ACME Realty

[ ] Oregon: A heavily forested, sparsely populated state. That made it a natural place for the DoP to begin expanding it's less savory departments, like the weird science cryptid research divisions second major installation. For some reason, ACME Entertainment had also been sniffing around, buying various plots of land throughout the state.
-Start with additional Construction dice, +1 [MEDIA] Dice, and +5 to Construction.
-Major Themes: Small Town Apocalypse Blues, Weird Horror Tales!, the Men In Black
-Employment Options: C-Files Division, ACME Entertainment, AlviCorp

And, since you didn't get to pick what character you played (the original plan was a selection of people Clancy had burned, but I decided Edgar was the most interesting option), you get to pick what exactly makes Edgar McCoy so interesting.

For a little context, unlike his sister, Eddie here isn't a spy. He never served with the company: much like the late Roger McCoy, he went a more intellectual direction. Unlike Roger, however, he isn't some stuffy political academic. No, our friend Edgar is what you might call a mad scientist, emphasis on 'Mad', a graduate of the CIT itself. And not the happy go lucky kind of mad either, but the kind of pissed off, angry mad that comes from being a communist living in a degenerating fascist dystopia.

Your choice, instead of character, is instead what field of technology that character specializes in. Each offers a handful of specialist dice.

[ ] Genetics:
You specialized in genetic modification and veterinary medicine. Back when you still worked at the CIT you had been on some of the projects projects for the envirobiology division, like Silverback Gorilla DNA Preservation. You still had some of your old research notes for the project: you weren't sure if Cambridge was still running the program, and even if it was, there was no harm in redundancy when it came to species preservation.
+2 [Ecology] and [Chems] dice. +1 [Genetic] Dice
-Start with Gorilla DNA Library special science project

[ ] Robotics:
You were a robotics expert that had been put on Cambridges General Humanoid Labourer project. Before you left, you had successfully developed a working prototype for a simple, theoretically cheap to produce variety of robot. You had called it the Model MSL-12 Android: the battery life was awful and it wasn't much smarter than your average protectron, but it hadn't been perfected.
+2 [Prototyping] and [Programming] Dice. +1 [Robotics] Dice
-Start with MSL-12 Factory special construction project.

[ ] Engineering:
Cambridge was on the cutting edge of most technologies, and that included fusion, but did not include power armor. The latter had been something you had been attempting to rectify at the Polymer Labs, using the former to design a high performance, if high power cost set of power armor. The prototype was still probably in a shelf somewhere in one of the archives, but you still remembered the schematics.
+2 [Fusion] and [Gear] Dice. +1 [Power Armor] Dice
-Start with Personal CIT Ultrafusion Power Armor Suit special military project

Oh, and four hours moratorium.
Department Assets

Wilbur Ashton
BRAIN Rank: 3

Category - [POLITICIAN]


Poker Face:
This character gains +5 to Suspicion Rolls.
Tax Write Offs: One [Charity] tagged project will receive a 1 point funding discount. Whenever it's completed, the discount will switch to a different project.
Criminal Consigliere: Can use dice in Mischief category: this character gains a bonus to their dice equal to Mischief bonus.

BRAIN Quest: Complete three missile defense associated projects.

Agent Mulley Skulder
BRAIN Rank: 1

Category - [AGENT]


Cold Case Specialist:
This character receives +2 to investigating cases that have gone cold

BRAIN Quest: Complete three investigations with the [WEIRD] modifier (1/3)

Agenda: Strong Anti-ACME leanings. History of bigotry towards various minorities: will disapprove of actions that benefit them. Yearns to be taken seriously as a Detective. Mild phasmophobia- fear of the supernatural.

Janet Benoit
BRAIN Rank: 2

Category - [ARCHITECT]


On the Bones of the Old:
This character has a +3 bonus to actions targeted at New Alexandria
Workaholic: +3 to all rolls by this subordinate. +1 to FACILITIES.

BRAIN Quest: Get rank 2 ACME Loans in New Alexandria.

Agenda: Fundamentalist evangelical: unlikely to approve of any activity considered unchristian, like feeding the poor or providing the sinful masses shelter from gods nuclear wrath. Strongly disapproves of impractical projects that exist only to generate revenue- unless it benefits the New Moral Majority branch of the Patriot Party or the Church.


BRAIN Rank: 4



Eureka!- +2 to Personal Dice used on [Prototype] Projects.
CIT Graduate- +1 Science Die.
Multi-Disciplinary- Can spend personal die on projects that do not fit their BRAIN Category for a -5 penalty.
Genius- Personal Dice explode.

The Arcadian Agent

Brain Rank: 1
Category - [PROXY] (specializes in Programming, Robotics, and AlviCorp projects)


Sleeper Agents: +1 to all other subordinates rolls.
BRAIN Quest - Complete 1 AlviCorp Drug Trial, Community Development Project, and Sponsorship in one community.

ENFERR, the ultimate master of the Arcadia Agents, was seemingly motivated by an inchoate hatred for the government.

Sophia Georgios

Rank - 2

Category: [Crime Boss]

Hired Muscle - +2 to all [Combat] projects.
Hometown Kingpin - +1 [Baton Rouge] Dice. This dice cannot be burned at the National Convention.

BRAIN QUEST: Complete Criminal Finance in Baton Rouge.

Agenda: Georgios is interested primarily in furthering the interests of the Reznikov outfit.

Ron Dripper



Archetype: [Hatchet Man] -
Ron Dripper is one of Houses fingers: a former advertising executive who was poached by King Tut, he's responsible for RobCo landing a number of contracts, has helped hush up countless scandals, and has busted his share of unions.

Mad Man -
Dripper got his start in advertising, and it's still his bread and butter. Now though, he doesn't just advertise products, he also advertsizes ideas. This hero has +2 to [Media] projects.

Current Ongoing Project:

Hunting RADICAL:
NEXT was taking credit, but King Tut didn't believe them. Right now, House wanted answers, and Dripper was trying to sus them out. 55/100

NEMESIS Quest: Complete Chaos Science Mayhem Lecture in a city with RobCo faction penetration.
Mayor Stripe
Faction: City Hall

He didn't have your mind, but he was still surprisingly devious, if also petty and unhinged.


[Corrupt Mayor] -
Stripe is a piece of work: since getting elected, he's doing his best to accelerate institutional rot. Any service he can underfund, any bad policy he can get passed as law. Worse, he's very good at getting people to do what he wants.

[Anomaly] - Stripe may have been a psychic of some kind. He might have also been the genuine devil, outlandish as the idea might be. Whatever the explanation, he possessed potent powers of coercion and an unknown degree of mentalism.




Waste, Want:
Dr. Stripe had ran on a platform of spreading chemical pollution in New Orleans in order to ruin the enviroment- this was, COINCIDENTALLY, also majorly profitable for the man: his chemical waste dumps would cause illness for years, but it also made Stripe a tidy profit. 33+90/200, when complete erects a Corporate Waste Dump in New Orleans, increasing Chemical Toxicity (++++) and increasing City Hall faction funding.

New Orleans: The Big Easy! Protected by a series of super-levy's known as the Great Floodwalls, the continued misfortune of the rest of the country has marginally improved the cities safety. Home of the DoP regional headquarters, where Team America works to help protect EVERYONE'S future! Major industries include aerospace technology manufacture, ship-building, and government contract research.
Community Stats:
Domestic Security: +
Police Militarization: +
Institutional Knowledge: +
Mans Best Friend: ++
Financial Unrest: ++++
DoP Regional Headquarters Phase Two [DoP, Administration, Facility]
DoP Canine Unit Phase Two [DoP, Security, Personnel]:
A large division of highly skilled K-9 Handlers trained in search and rescue, perimeter security, non-lethal and lethal take-downs, and tracking, each paired with Rottweiler hybrids bred and raised for both temperament and health. They also operated a fairly extensive kennel to conduct dog eugenics, with pups rejected from their program for whatever reason being assigned to the cities growing K-9 division.
Weather Monitoring Station [NOAA, Research, Facility]: Situated on the city flood-walls, this facility was designed to monitor oncoming hurricanes up close and personal as well as increase the amount of warning more inland facilities should have. It also possesses a small research facility that will operate under the jurisdiction of the NOAA.

New Alexandria: A more northern city in the state, New Alexandria was a fairly quiet city located in a swamp located above the underwater ruins of the old Alexandria. It was home to several fisheries, as well as the DoP's main power peanut farm in the state. It was also highly religious, and the seat of the Moral Majority movement in the state as well as the heart of its deeply unpopular catholic contingent. In the aftermath of the flooding of Old Alexandria, a number of public schools were shut down and replaced with privately ran ones, several of which were intended to be used to help 're-educate' unruly youth.
Community Stats:

Renewable Energy: ++
Peanut Science: +
Youth Mobilization: ++
Power Peanut Plantation Phase One [DoP, GWCFAAAT, Agriculture, Facility]
CERES [DoP, Agriculture, Personnel]
Lil Patriots Orphanage Phase One [Patriots, Population, Facility]:
A well ran-ish facility in the cities Bricktown that had made sure it possessed all major amenities before opening. If it wasn't for the fact that it forced all the children it had to attend one of the worst reform schools in the greater Lousiana region.

Baton Rouge: The capital of Louisiana, a bustling port city that found itself the center of Liberty Party interests in the state thanks to its port, industrial district, and the experimental mega-reactor that provided the city with almost unlimited free power. Team America had limited investment into the community compared to organizations like Poseidon, who owned the reactor that powered the city, or ACME, who owned considerable real estate in the city. The city had, prior to the Dracula robbery, been enjoying a small economic revival, though the crime had significantly shaken confidence in many in the city.
Community Stats:
Youth Mobilization: +++
Teenage Wasteland: +
Financial Unrest: +++++++
Police Mobilization: +
Divine Sanctuary: +
Lil Patriots Orphanage Phase Two [Patriots, Population, Facility]:
A small orphanage constructed by the Department of Preservation and operated by the Lil Patriots foundation in the Brookshaven neighborhood of the city. It currently consisted of a main hall, chapel, dormintories, and an underground complex to serve as a bunker.
Community Broadcast Tower Phase Two [DoP, Media, Facility]: A pair of broadcast towers, the radio host was Cliff Racer, who curated a consumer oriented series of survivalist edutainment shows and corporate focused investment advice shows. The television channel mostly aired reruns of nationally syndicated DoP shows, educational television, and childrens cartoons.
Hypnotic Broadcast Reels Phase One [Villain, Media, Scheme]: They say that on late nights, one can find peculiar programming. They say that children who watch this programming become addicted to it, watching it more and more and misbehaving more and more. They say it's especially bad at the Lil Patriots, where some of the children have conspired to brutally assault their caretakers, slowly becoming a hive of delinquency.
Police Surplus Phase One [Liberty Party, Security, Program]: The Baton Rouge Police Force had been equipped with a variety of military surplus, including obsolete laser rifles, body armor, old generation force field generators, and eyebots, all donated by the wealthiest members of the city.

Dalsheimer Hall Fortified Synagogue [Local, Population, Facility]: A small historically significant synogogue that was one of the oldest standing buildings of its kind in Baton Rouge: it had been reinforced to double as a bunker to help protect the residents of the city in case of catastrophe: it was rated for four months survival before it had to open up assuming max capacity, wherapon it's residents were expected to start sending scavenging runs out for supplies. Planned expansions were a storage facility for both supplies and, when the bombs dropped, preserving items of historical or religious significance from other synagogues and cooperating religious institutions in the city.

Gecko: A town poisoned by ACME. Population 481, this small cajun village was located in the Northern Atchafalaya Bayou. It's primary industry was crawfish farming, it was named for the highly abundant population of wild geckos in the region, and roughly 104 people in it had been diagnosed with leukemia. Currently, the town was the site of the only DoP operated clinic in the state, meaning that it was getting a small boom in "tourism" from DoP agents getting medical care.
Community Stats:
DoP Goodwill: +
DoP Employment: +
Community Health: ++
Novel Gene Therapies: +
DoP Clinic Phase Two [DoP, Medicine, Facility]:
A clinic built in the heart of Gecko staffed with the absolute best equipment and staff your budget could allow. It's major specialty was cancer treatment and pediatrics, but it also had an extensive gene therapy wing, including BioOptimizer serum synthesizers.
Weather Monitoring Station [NOAA, Research, Facility]: The Gecko facility seemed to be experimenting with cloud-seeding technology via a chem lab. They also ran a 24/7 automated weather broadcast channel and helped monitor atmospheric patterns in most of the state via their doppler tower.

DoP Factory [DoP, Industry, Factory]: A DoP Factory that produced Duracrete and other construction material the DoP used to expand its facilities and fund its activities, it was quickly becoming Gecko's primary source of employment- and thus the towns primary source of money.

Cambridge Lousiana: Welcome to Cambridge University of Lousiana, a subsidiary of the Cambridge Institute of Technology! Founded in 2074, it exists to help accelerate the development of one of America's greatest assets, our scientific acumen!

Pinkerton National Detective Agency [Corporate, Security] An organization you loathed, the Pinkertons are the Knights of Capitalism. Hired thugs whose history stretches back to the 1800's, they work for the lowest bidder busting up unions, hunting down bounties on socialists or famous dissidents at large, putting down unruly workers, and acting as cops for hire.

Power Armor Proliferation: +

Daisy Technological Enterprises [Education, Science, Prototype]:
A research firm based in Daisy, Oklahoma, founded as a subsidiary of Big MT and eventually nationalized by the Department of Preservation, who eventually allowed the former owner, Nancy Steinbeck, to buy back the name and rights to produce the technology she had helped develop in the first place. Focus is on novel technological solutions, currently a partner with Team America of Lousiana.

AlviCorp [Education, Corporate, Robotics]: A robotics and software company that did a great deal of contract work for the DoP, largely relating to the Departments computerization initiatives. Products included a handful of proprietary robots, some terminal and super-computer models, a large amount of programs, blank floppy discs, and digital assistants like ENFERR, along with a variety of accessories, like PolyGel Rubber, a sealant used to water-proof electronics.
Water-Proof Electronics:+

Team America [Government, Charity]:
Your organization, a joint project between various government agencies headed by the DoP designed to "help enrich all parts of America". An incredibly vague mission statement that belied a number of more concrete goals for the organization, namely working to help prepare write-off regions for a potentially catastrophic societal breakdown caused by nuclear forces randomizing the atoms that form the government. NOTE: This faction card will not record stat changes, it only exists if for some reason you want to target your own people for whatever reason.
Stormwatch: +
Mans Best Friend: +
DoP Mobilization: +

RADICAL [Crime, Mischief, Weird]:
A four man team consisting of you, Dr. Feelgood, ENFERR, and Wilbur Ashton. Your goals- oppose the US Government. Your means- supercrime. You were RADICAL: Rabblerousers Against Dictatorial Institution of Callous American Lackeys.
Buddytraps [Ecology, Genetics]:
Highly trainable modified flytraps, children in the region could order Buddytraps in order to help protect themselves against adults.

Boom Bulbs [Industry, Genetics]: A modified pitcher plant designed to feed off off the incredibly abundant quantities of garbage in the environment in order to produce large amounts of organic fast hardening liquid polygel adhesive. In response to motion, the organ which contains the polygel will detonate, covering its surroundings in a thick layer of glue, making them useful as mines.
Teenage Wasteland:+
Renewable Commodities: +

Reznikov Outfit [Crime, Mischief, Logistics]:
An old remnant of the mafiya that had survived the resource wars, the Reznikov outfit, named for its founder, were primarily smugglers, specializing in contraband. They were led by Sophia Georgios, daughter of the former patriarch.

Wealth: +

RobCo [Corporate, Robotics]:
Ran by King Tut himself, Robert House, an old college friend of yours you were now estranged from. RobCo specialized in advanced robotics, hardware, software, and technology stocks.
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[ ] Oregon: A heavily forested, sparsely populated state. That made it a natural place for the DoP to begin expanding it's less savory departments, like the weird science cryptid research divisions second major installation. For some reason, ACME Entertainment had also been sniffing around, buying various plots of land throughout the state.
-Start with additional Construction dice, +1 [MEDIA] Dice, and +5 to Construction.
-Major Themes: Small Town Apocalypse Blues, Weird Horror Tales!, the Men In Black
-Employment Options: C-Files Division, ACME Entertainment, AlviCorp
I really want to do Oregon just because of ACME Entertainment; I really want to see what kind of nonsense we can get up to there. As for the specialization... I'm leaning towards Robotics since it would be nice to influence attitudes towards Synths ahead of time, but I'm open to the other two. Hopefully we'll be able to kick things off with them.

(Have we met an AlviCorp before? I don't recognize that name.)
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I really want to do Oregon just because of ACME Entertainment; I really want to see what kind of nonsense we can get up to there. As for the specialization... I'm leaning towards Robotics since it would be nice to influence attitudes towards Synths ahead of time, but I'm open to the other two. Hopefully we'll be able to kick things off with them.
I'd argue Oregon and Lousiana would work the best with genetics (Cryptids and the EPA) while New York would work best with either robotics or engineering.
I like these 2 options
[ ] New York: Boston, New Jersey, New York: merely three of the cities of importance in the new england region. Most of the development had been focused on the Commonweath sub-region, though apparently the Department's Logistics Division and ACME Transport were both looking to expand.
-Start with an additional Business dice, a [CRIME] Dice, and +5 to Business.
-Major Themes: The Machined Apple, Morte De Cosa Nostra, Urban Collapse
-Employment Options: ACME Transport, DoP Logistics, New York City Government

[ ] Robotics: You were a robotics expert that had been put on Cambridges General Humanoid Labourer project. Before you left, you had successfully developed a working prototype for a simple, theoretically cheap to produce variety of robot. You had called it the Model MSL-12 Android: the battery life was awful and it wasn't much smarter than your average protectron, but it hadn't been perfected.
+2 [Prototyping] and [Programming] Dice. +1 [Robotics] Dice
-Start with MSL-12 Factory special construction project.

just to see if we can do stuff that the mechanist in the commonwealth can find
I would like to take Genetics, since most second apocalypses are Ecological or FEV, so Genetic in nature.
I also think it could combo well with crytids and as such Oregon.
having played a shit ton of Pacific Drive recently, im also in favor of doing Weird Science in PacNor
I like these 2 options
[ ] New York: Boston, New Jersey, New York: merely three of the cities of importance in the new england region. Most of the development had been focused on the Commonweath sub-region, though apparently the Department's Logistics Division and ACME Transport were both looking to expand.
-Start with an additional Business dice, a [CRIME] Dice, and +5 to Business.
-Major Themes: The Machined Apple, Morte De Cosa Nostra, Urban Collapse
-Employment Options: ACME Transport, DoP Logistics, New York City Government

[ ] Robotics: You were a robotics expert that had been put on Cambridges General Humanoid Labourer project. Before you left, you had successfully developed a working prototype for a simple, theoretically cheap to produce variety of robot. You had called it the Model MSL-12 Android: the battery life was awful and it wasn't much smarter than your average protectron, but it hadn't been perfected.
+2 [Prototyping] and [Programming] Dice. +1 [Robotics] Dice
-Start with MSL-12 Factory special construction project.

just to see if we can do stuff that the mechanist in the commonwealth can find

Genetics in New York has potential because of the Plot of Fallout 4

New York is New York, not Boston.
kinda hope we don't get fate of the wasteland this time, it got tiring to have people jumping to "fix" the future without realizing that there was no golden path
kinda hope we don't get fate of the wasteland this time, it got tiring to have people jumping to "fix" the future without realizing that there was no golden path
I really disagree with you on this; Fate of the Wasteland is probably the reason why we got so emotionally invested in the quest to begin with. Without it we wouldn't have any idea of the Muck Tribes in the Gulf, the Union in the Mojave, or even the Water Seeker/Road Runner in the Pacific/Chicago.
Ah now i'm on the ground floor of the next part. As for where, i'm gonna have to go with Louisiana with Genetics, just so we can do some neat things with the environment.
This is Fallout. Genetics is a must because every-fucking bad thing in this setting can be traced back to the FEV.

The second part for me is New York because of GTA 2 being one of my favorite games of all time and the New York description of Automation eating the city, the Mob dying and urban decay is hitting all the right notes I didn't even realize I wanted hit. So my preliminary plan since I'm going to bed soon:

[ ] Plan THC-555:
-[ ] New York: Boston, New Jersey, New York: merely three of the cities of importance in the new england region. Most of the development had been focused on the Commonweath sub-region, though apparently the Department's Logistics Division and ACME Transport were both looking to expand.
-Start with an additional Business dice, a [CRIME] Dice, and +5 to Business.
-Major Themes: The Machined Apple, Morte De Cosa Nostra, Urban Collapse
-Employment Options: ACME Transport, DoP Logistics, New York City Government

-[ ] Genetics: You specialized in genetic modification and veterinary medicine. Back when you still worked at the CIT you had been on some of the projects projects for the envirobiology division, like Silverback Gorilla DNA Preservation. You still had some of your old research notes for the project: you weren't sure if Cambridge was still running the program, and even if it was, there was no harm in redundancy when it came to species preservation.
+2 [Ecology] and [Chems] dice. +1 [Genetic] Dice
-Start with Gorilla DNA Library special science project

Hopefully we think of a better gang name than Sex and Reproductive Systems.


Not really, the QM would have told us about the game over then revealed the rest at the end. As it stood it was basically just metagaming as a mechanic

We've had this discussion in the last thread and most people preferred to see Fate of the Wasteland posts not because they wanted to metagame, but because it made them more invested in the story to see the consequences of their own actions on the Fallout canon.
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Why genetics?

Wouldn't Robots be better for building Communist Paradise?

I think probably if you're aiming for a communist utopia you've come to the wrong quest.

Awww, I was hoping Appalachia would be an option so we could continue boosting the insurrection we ended up setting there.

Alas, life is full of opportunities only half realized.

@The Bird Are there plans to continue the first quest at all, or at least some part of the larger scale effects that the first quest created?

The DoP will continue operating in the background, but otherwise no not really.

This is Fallout. Genetics is a must because every-fucking bad thing in this setting can be traced back to the FEV.

I'm going to be blunt if you try using FEV as a justification you will be severely disappointed, as it is highly unlikely to be relevant to Edgar's activities.

Edit: Like I'm going to be blunt outside a few specific region people vastly over-estimate how relevant FEV actually is to most of the setting. In Fallout 1 it helped create the Master but in most of the series that has it as an actual plot element its just a tool to explain why the game has supermutants.
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