Eros aims to kill (A Otome Game Quest)

Honestly, the current element is surprisingly appropriate for Mordred, who is always in the shadow of his siblings. History almost writes itself.
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t it - was Mordred one of the characters in the game, and if so, what was his role? I mean, surely his name and element would have been played up in some way for sure - it's pretty cliché, but not in a bad way.
I think Mordred remarked when talking to his mom but maybe it wasnt clear. But no, Mordred the character didnt exist in the game, this is why he is worried if he is even on the game 'cannon' route/timeline.
Something tells me we would have specialized in some kind of rare curse based magic if that happened.
You will soon find out since everyone picked Sigurd. When I say that the Goldsteins were the family drama option I meant it.
Edit: Aditional mystery, if your father isnt home then probably the visit isnt for him... Who could it be? (Just to make clear its not a cheating plot)
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