Ephemeral Dreams [ Original Quest ]

My mistake honestly when I write a comment or post a chapter I kind of forget about placing everything right , sorry if it bothers you
Yeah you're right I researched about it since but I want to know you guys general view of it I know it has just been introduced but I want to know what your expecting from it .

Scheduled vote count started by DivineAlM on Apr 6, 2022 at 10:09 AM, finished with 10 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Tenma Māra : You have gained absolute enlightenment upon your desires gaining the Truth has just stimulated your sin of lust you have acquired the Principle of Rebirth from God , you hold with your soul All The Worlds Desires , your reason for being is to experience all the pleasures you wanted to taste the pleasures of Sukhāvatī - Heavens Hole and womb of the earth all things would be yours the stars , planets , females , treasures you shall ravage them as you are the aspect of Divine Vanity . Grants access to the pleasures of time , space , reality and even God .
Sorry for not updating I will try to do it soon I am sorry for that.
Affairs In Heaven.
I can feel the bridge of Truth I am the Alpha and Omega I encompass the Beginning and the End I hold the Truth of creation and I'm the creator of the heaven and the Earth.

The shattering of the boundaries of reality and dreams is part of the act of Judgement I have brought forth from my holy place the execution of villainy and filth of humanity there own delusions will be the one that will lead to there end .

My Raison D'être is God so that means I am him I hold Authority over the vacant throne of an ancient primordial being I gaze through the abyss and laugh at the Elders I felt someone taking away my principle of Desires and I shall course countless sorrows upon him.

The Divine Omnipotence of God shall curse his fate and Destiny into nothing but Destruction I decree and so shall it be .

" Amen !!!! ".
Is just something that I just added for know it isn't relevant to the story for now only at the end of the quest will you guys understand as of now just lie brain dead in confusion.👍
Time For Boons.
You have reached a point in the quest were you will have to choose another class and power so yeah.

[Choose Two Soul Attribute]

[] Infatuation

[] Contradiction

[] Fiction

[] Violence

[] Oblivion

[] Ignorance

[ Pick A Sub Class ]

[] Rakshasa : You are in essence a demon from the depths of Naraka your very body has become spiritual and you are now an incarnation of Malignancy.
- Nirvana : A state of spiritual enlightenment that has become evolved due to your Truth. Grants an auto success to all Spirit Check(Reduced due to Debuff Broken Soul).

- Adamas : Your state of physical transcendence embracing the Truth has evolved your body beyond belief. Grants a +50 to all Body Check's and an Auto pass to one Attack.

- Mantra : A state of mythical ascension that allows for magical incantations.Grants a +35 to all Supernatural and Mind Check.

[] Einherjar : You have died and be resurrected as a new entity, you have conquered death and your path is filled with endless war

- Resurrection : Grants 3 chances for resurrection after death.

- Perpetual Motion : You possess nigh unlimited stamina allowing for massive feat of endurance. Grants a +100 to all Body Check.

- Light Of Gold : ???. Increases the chance of killing one's opponent by 100%.

[] Hadou : you have seen the Truth of the world and now you shall emanate your immutable Truth across the world.

- Embrace : you submit the souls of multiple people within your Truth allowing the use of there Powers , Skills or Truths.

- Crash : you can change the shape of the world in a limited manner breaking the form of creation and creating irregularities.

- Seedling : Increases the strength and amplification of your Raison D'être and stimulates the chances of evolution of your desires.
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This isn't Shinza related I'm just borrowing some words and concepts but other than that yeah.