[X] Plan: Consolidation
-[X] Breadth
-[X] Praes will rebuild, stronger than ever
-[X] A new age of Evil, unburdened by the blinders of the past
-[X] All of Calernia will learn to fear the name Insidia
-[X] Reorganize your Troops
-[X] [Empress] Recruiting Drive
--[X] Additional Action
-[X] Hold Court
-[X] Hold a Coronation
-[X] Disappear Agitators
-[X] Peruse the Tower's Secrets
-[X] Raise the Dead
-[X] [Apprentice] Train Mages
--[X] Additional Action

  • Power, progress, and legitimacy.
  • We need to reorganise our troops, and we need more of them. Without these two actions everything else becomes harder, and we'll be more vulnerable to attack.
  • We need to start getting a grip on our realm by holding court so that we can understand exactly what's going on in our realm, and what issues there are that we need to fix.
  • We need to be crowned and also purge the opposition against us, so that we can legitimise and stabilise our rule and new regime. If we want to go to war against our neighbours and bring them into the fold then we need to make sure that potential rebels are dealt with.
  • For Raise the Dead and Train Mages we need more troops and wizards.
  • Peruse the Tower's Secrets because there's an awful lot that could be useful in there.
Inserted tally

Vote called.

Was working over the weekend, and it continues to be an issue, but it should calm down over the next few days. Will start on the next update tonight.
Adhoc vote count started by KreenWarrior on Mar 8, 2020 at 4:04 AM, finished with 10 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan Undeath & Taxes
    -[X] Breadth
    -[X] Praes will rebuild, stronger than ever
    -[X] A new age of Evil, unburdened by the blinders of the past
    -[X] All of Calernia will learn to fear the name Insidia
    -[X] Enact an Imperial tax on undeath. (Stewardship DC: 15)
    -[X] Reinforce the Steppes
    -[X][Empress] Make Overtures to the Eyries (The goblin Matrons are cunning and manipulative, which means they can be bargained with. Better to approach them with the carrot as well as the stick. (Cost: 500, Turns: 2, DC: 35)
    --[X] Focused Attention
    -[X] Hear Petitions
    -[X] Investigate the Mournful Maiden
    -[X] [Apprentice] Study Name Lore - Heroes
    -[X] Train Mages
    [X] Plan: Strong Foundations
    -[X] Breadth
    -[X] Praes will rebuild, stronger than ever
    -[X] Honor to Insidia
    -[X] Loyalty shall be rewarded
    -[X] Reorganize your Troops
    -[X][Empress] Reinforce the Steppes
    -[X] Hold Court
    -[X] Sponsor Public Works
    -[X] Investigate the Mournful Maiden
    -[X] Study Name Lore - Heroes
    -[X] Raise the Dead
    -[X] [Apprentice] Train Mages
    [X] Plan: Consolidation
    -[X] Breadth
    -[X] Praes will rebuild, stronger than ever
    -[X] A new age of Evil, unburdened by the blinders of the past
    -[X] All of Calernia will learn to fear the name Insidia
    -[X] Reorganize your Troops
    -[X] [Empress] Recruiting Drive
    --[X] Additional Action
    -[X] Hold Court
    -[X] Hold a Coronation
    -[X] Disappear Agitators
    -[X] Peruse the Tower's Secrets
    -[X] Raise the Dead
    -[X] [Apprentice] Train Mages
    [X] Plan Military Build-Up
    -[X] Breadth
    -[X] Praes will rebuild, stronger than ever
    -[X] A new age of Evil, unburdened by the blinders of the past
    -[X] All of Calernia will learn to fear the name Insidia
    -[X] Enact an Imperial tax on undeath. (Stewardship DC: 15)
    -[X] Reorganize your Troops
    -[X] [Empress] Recruiting Drive
    --[X] Additional Action
    -[X] Negotiate with Aksum
    -[X] Hold a Coronation
    -[X] Infiltrate Aksum
    -[X] Study Praes History
    -[X] Raise the Dead
    -[X] [Apprentice] Train Mages
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Update #5
This took me far longer than it should have. Although I was only directly impacted by the pandemic yesterday by my work shutting down temporarily, it's changed my routines and made it difficult to clear my head for writing. I hope I will be able to continue this at a better pace in the weeks ahead.

Train Mages - Breadth

You have sent your mages to Ater and to other lands in your control on a recruiting spree, focusing on any who have talent, significant or otherwise. As your reign has become more steady, and your number of mages have increased, you are starting to find more at your disposal. (Gain +40 mages of lesser talent, +5 mages of significant talent)

Court Speech

As those assembled mingle, you let the wine work its magic on those assembled, let people gain each other's measure, and make your introductions to those of significance present.

At the appropriate moment, you stand. Your presence ripples out through those assembled, a trick of your Name enhancing your natural skill, drawing the eye like a magnet.

"I bid you welcome, one and all, to a new age." Behind the smoke that clouds the room, you see eyes widen, eyebrows rise, mouths tighten, as people take in your bold declaration. "The War of Thirteen Tyrants and One is over. Let it mark the end of the era of Praes's most deadly weapons and most dangerous schemes being turned against itself. Let it see the cessation of our sons and daughters being fed into a vast infernal device for the production of our own ruination. Let now mark the moment at which we cast our eyes outwards, rather than inwards, when we rain our deadly spells and unsheathe our swords with all the might of Below behind us."

It will not escape anyone's notice that perhaps half of Praes is still 'outwards' at this stage. But one hopes that they will take comfort that they are here with you.

"We will move forward together. Calernia has laughed at us these past years, as claimant after claimant has come forward for the Name of Tyrant. No more shall they do so. We will make Praes into an Empire once more to be Dreaded. Like the Tower we will rise until even the Heavens shall quake in fear of us. And I shall be its face. From this day forward, I vow, that all of Calernia will learn the name of Insidia!"

There is applause and murmurs of approval - this is not the type of crowd for raucous cheering. But there is a weight to your words, and you know that all here will remember them. Good. Let them.


KreenWarrior: Tax Undeath 1 [ 1d100+21 = 44 ] (Success)
KreenWarrior: Tax Undeath 2 [ 1d100+21 = 107 ] (Greater Critical Success)
KreenWarrior: Reinforce the Steppes [ 1d100+20 = 71 ] (Success)
KreenWarrior: Overtures to the Eyries [ 1d100+42 = 67 ] (Success)
KreenWarrior: Hear Petitions 1 [ 1d100+21 = 85 ] (Greater Success)
KreenWarrior: Hear Petitions 2 [ 1d100+21 = 86 ] (Greater Success)
KreenWarrior: Investigate the Mournful Maiden [ 1d100+28 = 109 ] (Greater Critical Success)
KreenWarrior: Study Name Lore - Heroes [ 1d100+13 = 101 ] (Greater Critical Success)
KreenWarrior: Train Mages [ 1d100+22 = 119 ] (Greater Critical Success)

Tax Undeath - Greater Critical
It was said by an ancient Atalantan philosopher that under the rule of men entirely just, the pen is mightier than the sword. You find that on occasion, the same is true in lands where justice does not hold sway.

So the vampire wishes to evade your will? You will be elegant in your mercy. Let his very existence be at your sufferance.

At the stroke of the scribe Fabian's pen, an enactment is made. Throughout Praes, existence as an undead shall be subject to taxation by Imperial decree.

Lord Nagi delivers a letter penned with his compliments at your countermove, and his appropriate share of the taxes. While there are a few other undead lords puttering around the Empire, and you will press the issue on a case by case basis, you mostly remember it as an amusing interlude.

A week later, however, you wake to find a worn leather bag in your chambers, a collection of ancient silver coins spilling onto your table. A chill runs through your veins as you recognize the insignia stamped upon them.


The Dead King has sent you tribute, in accord with the tax. Does this mean that in some form, he exists within your lands? Or an agent?

Your Name gives you a touch of insight into such gestures, and you do not think it is an unfriendly one. Amused, and perhaps a warning as well.

(Relations Improved with Keter)

Hear Petitions - Greater Success
There are many treatises on power. Some say power comes from blades, others from magic, others from coin, others from controlling the means of production or the source of food. The truth, you muse, may be that power is a web, and you cannot neglect any single part of it. And so, in an unusual step for a Tyrant, you choose to take time to speak to the lowborn, and designate a few hours each month to hear from the common folk of Ater.

They are Praesi, through and through. You hear tales of treachery and deceit played out on the small scale of home and shop rather than manor and province, but no less vicious because of it. You hear of the hardships caused by the war. Just being heard, just listening, is enough to start the whispers.

Insidia is different. Insidia cares.

(Unrest in Ater Reduced by 2. Gained Improved Relations with Lowborne Faction)

Reinforce the Steppes - Success
"When the Steppes call, the Wasteland will answer," you tell Gabr. "I will not stomach the slaying of orcs by Deoraithe."
"Careful words, Empress." He studies you. You have little experience with orcs - they were never part of the alliances you led. But your Name gives you whispers of insight into him, even so. He is amused by you, and your statement, but is cautious. "Under the reign of some Tyrants, more orcs have died at Soninke and Taghrebi hands than Wallerspawn."

"Ritual sacrifices." You're aware of how orcs have been used in that way. It is a tragedy of their kind - their lives are stronger fodder, body for body, than any human, and they have fewer mages to do the cutting themselves.

"And that is only the beginning. We should talk more, Empress. But words are cheap. If you want orcs to fight for you, speak with your steel." You hold the orc's gaze and he gives you a nod, then departs.

At your command, seven hundred and fifty men ride north to the steppes, little enough, but also perhaps more than you can spare. But no lesser gesture will do, and the orcs will be needed, to make Praes whole again.

They are greeted with caution, but not with hostility. It has been a long time since men have ridden to the Steppes with the intent to aid, rather than to take from the orcs in lives or silver. Quietly, word spreads of your deed among them. The greenskins know they have an ally in Ater who honors their word.

(500 light infantry, 150 heavy infantry, 100 light cavalry deployed to the Steppes. Relations with the Orcs Improved )

(Continued next turn)

Overtures to the Eyries - Success
A group of ten soldiers and one diplomat ride slowly into the rocky terrain. The sun hangs low in the sky. The Dread Empress's emissary, a Soninke soldier with a silver tongue named Inaya, raises a hand. "I think we're done for the day."

The burly Taghrebi pulls up next to him. "We could press further."

Inaya looks puzzled "It would be dangerous in the dark, no? The goblins could see in the dark, while we would be blind."

Hira laughs. "It is just as dangerous in the day, here. This is their territory. We've been at the sufferance of the goblins for the last five miles, if not more."

Inaya pales slightly, but nods. "Then they're waiting and seeing what we do. Let us make camp, and leave space for them to join us."

The party makes a fire, and at Inaya's word leave only token sentries. They roast the goat that was shot earlier in the day, and leave a deliberate space at the fire for others to join.

None do. When the party wakes, they are bound and in goblin hands.

The messengers sent to the Eyries return without their horses, nearly naked. You understand that this is not actually a rejection of your offer, but rather a strong opening position by the matrons. The next envoys are sent with a larger party, and talks are begun

In order to continue diplomacy with the matrons, they demand a meeting in person, in their lands. You can expect heavy concessions will be demanded, because they know the weakness of your current position, but getting the goblins on your side would get you sappers and scouts that you badly need.
(Relations with the Eyries Improved)

(Continued Next Turn)

Study Name Lore - Heroes [Apprentice] - Greater Critical Success

What makes a hero? Those of Procer call heroes Chosen and the Dominion of Levant call it Bestowal, implying the grace of the Gods Above. The Praesi and the Callowans, on the other hand, unite both heroes and villains under the title of Named, and understand that both serve Roles in the world, however different those Roles may be.

While the Gods Below generally do not offer aid, only bargain, the Gods Above are not afraid to put their finger on the scales. Heroes are both birthed from and aided by providence. They will be guided to secret weaknesses and given reminders at critical moments of what they are fighting for.

Ultimately, villains choose to trust in their own strength to make that change. Heroes choose to have faith in ideals.

Duha has never been a creature of ideals, not truly. She was born with a talent for magic and would likely have never gotten a chance to explore it had she not taken the opportunity to join her fortunes to a visiting Soninke noblewoman named Galina.

Much like villains, heroes are born from stories, from events coalescing around an existing (or more rarely nascent) Role. Though the opportunities are heavily weighted by culture, Praes can spawn heroes just as other lands can give rise to villains, especially when the land is in turmoil.

In studying accounts of heroic deeds, Duha begins to understand how heroes function best in battle - for example, they are almost guaranteed to get a second wind in a test of endurance, and an undefined aspect will almost certainly manifest as a dagger aimed at a villain's throat.

(Apprentice gains Hero Killer - +5 to actions against Heroes.)

Duha also finds several references to a Name that arises in varying ways throughout the history of Calernia - the Wandering Bard. The Bards are often present at or before pivotal moments, but never noted to act directly.

(Hints to Mystery of the Intercessor unlocked)

Train Mages - Greater Critical
Your recruiting campaigns yield surprising success. It appears that there are indeed many of middling talent in Ater and the outlying provinces, and your relaxation of the standards of the Legions has led to people flocking for opportunities.

(Gained +25 mages of lesser talent, +5 per turn omgoing until further notice)

Indeed, you have had such an influx that you have been able to sift through your talent for those with special interests.

Namely, your Listeners.

Your secret police need magical backing, and you begin second ing promising mages from your army, those with talent in illusion and murderous magic, to special classes. Soon enough their loyalty is evaluated, and thankfully none are found wanting… so far.

(The Listeners now have espionage trained mages in the ranks)

Investigate the Mournful Maiden
The Maiden finishes her song, and retires to her room. She's no longer surprised to see the shabbily dressed woman in her room, taking a swig out of her flask.

"You can't keep doing this, you know." She sighs.

The Maiden shakes her head. "I don't know what you mean."

"Look, I don't even have a game running here right now - but I'd hate to see yourself get killed before you even know what you're here for, so I figured I'd put a hand in." The Bard leaned forward. "First, you probably want to learn to stop putting so much of your aspect into your performances - you're leaving too many people wanting to kill themselves, and professionally I'll tell you that's bad for business. But more importantly, you took the Name for more than singing in taverns. You made a choice."

The Bard takes another swig. "Like I said, this isn't my game, it's yours. But if all you wanted was to kill two soldiers and one captain, and make people feel sad by singing in taverns, the Name would have faded by now. Actually, you wouldn't have gotten it in the first place."

Meraud fidgeted a little. "I just want to make people stop fighting. I hate soldiers. Isn't that enough?" It sounds weak even to her ears. Or perhaps… incomplete.

The Bard's waves her hand impatiently. "No one hates 'soldiers'. That's not personal. And your Name is as personal as it gets. Who are you really mourning, Meraud? Where does your Name come from?"

"I…" she remembers now, more of the memory of the night where she wept over Piran's body. Something she had been holding back came crashing over her. Not one face of one village boy, but hundreds, thousands, going back centuries.

Centuries of domination. Occupation.

Village boys dying at the hands of soldiers. Village boys being dragged off to war. Village boys having their throats opened for rituals. Girls too. Old men. Children. Death and blood.

The Duni had been ruled by the hands of others for a very long time. They had bloodied their lives and souls in the fields of battle and bloodied their hands in the fields to grow food for an Empire in which they had little voice. They were all but forgotten, a footnote in Imperial history except for the rare occasion they produced a Named.

Meraud realized she was singing, in a language whose words she didn't know. But she felt the grief of it, the same grief that had rocked her on the day her lover had died when two men had fought over her and he had died to protect her from them.

The Bard sighed. "The Soninke conquered your kind long before the Miezans conquered them. Stamped out most of your culture and even your language. That's what this is about. In the end, it always comes down to blood. Especially for Callowans. Well, same ancestors."

Meraud rocks slowly on the floor, not even realizing she'd fallen. She looks up at the woman in front of her. "How do you know this?"

"Does it matter? I get around. ...shit." She paused, listening to the air. "Out the window. No time to explain."
Sava of Foramen, recently of the Listeners of Dread Empress Insidia, had been finding the Mournful Maiden no difficulty at all to track. Sava had grown up in the streets of Foramen, and had been a gutter rat before her talent had been spotted by a travelling mage and forcefully apprenticed- she'd killed him and sold her talents for a time before signing up with the Legions, and now she was one of the Empress's hidden hands.

She had a knack for blending in, for disarming people, and the Green Stretch was welcoming enough, willing enough to gossip even with a foreigner. The woman had been travelling from tavern to tavern, performing songs that left the audiences in tears, but willing to pay. A few soldiers and mercenaries had hung up their swords and armor after hearing her song, and some had joined the villages Sava had passed, toiling among the farmers.

A strange Name, that one. Sava had decided she shouldn't expose herself to it if she couldn't avoid it. She'd been trained in basic mental wards as part of her induction into the Listeners, but that might not stand up to an aspect, even used lightly.

When she saw two figures in the Maiden's room that night as she spied from the alleyway, she still decided to risk an eavesdropping spell. And she heard the start of a very interesting conversation, and then the Maiden lapse into silence, and start to Sing in a language that had not been heard in centuries

She saw too, what Meraud saw, or perhaps felt it. The notes, an ancient forgotten melody of a people whose bones had become the land, worming their way into her soul. A litany of oppression, a boot that had become almost comfortable resting against the neck of a people who had grown to accept it.

And then Insidia's Speaking rose in her mind. "Should you become compromised in your pursuit of the Maiden, Sava, burn out your magic immediately." The Tyrant had known that a deadly Speaking could not be maintained in a mind long term without consequence, but a lesser command could be, and was needed from what they knew of the Maiden.

Aspect versus aspect dueled in Sava's mind. Sing was sweet - it spoke of beauty and peace and perhaps even hope. Rule was dark and bitter, but there was a satisfaction in bitterness - to spit in your enemies eye as you tumbled down the cliff together.

Sava was Taghrebi. Praesi through and through. She made her choice, and embraced her Empress's Rule whole-heartedly.

Sava - now Agent - burned the cloying sweetness out of her mind, and most of her magic with it. But what she had she formed into a knife, and she went hunting. Through the door, and up the stairs…

(You have acquired a new Named)

Birthname: Sava of Foramen
Name: Agent (+5 Martial, +5 Intrigue)

  • None yet manifested

Martial: 14 +1 +5 = 20
Diplomacy: 10 +1 = 11
Intrigue: 14 +1 +5 = 20
Learning: 11
Mysticism: 13 +1 = 14

Burned Out Mage: +1 Martial, +1 Mysticism
Gutter Rat +1 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy
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So the Mage-Network can be used to store conditional Spoken commands? That has a lot of potential for sleeper agents. And getting a new Named out of finding the Mournful Maiden is pretty sweet. But I'm afraid that those two Named are now intertwined, considering that Sava got it right after she heard the Song that represents the Maiden's goal.
Update #5.5
So the Mage-Network can be used to store conditional Spoken commands? That has a lot of potential for sleeper agents. And getting a new Named out of finding the Mournful Maiden is pretty sweet. But I'm afraid that those two Named are now intertwined, considering that Sava got it right after she heard the Song that represents the Maiden's goal.
Yep. Conditional Speaking is a thing (Black could layer 5 commands together) and Insidia can Speak remotely - though it's more attenuated. In this case, Sava submitted to it willingly as part of her training so it was quite strong.

Sava is recalled to Ater and debriefed in detail about what occurred - she ran into the Maiden's room in the inn to find her having escaped out the window, and when Sava tried to knife her in the street, the Maiden called on her aspect to cause a mob to fight Sava. Both the Maiden and Agent escaped with wounds, serious but non life-threaening. Insidia and Duha share a glance, and begin to speak to Sava of what it means to be Named, and in particular, the binding together of fates known as the Rule of Three...

Agent and the Maiden are bound together by fate to share in three conflicts - one a draw, one a victory, one a defeat. Their first meeting, by Insidia and Duha's judging, was a draw. Strictly speaking, a Rule of Three is not unbreakable, but fate (personified by me, your humble QM) will endeavor to conspire to see that it occurs.

Treasury: 6450
Income: 3,600

Martial - Choose Zero

[] Legion Reforms
Your Legions have, to an extent, stabilized on their own, their officers taking care of the tasks of making a functional army out of the remnants of battle. However, they could still benefit from additional training and orgnaization. Years of war have taught many lessons. (Cost: 500, Turns: 2, DC:25, Reward: Improved Legion Stats)

[] Recruiting Drive
Soldiers are beginning to volunteer to serve under the new Empress, but so far it is more of a trickle than a flow due to the strain of the plague and recent wars on the populace. (Cost: 500, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Reward: Recruit additional fores)

[] Establish a Personal Guard
Your troops have been more than blooded in battle and you have a strong corps of veterans at your disposal. You could establish an elite force answerable directly to you rather than to your generals (Note: This option can be selected multiple times. If selected by a hero unit, this creates a guard for that character. Cost: 500, Turns: 1, DC: 25, Rewards: Create Personal Guard)

[] Raid Hospes
Send forces out of Ater and Satus to harry the province of Hospes and intimidate the merchant lords and grain factors who hold sway there. Fear will bring them in line. (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC: 25, Reward: Destabilized Hospes)

[] Besiege Aksum
Aksum is close to Ater and a thorn in your side, having backed Voss in the war. Aksum's has built up its defenses but it must still be dealt with. (Cost: 2,000 Turns: 2, DC: 65, Reward - New Province)

[] Marshal Forces Near the Gray Eyries

The goblins are ever opportunistic and inclined to skirt Imperial authority. Based on how events unfolded, they likely knew the War was coming before many in the Empire did. Goblins are practical and understand force, and sending forces to Taghreb and Satus to harry them could prepare for invasion or intimidate them into rejoining you. (Cost: 500, Turns: 2, DC: 35, Reward: Increased defenses against the Grey Aeries, Future Martial actions more effective)

[X] Reinforce the Steppes (Locked for One Turn)

Sending men to to the Steppes would decrease your available forces at a time when you are vulnerable, but would impress the orcs and perhaps help bring them painlessly back into your reign. (Cost: 1,000, Turns: 2, DC 35, Reward: Improved relations with the Steppes)

[] Put Down the Mournful Maiden and her Duni Rebellion
A heroic Named cannot be allowed to work unopposed in the region. Send forces to oppose her and crack down on any incidents she may cause. (Cost: 1,000, Turns: 2, DC:

Diplomacy: Choose Zero
[] Hold Court
There are still some nobles in Ater. Time to issue a summons to the Tower and find out the lay of the land.
(Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC 25, Rewards: ???)

[X] Make Overtures to the Eyries (Locked for One Turn)
The goblin Matrons are cunning and manipulative, which means they can be bargained with. Better to approach them with the carrot as well as the stick. (Cost: 500, Turns: 2, DC: 35)

[] Make Overtures to Thalassina
Thalassina is the Empire's largest port and naval trade hub, and has remained largely neutral in the War. Its High Lord, Eniola, has profited hugely off the War by selling to all sides. You could begin negotiations to bring them back into the fold. (Cost: 0, Turns: 2, DC 35)

[] Negotiate with Aksum
Aksum is in a vulnerable position and knows it. You could in your infinite benevolence begin negotiating their surrender - but it would give them time to regroup. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC 50 Rewards: Improved Relations with Aksum)

[] Send an Emissary to Helike
Setrakian has removed himself to Helike, but there are still ties between the two of you. Maintaining relations could prove profitable in a variety of ways. (Cost: 500, Turns: 1, DC: 25, Rewards: Improved Relations with Helike, ???)

Stewardship: Choose One
[] Hold a Coronation
Although the city has grown used to you as Empress now, a public spectacle could still solidify your rule over the city.
(Cost: 1,500, Turns: 1, DC 10, Rewards: Reduce Unrest, ???)

[] Hear Petitions
The tradition of hearing petitions directly from subjects has gone in and out of favor among Tyrants. You could gain favor from the common folk by listening to their concerns. (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards: Decreased Unrest, ???)

[] Sponsor Public Works
Ater has been bloodied by fighting and riot over the years of the War, especially the last battle fought around the Tower. Spending some time and money would help make the capital functional again. (Cost: 1,000, Turns: 2, DC 10, Rewards: Reduce Unrest, Increase Income)

[] Create a Central Tax Authority
Traditionally, taxes are collected by local lords and funneled into your coffers as tribute. This has many ineffeciencies, but it does get the job done. You have heard that among the Free Cities, tax collection is more centralized. That would be difficult over an Empire, but not impossible. (Cost: 2,000, Turns: 4, DC: 50, Rewards: Increased tax collection across the Empire)

[] Further Improve the City's Walls
Apprentice has enhanced the city's walls, but they could be made into something truly fearsome. Continue further with her work. (Cost: 2000, Turns: 2, DC: 10, Rewards: Further improved defenses)

[] Appoint a Governor to Satus
With the rise of the Mournful Maiden, it is likely this province will soon become a serious issue for you. In your foresight, you can dispatch a skilled governor to the region who may be able to keep the fledgling Named in check for a time. (Cost: 500, Turns: 1, DC: 35, Rewards: Inhibit Heroic Activity in Satus)

[] Appoint a Chancellor
There are stirrings that you should choose your Chancellor soon - as of yet, no more than stirrings, but you should start to consider your options. Appointing a Chancellor will make running Praes easier, but Chancellors are ever a dagger ready to strike down a Tyrant that shows weakness. (Cost: 1,000, Turns: 1, DC: 0, Rewards: Chancellor Named)

Intrigue: Choose Two (Mark one with [Agent])
[] Investigate Members of Your Court
The art of intrigue is knowing what's really going on behind the scenes. Diplomacy will only take you so far. Have your spies investigate those in your court and find the hidden levers that you will need to manipulate them. (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC: 25, Rewards: Further Information on court factions)

[] Investigate Those in Service to You
'Iron sharpens iron' is a traditional motto of Praes. You cannot fully trust anyone, even those you hold close to you. If nothing else, investigation into your servants will give you security. (Note that this action, if taken by someone other than Insidia, may involve them investigating Insidia as well). (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC: 35, Rewards: Further Information on Advisors)

[] Infiltrate Wolof
Ater is under your control; it's time to look elsewhere. Of the provinces that remain in rebellion, Wolof is one of the most troublesome, as it is the ancient seat of Praesi sorcery. It would be wise to get eyes in the city as soon as possible. (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC 25, Rewards: Increased Information on Wolof)

[] Infiltrate Hospes
Hospes is the southern portion of the Green Stretch, north of goblin-held mountains and west of the Hungering Sands. It is largely run by merchants and smugglers here trade with the the Duchy of Liesse in Callow. The Green Stretch is vital to the Empire, so getting a foothold here is important. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards: Increased Information on Hospes, Future Intrigue actions more effectivee)

[] Infiltrate Aksum
It is always worthwhile to gain information on one's enemies. It would be easy to slip agents inside Aksum and learn more about activities there, and possibly act om targets of opportunity. (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC:10, Rewards: Increased Information on Aksum, Future Intrigue actions more effective)

[] Infiltrate Thalassina
You will need to take action against Thalassina sooner or later, as Praes's major port city. By placing men here, you will be placed not just to work in the province, but gain information and place agents in the Free Cities and beyond.

[] Hound the Mournful Maiden from the Shadows
The Maiden cannot be allowed to rest and recover. Harry her enough with assassins and mercenaries and perhaps she will leave your lands for a time, or you might strike a serious blow. (Cost: 500, Turns: 1, DC: 50, Rewards: Inhibit the Mournful Maiden's actions)

[] Infiltrate the Eyries
It's difficult to "infiltrate" the Eyries by placing agents there, as they are inhabited by goblins. However, goblin loyalties are not the same as human loyalties, and bribery would gain you information and possibly goblin agents. (Cost: 500, Turns: 1, DC: 25, Rewards: Increased Information on the Eyries, future Intrigue actions more effective)

Learning: Choose One

[] Peruse the Tower's Secrets
The Tower has been the home of madmen with tremendous magical resources for centuries. There are many hidden wonders to uncover here. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC 25, Rewards ???)

[] Study Praes History
Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. Study the actions of previous Tyrants and codify your knowledge of Praesi history. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC 25, Rewards: Imp)

[] Study Name Lore - Villains
It would be wise to make an examination of previous Tyrants and their abilities, and the nature of villains in general. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC 25, Rewards: Improved Stats, ???)

[] Study Name Lore - Heroes
Heroes are the bane of all who side with Below. Learn about their habits, how they are formed, and their strengths and weaknesses. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 35, Rewards: Improved Stats, ???)

[] Study the Gods Below
The Gods Below sponsor villains and are the patrons of Praes. It would be wise to make a study of what, exactly, they are. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 25, Rewards: ???)

Mysticism: Choose Two (Mark one with [Apprentice])

[] Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines
You have significantly improved your mage corps in the legion, but they are still somewhat uncoordinated. A serious look at the use of magic in battle, especially given your lightened restrictions on degree of talent, could pay dividends. (Cost: 0, Turns: 2, DC: 50, Reward: Mages under your command)

[] Establish Civilian Mage Training
Praes has long resisted widespread magical training, preferring to concentrate power in the hands of the aristocracy. You could change that for civilians as you have done for the legions. Create a civil service corp for mages under Imperial control. (Cost: 1,000, Turns: 2, DC: 50, Reward: Improved Stewardship Options)

[] Raise the Dead
There has been a desperate battle and years of warfare, and your troops are in need of reinforcement. Have your mages turn the corpses in the streets into undead for your use. (Cost: 0, Turns, 1, DC: 25, Rewards: Undead Troops)

[] Summon Devils
Undead are of limited value unless lead by a necromancer. Have your mages work to call up devils to round out your forces. (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC: 35, Rewards: Devil Troops)

[] Ward Ater
Have your mages work to enhance the city's magical defenses. A warded Ater means enemies will find it difficult to scry on you or land magical attacks, and will even help against mundane attacks. (Cost: 500, Turns: 2, DC: 25, Rewards: Increased defenses in Ater)

[] Experiment with Scrying Networks
Apprentice has managed to more or less stabilize links through small implanted mirrors that can be given to agents. Currently, this means that one member of the linked duo must be kept in a central location while the other can be sent out in the field. Enabling links that can connect in sequence or 'horizontally' would be more difficult, but allow for more flexibility. (Cost: 750, Turns: 3, DC 50, Rewards: ???)

[] Experiment with Sharing Magic Through Scrying Links
Apprentice believes that sorcery could potentially be worked through scrying links if both mages have the gift. The way she sells it to you, one mage could cast twice as many spells, or spells with twice the power. The reality is fraught with many more complications, but that's what research is for. (Cost: 750, Turns: 3, DC: 50, Rewards: ???)

[] Experiment with the Stone Circle on Objects
If Duha is correct, you may be able to use the Stone Circle to bring energy or matter from Arcadia into Creation. Investigate the possibilities of infusing Arcadian energy for the creation of artefacts. (Cost: 1,000, Turns: 2, DC 35, Rewards: ???)

[] Experiment with the Stone Circle on People
If Duha is correct, you may be able to use the Stone Circle to bring energy or matter from Arcadia into Creation. Investigate the possibilities of infusing Arcadian energy for the empowerment of individuals. (Cost: 1,000, Turns: 2, DC 50, Rewards: ???)

Personal Actions: Choose One(Designate with [Empress])

[] Focused Attention
Devote additional time to any one task. Double the cost and the modifiers for the action in question.

[] Rush
Devote additional time and resources to a task to finish it more quickly. Double the cost and halve the time of an action.

[] Additional Action
Take an additional action in any category, using your statistics.

[] Train with Agent
Sava's Name is one that favors the shadows and a strike from hiding. Hone your skills with her to both your benefit. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards; Increase Martial or Intrigue, Improved Advisor)

[] Train With Apprentice
Duha's Name offers her insights into sorcery that you will likely never be able to match, and her studies over the past few years have lead to her picking up interesting lore. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards: Increased Mysticism or Learning, Improve Advisor).

[] Hero Hunt - Mournful Maiden
Assassins and soldiers cannot be relied upon to put down a Named. You will need to put your hand in personally. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: ???, Rewards: Maiden Injured or Dead)

Advisor Actions:

Apprentice: Choose one (Designate with [Apprentice])

[] Focused Attention
Devote additional time to any one task. Double the cost and the modifiers for the action in question.

[] Rush
Devote additional time and resources to a task to finish it more quickly. Double the cost and halve the time of an action.

[] Additional Action
Take an additional action in any category, using your statistics.

[] Train with Agent
Sava's Name is one that favors the shadows. Hone your skills with her to both your benefit. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards; Increase Martial or Intrigue, Improved Advisor)

[] Hero Hunt - Mournful Maiden
Assassins and soldiers cannot be relied upon to put down a Named. You will need to put your hand in personally. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: ???, Rewards: Maiden Injured or Dead)

Agent: Choose one (Designate with [Agent])
[] Focused Attention
Devote additional time to any one task. Double the cost and the modifiers for the action in question.

[] Rush
Devote additional time and resources to a task to finish it more quickly. Double the cost and halve the time of an action.

[] Additional Action
Take an additional action in any category, using your statistics.

[] Train Yourself
Sava's is young to her name and she will need time to learn all it can do. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards; Improved Advisor)

[] Train With Apprentice
Duha's Name offers her insights into sorcery that you will likely never be able to match, and her studies over the past few years have lead to her picking up interesting lore. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards: Increased Mysticism or Learning, Improve Advisor).

[] Hero Hunt - Mournful Maiden
Assassins and soldiers cannot be relied upon to put down a Named. You will need to put your hand in personally. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: ???, Rewards: Maiden Injured or Dead)

Edit: As a reminder, Insidia gets one action in all categories, and one personal action. Hero units get at least one additional action in their favored category and at least one personal action (as stated, please designate with [Name] for advisor actions.) Modifiers are added directly.

With action's with higher DCs, please note that you can assign more than one Named to the action, just designate as such in the plan. Note that it may not always be to your advantage to do so when fighting heroes - you guys are too young to just stomp heroes offscreen like Black and Catherine, so we'll be going into narrative turns rather than just a single roll of the dice. The setup and situation will vary based on who you bring along (I welcome anyone who has a good argument to put it forth in the thread so I can keep it in mind!). More firepower is rarely going to hurt, but you're not guaranteed a curbstomp, especially with a Rule of Three in play.
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[X]Plan: Training before its to late
-[X] Appoint a Governor to Satus
-[X] Infiltrate Hospes
-[X] [Agent] Infiltrate Aksum
-[X] Study Name Lore - Villains
-[X] Raise the Dead
-[X] [Apprentice] Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines
--[X] Focused Attention
-[X] [Empress] Train With Apprentice
-[X] [Agent] Train With Apprentice

-[X] [Agent] Infiltrate Aksum
-[X] Raise the Dead

Spread the Hero Killer trait from Apprentice to the Empress and Agent
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[X]Plan: Training before its to late
-[X] Appoint a Governor to Satus
-[X] Infiltrate Hospes
-[X] Study Name Lore - Villains
-[X] [Apprentice] Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines
--[X] Focused Attention
-[X] [Empress] Train With Apprentice
-[X] [Agent] Train With Apprentice

Ngl not really sure what's a good plan, but I want this great quest to get more attention so copying the only vote I see 🤷‍♂️
[X] Plan Seeds of a New Management
-[X] [Stewarship] Appoint a Governor to Satus
--[X] If possible, elect a loyal Duni as governor.
-[X] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Hospes
-[X] [Intrigue: Agent] Infiltrate Aksum
-[X] [Learning] Study Name Lore - Villains
-[X] [Mysticism] Raise the Dead
-[X] [Mysticism: Apprentice] Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines
-[X] [Empress] Additional Action: Hold a Coronation
-[X] [Apprentice] Focused Attention: Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines
-[X] [Agent] Additional Action: Recruitment Drive

EDIT: Added more specifications towards the governor action... if anyone disagrees with the change or the QM deems that the specification can not be done, the change will be reverted.

[X]Plan: Training before its to late
-[X] Appoint a Governor to Satus
-[X] Infiltrate Hospes
-[X] Study Name Lore - Villains
-[X] [Apprentice] Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines
--[X] Focused Attention
-[X] [Empress] Train With Apprentice
-[X] [Agent] Train With Apprentice

Spread the Hero Killer trait from Apprentice to the Empress and Agent

Advisor actions are separate from other actions (so when it says "Choose Two (Mark One with [Agent]).", that means that for Intrigue, we take two actions. One is rolled with our Intrigue (28), the other is rolled with the Agent's Intrigue (20), and we can still have the Agent do one of their actions from Advisor actions, like Train with Apprentice, for example), which means that you are missing one Intrigue action and one Mysticism action.
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Yep. Basically, each of your Named is a specialist in a field, so they get one generalist action and one action specific to their field. As Tyrant, you get one action in each category and a personal action as well.
Hmmm I would have chosen having Agent [] Infiltrate Wolof since Wolof are the blood of the 1st Regicide. Their [Heir/ess'] & High Lords are always scheming assholes.

[X] Plan Seeds of a New Management
A Practical Guide to Evil quest? How did I miss something so awesome?

Chike sobbed as she watched the Captain's life bleed out on the ground. Then, somehow, cutting through the noise, she heard the soft, off-tune plucking of a lute, and saw a woman next to him, watching the Named. Stygian, he thought vaguely, "Well, this one is a piece of work, isn't she?" She sighed and took a drink out a battered flask. "Love's a real bitch."

Oh boy, the Bard is already appearing...

Lord Nagi delivers a letter penned with his compliments at your countermove, and his appropriate share of the taxes. While there are a few other undead lords puttering around the Empire, and you will press the issue on a case by case basis, you mostly remember it as an amusing interlude.

A week later, however, you wake to find a worn leather bag in your chambers, a collection of ancient silver coins spilling onto your table. A chill runs through your veins as you recognize the insignia stamped upon them.


The Dead King has sent you tribute, in accord with the tax. Does this mean that in some form, he exists within your lands? Or an agent?

Your Name gives you a touch of insight into such gestures, and you do not think it is an unfriendly one. Amused, and perhaps a warning as well.

(Relations Improved with Keter)

Yay! The biggest bad ever likes us, just like an adorable puppy to him... I'm not sure whether to be happy or terrified.

"I…" she remembers now, more of the memory of the night where she wept over Piran's body. Something she had been holding back came crashing over her. Not one face of one village boy, but hundreds, thousands, going back centuries.

Centuries of domination. Occupation.

Village boys dying at the hands of soldiers. Village boys being dragged off to war. Village boys having their throats opened for rituals. Girls too. Old men. Children. Death and blood.

The Duni had been ruled by the hands of others for a very long time. They had bloodied their lives and souls in the fields of battle and bloodied their hands in the fields to grow food for an Empire in which they had little voice. They were all but forgotten, a footnote in Imperial history except for the rare occasion they produced a Named.

Meraud realized she was singing, in a language whose words she didn't know. But she felt the grief of it, the same grief that had rocked her on the day her lover had died when two men had fought over her and he had died to protect her from them.

The Bard sighed. "The Soninke conquered your kind long before the Miezans conquered them. Stamped out most of your culture and even your language. That's what this is about. In the end, it always comes down to blood. Especially for Callowans. Well, same ancestors."

Interesting... very interesting... since her motivation is primarily all about the Duni not getting proper respect in the Praesi system, I wonder if we could make inroads by making the Duni more equal in the nation. We've already decided to make gestures to the Orcs, goblins, and the commoners - all outcasts from Praesi noble society. Essentially we've already decided to piss off the nobles (especially the traditional ones) so why not add another outcast group to the bunch? Mournful Maiden doesn't seem like an intrinsically heroic name either. If she could be turned, she would make a powerful ally.

Sava was Taghrebi. Praesi through and through. She made her choice, and embraced her Empress's Rule whole-heartedly.

Sava - now Agent - burned the cloying sweetness out of her mind, and most of her magic with it. But what she had she formed into a knife, and she went hunting. Through the door, and up the stairs…

(You have acquired a new Named)

Nice, an Intrigue based named. Good on us.

Sava is recalled to Ater and debriefed in detail about what occurred - she ran into the Maiden's room in the inn to find her having escaped out the window, and when Sava tried to knife her in the street, the Maiden called on her aspect to cause a mob to fight Sava. Both the Maiden and Agent escaped with wounds, serious but non life-threaening. Insidia and Duha share a glance, and begin to speak to Sava of what it means to be Named, and in particular, the binding together of fates known as the Rule of Three...

Agent and the Maiden are bound together by fate to share in three conflicts - one a draw, one a victory, one a defeat. Their first meeting, by Insidia and Duha's judging, was a draw. Strictly speaking, a Rule of Three is not unbreakable, but fate (personified by me, your humble QM) will endeavor to conspire to see that it occurs.

So we just have to make sure that her next encounter with the Maiden is a defeat (for us/Agent). Okay... how can that be twisted into a way to turn the Maiden? Hmm....

Well, the classic approach would be to have Agent attempt to turn the Maiden, fail (obviously) but then have the resulting seed of the idea torment the Maiden with doubt, until the next time of crisis comes, only for the Maiden to this time succumb...

It might even play into a possible aspect of Agent: Subvert
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So we just have to make sure that her next encounter with the Maiden is a defeat (for us/Agent). Okay... how can that be twisted into a way to turn the Maiden? Hmm....

The Answer:-
"The answer, of course, is providence," the abomination said. "You are here because that elusive golden luck of heroes told you I would be here to face you. And I am, in a sense. That is the rub, you see, when one relies on something one does not fully understand. If you do not know the rules, you do not know how they can be cheated."

"You cannot cheat the Heavens," Hanno snarled.

"Ah, but providence is a different matter," the villain said. "It is a force, you see, not an intelligence. It cannot reason. If the greater part of what is me is here before you, well, that is the guidance it will provide. Never warning you that a mind and a body are very different things until it is much, much too late."

And just like that it fell into place.

"You are in the other valley," the White Knight said.

"Praesi, Hanno, have so many flaws," the abomination mused. "Sometimes it seems as if it is all we have. Yet there is one among them that I always believed to be a virtue, in its own way. All it takes is the faintest hope we will get away with it, and we will sit across even the Gods, smile and lie."

"There is nowhere I will not reach you," Hanno replied quietly.

He dropped the abomination, and it did not even attempt to rise. Its lips quirked into a smile, thin and narrow and vicious. A blade-smile.

"Do enjoy your victory, White Knight," he said.

When Hanno's blade cut through his neck, the body already had empty eyes.
Callowan Interlude
So my hopes that being stuck indoors all day would lead to an increase in productivity were not but errant fancy. Instead I mostly anxiously refresh the news (and connect with people I hadn't talked to in a while, that was nice).

Working on the next update. In the meantime, have a Callowan Interlude:


Baxter II, King of Callow, was drunk in his dining hall. That was sadly not unusual these days He looked at his Wizard, and growled. "You should kill her."

Robert, Wizard of the West, sighed and shook his head. "Your Majesty, it would not be wise." I twas not the first time they had this discussion, and at least he knew the steps.

King Baxter slammed his goblet against the table, startling the servant who was standing nearby with the decanter of wine. "Praes is on the upswing again, after troubling no one but themselves for more than five years now. Kill this 'Insidia' and we could keep them in chaos for another year, maybe more. We need the time."

Robert briefly wondered what they needed the time for. Baxter had done little enough since taking the crown from his brother. Arguably, he had increased the flow of coin in the realm, but mostly to himself and a few other rich men. "We cannot afford a campaign in Praes. Procer is ready at our borders, their armies fresh from their skirmish with Bellerophon. If we strike to the west, they strike at us." Robert was not a military man, but he listened well enough to those who were.

King Baxter pushed the goblet aside and looked at Robert, his eyes focusing with irritation. "I'm not speaking of an army, damn you. You're a powerful Named, I know that much, and you have years of experience on her. I'm talking about you snuffing her out yourself. Go during the coronation, she had the gall to send us an invitation." Robert had seen it, a cordial, formal invitation to the event, observing the formalities due to foreign rulers to which Praes was not technically at war. It was not to be expected that anyone from a Good polity would accept.

"Your Majesty, this is a matter of Names, and Roles. An assassination by me during her coronation would not… work." The Kings of Callow sometimes bore Names, but not often, and Baxter had never had the necessary… weight, to claim one. He had been resentful of that fact, feeling he would never live up to his grandfather. Robert himself, a goldsmith's apprentice who had been plucked up and trained by the previous Wizard, found it difficult to understand the concept at first. But over ten years of bearing the Name, he had grown to know better than to dismiss it.

To accept an invitation and then betray it was the role of a Name bound to Below, not Above. Fate would conspire against him and in favor of Insidia, to his defeat and possibly his death. Even trying would risk damaging his Name. He demurred. "In truth, I do not believe I am up to the task. ." His talents lay towards aid, succor and creation, not dealing of death.

Baxter gave a loud "Hmph," but appeared mollified. He was always willing to listen to an argument based on the flaws of other people. His opinion of his Wizard would slip a little lower, the tension between them deepen just a little more. But it defused the argument for now.

"About the dragon in the south-east, sire-"

The King waived his hand. "Not tonight, Wizard. Go back to your books. Maybe some orphan boy will find a sword and kill the thing, eh? Like in the old days." He laughed and waived Robert away.

Robert's lips thinned as he departed. In a nation like Callow, steeped in centuries of heroism, that was not impossible. In fact, Robert found it more and more likely. An orphan boy or a third son might this very evening be uncovering a forgotten sword with a dragon-slaying enchantment or being given a special arrow by a passing faerie he beat in a riddle contest. Robert had heard of the like happening in modern Calernia, not just tales. More prosaically, one of the knightly orders might take a swing at the beast and succeed.

Robert saw implications there that Baxter didn't. A weak king, concerned mostly with the flow of silver and gold into his coffers and wine into his stomach. Enemies on both borders. A terrible beast making its lair in their lands. If a hero should rise and slay the monster, he would be propelled towards kingship like a bolt from a ballista.

Robert did not think Baxter would survive the aftermath.

Robert had considered trying to settle the matter himself, but he was concerned that he would be putting himself in the very place he feared, that of a peasantborn hero. But in any case, his Role was not that of a slayer of monsters. Should a hero arise, his Role should see him on their path, giving him counsel and magical assistance. But would that not be a betrayal of his duty? Where did the Wizard of the West's loyalties lie? To the King? To the Kingdom? Was his disappointment with Baxter making him see certainty where there were only shadows? Could he be loyal to a hero who he only thought would arise? If he aided that hero, would he be hastening the death of his King? Was that murder?

He did not go to his bed, knowing he could not sleep, but rather his workshop, and spent the night at work. He began to craft an amulet that would protect against dragonfire.

It felt like a dagger pointed at his King's back.
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Don't know if anyone noticed but the Askum DC has been going up, and it will probably continue to as we give them time to recover.

[X] Plan: Best defense is a good offense
-[X] [AGENT] Additional Action: Besiege Aksum
Aksum is close to Ater and a thorn in your side, having backed Voss in the war. Aksum's has built up its defenses but it must still be dealt with. (Cost: 2,000 Turns: 2, DC: 65, Reward - New Province)
-[X] [APPRENTICE] Additional Action: Appoint a Governor to Satus
With the rise of the Mournful Maiden, it is likely this province will soon become a serious issue for you. In your foresight, you can dispatch a skilled governor to the region who may be able to keep the fledgling Named in check for a time. (Cost: 500, Turns: 1, DC: 35, Rewards: Inhibit Heroic Activity in Satus)
--[X] Apprentice is a Duni, let her select a loyal Duni to be governor
-[X] Hold a Coronation
Although the city has grown used to you as Empress now, a public spectacle could still solidify your rule over the city.
(Cost: 1,500, Turns: 1, DC 10, Rewards: Reduce Unrest, ???)
-[X] Infiltrate Hospes
Hospes is the southern portion of the Green Stretch, north of goblin-held mountains and west of the Hungering Sands. It is largely run by merchants and smugglers here trade with the the Duchy of Liesse in Callow. The Green Stretch is vital to the Empire, so getting a foothold here is important. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC: 10, Rewards: Increased Information on Hospes, Future Intrigue actions more effectivee)
-[X] [Intrigue: AGENT] Infiltrate Aksum
It is always worthwhile to gain information on one's enemies. It would be easy to slip agents inside Aksum and learn more about activities there, and possibly act om targets of opportunity. (Cost: 250, Turns: 1, DC:10, Rewards: Increased Information on Aksum, Future Intrigue actions more effective)
-[X] Study Name Lore - Villains
It would be wise to make an examination of previous Tyrants and their abilities, and the nature of villains in general. (Cost: 0, Turns: 1, DC 25, Rewards: Improved Stats, ???)
-[X] [Mysticism: APPRENTICE] Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines
You have significantly improved your mage corps in the legion, but they are still somewhat uncoordinated. A serious look at the use of magic in battle, especially given your lightened restrictions on degree of talent, could pay dividends. (Cost: 0, Turns: 2, DC: 50, Reward: Mages under your command)
-[X] Raise the Dead
There has been a desperate battle and years of warfare, and your troops are in need of reinforcement. Have your mages turn the corpses in the streets into undead for your use. (Cost: 0, Turns, 1, DC: 25, Rewards: Undead Troops)
-[X] [EMPRESS] Focused Attention: Establish New Legion Mage Doctrines

Apprentice has good stewardship as well, and I think selecting a Duni to be governor will be a good first step to potentially subverting the Mournful Maiden
Ok, I've got a plan. We scour the vaults for the most Dragonslaying of all the dragonslayer weapons we have and offer it to an orphan, preferably one that has a grudge against the nobility and isn't that well-read (so they don't reject our offer because Praes) but has a sibling, preferably younger, in exchange for his magically sealed allegiance, along with an oath not to reveal it, and send him to kill the dragon. Our reason being that we want its scales/bones/blood/whatever because [insert reason here] and when the Orphan inevitably succeeds an gets a Name (hopefully one that doesn't give our involvement away) and everyone starts calling for his coronation, the king will see the writing on the wall and lash out, getting the sibling killed, sealing the king's fate and securing the Orphan's coronation. Then we give some Commands and BOOM, Callow is ours.

(This is a joke.)
Ok, I've got a plan. We scour the vaults for the most Dragonslaying of all the dragonslayer weapons we have and offer it to an orphan, preferably one that has a grudge against the nobility and isn't that well-read (so they don't reject our offer because Praes) but has a sibling, preferably younger, in exchange for his magically sealed allegiance, along with an oath not to reveal it, and send him to kill the dragon. Our reason being that we want its scales/bones/blood/whatever because [insert reason here] and when the Orphan inevitably succeeds an gets a Name (hopefully one that doesn't give our involvement away) and everyone starts calling for his coronation, the king will see the writing on the wall and lash out, getting the sibling killed, sealing the king's fate and securing the Orphan's coronation. Then we give some Commands and BOOM, Callow is ours.

(This is a joke.)

This is an ingenious plan, and we should totally do it. Apprentice can carry it out, she's Duni, which means she actually looks like she is from Callow, and can pass as the typical friendly wizard out to help the Callow youth in his heroic Dragonslaying.