Guys guys guys (ladies, and those who think the gender binary is lame)

We just had some serious scenes.

Zerby is totes gonna fill all our ooey gooey needs for adorkable stuff here in an update or two. It's called pacing and they're good at it.
Zerby is totes gonna fill all our ooey gooey needs
it's just a fascination you guys honest

[X] Suggest that Takara be released into Issachar's custody. He has his ranch, nice and isolated with plenty of time to keep an eye on them, and since Ljósingar already knows he's some sort of angel they might be inclined to trust in his abilities. And Issachar did say he'd help however he could. Maybe he can direct some of his 'being good to people' energies into Takara? You'll likely have to sweeten the pot a little somehow.
[X] Suggest that Takara be released into Issachar's custody. He has his ranch, nice and isolated with plenty of time to keep an eye on them, and since Ljósingar already knows he's some sort of angel they might be inclined to trust in his abilities. And Issachar did say he'd help however he could. Maybe he can direct some of his 'being good to people' energies into Takara? You'll likely have to sweeten the pot a little somehow.

Yeah, this seems like the best option here. I don't want to give up on Takara just yet.
[X] Suggest that Takara be released into Issachar's custody. He has his ranch, nice and isolated with plenty of time to keep an eye on them, and since Ljósingar already knows he's some sort of angel they might be inclined to trust in his abilities. And Issachar did say he'd help however he could. Maybe he can direct some of his 'being good to people' energies into Takara? You'll likely have to sweeten the pot a little somehow.

I think Isachaar is here to save Takara as much as Eldingar.
Apologies, but work is going to be going slow if at all for a while. I've got yet another move ahead of me and it's all very fraught - kind of a last-minute scramble thanks to a wonderful landlord - so that kind of stressful environment is not very conducive to writing. Thank you all in advance for your continuing patience.
Good luck with your moving troubles, and thanks for taking the time to tell us. When you're ready to resume in due time, I for one will still be here.
Very cute. How did you get the horns multicoloured like that?
The yarn I used had a flat rainbow nylon cord twisted around the main yarn plies. You could get the same effect by holding a variegated and solid colored yarn together and knitting with them as if they were one strand, though.'s been one billion years, but I'm finally done.

This is absolutely wonderful and I appreciate it so much. In fact it makes me really wish I had a computer that worked reliably and didn't have a sleep schedule completely fucked by moving so I could reward it properly with an update :p. But seriously thank you so much!
Holy crap


i want to hug it

do you have an etsy or something?

(is this the first quest to inspire fanart beyond pictures? This feels kind of historic)
Oh gosh, uh, well, I don't have an Etsy, although I'd be happy to just send it to you for the cost of shipping, assuming you live in the continental US and @ZerbanDaGreat doesn't call dibs.

This is absolutely wonderful and I appreciate it so much. In fact it makes me really wish I had a computer that worked reliably and didn't have a sleep schedule completely fucked by moving so I could reward it properly with an update :p. But seriously thank you so much!
Thank you! :D

And take your time! I know how hectic moving and stuff is.
[X] Tell them to just let Takara go. You don't care any more, or don't want to care, or something along those lines but the point is you want Takara out of your life. If Ljósingar lets them go they'll have to disappear, go into hiding and wait until whatever fuss got kicked up in the god community dies down. And, most likely, they'll never bother you again. You'll definitely have to bribe Ljósingar somehow to get them to agree to pardon.

Just found this and got all caught up, votes might already be tallied and render this decision pointless but I want to get my thoughts out there.


I don't think that locking Takara down is going to do anything.

Leaving them with Ljósingar is just cruel. Even from Eldingar's perspective, perpetual imprisonment seems like a harsh crime for jacking a map, and if we take the interludes into account it seems like they were aiming to do some good with it. I personally don't put property crimes high on my list of moral weights, and I can't back locking them up for it.

Dragging them back to either Eldingar's place or Issachar's is better, but only by degrees. It's still confinement, a gilded cage, and Takara doesn't seem like the type to eventually "come around" to a way of thinking. Forcing them into one place, into one role, seems like it would only make the relationship between them and Eldingar even more tense. Issachar may be literally an angel, but warden/prisoner interactions aren't a good way to start meaningful bonds.

That said, this choice means going the extra mile. Ljósingar's going to ask for Eldingar to fix what he broke at the very least, and probably a few more things besides. That's a lot of gold, and even with the windfall from the shipping resurgence, adventurer returns, and Lyrros's hoard it's going to hurt the ol' bedspread. That, and it's going to change the tone of Eldingar's relationship with Ljósingar, temporary as it is, and being known as the dragon who's okay with being stolen from won't be good. Mother certainly won't like it, and you can bet your bottom dollar that Ljósingar would spread the news about such an odd sight.

There are a lot of costs to letting Takara free, but I think it's worth it.

One. At the end of the day, Takara is on the map. That means something. What, precisely, I don't know, but I don't think it means Takara is Eldingar's enemy. They were one of the few figures who managed to get Eldingar out of his cave (metaphorically speaking), and did so leaving behind a net benefit. Maybe Takara is less like Jun-Ho and more like Makram, but you need both sorts in your life. Takara seems like they've been good to Eldingar, and that feels worth preserving.

Two. Issachar was right when he said that punishing Takara wouldn't make Eldingar happy. Too many shitty nights of sleep, a blown cover, and one draconic beating later, what does he have to show for his trip? Maybe a new boyfriend, no map, and a whole lot of worried partners back at his spire. Embracing the darker parts of his "be a dragon!" nature don't seem to be getting him anything worthwhile, and if the pattern holds that includes revenge.

Three. Takara's a person. Extended imprionment is bad. Life, even for dragons/shapeshifters/gods/angels/etc, seems too short to waste on a grudge. If you strip away the layers and reduce the choices down to their bare bones, I don't want to put someone in a cage for most of it.

So, yeah. There's my piece. Happy Questing.