(DnD 5e) Try Not To Drown

Well. I'm glad I had a cached version in an open tab. was able to take screenshots.
Fuckin' Mythweavers
Well after this unmitigated disaster, I've decided it represents somewhat of an opportunity. Should anyone wish to adjust their sheets somewhat, if their character wasn't playing as they liked and so on, I'll allow it. As long as the general character is kept intact it's fine.

Should anyone wish to just outright drop, this is a decent time to do it as well, as there will be some explanation both for your disappearance and for the reappearance of a new character showing up.
Well, it's not to bad a scenario. I have my stat rolls saved and can redistribute them, and after that its just a matter of retracing my steps feat and stat boost wise. I've also posted most of his important character data in thread and in convos on both SV and Discord, so its really not that bad a slip up.

Plus, I can perhaps use it as an excuse to move some stats around a bit. 21 AC has certain grown in appeal, as it let's me counter-frustrate erl. :V
Well, it's not to bad a scenario. I have my stat rolls saved and can redistribute them, and after that its just a matter of retracing my steps feat and stat boost wise. I've also posted most of his important character data in thread and in convos on both SV and Discord, so its really not that bad a slip up.

Plus, I can perhaps use it as an excuse to move some stats around a bit. 21 AC has certain grown in appeal, as it let's me counter-frustrate erl. :V
Mounted Combatant calls to you.
Should anyone wish to just outright drop, this is a decent time to do it as well, as there will be some explanation both for your disappearance and for the reappearance of a new character showing up.

I'm definitely not dropping; too much fun so far.

Probably take today and tomorrow to rewrite my sheet back up from a proto-version that didn't get wiped, assuming I don't just pass out again from how tiring this week's been.