What do you guys think about these colors for the usernames?


Things felt a little monochrome compared to other Conference Calls, probably from the depressed Mod kept his mouth shut.
I'm not sure if it's just my phone or if my eyes are really that bad. (Probably both.) But that purple is really hard to read.
A [Witch]'s Second Chance CH2 (Wandering Inn)
A [Witch]'s Second Chance Ch2

There was an Inn on a hill.

All two stories of it stood in pristine condition with a high roof and its chimney cheerily churning out smoke. The wood was freshly scrubbed, free of mold and rot, practically gleamed in its contrast to the burnt settlement around it. Someone had obviously worked hard on its upkeep and maintenance.

Or had enough high level skills to clean up the mess. And Erin Solstice certainly had the levels and the skills.

It was just rare that she was motivated enough to use them.

"Dead gods, that sucked!" She complained, slumping onto a freshly cleaned tabletop. "I really need to hire people again cause UGH."

Though that might take some time, first she needed customers. And to get customers she needed… Well, she needed a lot of things. Food, advertisement, entertainment, but all of that came after getting the Inn ready.

And she made some pretty good progress if she did say so herself.

"But it was sooo hard." She had forgotten how nasty the Inn had been the first time around. How had she managed to clean the place up the last time? Even with her Skills she had to put some actual elbow grease into getting the place into acceptable levels… Did she get it to acceptable levels last time?

Erin Solstice quickly lied to herself and decided that her standards had just been raised since the old days. That was definitely it. No other reason.

Leaning back in the freshly repaired and cleaned chair she looked towards the ceiling. "What now?" She wondered. There was so much to do, so much to prepare for. So much to stop. Where could she even start? "Inn's clean so the next thing I should do is…"

Her eyes trailed with her voice, falling to a far corner of the room that she had been stubbornly ignoring. There a door with iron bands stood, unassuming in its mundanety, unless one knew the truth to the wonder that laid beyond.

It offered sanctuary and heartbreak in equal measure.

And she didn't feel like having her heartbroken right then. So she opened another door. The Inn filled with the sounds of a busy and shocked city street as she strode forward. With a smile on her face she walked back onto Liscor's streets.

"I definitely need to stock the Inn up before anything else. I mean, I didn't even get my meat yesterday!"


Selys Shivertale took a long sip of her tea and let out a discontented sigh. The supposedly extra strength tea was doing a scale flake's all for her poor sleep deprived mind. Which would go a long way in explaining why her line had been so short all day.

Now if only her coworkers could be as considerate as the the Adventurers.

"Psst, psssst!" A voice hissed to her right. She tried to ignore the other Drake, she really did but the [Gossip] just wouldn't stop. "Psst, Selys. Hey, Selys."

"What do you want Darssi?" She asked caving in and instantly regretting it as her friend slid over from her window.

"Oh, I'm just wondering what gots you so tired. And if it has anything with how your Grandma and the other [Guildmasters] having an emergency meeting last night."

Selys gave her some side eye, "How did you hear about that?"

"Puh-lease Selys, everyone knows about it. Atleast the [Merchants] do. Now, c'mon, spill."

Selys rubbed her eyes, tired from a midnight bellow that likely woke up their entire apartment building. She had thought it had been a Level Up at first, she even rushed to congratulate her Grandmaother. She was bowled over for her troubles.

"I don't know." She said honestly, "She just rushed out last night. And she's STILL not back yet."

Despite the none answer Drassi's eyes lit up, "I wonder if it was anything to do witht that Crazy Human from yesterday?"

"Crazy Human?"

"Didn't you hear? Some High Level human showed up yesterday and caused that huge fire!" Drassi started going on about what Selys assumed everything the public knew, and likely a bit of what the Council and higher ups were trying to keep away from said public. The [Gossip] had a knack for learning things she shouldn't.

Though, if she knew the chatter would soon become relevant she would have paid more attention. But she didn't, so when a human with an armful of grocery bags of all things came up to her counter she was completely unprepared.

"Hi!" The human greeted with an enormous smile, wide and toothy. Selys hadn't met too many humans but she assumed that was a good thing. She also assumed the human was a woman for no other reason then the clothes she wore. They resembled some very interesting feminine

"You mind if I put my bags here for a sec?"

"Um, no? Go right ahead."

"Thanks!" Complete ignoring Selys's hesitation to plop her bags down. "Phew, those were heavier than I thought they were going to be."

Selys eyed the bulging sacks. "I'm sure," she said with her best [Receptionist] smile despite the way her neck spines tingled. Something was off here but she could quite put her claw to it.

Eventually she ventured with a very polite, and maybe a bit pointed, question. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Well, yeah." The human said, sounding oddly defensive. "I wouldn't come to the Adventurer's Guild for no reason."

"Of course, miss. I'm only trying to help."

"Hmmm," With a humm and a critical once over the human started to smile again. "Well, good. Cause I've got a big request for the guild. A big opportunity even!"

"Oh, really?" Selyes couldn't quite keep the exasperation from her voice.

"Oh yeah, but I only really want to go over this once. Soooo, how do I schedule a meeting with the Guild Mistress?"

The response came automatically.

"The Guild Mistress is a very busy woman. It can be difficult to schedule a meeting on short notice." The lines were well tread and all too familiar. Every other newcomer thought they had something big and important to discuss. It honestly got a bit tiring trying to convince them otherwise.

"Can she make it to a meeting tomorrow? Say, around noon at the Plaza?" The humans asked, completely ignoring Selyes's subtle hint. "I've got Krsha in for tomorrow and I'm going to see if Zevera and Klbkch can make it too."

Selys blinked. That was quite the list of people. This human thought she had something important enough to not only warrant a near immediate meeting not only with the Adventurer's Guild Mistress but the defacto head of Liscor's Gnoll population, the Captain of the City Watch, and the Prognugator of the Antinium?

She didn't know if this human was ambitious or foolhardy for inviting the Antinium, of the Gnolls of the Silverfang for that matter, but she had to admire the audacity of it.

"I can let her know about your request but I can't guarantee that she'll show up." She hedged, unwilling to commit or crush the other woman's hopes.

"Awww. Can't you put a bug in her ear? This is like half the reason I'm here…" She paused, mulling over her own words. "Well, more like a third. A fifth? I really need to make a list. Anyway, it's important!"

"I can't promise she'll listen to me." She said, her best service smile back in full force

"C'mon, you're her granddaughter right?"

"I, yes, but-" Selys cut herself off as she noticed someone approaching. When she recognized who she gave a quick mental curse.

She knew this Gnoll. He was a known rebel rouser. Impatient and as bullheaded as a minotaur he would huff and growl at anyone for the smallest of reasons.

If this was another one of his 'non-gnolls.dont know how to bathe' rants she swore her head would crack. So inane.

And snippy.

And gruff.

And big.

He was very big. And he growled a lot. Selys liked to think she was used to the rough types from working at the Guild but there were always those few that made her… weary.

And he was one of them.

He laid a large hairy hand in the humans shoulder and jerked his arm as if he were to spin her about. But she didn't move. Barely budging despite the difference in size. He tried again, as if he had failed the motion. But, again, she didn't move.

The Gnoll's face showed a slow realization as the human gave the paw a considering glance.

"Huh, I forgot about this."

Then there was fire.

A flash of orange filled the room as oddly tinted fire crawled across the Adventurer's fur. He fell to his ass with a startled yelp, paws smashing down uselessly as the fire singed and curled every last hair on his arm.

Adventurers across the Guild Hall stood up in alarm. Many going event went so far as to reach for their weapons but the smarter, and more experienced, members stopped them. They could see what Selys saw.

They could see how the human watched with distant eyes. Not with amusement or fear or vindictiveness, but with the eyes of someone watching a fireplace alight.

"Oh, cut it out you big baby. The fire is already out." The human eventually chided. "You're not THAT annoying."

And, sure enough, the fire was out. That didn't change the new tension in the room, the charge sparked from a High-Level revealing themselves. Even when the Gnoll scrambled to his feet and backed away all eyes were on her.

She huffed under the attention.

Then she looked back to Selys.

Her smile was back and she seemed just as peppy as before she set a man on fire with a glance. "Anyway, if your grandma can't come then you should. Someone should take notes for her at least."

"I'll think about it?"

"Great! Whelp, see you there!"

The Adventurers didn't sit down until she left, nor did Selys properly breath. It was never pleasant to see a random High-Level get angry.

Darssi leaned over from her counter, "I think that was the human from the gate."

Selys gave her the flattest of stares.


And done. Again, no promises about continuing but I thought I needed a set up chapter in case I ever do.

This was longer with a bit of showing Erin's
kindness to go along with the segments of how lost she feels and how her terrifying goofiness comes off to others. But, it didn't feel right so I checked it.
The Astonishing Avengers (AU Marvel)
The Astonishing Avengers (AU Marvel)

Spider-Man took a breath as the others took a seat. No, that wasn't right. This wasn't Spider-Man talking to some random group of heroes. The men in front of him knew him better than anyone alive outside his family, and maybe not even then.

Again, this wasn't Spider-Man standing in front of a group of heroes. This was Peter Parker talking to his friends.

"Thanks for coming, I really appreciate it. Like a lot. This kinda fell into my lap and it's a bit overwhelming if I'm honest." This should have been hard to admit, it really should. He was more prideful than people knew or he cared to admit, a leftover from an illused youth, but with them it was easy. They had seen him at his lowest, at his weakest.

"Hey, take your time man. We get it." One said, as if to prove Peter's point. And to prove his own the man waved to the building around him. "I'm pretty sure all of us were a bit surprised to get an invite here, outside poker night that is."

There were a few snorts all around and Peter had to smile as he looked around the room. Looked past his friends and took in where he stood.

One of the many meeting rooms of Avengers Mansion. The Avengers Mansion.

"Yeah, I was just as surprised when Cap tossed me the keys." He admitted, half sitting on a countertop. He couldn't do this standing, too much nervous energy. Hell, he'd have preferred to be sitting on the wall but didn't want to be looking down on them. Not about this. "He also gave me some advice on his way out."

"Course he did."


"I'm going to paraphrase because I'd butcher it otherwise. He told me that if I was going to do this then above everything else I needed people I trust. Above the media, above what others thought, I needed people who I KNEW could and would have my back." Here he took his mask off, briefly staring into the white eyes before looking each man in the eye. Well, most of them.

"This is the greatest responsibility of my life and I'm not sure if I'm strong enough for it. But if it's you guys … I think I could do it. I really do."

He was getting too emotional, so he looked away. Feigning a cough as he asked that all important question.

"Soooo, what do you say? Will you help me assemble a new Avengers?"

Peter expected many things. Hopefully a series of yeses, maybe a few unfortunate nos, but what he got was worse.


A room full of silence and awkward shuffling.

Looking back to his friends he found not one would meet his eye or even look in his direction.

"Um, guys?"

Johnny Storm was the first to speak. "Yeah, the thing is, I can't. I'd love to but I can't. We're not exactly spreading it around but the Fantastic Four is about to launch into a deep exploration of the Negative Zone. Reed's real excited and is taking the whole family. I don't know when I'll be back."

Logan was next, "I'm in charge of two schools of teenagers with superpowers, I've barely had time for any of the X-Teams much less the Avengers. It's why I quit the last team. If dedication is what you're looking for it's not here bub."

Dr. Strange tried to placate but he too shook his head. "I'm afraid I cannot promise more than being an auxiliary member, at best. Something churns in the hells and it requires my attention. I am sorry my friend."

Matt Murdock spoke last. "I don't do long term team ups."

"Dude! Seriously!?"

Matt tilted his head at Johnny. "People already suspect me of being Daredevil and I'd rather not add to the fire. I'll still help you with any legal issues that come up but I can't do much more. I'm sorry Peter."

It was a struggle to find words after those back to back rejections, what with everything in his body as deflated as they were. Still he found them. After a very long breath.

"It's fine, I get it. You guys have lives and I kinda thrusted this at you randomly. I get it." He said, trying to build himself back up. Only, the big problem remained. "Who am I going to get on the team now?"

Matt actually gave him a smile, "It's not like you're hurting for choice but if you want I can make a referral."

"I believe I can do the same, if you're interested."
"I can think of a kid who would jump at the chance."
"Oh! I think I know someone who'd be perfect."


He had a new costume on.

It was still an authentic Spider-Man suit but the one of his dreams. Reinforced material, modified lenses, wingsuit, built in fab-printers, and so much more. He even managed to add in the spider legs he had been imagining since his first run in with Doc Ock. He had to thank Tony for leaving his labs behind, it made the process easier.

He also changed up the colors, adding a whole bunch of white to the scheme. He would be lying if he said it wasn't to evoke a bit of Captain America in the eyes of the public. He even turned his spider logo white to match the Star.

It probably wouldn't work, not with Jonah out there, but every little bit helps.

Behind him the others stood calm, well most did. Calmer than him at least.

"So, does anyone else want to try their hand at being the spokesperson of the day?" he half joked.

One barked a laugh. "Unfortunately for you you're the most famous of us so this falls on you."

"Whelp, worth a shot. Better go rip the bandaid off." He said, stepping out into the fray.

The reporters were murmuring but fell into a well practiced silence as he walked onto the stage. Cameras flashed as he took the podium and tapped at the mic.

The loud screech told him it was working.

Once his ears cleared he put on his most peppy voice and faked as much confidence as he could.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and I'll be heading the new team of Avengers." He said, causing a rumble in the crowd. He could see one face starting to flush red over the news, he could already hear the indignant headlines. He tried not to dwell on it as he powered on. "Before we get to your questions there are a few words I want to say and some introductions I have to make."

Reporters leaned forward and the dozen or so cameras focused on him.

"I'm not good with speeches, I only really have one that works but I thought something had to be said. This team isn't what some of you will be looking for or even approve of. In fact just me being in this team probably wrinkles a few feathers. That doesn't change the fact that each one of us will fight our hardest for you. For everyone. No matter what you think of us. Each member of this team is as spectacular and as amazing as you could hope for."

He may have given a certain editor a very pointed look as he said that. But old JJ was not the only one he meant when he said that. Especially when it came to the first teammate he was about to introduce.

"Joining me on this new team are: Shadowcat."

The first member of his team jumped from the ground, literally. She phased through the ground and stood tall in her blue and yellow costume. It was a very familiar costume to anyone who kept track of superheroes, even as modified as the outfit was. Kitty Pryde, for good or ill, was not going to shy away from her X-Men past.

Even if the costume was more cut for a stereotypical ninja and the little purple dragon in her shoulder made her look more like a pirate than anything else.


It was almost anticlimactic how the man simply stepped onto the stage, dressed in what could be described as a red tracksuit. There seemed to be nothing remarkable about this man. Unless you knew him. Unless you knew about the ten rings he wore along his forearms.

"Princess Crystal of the Inhumans." He had to use the title here. Both as a courtesy and because he was sure her sister would kill him if he didn't.

Dressed in a black-on-yellow body suit the princess floated down in a breeze. Orange hair flaring as she landed in perfect poise. A maneuver she assured him she's done hundreds of times over already.

"And, lastly, Brother Voodoo."

In a shimmer of smoke the sorcerer levitated down from the sky. He was dressed in the full regalia of a Hougon of his station. This included a blackbody suit, a purple cloak, a herb covered staff, and more skulls then a pearl clutcher would be comfortable with.

"Together we are your all new Avengers. I'm sure we'll Astonish you."

I just felt like writing this. It's one of my old ideas to give Spidey a team, this time in the easiest way of just giving him the keys to Avengers Mansion after the team disbands.

It'd have to be an AU to A) make everything work and B) because I can't keep up with comics. I consider t
his a good thing because I can sidestep the status quo as I deem fit.

Hope you enjoyed, please tell me what you think.
I don't have a solid setting for it but I do have the title for the idea: "Bugs in the System"

A ROB was building a setting, trying to create an edgy deconstruction of a setting (likely crossover), but grew board. Abandoning the world the created, and frankly started halfassing a long time ago.

But another Omnipotent Being couldn't let this stand. The world was still a world, the people on it still people. They couldn't let the situation stand.

... But there was a limit to how much they could interfere. The other ROB was still watching, somewhat, and there were rules in place that prevented them from messing with another's work.

Luckily, there were loopholes to get around this. If one followed the theme of the world, if they gave the interference a theme, then they could be ignored. Or mistaken for being a feature.

So, the Omnipotent Being inserted the histories of 4 heroes into the world. Placing their parents, homes, and origins into the setting, into the same city.

These heroes include:
Peter Parker - aka The Amazing Spider-Man
Jamie Reyes - aka The Blue Beelte
Taylor Hebert - aka the Terrifying Skitter
Marinette Dupain-Cheng - aka the Miraculous Ladybug

Can these bug themed teenage heroes drag this world from its dark future? Or will they only hasten the conclusion?

Thinking the setting would be a Boys/My Hero fusion but I'm not sure.

This group actually reminds me of a meme!:

Ladybug - Fellas, fellas. Let's be civil about this. We can make a deal. Surrender and you won't get hurt? How's that sound?

Villain - Ha! And who is going to hurt us? You?

Ladybug - Oh no. I won't hurt you but my buddies will. Say hi buddies.

(Spider-Man swings down into a superhero landing)
(Skitter appears from a swarm of Bugs)
(Blue Beetle floats down in a rush of thrusters)
That's an interesting lineup, it's got me thinking about how many other big themed hero's there could be.
Lobster Johnson, D'Vorah, plus Tarantulus and Black Arachnia.
Shino from Naruto.
Spinnerette from the web comic of the same name...

Ah, Kamen Riders, many are based off insects, especially the original.
The issue with most of these is that they don't exactly fit the 'teenage superhero with a bug theme' I'm going for... Though adding in evil bugs to disrupt original ROBs designs might not be a bad idea.

Sidenote: don't know enough Kamen Rider lore to be comfortable writing him/then...
A [Witch]'s Second Chance Ch3 New
A [Witch]'s Second Chance Ch3

He was the first to approach, his knife held tight as cautious steps took him to the door. The wood was old but something about it seemed sturdy. As if it were painted stone instead of damaged wood.

He gulped as he pushed at the door.

It didn't move. So he tried again, and again.

"Stupid." A voice grunted behind him as a green hand pulled at the metal ring on the door, easily opening the door.

He grunted back, voice low as he stepped into the building. It was warm. And bright. And comfortable.

A fire burning merrily in the fireplace, filling the room with heat and light. But that wasn't what warmed their chests.

That laid in the kitchen where the sound of clanging metal could be heard.

"Just one minute!" A voice spoke in the common tongue. "I'll be right with you."

This is where they should have run. This is when they should have attacked. But something in them hesitated, made them wait by the door as a human exited the kitchen with a smile.

With a smile.

She did not scream. She did not draw a blade. She didn't even run.

She smiled.

"Hey there!" She greeted, as if she didn't know what they were. "I'm not really open yet but I can whip something up for you three."

He opened his mouth but paused. His mastery of the common things of the other races was unreliable at the best of times but he knew his numbers. Three came after two and two was the number that came up the hill. He and his mate were ordered by their Chieftain to investigate the mysterious building.

No one should have followed them. Unless…

He and his mate shared a look before looking behind them. Sure enough, standing behind them in the doorway was their whelp. Who should have been back with the rest of the tribe not following behind them with a knife. As if she knew how to use it.

"Why you here!?" Her mother demanded, grabbing the child by the back of raggedy clothes. "This could be Death-Death!"

"Can help!"

"No, go back to tribe!"

As the females of his family bickered the human watched with a sad smile. It was a Goblin's smile, one worn when thinking of happy memories of lost friends. And like a good Goblin she shook it off quickly enough.

"How about you lot sit at the bar while I get things going. Shouldn't be more than a minute or five."

The bickering stopped and, again, they hesitated. He and his partner shared a look before age hesitantly pointed to the tall chairs. "There?

"Yep, get comfortable and I'll be right back." The human said, heading back into the kitchen only to pause in the doorway. "Ah, forgot to ask. Don't suppose you can pay for this, huh?"


"Ah, don't worry about it." She said, waving her hand through the air. "We'll say the first one is on the house. That means its free."

Confused, the three sat at the bar, weapons still held tight even as the woman came back.

"Spaghetti and blue juice! A Wandering Inn classic!" She said, laying out three plates of hot food. "No meat, sorry. Did have time to prep it but there's always next time, am I right?"

Next time?

She'd let them in again? That just wasn't done for their people. Forget about visiting a village they didn't get to enter fancy buildings until the former occupants were long gone or dead. People, Humans, Drakes, everyone, would sooner stick them with the pointy end of whatever they had handy then let them in.

Yet she said she would. And he believed her.

The food was delicious. Hot and long and buttery with a bit of salty flavor. With the cup of blue juice it tasted glorious. Especially after a few days of no food.

His cheeks were full of chewed noodles and spilling juice when the human approached them again. There was something in her hands.

He reached for his knife again but she walked right by him. She stopped in front of his daughter and gently set a black and white board down.

"Hey," She said, her voice the softest it's been yet. "Would you like to play a game?"

This was actually done with the last chapter but since my daughter thought my notebook was for everyone to scribble in I guess you guys get this not so deleted scene as a consolation prize.
Arranged Stones (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones) New
Arranged Stones (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones)

The wine tasted like shit.

It often did these days. Swill didn't even numb him the same. Didn't matter who made it or how old it was, it was horse piss as far as he was concerned.

He still drank.

He needed it.

"Fucking woman." He'd call her a bitch but he couldn't disrespect Ned like that, especially not when that wife of his apparently pulled off something amazing.

At least, according to Jon Arynn it was. Happy occasions not just for the Starks and the North but for all the Seven Kingdoms. Robert saw it in a different light.

Broken dreams. That's what it was, broken dreams and yet another lost chance. The bright future he always envisioned once again out of his reach, streaming like sand out from his fingers. It was nearly Lyanna all over again.

All because Ned's wife just had to be proactive and did the best for her children.

All because Robb Stark was betrothed. To a Northern lass at that, the daughter of one of his father's major bannermen. The Man-something-or-others.

And, despite what many would claim, Robert wasn't completely uneducated. It was a move Ned needed to make after marrying a woman from the southern lands. He needed to strengthen the ties to his holdings, especially given the rumors of the boy's strong Tully looks.

It was understandable, forgivable even. Something that could have been easily fixed too.

If Sansa Stark hasn't been betrothed as well. To the crippled heir of the Tyrell. The daughter of Lord Paramount marrying the heir of another, a political worry for some but a strong match all the same.

Both of the most acceptable, or at the very least the ones that would garner the least objections from Cersi, were taken. Snatched up before he could even make his offer. True both Houses had more Trueborn readily available but they were all so young, their prospects not nearly as high. It would take too long and if they did range it Cersi would claim they could do better, creating a fuss that would bleed the ears of both families.

Sansa and Robb were his only real hopes.

But how could he object? How could he do more than grumble?

Despite how he wished to join his House with Ned's he couldn't break such fine matches. Oh, he most certainly could. He was the king. But it would be wrong to do that to Ned, hurt their relationship more than it already was.

All because the Old Lion and his dog brought him what was left of some dragon whelps.

He poured himself some more wine at the memory. What he felt that day in the storm of his rage and hate… he would not regret those feelings but he would regret how Ned looked at him that day.

Some of the wine spilled from the goblet, wasting away on the table and floor.

"Gods damn it." He cursed, though there was no heart in it. No roar, joy, or emotion. "It was a couple of little bastards, Ned."

A couple of bastards who ruined one of the few good things he had left in his life. Something he may now never repair.

A couple of bastards…

A couple of bastards…

Robert stood up, wobbling on his feet and spilling more wine as the thought came to him. He always got his best ideas after his fifth cup anyway, didn't need much more now.

He still took a celebratory swig as he sped to his door, Jon Arryn's names on his lips as he roared for paper and ravens.

A couple of bastards had tainted his brotherhood but, maybe, a couple of bastards could help repair it. Their Houses could still be united and everything would be good again.


Quick write up on how Jon Snow could be engaged to Mya Stone. I'm not sure about the matches I made for the two elder Stark children and I know that an Arya/Tommen match or a Bran/Myrcella could happen but, again, quick write up. I could probably rewrite it so that all the Stark kids outside of Rickard have a match set up (probably Jojen for Arya) but eh.

I do like the idea of Cat playing
ultra matchmaker for her kids. The butterflies could be fun.