Contract. (Original Fantasy)
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A Contract. A pact forged with the beings that lived beyond the Veil, allowing them entrance into the Materiam and giving them agency that they otherwise wouldn't have.

You awaken after a near-death experience, with a Contract all but forced upon you by forces unknown. Will you choose to wield its power, or would you resist the temptation, and instead yield it the first chance you get?
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1 - Burning Skies


GWS Recipient
Around Dover Street
QN: What's this Sheen Megoomi Tensay I keep hearing about, and why is it about a femboy?

On a more serious note, I am going to butcher a lot of mythology in the process of doing this quest. Do bear with me.

The sky burns.

Golden light sears into the earth around you, bubbling against the corpse-ridden dirt. The smell of burning flesh and bubbling rock assails your nose, the screams of the dead and dying filters through your ears... Yet still, you crawl onward. Through the muck, through the mud, through the corpses of those that came with you expecting refuge. Sanctuary.

Not this. Not... not this.

With a choked cry, you continue on scrabbling onward, shutting yourself off to the rest of the world around you. It had only been a few hours. Just a few measly hours from when you crossed the border to... to this place. It was just... It was just supposed to be--

[] [ORIGIN] --a safe place. You were naught more than a humble farmer, driven to this place by the gathering storm of magic on the horizon. You were told that it would be safe -- the knights themselves swore on their word! And yet, and yet...! Initial Alignment: Neutral

[] [ORIGIN] --an easy mark. The people here were gullible, naive to a fault. You were only here to make a home for yourself, t-to give yourself some of the things that they took for granted, and yet, when the heavens parted above...! Initial Alignment: Human

[] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed... Initial Alignment: High

But no. What you received in turn was golden death. Without rhyme, without reason... nothing more than a parting of the clouds, and wave of cascading flames that vaporized the ones who were the most eager to visit this 'holy city'. And all of that... was because of it.

You stare up at it, eyes glaring in hate even as they start to water from the heat. Whatever it was, it came down from split clouds as a burning, writhing golden flame, spitting waves of fire from its endlessly gaping maw...

A blink. Idly, you wonder in fear if it was referring to you--

--You run. Not far, not fast, but you run nonetheless. It was the only thing you could do, the only thing that would give you even the slightest chance of survival...

... But it was too late. Or perhaps you didn't have a chance to begin with.

A lance of golden light strikes down from the writhing flame, and your world goes black.

The inside of your mouth tastes like ash. Yet still, you're alive.


"Fresh meat..."

You try moving your hands. You try to open your eyes. You try to speak, only to find that something is stopping you from doing so. It's as if you're nothing more than a prisoner in your own body, forced to simply wait in the inner confines of your mind.

"So much carrion for the crows... And yet..."

But you were sure of one thing. There was someone nearby. Someone that could help. Someone that could get you out of here, someone that could probably... probably strip you all of your clothing and sell it off as secondhand goods.

"How did you survive...?"

Voices, near yet far. All of them whispering in your ears. You strain your ears to listen, even as you once again try to move your hands. To reach out. You try -- oh by goodness, do you try. But it wasn't enough. You could already feel something lulling you back to sleep once more, a white noise filling your ears...

... Yet something grasps your hand at the last second, as life fills you once more. The lull of sleep was still there -- all but stronger now in fact -- but there was comfort now, the promise of something awaiting beyond the horizon that was now in your grasp.

You would live. You were sure of it. But the hand that grasped your own...

[] [CONTRACT] ... a slimy, crust-covered limb... Initial Companion: Slime

[] [CONTRACT] ... a calloused hand... Initial Companion: Valkyrie

[] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...Initial Companion: Principality

The voice that it belonged to...

It hissed/chuckled/sighed one simple word.

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Character and Companions
Name: Child of Man
HP: 2 [of 3]
Bond: 2 [of 4]

Strength: 2 + [0]
Dexterity: 2 + [2]
Endurance: 1 + [0]
Will: 1 + [1]

+ + +​
+ + +​
]+[ + +​

God-Fearing: You are a worshiper of the Most High, following Their commandments and scriptures to the best of your abilities.
+1 to Will.​

Monk: Before you left for the Holy City of Jedda, you served as a monk for one of the temples in Panjishir. It was rewarding, fulfilling work, though most of it was rooted in physical labor that leaves you fitter than most Men.
+1 to Strength.​
+1 to Endurance.​
Grace: Whether by the Most High Themselves or Their Anointed Servants, part of their Boundless Grace is now bestowed upon you. Use it well.
Reduce any damage received to 1. Get rid of this Trait right after. LOST.​

Contractor: You have made a Contract with a being from beyond the Veil. Should word leak out of your status to the worshipers of the Most High, there is no doubt that you would be branded a heretic and slain on the spot.

Blessed Arquebus: An arquebus gifted to you by a passing soldier before they headed for Kanjishir, said to be blessed by the Most High. It is said to be powerful, able to fell men in a single shot, but whether or not it would be effective against demons is... suspect.
Type: Phys or Gun​
Damage Dice: (2+Dex) d6, halve the damage if dealing Phys damage.​


Alignment: Most High

𝔅𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔞𝔣𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔡.​


Leakage from the Veil (Passive): Part of this being's strength is conferred to you, as their true strength leaks from the Veil.
+2 to Dexterity.​
+1 to Will.​
Palarmas (Passive): A deeper link to your Contract allows a flow of arcane energy between you and the Anghelos at all times. Your weaponry now seems like it's under the effects of a permanent, low-powered blessing.
+1 damage to all attacks, applied to the end of damage calculation.​
Kalayo: Holy fire is unleashed to smite your enemies in the name of the Most High. More than strong enough to render a man to ash.
Type: Fire​
Cost: 1 Bond​
Damage Dice: (3+Will) d6​
Pawi: A gentle touch of flames brings upon a miracle from the Most High, bringing you peace.
Cost: 1 Bond​
Cures all status ailments.​
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[X] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed... Initial Alignment: High
[x] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed...
[x] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...
[X] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed... Initial Alignment: High

[X] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...Initial Companion: Principality

Sup', new story? Well, this is going to be interesting, it would be quite funny if we were helped by an angel to hunt down another angel.
And hopefully there will be enough RnG :V
[X] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed... Initial Alignment: High
[X] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...

It's been a while, huh Erith? I'm liking this one.
[X] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed...
[X] [CONTRACT] ... a calloused hand...
[X] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed...
[X] [CONTRACT] ... a calloused hand...
Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Erithemaeus on Nov 30, 2021 at 11:44 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.
  • 6

    [X] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed... Initial Alignment: High
    [x] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed...
  • 5

    [x] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...
    [X] [CONTRACT] ... a calloused hand...
    [X] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...Initial Companion: Principality
[x] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed...
[x] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...
Adhoc vote count started by Erithemaeus on Nov 30, 2021 at 11:44 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.
  • 6

    [X] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed... Initial Alignment: High
    [x] [ORIGIN] --a sanctuary. The visions told you that this was the place to seek. The priests told you that behind those walls was a place to cleanse yourself of the horrors. You draped the robes, covered yourself in ointments... and yet, the angels paid no heed...
  • 5

    [x] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...
    [X] [CONTRACT] ... a calloused hand...
    [X] [CONTRACT] ... a soft palm made of feathers...Initial Companion: Principality
The vote counter seems to be confused by different people copying and not copying the invisible text in the [Contract] section.
2 - Principality
QM: Moving places rn, so things might get a little bit hectic on my end. Should pass in a few days or so.

Also, disclaimer that this is a work of fiction, and than any resemblance to places or personages in reality are entirely coincidental. Just so you know, I don't get mauled to death for accidentally writing something insulting to a person in [X] religion.

Wakefulness was quick to come, as it always did. Back in the monastery, you always woke up at the crack of dawn, ready to take on the daily task of prayer. Now however, after what you've been through?

... It was a quaint feeling, to know for a sure fact that you had died, yet still woke up to the morning dawn nonetheless.

What had happened? You remember joining in on a caravan to the Holy City of Jedda, you remember striking up a conversation with the knight-cohorts headed for Kanjishir, you remember arriving at the border, and...

Memory said:

... That. You could... you could remember that it was a cloudy day, you could remember the clouds parting to reveal a bright blue sky, a trail of golden flames comes down from the heavens above... and killed all who were in the caravan.

You could remember a golden lance piercing you, burning you from the inside out... which only begs the question.

"How am I still alive...?"

'You weren't.'

You freeze. A second later, you begin looking around, finding naught more than golden stalks of wheat. You begin to breathe slowly, trying to stymie the oncoming panic, only for a swift gust of wind to come into existence.

A cry escapes from your lips, as dust and stray stalks of wheat swirl around the space in front of you. A hand comes up to shield your face from the smattering of objects, and as the wind eventually dies down, you are greeted to a sight of a figure that wasn't there just a few moments before.

𝔅𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔞𝔣𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔡.
You stare. At the unblinking two eyes, at the blue flames that emerged from its robes, at its scepter and orb flanked by two wings seemingly woven out of pure snow. It continues to stare, watching and waiting for your reaction, and it takes a few seconds for you to realize what you are seeing.

An Anghelos.

With a start, you immediately drop to the ground and start praying, half-remembered verses and psalms escaping your lips. You stop a second later, however, as the Anghelos places a finger over your lips, its blue flames... strangely comforting.

'There is no need to prostrate yourself, child of Man.' It sings, a feather-like quality to its voice that lifts up your spirits. 'We are simply servants of the Most High, the same as you.'

"I thank you for saving my life." You quiver, moving to prostrate yourself once again, "I-- When the golden fires came, and then that golden lance came and... I... I died, didn't I?"

'You have, Child of Man.' The sorrow in its tone makes you downcast, only for it to be lifted away as well when the Anghelos begins talking once more. 'I have found you on the border of Jedda, as nothing more than blackened ash. Your soul was strong, but I could not have you in that state. There were others lurking in those cursed lands... I had to spirit you away from their grasp.'

"I--" The words turn to ash in your mouth, as you process the words that the Anghelos gave you. Blackened ash, others searching for your soul... a return to life, when otherwise you would've died.

The realization hits you, and your mouth dries up at the thought. "I... I'm in a ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 now, aren't I?"

'It is so.' The Anghelos nods, 'I could not have acted to restore your body otherwise.'

You were going to die. Or well, going to die again. Those of the Inquisition would have your head for being in a ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱, and damn your soul to eternity as well. And to think that you would force an Anghelos into it as well!

'Calm, Child of Man.' The Anghelos speaks, and you feel your shoulders slumping down in relief. 'You are a Priest, not a Warlock. We will part ways once the ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 is complete. Your soul is not found wanting.'

It didn't console you that much, if you were to be frank. "I... I still forced you into it. I-- no, even my head being displayed on a pike would not absolve me of this sin..."

'You did not, Child of Man. It was I, a humble 𝔓𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔦𝔭𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔶, that forced this contract upon you.' Guilt, sorrow, and regret warred within you, and you all but tempted to find the nearest confessor, until the Anghelos -- no, Principality -- spoke once more. 'It is I who shall suffer the transgression once I return to the Most High. I was here on a mission and yet...'

Your presence hindered the mission of an Anghelos. 'None of that, Child of Man. There is no doubt that the Most High would approve of your humility, but too much of it will leave you unable to move forward.'

'Now raise your head, and meet my gaze.'
You do so, and you find twin circles of blue flames engraved onto the Anghelos' face. 'Good. Our fates are entwined for the moment, Child of Man. It would be best if we are to be acquainted with one another.'

[Character and Companions Updated.]

(Pick two.)
[] [ACQUAINT] Ask the terms of your ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 with the Anghelos.​
[] [ACQUAINT] Ask what Heaven is like.​
[] [ACQUAINT] Ask about the war in Panjishir.​
[] [ACQUAINT] Ask about the golden flame that killed you.​
'For now, it would be best that we get somewhere safe.' The Anghelos speaks, 'I have set you down with your belongings when you first showed signs of wakefulness, but we are still close to the borders. No doubt that some demons have passed through the watch.'

You nod along, fear creeping back into your veins as you take a look around. The golden fields were still around you, all underneath a bright, clear sky. It was enough to lift your spirits for a moment, to forget that you had apparently been revived from the dead and forced a Contract with an Anghelos. Alas, it was not meant to be.

Right over the yonder, crawling past the horizon, was a maelstrom of ethereal colors, slowly enroaching upon the lands below and the clouds above. Even from here, looking at it was enough to give you a headache, your eyes trying to follow a blob of color that simply moved in a way that you could not entirely comprehend.

You see as it seems to know of your attention, stopping right in its tracks before it begins trailing off towards you. The sight makes you scream, quickly scrambling backwards, and your foot catches on something just as you fall to the ground. Pain blossoms from your... everything, as the blob of color seemingly snaps back towards the maelstrom of insanity, joining its maddening display as the phenomenon continues to rumble onward.

'We must be quick, Child of Man! We have garnered the Edai's attention!' Your heart swells in panic at the declaration, as you stumble back onto your feet and grab what felled you to the ground. It was your belongings -- at least, you think it is -- but you all set it aside for the moment as you grab--

[] [WEAPON] --an arquebus.​
[] [WEAPON] --a staff.​
[] [WEAPON] --a mace.​
[] [WEAPON] --a longsword.​
With weapon in hand, you once more scan your surroundings, letting your eyes fall onto the structures seemingly just right ahead. A farmstead, with a windmill right next to it, and you quickly decide that it was as much as a sanctuary against being in a completely open field, with goodness-knows-what hidden in the stalks.

You move, right as a part of that multi-colored maelstrom lashes out and strikes the ground somewhere behind you, heralding the cackling of demons.
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[x] [ACQUAINT] Ask the terms of your ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 with the Anghelos.
[x] [WEAPON] --an arquebus.

Arquebus was the most surprising weapon choice here, though I'm also into the mace. A few of the Acquaint choices were interesting, but the contract terms would be the most pressing

Also, disclaimer that this is a work of fiction, and than any resemblance to places or personages in reality are entirely coincidental.

I remember hearing movies have this disclaimer due to Rasputin, of all people, like how an old movie portrayed him
I remember hearing movies have this disclaimer due to Rasputin, of all people, like how an old movie portrayed him

Then again, that guy has a bit of a storied history and a bit of a... controversial image. Invoking angels here and religions alike is bound to make a few people mad, so I'm trying to diffuse it before it starts.

Not like it'll stop determined people, but ehh... I'll get to that part when it comes out to it.

Arquebus was the most surprising weapon choice here, though I'm also into the mace. A few of the Acquaint choices were interesting, but the contract terms would be the most pressing

But yeah! Arquebuses are a thing here, along with some more archaic examples of firearms. Things get a bit more weird the further you go into the Edai, but uh... that means getting into that shiny, scary place.
Well, you're gonna go there anyway, so you know. ;D
[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask the terms of your ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 with the Anghelos

[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask about the golden flame that killed you.

[X] [WEAPON] --an arquebus.
[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask the terms of your ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 with the Anghelos
[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask about the golden flame that killed you.
[X] [WEAPON] --an arquebus.
[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask the terms of your ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 with the Anghelos

[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask about the golden flame that killed you.

[X] [WEAPON] --a mace.
[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask the terms of your ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 with the Anghelos.
[X] [ACQUAINT] Ask about the golden flame that killed you.
[X] [WEAPON] --a staff.

Stick Good.
Vote Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Erithemaeus on Dec 2, 2021 at 3:18 AM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

Gun paladin? Gun paladin.
Principality Redesign
Since my first drawing of the Principality was so shite, I thought that a redesign was in order. Here's your new companion now!

... Ngl, they still look shit.

𝕭𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖆𝖋𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖉. 𝕬𝖌𝖆𝖎𝖓.
3 - Slight Reprieve
QM: Ngl, trawling through all of this mythology and lore makes me wanna slam my head against my desk. On the other hand, I could just cherry pick what I'd like... Not a good way to write things I know, but if keeps the words flowing, then who am I to ask?

Gonna make a 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙 sooner or later at this rate, lol.

The door to the farmhouse was locked. Something that you quickly rectify with a quick thud from the butt of your arquebus, before throwing your weight against the door and slamming it shut behind you. You lose your balance quickly after that, rolling on the creaky wooden floorboards with a groan, before eventually coming to a rest right beside a shelf.

'You have broken inside a house.'

"Demons on our tail!" You managed to snap, hacking out a breath just as the door swings open and a demon steps through.

𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖉.
All the breath escapes from your lips as you meet its gaze, as if a heavy weight has settled all over your body. You watch with wide eyes as it lets out a melodious trill, its song seemingly shimmering off its scales, and it takes a step forward with a dainty gait. Right before it opens its maw, showing rows full of wicked-sharp teeth.

'Child of Man!' The Anghelos exclaims, manifesting with a gust of wind. The staff in its right hand moves, nothing more than a blur in your vision, right before it slams into the demon, sending it shrieking out the door. A gust of wind slams it shut an instant later, quickly followed by the door itself denting inwards as the demon screeches once more.

With a hack, you slowly push yourself off the floor, hefting your arquebus and looking to see if it was loaded. A quick curse escapes your lips a second later, as you begin searching throughout the clothes on your back for some powder and wad, and you begin loading your weapon.

[Character and Companions Updated.]

The Anghelos moves their left hand, a wall of blue flames flickering into existence right behind the door. The demon shrieks once more, the creaking of floorboards telling you that it backed away from the door, before you hear it moving around the house to try and search for an opening.

'I have brought us a momentary reprieve.' The Anghelos speaks, 'But it will not last for long. We will have to fight, Child of Man. Slay down this despicable fiend in the name of the Most High.'

"R-Right." You babble, finally finding a packet of powder and wad in your pockets and stuffing them down your arquebus. "While I'm -- I mean, while we're getting ready to fight that demon, can you... can I ask a few questions?"

'I shall endeavor to answer them, Child of Man.'

Good. Great, even. You force down the wad and the powder down the barrel, jamming it against the breech. "I am... we have a ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱, yes?"

'I have said before that it was not your fault--'

"No! No, it's not about that." Even if the reminder made you cringe with guilt, "I mean, what are the terms of our ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱?"

'Ah.' The Anghelos was busy turning their head towards the direction of the demon, seemingly able to see it through walls, but answers your question nonetheless. 'My mission is to consult and advise the King of this Holy City, one named Armiah the Dauntless. Alas, my flight down to the Materiam has been troubled due to the proximity of the Edai, and as such I must reach the king on foot. Once we reach him, our ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱 shall be completed, and you shall be released.'

It was not to be forever. Somehow, that statement did more to assure you than the Anghelos could realize. As soon as you find the... this King Armiah the Dauntless. As nothing more than a lowly monk from Panjishir.


... Hm.

You cock the hammer back on your arquebus with furrowed brows, rummaging through your pockets for another packet of powder. Bad enough that you died, forced an Anghelos to a contract, and were now preparing for your first (and most likely last) fight with a demon... Now you were misremembering things. You were sure that the monastery was located in Panjishir...

No, leave it behind for the moment. You have a more pressing question to ask. "Do you, do you know what killed me?"

The Anghelos pauses in its watch, staring at you with two unblinking eyes. A second passes before they shake their head, a sorrowful tone to their voice. 'I do not know, Child of Man. I do not recognize a demon that could render you to blackened ash with a golden lance.'

You sigh, more or less expecting as much, since the Anghelos told you that they had found your... soul, while you were almost on the edge of passing away. Far be it from you to simply ignore the fact that you had crossed death's door -- you really didn't want to think about it right now -- but it would be asking for too much to keep on pressing the Anghelos for answers, especially if they have saved your life once already.

'Be alert, Child of Man.' The Anghelos speaks, their tone suddenly serious. 'It seems the demon has finally tired of waiting.'

With a terse nod, you shoulder your arquebus, keeping it level as you aim it at the door. You strain your ears, trying to hear the creaking of the floorboards, but all of it was drowned out by the demon's cackling... until it suddenly wasn't.

And a part of the wall all but collapses on itself, as the demon steps through and lets out a victorious crow.

[] [ATTACK] Kill it.​
- [] Fire your arquebus.​
- [] Hit it with the butt of your arquebus.​
- [] Beseech the Anghelos to help you.​
[] [NEGOTIATE] Talk to the demon... though you're not sure if it would be in the mood to do so. Or if it can even talk.​
- [] Intimidate it with your arquebus.​
- [] Try to strike up a friendly conversation. Like... talking to a bird.​
[] [FLEE] Run to a more advantageous position. 𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔞 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔞 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔡. 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔴, ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔐𝔞𝔫.
[Combat Mechanics Unlocked.]