Contingency plans (Starcraft Zerg Quest)

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The war between the three strongest species has ended and while the Overmind is dead his designs...
The war between the three strongest species has ended and while the Overmind is dead his designs for the future continue uninterrupted.

Kerrigan has been infested as planned and stands ready to lead the swarm against the hybrids, but lingering traces of Amon's influence remain within her and she is far more aggressive then was planned. While she is powerful she may end up making an enemy that could slay her before she has a chance to fulfill her role, even the Overmind himself wasn't invincible at the end of the day.

Thankfully for the Zerg the Overmind has more then a few backup plans in place.

Which one are you?

You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
Pros: You have a starting base, ability to mix technology and biology.
Cons: You units are initially weak due being basic infested terrans, expect Kerrigan to take interest in you once you hit the upper tiers and either try to force you into the main swarm or kill you and take the blueprints for your work from your rotting corpse.

You where created to do what the Zerg do best, swarm and overflow the enemy with sheer numbers, none shall stand in your way.
Pros: You get Zergling's for free, bonus to research that lets relates to swarming the enemy with superior numbers.
Cons: Ultralisks cannot be taken as a starting unit, massive penalty to creating giant fighters.

You where made to overwealm the enemy with sheer strengh, you may not be the most elaborate of the Zerg but you know to hit the enemy were it hurts.
Pros. Start with Ultralisks, bonus to researching giant fighters.
Cons: Penalty to working with smaller units.

You are hidden away on an ocean planet, adapted to taking advantage of the life found within.
Pros: High chance of encounters strange life, near monopoly in your home environment.
Cons: Tend to favor other water planets.

You are adapted to a strange planet full of stranger chemicals and bacteria.
Pros: Lots of fun debuff capible units.
Cons: Much weaker in direct combat otherwise.

Like one of your fellows you are working with a Terran faction, unlike said fellow these Terrans aren't infested.
Pros: You get the UED as allies, not as dependent on hunting for existing essence to get designs.
Cons: The local factions aside from UED remnants really really don't like you thank goodness Kerrigan and the Dominion are around to draw the heat away.

The planet your on is cold and harsh........perfect!
Pros: Tougher units.
Cons: Less units.
Your Swarm
???: The player character, this creature seems to be some sort of enlarged and heavily mutated lava. It is a detector and can find hidden units.
Orlock: A Cerebrate equivalent and Terra's younger brother.

Infested City: An infested terran city protected by bunkers and missile turrets, you don't no much else about it though.

1 Infested Barracks
1 Infested Shelter
1 Scourge Nest

A few thousand infested Terrans.
20 Masons
12 Formen
200 Infested Marines.
40 Infested Fire bats.
40 Ogres

Startport CIty: A city with an infested Startport.

1 Infested Shelter
1 Infested Startport

A few thousand infested terrans
20 Masons
120 Infested Marines
12 Formen
60 Infested Wraiths
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You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
[X] You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.

Zerg with the ability to mix technology with their biology interest me.
[X] You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.

Zerglings with jetpacks, ultralisks with shields, hydralisks with car wheels.
[X] You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
[X]You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
Zerglings with jetpacks, ultralisks with shields, hydralisks with car wheels.
Well not quite as silly but one of the possible tech routs leads to cyborg versions of normal Zerg units.

For instance on of the upgrades for the Ultralisk turns it into a detector, although it'll take a bit of work to get to that point anyway.

Honestly the silliest possible thing you can get from this option involves taking essence from some T-Rex bones which actually is pretty darn silly but still.
[X]You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
Well not quite as silly but one of the possible tech routs leads to cyborg versions of normal Zerg units.

For instance on of the upgrades for the Ultralisk turns it into a detector, although it'll take a bit of work to get to that point anyway.

Honestly the silliest possible thing you can get from this option involves taking essence from some T-Rex bones which actually is pretty darn silly but still.
you mean this thing right?
[X] You are hidden away on an oceanplanet, adapted to taking advantage of the life found within.

Seems like the best option.
[X] You where made to overwhelm the enemy with sheer strength, you may not be the most elaborate of the Zerg but you know to hit the enemy were it hurts.

Awww yea, large and in charge :cool:
[x] Like one of your fellows you are working with a Terran faction, unlike said fellow these Terrans aren't infested.

C is cooperating with another faction
O is for overwhelming

O is opening up new research and technologies
P is plasmids for terrans and for zerglings

And that's why I vote for co-op

If we team up with a Terran group, we can get access to their technology and some uninfected humans to better interact with other factions. Then use our biotechnology to boost our Terran allies' abilities and infrastructure. Like growing spider-silk textiles to help make armor for terrans, having Terrans design chain guns that our zerglings can equip and fire, or better finding ways to mess with Kerrigan's psychic control over the Swarm.

Also, everyone hates us already. With terran allies we can at least use our crazy zerg powers to make lots of money and buy everyone's loyalty.
[X] You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
[X] You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.

behold the power of Derpfestor

can you imagine Zerling with Predator AoE attack
or Ultralisk with Missile turret strap on it back
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[X] You are a life form designed to work with Terran essence, created back when the Overmind had tried to assimilate the Terran's and re-purposed for a new calling afterwords.
[x] Like one of your fellows you are working with a Terran faction, unlike said fellow these Terrans aren't infested.

The Swarm adapts, and that includes diplomacy and technology...
can you imagine Zerling with Predator AoE attack
or Ultralisk with Missile turret strap on it back
Keep in mind that you'll have to require the essance for those units first, the downside to going with the terran specialist is that the strongest starting unit they've got is the infested marine.

Mind you infested marines can't get very threatening later on but still.
Keep in mind that you'll have to require the essance for those units first, the downside to going with the terran specialist is that the strongest starting unit they've got is the infested marine.

Mind you infested marines can't get very threatening later on but still.
we are zerg, if we can't beat them in quality we beat them with quantity
Infested Marine may suck but get enough of them and you can take down next to everything ( except for really really fortify area with ton of siege tank, shriek turret fortify bunker, planetary fortress, psi disruptor and perdition turret)
I see a LOT of potential in this
> You are adapted to a strange planet full of stranger chemicals and bacteria.

@undead frog ; does any of the options allow us access to psi-potential of Terran race ? What are risks and benefits in pursuing it ?