Completed Quests Catalog

Original - Hoist the Colours (No SV, You are a Pirate)

"I am a man of fortune, and I will seek my Fortune." —Henry Avery You are a Pirate. Distinctions and legality blur in this realm, where individuals like you may be known as Freebooters, Privateers, or simply, men and women of fortune. However, in the eyes of the law, you are a criminal—a Bandit...

And another one.

In the Footsteps of Lords (Dark Souls/Elden Ring style boss quest) Fantasy

You are the Lord of Obsidian Blades. The High Pass Keep has never fallen, and so long as you live, it never will. You have defended it from everything from human bandits through to the Eldest Enemies of All. These days, you mostly are left alone with your musings, but, for some reason, an...

My April Fool's Day quest is complete. It's a short read, based around being a major story boss that the protagonist keeps trying to defeat, with a lot of musing about the world between attempts, giving glimpses of a setting with a lot of worldbuilding behind it as well as a bit of a character story.

It's basically an example of what I like for April Fool's Day things, where there's something that tries to be a quality effort at what it is, but which can't sustain a concept much longer than what is shared for the given day.

If you're looking for a short, self-contained read (under 9k words), it's presentable now in its complete form, instead of the "every 90 minutes" update schedule I went with yesterday.