Colony Builder: The Stolen Lands (Riot Quest)

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Welcome to the Stolen Lands, adventurer.

Fight monsters. Reclaim territory for humanity. Acquire valuable magical resources and artifacts to grow your power (or your faction or the whole colony if you feel like a team player).

This is a white-to-dark quest in terms of morality. Fighting fire with fire is an option. Honoring the natural order and being a good person is also an option. The Graf will be somewhere in between. Anything truly horrible will happen off-screen and only be alluded to. (i.e. Orcs treating humans as a source of long pork)

This quest is AI-supported and will use it to a degree in the writing process.
Introduction + Character Creation Rules
Two centuries ago, cracks appeared in the ground as entrances to the Underdark. Dark things boiled forth from beneath the surface and hunted men at night. One by one, the settlements fell to dragons and orcs. Now, all that remains are the myths of this lost continent from the oral history of the humans that fled to the Empire's current home.

The Kaiser has decided to reclaim the Stolen Lands from the various monsters that have forced humanity out of this vast territory because of how rich it is in magical resources. These monsters range from orcs to giants to dragons. The stronger the monster, the more players will be required to slay it.

You, the colonists and adventurers, have arrived aboard three ships owned by Graf Heisenberg that will serve as your lifeline to your homeland.

What valuable resources did the Graf bring aboard his ships? (Pick three. Mundane things like food, tools, weapons, and personnel are all available in reasonable but limited amounts.)

Please vote by plan.

[ ] Additional Supplies - +6 seasons of supplies. Can be taken multiple times if you want to focus on things other than food/mines/essential infrastructure for awhile.

[ ] Additional Manpower - +150 Colonial Pops (+1 Strategic Action). It may be taken multiple times, but it has diminishing returns.

[ ] Dungeon Core - +1 Perk Token/Turn for all players and faction leader NPCs. It may take multiple times to upgrade this.

[ ] The Jarl - The Graf's right hand is a major NPC with player-level stats and task-handling capabilities. He is automatically assigned to any mandatory tasks the players did not bid for.

[ ] The Hunters - Intelligence is valuable, and hunters are good at collecting it. Adds a Hunter faction with an NPC leader and appropriate faction artifact. This provides better passive intelligence for the players and a faction specialized in hunting beasts and monsters as part of the default faction options.

[ ] Island - You established your colony on an island a few miles offshore. Once the island is fully civilized, you have a secure position from which to retake the Stolen Lands.

[ ] Trade Port - You start with one export and a good location for a trading port instead of just an acceptable one. Provides a bonus to trade, which feeds perk tokens and other resources into the colony. Each export gives every player +1 perk token per turn. Multiple purchases of this perk are allowed.

Default Supplies
Pops: 150 Colonial Pops (2 Strategic actions per turn, same diminishing returns mechanic of 50 + 100 + 150 as perk tokens)

Supplies: 6 Turns (IC Seasons)

Graf's Axe (+3 Tokens/Turn for Graf Members)
Odin's Eye (+3 Tokens/Turn for Odin Cult Members)
Orcus's Tongue (+3 Tokens/Turn for Orcus Members)

Trading Ships:
+3 Tokens/Turn for all players and NPC faction leaders

I will use LLMs to write parts of the quest.
Beyond writing my quest, part of the function is to test out using AI and prompts to see what it generates effectively in a CYOA / Grand Strategy environment, so I know what to build for a game I'm running elsewhere. So, AI writing, names of things, lists of things, and so forth will be used in this quest.

Player Characters and Guidelines
You, the voters, have a central role in telling this story. You determine the colonial strategic actions and play out part of your own tale.

That said, being inactive for as long as you like, you will keep track of your bookkeeping when you return so that I can skip the math. Similarly, keeping track of each other's perk tokens is the player's responsibility. I will handle disputes but only disputes.

The assumption is that if you make a player character, you will take on tasks and perform actions on behalf of the colony. The more players, the more actions required each turn to grow and defend the colony.

The main quest line is a colony builder, so I probably will cap the number of active players per turn at 6. That said (like risk-reward) it'll be based on the bidding process, so the fewer rewards you receive from your bid plus the mandatory (or not) nature of the objective will determine if you "win."

Character Creation
Each player has 200 perk tokens (4 perks) on character creation. This will be increased by the colony's current passive income value per season (turn) for people who join later. (i.e., On Season 10, you'd get +50 tokens)

Any tokens spent are pending my approval, and you should do the math for your perk token spending.

I also expect a couple of paragraphs describing your character. Reference pics are good, too.

Accepted characters will be marked as Media.

IC posts will be marked as Sidestory as they are canon.

You will be required to declare for a faction. Anyone wishing to start a faction may do so, but they are expected to write more so players know what sort of politics the faction has. Similarly, founding (or running either default faction cult) requires you to buy a passive income perk for your faction to provide benefits for membership.

The default factions run by the GM:

Graf Alex Heisenberg Loyalist—Colonial Ruler (NPC)—The Graf was given a mandate by the Kaiser to colonize this land and is, as such, the leader of the colony. That said, this is not a dictatorship, and he largely drives the plot forward based on your votes rather than the GM's whims.

Father Harald (NPC) - Cult of Odin - Odin is the "good" god of nature, nature-oriented magic (i.e., controlling the elements, speaking with beasts), and patriarch of the Pantheon. Please think of the Druid archetype as his priest type.

Mother Matilda (NPC) - Cult of Orcus - Orcus is the dark god of undeath and black magic—Odin's natural foe as Orcus perverts the natural order. This faction does not operate in secret as their services are viewed as fighting fire with fire rather than comic book villainy.

Perk Tokens and Advancement

Using perk Tokens
The average cost of an upgrade is 50 perk tokens times the number of upgrades of a particular area of expertise. This encourages people to pick narrower areas of expertise for more significant bonuses while limiting how many bonuses a player can stack naturally.

50 Tokens = First Upgrade
100 Tokens = Second Upgrade
150 Tokens = Third Upgrade

We use 3d6 as the roll to smooth the curve for player actions.

Regular upgrades are +1 (i.e., Upgrading your Necromancy)

Specialized upgrades are +3 (i.e., Upgrading your ability to create Vampires or how to build fortifications)

Cooldown upgrades are +2 (i.e., Luck, which is any action), +4 (i.e., Necromancy-specific bonus, such as favors from Hades), or +6 (i.e., Upgrading the creation of a single vampire) but come with a 2-turn cooldown.

You are limited to one cooldown ability to minimize bookkeeping but can upgrade them as much as you want. It is part of why the numbers are larger per upgrade.

Remember that related upgrades upgrade the entire "perk tree" in costs. So, Necromancy -> Create Zombie upgrade would increase both costs.

Risk vs. Reward for Tasks
Specific tasks are riskier than others and will have a token bonus. However, people must bid on who takes which tasks, which lowers the rewards.

An example would be Players A and B, who both want a task that usually rewards 50 perk Tokens.

Player A bids -5 tokens, so Player B bids -10. If Player B wins, they will get 12 perk tokens. However, they might also be unable to post the next turn if they fail.

Each player is allowed one bid per task, so place your best bids for the first time.

Generally, the increments for risk are:
40 (40% chance of failure for non-specialized characters)
20 (20% chance of failure for non-specialized characters)
Failure = 10 Tokens as you get the passive income instead.

Remember that I provide the DC for the tasks; you write how you roll and write how your character performs, and what happens. I don't want to exclude people more than necessary for my sanity.

Failures lead to a two-turn cooldown on your character due to injuries/recovery time. Limit one active character per person. (i.e. You can retire characters and do a dynasty type thing if you want)

Passive Income
Players who do not perform a task are rewarded with passive income as they are presumed to be training while AFK. This is ten perk tokens per "task turn," where tasks are handed out to players to write IC posts.

If adequately secured/defended, specific magical locations will provide everyone (active and not) with perk tokens. The downside is they generate additional mandatory tasks to retain these locations. This is the "expand, exploit" mechanic for the game in 4X terms.

The other source of passive income is such perks bought by players (50 tokens -> 100 tokens -> etc):

1) Quick Learner (Perk Type) = +10 Tokens/Turn for you only for a specific perk category (i.e. Necromancy). This is personal and not something that can be stolen. That said, you cannot spend these tokens outside a single perk tree, so they have diminishing returns naturally.

2) Faction/Unholy/Holy Artifact = Organization members gain +3 Tokens/Turn. These are general tokens that can be spent on anything. This can be stolen.

3) Dungeon = +1 Token/Turn for every player. These are general tokens that can be spent on anything. This can be stolen.

4) Trading Ship or Export = +1 Token/Turn for every player. These are colonial trade income that helps buy magical supplies to upgrade gear or the player's training with technique manuals or whatever.

5) Personal Magical Artifact: +5 Tokens/Turn for you. This can be stolen, but these tokens can be used for anything. It should be noted that each buy advances the cost.

The main way the players progress personally is to collect these passive perk token generators for the colony and stop them from being stolen or your base raided for them.

Players cannot be killed; they are only on cooldown for two turns. So keep in mind players can come after you for revenge. There are no deaths that last in this game unless the owner of a character wishes for it. (i.e., Resurrection magic is a thing)

The attacker names their target.

The defender chooses the type of conflict that happens. (i.e., Combat, magic, or espionage)

PvP consumes the attacker's task assignment for the turn, and the winner writes it up.

The only possible loot is stealing a faction's (or player's) income generator that provides passive income a turn. Such player-stealable items must be intentionally purchased or recovered from the Stolen Lands instead of an ordinary task reward.
Settlement Information
Settlement: Fairhaven

Location Bonuses: Island (Not secured yet), Trade Port (+1 Perk Token to all players)

Basic Faction Perk Token Income:

Kaiser Loyalists: +14 Tokens per Season (Total) [Base 10 + 1 Artifact + 1 Export]
Odin's Cult: +14 Tokens per Season (Total) [Base 10 + 1 Artifact + 1 Export]
Orcus's Cult: +14 Tokens per Season (Total) [Base 10 + 1 Artifact + 1 Export]
Hunters: +14 Tokens per Season (Total), 1 Secret Non-Mandatory Task [Base 10 + 1 Artifact + 1 Export]
Guardians of Light: +12 Tokens per Season (Total), Access to naval tasks [Base 10 + 1 Ship + 1 Export]
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NPC-led Factions
Kaiser Loyalist (NPC-led)

The Graf was given a mandate by the Kaiser to colonize this land and is, as such, the leader of the colony. That said, this is not a dictatorship, and he largely drives the plot forward based on your votes rather than the GM's whims.

Graf Alex Heisenberg (NPC)

He is a renowned warrior who is the veteran of many battles as an axe-wielding maniac. He can tear through men by the score until he is stopped by one blow too many. Only to be brought back by Father Harald or Mother Matilda to do it all over again. This is his skill, and for a culture built on war, it is one that is highly valued.

Of course, he is scarred both physically and mentally from such battles. He has horrible insomnia and nightmares that keep him constantly exhausted when he doesn't tap his deep well of berserker rage to function in battle. This has left them with questionable competence in day-to-day affairs, so he has left much of it to the Graf's Moot (players that vote).

1. Quick Learner (Warrior) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Axe-wielding Berserker II (Warrior Specialization) - +6 to tearing through monsters and humans alike on the battlefield as an axe-wielding madman.

Jarl Floki (NPC)

A talented weaponsmith with the brute power to match in combat. He may not be as dangerous as the average adventurer in this land but his skills are valued by the Graf and anyone who has ever used his weapons.

  1. Axe Warrior (Warrior Specialization) - +3 to Axe Weapon Combat
  2. Weaponsmith (Blacksmith Specialization) - +3 to Weapon Creation Rolls
  3. Quick Learner (Blacksmith) - +10 Tokens/Turn

  1. Erich Faust, Alchemist-Transmutationist (Kaiser Loyalists) - Just Some Guy
  2. Sofia Rossa, Mage-Engineer (Kaiser Loyalists) - Lukepop
  3. Lamprecht Fruhjahrsmudigkeit (Kaiser Loyalists) - Ralakesh

Cult of Odin (NPC-led)
Odin is the "good" god of nature, nature-oriented magic (i.e., controlling the elements, speaking with beasts), and patriarch of the Pantheon. Please think of the Druid archetype as his priest type.

Father Harald (NPC)

A priest with well-reasoned arguments favoring the natural order, with the only exception being bringing back the Graf's warriors before their Final Day when Odin has ordained they are to die for good. He provides a natural balance to Mother Matilda and her unnatural creations. Still, in a culture that values prowess in battle, the fact Matilda is the stronger in combat with her unnatural allies is several points in her favor.

Harald is an intelligent, reasonable man when sober, but he still has flaws—too much alcohol for one. He drinks like a warrior of old with little regard for his health (healing magic) or social mores. People know he is not an incompetent drunkard, but his slurred speech after hours certainly gives the impression of one.

1. Quick Learner (Elementalist) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Elementalist - A talented controller of the elements through magic.
3. Healing Magic - Standard divine healing magic including bringing back the dead.
4. The Good Book - A master of Odin's lore and using it to influence people.

  1. Nicodemus Fain - Rockeye

Cult of Orcus
Orcus is the dark god of undeath and black magic—Odin's natural foe, as Orcus perverts the natural order. This faction does not operate in secret, as its services are viewed as fighting fire with fire rather than comic book villainy.

Mother Matilda (NPC)

Matilda is not a people person. A solitary hunter, she is known for venturing into the world's wilderness with just her creations for company, only to return with valuable treasure and blood on her hands. No one asks whose blood it is because they do not want to know. Women like her built the Empire at the Kaiser's behest, but they are distrusted because they are extremely dangerous and kill people in truly horrible ways. In some cases, ways that make even the resurrection magic of Odin's cult impossible to revive a person with. That last bit is truly terrifying in a culture used to revive storied warriors who die before their Final Day.

Power is ultimately her greatest desire, and she has spent many hours on unnatural enhancements to her mind and senses to grasp her foul magic better. Magic, does the colony need to stop monsters? Certainly. But does that make her a friend? No.

This outsider status has kept her distant from her fellow passengers aboard the three ships the Graf procured. That said, no one questions her ability to kill the Graf's enemies.

1. Quick Learner (Necromancy) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Quick Learner (Black Magic) - +10 Tokens/Turn
3. Necromancer I - The animation and creation of the undead. The arts of body and spirit manipulation.
4. Black Magic I - Magic that perverts the natural order, such as accelerating decay or bringing back the dead.

  1. Amidis Volkar, Vampire Noble - KingCrimson1081
  2. Octavius Tarvich - OldShadow

Hunter Faction
The hunters seek out beasts and monsters to collect valuable magical objects and organs from. They also feed back their intelligence on the world at large in the Stolen Lands to the settlement and its Graf, even if they keep the choicest tidbits in terms of riches for themselves. Ruled democratically, it has no official leader.

Just the Oath Stone that provides the expected benefits of any faction artifact. Oaths to be loyal to the Hunters are sworn on such stones and are magically binding contracts.

  1. Thod son of Thod - Happerry
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Player Led Factions
The Guardians Of Light

Leader: Tyrah Green-Ears, Who Hunts the Moon - Space Jawa

The Guardians of Light are defined less by what they stand for and more by what they stand against - namely, 'Evil'. Some may question the nebulous nature of what this means; the Guardians insist that it's not difficult to identify evil if only you're willing to open your eyes and speak truth. The organization's reputation is overall mixed. Some hail them as true heroes who accomplish what needs to be done where others cannot, some decry them as worse than what they claim to oppose.

In practice, much of the Guardians of Light's work centers around hunting those who practice 'unnatural arts' and that which goes 'bump' in the night. To that end, they have a longstanding feud with the Cult of Orcus, who effectively represent the pinnacle of all the Guardians claim to oppose. They similarly have extremely negative relations with vampire houses and similar organizations.

This is not to say that the Guardians are foolish in their crusade against Evil - most its membership is fully capable of seeing the bigger picture and willing to hold back and wait when two forms of evil clash and the results benefit a greater good. In this regard, they are happy to bide their time, take pains to minimize the collateral damage, and then strike when holding back no longer benefits the bigger picture.
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The faction leaders are roughly what I'm looking for in character creation.

But you don't need to make a character to vote. ;) Its just an option that is out there for people who want it.
The faction leaders are roughly what I'm looking for in character creation.

But you don't need to make a character to vote. ;) Its just an option that is out there for people who want it.
Oh, you mean leader character?

Yeah nope, not good at that thank you :)

Maybe l will make a character when my brain is braining and not empty of character idea. but l do, just lazy.
Sofia Rossa, Mage-Engineer (Kaiser Loyalists)
Plan: Saelig
-[X] The Jarl - The Graf's right hand is a major NPC with player-level stats and task-handling capabilities. He is automatically assigned to any mandatory tasks the players did not bid for.
-[X] Island - You established your colony on an island a few miles offshore. Once the island is fully civilized, you have a secure position from which to retake the Stolen Lands.
-[X] Trade Port - You start with one export and a good location for a trading port instead of just an acceptable one. Provides a bonus to trade, which feeds perk tokens and other resources into the colony. Each export gives every player +1 perk token per turn. Multiple purchases of this perk are allowed.

I'm not sure how I would buy a passive income perk for my faction yet, so I'm just going to stick with the loyalists. If I split it off it can be a later thing anyways.

Sofia Rossa, Mage-Engineer (Kaiser Loyalists)
Sofia is a recent immigrant to the Kaiser's realm, from the great patchwork of city-states that adorn it's southern border. She is a student of the first university to arise since the Fall. Whilst she still has much to learn, she is already a proficient Fabrication Mage and spends much of her time drafting out new creations. She is an idealist, and deeply sheltered due to her upbringing as a noblewoman of the Southern Cities. She does not flinch from an argument, but quickly loses her nerve at the first hint of violence. Her most sincere dream is to see the mortal realms rise from the ashes of their despair into a new era of prosperity.

After her education, she heard rumors of the expedition that was being assembled for the stolen lands, and absconded to the North - abandoning her duties to her family. Her father was an old battle-brother of the Graf's - a fact she used to get her onto the ships and away from the Homeland. She is also a professor of the Southern Faith, a pantheon of gods that is similar to those of the Empire yet different enough to always make her feel like an outsider. Many in the North consider the Southern Gods to be "alternate-interpretations" of the Northern gods, just under different names. She is quick to assure them it is otherwise. Her nonviolent nature and focus on creation cause her to lose a lot of respect amongst the Imperials, who value strength in combat above all else. All these factors, and yet more, make Sofia a serious pariah amongst the expedition - but she is unshaken. Her dream will not die whilst she still lives, and this world will be born anew in glory.

1. Quick Learner (Engineering) - +10 Tokens/turn
2. Quick Learner (Enchantment Magic)- +10 Tokens/turn
3. Quick Learner (Fabrication Magic) - +10 Tokens/turn
4. Fabrication Magic I - A broad discipline of spells that all centre around the creation of artifacts, buildings, and other constructions. Minimal to no combat application since most spells take several minutes to cast, at least at an early level.

EDIT: Changed Stewardship to Enchantment since I don't think I will get many opportunities to use "Stewardship". I'm still unsure how much engineering and fabrication magic will overlap but they're different enough that I want both. She doesn't feel like the right character without engineering.

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Erich Faust, Alchemist-Transmutationist (Kaiser Loyalists)
[X] Plan Tutorial island
-[X] The Hunters - Intelligence is valuable, and hunters are good at collecting it. Adds a Hunter faction with an NPC leader and appropriate faction artifact. This provides better passive intelligence for the players and a faction specialized in hunting beasts and monsters as part of the default faction options.
-[X] Island - You established your colony on an island a few miles offshore. Once the island is fully civilized, you have a secure position from which to retake the Stolen Lands.
-[X] Trade Port - You start with one export and a good location for a trading port instead of just an acceptable one. Provides a bonus to trade, which feeds perk tokens and other resources into the colony. Each export gives every player +1 perk token per turn. Multiple purchases of this perk are allowed.

Erich Faust, Alchemist-Transmutationist (Kaiser Loyalists)
Erich is a young man hailing from the capital of the Kaiser's realm, he spent his youth as a minor noble studying in a university in which he learned Alchemy and Transmutation Magic in order to prepare himself for the future to whatever it may be. He loved Transmutation Magic because he always wondered if he can turn worthless rocks into gold or some other expensive mineral since he wishes to raise his houses standing and wealth.

Speaking of wealth he is talented in stewardship because of that desire and the amount of efforts he puts into it. When he graduated from university he learned of this expedition from his colleagues on the rumor mill. He persuaded his parents into letting him go as he isn't the first born son, he is in fact the second so he is essentially a spare, nonetheless they see it as a good opportunity for their house to participate in this expedition and thats how he ended up on this expedition and ending up establishing a colony on a island perfect for trade.

1. Quick Learner (Stewardship) - +10 Tokens/turn
2. Alchemy I - A broad discipline of studying the magical and learning how to harness its properties usually in forms of combining various reagents, some examples include health potion, mana potion, elixirs, poisons(be it in liquid or gaseous form) are some of the basic examples that can be done at an early level.
3. Quick Learner (Transmutation Magic) - +10 Tokens/turn
4. Transmutation Magic I - The ability to alter the form of energy, beings, objects, matter, etc. to change it into something else.
This ability has a variety of applications, including transmuting nearby objects into useful items or nullifying attacks by turning them into something else. More specialized versions can turn forcibly transmute or transform targets into other inanimate objects or vastly weaker beings (i.e. a common toad), effectively incapacitating or killing them.
Another example of this is by creating a rock wall in order to protect the user against approaching enemies or ranged attacks.
Another example is changing minerals like copper to iron or gold.
Another example is changing herbs that are for making healing potions to herbs that are for making mana potions.

Note: I chose hunters instead of Jarl because intel is always good, after all you dont want to be ambushed by a enemy that counters you right or any potential traps ahead?
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Note: I chose hunters instead of Jarl because intel is always good, after all you dont want to be ambushed by a enemy that counters you right or any potential traps ahead?
That's totally valid. I just chose the Jarl because, well, I don't think Sofia will be very good at doing required tasks like slaying monsters or defending the colony. At least not for now. Maybe if she can eventually get some Automatons going.
That's totally valid. I just chose the Jarl because, well, I don't think Sofia will be very good at doing required tasks like slaying monsters or defending the colony. At least not for now. Maybe if she can eventually get some Automatons going.
I made this character to help support your character, since Sofia fabricates tools/buildings my role is to produce raw/refined resources and potions as well as potentially assisting in transmuting basic walls for the settlement and other support/combat needs.
1. Quick Learner (Engineering) - +10 Tokens/turn
2. Quick Learner (Enchantment Magic)- +10 Tokens/turn
3. Quick Learner (Fabrication Magic) - +10 Tokens/turn
4. Fabrication Magic I - A broad discipline of spells that all centre around the creation of artifacts, buildings, and other constructions. Minimal to no combat application since most spells take several minutes to cast, at least at an early level.

EDIT: Changed Stewardship to Enchantment since I don't think I will get many opportunities to use "Stewardship". I'm still unsure how much engineering and fabrication magic will overlap but they're different enough that I want both. She doesn't feel like the right character without engineering.

Engineering is the knowledge of how to build complex things for the time. (e.g. watermills, windmills)

Fabrication is the *doing* of said thing.

So they overlap but they aren't the same bonus. Character approved.
Amidis Volkar, Vampire Noble (Cult of Orcus Affiliated)
[X] Plan: Dungeons and Dragons
-[X] Dungeon Core - +1 Perk Token/Turn for all players and faction leader NPCs. It may take multiple times to upgrade this.
-[X] Trade Port - You start with one export and a good location for a trading port instead of just an acceptable one. Provides a bonus to trade, which feeds perk tokens and other resources into the colony. Each export gives every player +1 perk token per turn. Multiple purchases of this perk are allowed.
-[X] The Hunters - Intelligence is valuable, and hunters are good at collecting it. Adds a Hunter faction with an NPC leader and appropriate faction artifact. This provides better passive intelligence for the players and a faction specialized in hunting beasts and monsters as part of the default faction options.

So two character concepts I am playing with here.

Bhugoth Ashgash, Dread Blacksmith (Cult of Orcus Affiliated)
A Dwarf blacksmith from a clan ruined when the disaster struck, they lost their homes their wealth and their kin. So great was their despair they joined the Cult of Orcus for a chance at revenge. Bhugoth is but one descendant of this clan having learned the ancestral art of blacksmithing and married into the the dark magics of the cult to create artifacts to take revenge against the monsters took his ancestrial home.

When he learned of the expedition he was quick to join shedding the sedentary reclusive nature of most Dwarfs. His goal establish a hold and rebuild his broken and disgraced clan in the new colony finally reclaiming what was lost.

1. Quick Learner (Metallirgy) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Quick Learner (Blacksmithing) - +10 Tokens/Turn
3. Dread Blacksmithing I - The art of forging weapons, armor, and tools. A very broad art form allowing for the making of high quality items and weapons. More darker and exotic forms of it allow the converting of slain monsters into ingredients.
4. Hammer Wielding Warrior I (Warrior Specialization) - The ability to use a hammer in combat in a cold calculating manner to break a foe.

So basically a chaos dwarf who is very angry, main concerns with this one is that we already have 2 crafters.

Now for my other character idea.

Amidis Volkar, Vampire Noble (Cult of Orcus Affiliated)
Amidis of house Volkar is a noble vampire sent to the new colony to establish a foothold for her house before others can do the same be they other vampires, fellow Orcus supporters, or the Cult of Odin. She intends to entrench her house within the new colony and become one of its supporting pillars thus making her unremovable as it develops.

As an aristocratic woman she is used to working indirectly through her servants living or undead but that doesn't mean she is helpless in personal combat, vampire society wouldn't allow anything else.

1. Quick Learner (Intrigue) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Quick Learner (Stewardship) - +10 Tokens/Turn
3. Necromancer I - The animation and creation of the undead. The arts of body and spirit manipulation.
4. Blood Magic I - The natural magic of vampires used to enhance their bodies and destroy their foes with curses.

Basically the vampire aristocracy staking its claim in new lands more faction leadery then the dwarf idea.

Let me know if these characters are accepted.
I'm gonna give it until tonight and if we have more votes, great.

If not, I may have to blend your plans together since I don't really want to restart again lol.
If approval voting is okay, I will amend my vote:
[X] Plan: Saelig
-[X] The Jarl - The Graf's right hand is a major NPC with player-level stats and task-handling capabilities. He is automatically assigned to any mandatory tasks the players did not bid for.
-[X] Island - You established your colony on an island a few miles offshore. Once the island is fully civilized, you have a secure position from which to retake the Stolen Lands.
-[X] Trade Port - You start with one export and a good location for a trading port instead of just an acceptable one. Provides a bonus to trade, which feeds perk tokens and other resources into the colony. Each export gives every player +1 perk token per turn. Multiple purchases of this perk are allowed.
[X] Plan Tutorial Island
Lamprecht Fruhjahrsmudigkeit (Kaiser Loyalists)
[X] Plan: Saelig
-[X] The Jarl - The Graf's right hand is a major NPC with player-level stats and task-handling capabilities. He is automatically assigned to any mandatory tasks the players did not bid for.
-[X] Island - You established your colony on an island a few miles offshore. Once the island is fully civilized, you have a secure position from which to retake the Stolen Lands.
-[X] Trade Port - You start with one export and a good location for a trading port instead of just an acceptable one. Provides a bonus to trade, which feeds perk tokens and other resources into the colony. Each export gives every player +1 perk token per turn. Multiple purchases of this perk are allowed.

Lamprecht Fruhjahrsmudigkeit (Kaiser Loyalists)

An errant gunslinger fanatically loyal to the Crown, he wandered all across the Empire and, as a result of his rather trigger-happy disposition, has gotten a bounty on his head everywhere he went. One day, he discovered that there is no town left in the Empire where he won't be met with attempts to kill him and general hostility. Due to his love for the Fatherland, he couldn't deal with the fact that he would have to leave it and almost ended it all on the spot, but by chance, at the same time, he heard news about the Stolen Lands. Excited to serve his country once more without the risk of getting poisoned in the nearest tavern, he immediately signed up for this.

1. Quick Learner (Engineering) - +10 Tokens/turn
2. Quick Learner (Shooting)- +10 Tokens/turn
3. Tactical Combat I - Ability to prepare for danger beforehand with clever thinking.
4. Gunslinging I - The art of ending another man's life with a gun and flourish.
Octavius Tarvich, (Cult of Orcus)
[X] Plan: Saelig
-[X] The Jarl - The Graf's right hand is a major NPC with player-level stats and task-handling capabilities. He is automatically assigned to any mandatory tasks the players did not bid for.
-[X] Island - You established your colony on an island a few miles offshore. Once the island is fully civilized, you have a secure position from which to retake the Stolen Lands.
-[X] Trade Port - You start with one export and a good location for a trading port instead of just an acceptable one. Provides a bonus to trade, which feeds perk tokens and other resources into the colony. Each export gives every player +1 perk token per turn. Multiple purchases of this perk are allowed.

Octavius Tarvich, (Cult of Orcus)

A young scholar, presenting himself as a student of medicine hailing from a good family. In truth, since his village was ravaged by plague when he was a boy, Octavius has been obsessed by the pursuit of vanquishing death, of bringing the fallen back to life and ensuring they never have to again fear the reaper. He dreams fervently of his ideal society of immortals allowed to exist in pursuit of the arts and knowledge, while mindless skeletons perform all tasks demanding physical labors.
To fulfill those dreams, he has left for the Stolen Lands, hoping to find her the materials needed for his research.

1. Quick Learner (Necromancy) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Quick Learner (Stewardship) - +10 Tokens/Turn
3. Necromancer I - The animation and creation of the undead. The arts of body and spirit manipulation.
4. Fleshcrafting I - The art of altering living beings and dead flesh into new forms

My proposal for a character, a Frankenstein-like obsessed visionary with dark, utopian dreams and lacking the wisdom needed to even consider the unintended consequences of them. Will probably try to find some monsters-infested ruins to turn into an undead-powered plantation to finance his research and further expeditions.
I'm temporarily closing Kaiser Loyalists as 3 is the minimum point at which I'd temporarily delay faction memberships.

Orcus, Odin are both open until they hit 3.

Once both has at least 2 (or a player or hunter faction gets 2) I'll re-open loyalists.

All apps up to this point have been accepted but you DO NOT need to submit a character to vote on strategic plans. It is optional and allows you to influence the story more than voting but that is all it is. :)
Thod son of Thod (Hunter Loyalists)
[X] Plan Tutorial island

Thod son of Thod (Hunter Loyalists)

A simple man with simple desires, Thod, son of Thod, is here for one reason. To hunt great monsters, take of their flesh and bones, and work wonders with them. As a user of Talisman Magic Thod is limited in his arts by the available materials, and he desires to become a legend at his arts. In order to do so he requires the best materials to research, experiment, and otherwise advance his arts. The greatest of materials can be found in the stolen lands.

As such, his choice was simple. Stay at home and advance slowly, or take a risk and become a legend. (Or die.) He made his choice.

1. Quick Learner (Talisman Magic) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Talisman Magic - The art of using raw magical energy to achieve tasks, usually pre-prepared and bound to an item. If you have properly prepped, it can be powerful, but you can't generally make new wizardy in the field. Talismans built out of more magically powerful or charged materials can be used to hold more powerful spells.
3. Handcrafts - The art of creating simple items with simple tools. Whittling, bonecarving, simple stonecutting, and so on.
4. Spear Hunting - The art of using spears to fight beasts and monsters in the wilderness, as well as tracking said beasts and monsters down for the stabbing.

How is this?

Starting Perks
1. Quick Learner (Talisman Magic) - +10 Tokens/Turn
2. Talisman Magic - The art of using raw magical energy to achieve tasks, usually pre-prepared and bound to an item. If you have properly prepped, it can be powerful, but you can't generally make new wizardy in the field. Talismans built out of more magically powerful or charged materials can be used to hold more powerful spells.
3. Handcrafts - The art of creating simple items with simple tools. Whittling, bonecarving, simple stonecutting, and so on.
4. Spear Hunting - The art of using spears to fight beasts and monsters in the wilderness, as well as tracking said beasts and monsters down for the stabbing.

Turn 1 - Year 0
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