Clouded Dreams - Weyland-Yutani Colonial Council RP [IC]

Neo-Okinawa 04.10.2179 - Changing of the Guard

=} Clouded Dreams {=

=} Neo-Okinawa 04.10.2179 {=

"[…] all powers granted to a corporation or to the management of a corporation, or to any group within the corporation, whether derived from statute or charter or both, are necessarily and at all times exercisable only for the ratable benefit of all the shareholders as their interest appears."

A.A. Berle, "Corporate Powers as Powers in Trust," Harvard Law Review 44 (1931): 1049.

The massive array of satellite dishes and vast collection of high-powered antenna that connected the colony of Neo-Okinawa with the Weyland-Yutani Communication network in the dark of space was the first thing that came into your view as the freighter finished its landing operations. The few 'windows' the newer G-class Bison offered were giving you a dreamy impression of the surrounding landscape: the Motobu Terminal, built on the highest peak of the local mountain range, was rising from the orange and red clouds around it like a bastion of corporate design: all gleaming Weyland-Yutani logos, brutally efficient and unyielding concrete structures and blinding lights that showed one of the few places on this world, where air had become pure enough to allow breathing without a mask to protect ones lungs. But around this plateau tall cliffs plunged downwards, with alien growths in a multitude of colours clinging to stone and dirt, before disappearing in the rolling gas clouds below, only the cables connecting the spaceport with the other plateaus visible above this cloud layer, the gondolas moving across it ever preciously.

Eighteen years had passed since the colony of Neo-Okinawa had been bought up by Weyland-Yutani Corporation, in accordance with the guidelines of the Interstellar Commerce Commission and the support of the local independent Subcontractors. While production numbers were still sufficient and the gasses refined on the planet were allowing the terraforming of half a dozen other planets across the frontier, the prize being paid for it wasn't low.

Your arrival showcased this perfectly as it was nothing less than a changing of guards as the second corporate administration to have been tasked with running Neo-Okinawa was standing ready to take your place and head back home – or towards the next projects. There were a few short words of greetings: Director Rhett Brant looked like a man who had aged before his time, something that might easily be connected to his head of scientific head of research making her way back to Earth in an urn after an fungal outbreak in the labs, while his chief of security was unable to take part in the discussion as she was currently in Hypersleep, her capsule getting lifted into the Bison to get her ready for lifesaving brain surgery that the colony wasn't equipped to offer. Following them were large parts of the local staff and security forces, nervous smile and blemished white armour telling a tale of nearly a decade full of softly simmering or suddenly bursting local terrorism. While some of these longstanding employees would remain for your administration, most had filed for a transfer and were getting sent to other colonies – maybe they would lose their penchant to clutch their gasmasks tightly as they walked in their new jobs.

Neo-Okinawa was a beautiful world from orbit, its colours, the swirls and storms dipping and throwing up its cloud layer and the alien flora and fauna that was colouring the highest mountain ranges like colourful pebbles that someone had thrown into a stream. But closer to the surface you could feel the heat, you could feel the stares of the work crews that were observing your arrival with not just kindness and you could see a distant storm that was covering the horizon in gas and spores….

Welcome to your new Clouded Dreams.

Director Juliette Greene would find herself led to the former offices and rooms of Director Brant at the top of the same-named Spire that points skywards in a clear sign of who's in control of the colony. Multiple floors were designated for her staff, her assets and of course the Weyland Yutani employees who lived and worked inside of the Spire. From it the surveillance networks across the colony could be accessed, Employee ID chips located, and communications tapped into when necessary. All in all: the centre of the web left for her.

Only a few floors beneath the penthouse suite of the Director where the staff offices and rooms of Administrator Janet Stahl and her own staff, with motor pools and synth workshops stretching towards the base of the Spire from where the rest of the colony could be reached reliably and easily. Thankfully the placement of such offices were a standard across Weyland Yutani Installations – and she was used to her Director being able to breath down her neck if anything went wrong.

Further removed from this centre of administrative power were the research wings of the colony, attached to the Onna-Pumps towering building, the laboratory wings have a first rate access to the gasses being bumped up from the lower depths and of course whatever organism was hardy enough to make the same travel up the pipes on its own. Dr. Serroelof would find his staff in a small but comfortable enclave, supplied with all that was necessary for his future research.

In contrast to all other managers, Dorothy Burkett would find herself happily staying at the Motobu-Terminal, the spaceport also owning both office and living space for the head of security – as well as barracks for her additional security personnel. In the next hours the five colonial marshals and their twenty-five official deputies would show up to introduce themselves – nominally they were tasked with local security, officially the colony was close to 100% Weyland Yutani owned and thus they were just another happy little layer between any uppity sub-contractor and a Weyland-Yutani baton.

Mobility: Clear (as long as Mobility is unimpacted, Assets can move across the colony unimpeded and without limit – along the cable ways, bridges or the lower lying tram lines)
Weather: Clear
Stability: Clear

Shares: Neo-Okinawa Terraforming Gas-Exports
Administrator: 8%
Head of Security: 10%
Chief Scientist: 6%


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First Days

Janet hummed a small ditty as she worked, flicking her way through status reports with one hand as the other marked down various notes on a pad. If one looked over her shoulder they would be able to see that the reports she was working through seemed to be an eclectic mix of documents, from fatality reports to maintenance requests. Her research material appeared to cover the breadth and width of the colony's administrative structure, from how many replacement parts the colony ordered from off-world to the most common ways workers were injured while on duty, she seemed to be collecting a broad picture of her new employees habits.

Her notes were equally as broad, marking down not just what was in the reports but her suspicions and theories. Ranging from the possible affair between managers in Izuma Industries, why else would they have nearly synched up paid time off for the last three years, to what areas would need to be double-checked by the engineering teams to make sure maintenance was up to code. She seemed to be taking the broad picture her reports were giving her and making the most of the bird's eye view it allowed her to see, even if that view was still full of holes.

But such dry reading and heavy thinking was draining on even someone trained like Janet, so after a short ten hours of work she decided to end it there. She could pick it up in the morning since there shouldn't be anything too urgent for now, there were no emergencies to worry about at this time so she could relax her normally strict work hours. So after putting away her pen and paper, in a secure safe with numerous security features, of course, she instead opened her personal device.

A small thing and a gift from Salem, she mostly used it for sending messages and keeping her schedule. At the moment she was using the former as she started to type up a message to send to her old boss, a fairly normal letter talking about the journey, how she was settling in, and what the new post was like so far. Of course, Janet being Janet had a much more optimistic view of all three compared to what was actual reality but Salem would be well used to it and parse out the exaggeration fairly easily.

After writing her, fairly long, letter Janet was ready to hit the sack for the night. Where most people would have a hobby or passion to enjoy after work Janet's hobby was work, leading to her either working, socializing, or sleeping and she didn't quite have anyone here to socialize with. So it seemed like sleep was the obvious course of action. Maybe in a few weeks, she would have some people to talk to but for now sleep and work were her going to be her life for the foreseeable future…

Turn Actions:
Mobile Workshop: Lighten the load on other teams' upkeep by making equipment and parts for them so that there's less need to be ordered from off-colony.
Responder Unit 1:Set-up on Doya-Plateau, their duty will be to respond to emergencies within the plateau. For now, they are to set up to deal with any early emergencies and use their time to get used to their new duty station

Responder Unit 2: Set up in the Onna-pump station, their duty will be to respond to emergencies within the plateau or move to support Izena Industries in case of an emergency. For now, they are to set up to deal with any early emergencies and use their time to get used to their new duty station

Responder Unit 3: Set up on the Naha Plateau, their duty will be to respond to emergencies within the plateau or move to support Izena Industries if no other unit is available. For now, they are to set up to deal with any early emergencies and use their time to get used to their new duty station
Engineer Team 1: Work on a map of electricity and water usage in Doya-Plateau and try to work with any station's guards to check in on the area. Hopefully, with a map as guidance, we can figure out if it really is uncontrolled workforce expansion or another issue entirely. At this time do not do anything about it, merely gather information about the problem and its scope.

Engineer Team 2: Look over Nahu Platau and its iconic tower, at the moment Stahl doesn't trust the previous administrator's work and wants to be sure that the tower is up to code and that there aren't any issues that were hidden at first glance.
Public Relations Team: It's Spin Time, the PR team is to make the changing of the guard appear to be a great thing. Life would be better under them, more prosperity, less corruption, and better safety! The people of the planet were in safe hands and the PR team will make sure they know it!
Janet: Stahl's goal here at this time is to familiarize herself with all the various tasks she would need to do on a daily here, and to get to know her new employees. This should give her a good grounding for future work and bring any glaring problems to her attention.
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Cmdr. Y. Cixin: Sir.

Dr. A. Serroelof: New orders for your Dogcatchers, manual transmission. They have not touched an online system, and they will not. We are being recorded on compact cassette.


Cmdr. Y. Cixin: Seems old fashioned, or scary.

Dr. A. Serroelof: Our conversations may be recorded but will not necessarily be uploaded. I trust in your discretion to determine what will and will not be routed through public-facing internets. We will have an internal system in due time.

[Sound of papers shuffling.]

Cmdr. Y. Cixin: What is this? ... Countersigned by Biological Applications? ... No. Hell no!

Dr. A. Serroelof: Really, commander? I was under the impression that I am providing official sanction for what you were doing anyway. With Dr. Ramping, I mean. Except with safety procedures, resources...

Cmdr. Y. Cixin: Don't bullshit me. Layla wasn't them. She was doing it for this colony.

Dr. A. Serroelof: And I am so different?

Cmdr. Y. Cixin: You're corporate. Of course you are. We were addressing medicine, security, domestication, and it still got her killed. I'm not helping you turn over our work to--

Dr. A. Serroelof: Yes you are. You, and a lot of people you work with, are implicated in the death of a very highly skilled professional. That is settled. Whether I work 'for this colony,' that is not. I hope to work with you, and with your team. If that means reviving Neo-Okinawa, I will. If I must pursue my orders by other means, I will not.
From: Director Juliette Greene

To: All Special Operations Staff

Subject: Expectations

Good Morning,

As you may or may not be aware, there has been a change in the senior Weyland-Yutani leadership of the Neo-Okinawa colony, and as such I am your Director of Special Operations. Do not inquire as to the reasons for this change, as it is not relevant to your employment or the completion of your assigned tasks.

This does however leave you under the direction of a new set of senior officers, and specifically in the case of those reading this memo, myself. There is however little you need to know about me, other than the fact that I am a long time employee of the Company and I hold myself and those under my command to high standards of diligence, deportment, and efficiency.

Those of you who have worked with me before know my expectations, however there are many of you who are unfamiliar with my management style, so in the interests of a smooth transition of management Iwill outline my expectations for you, and what expectations you should have for me.

What I expect from you is to complete your work, and to not cause me or the Company problems.

I do not care about your personal life, I am not your friend, and not not assign pointless busywork.

This is it.

I trust you to complete your work, to have a base level of competence at your jobs. If the work is completed, and it is completed with full compliance to all Weyland-Yutani guidelines, regulations, and memoranda I will not directly interfere with you on a day to day basis.

Get your work done, and get it done quickly

However, if you violate this trust by not completing your work within the allotted time, by cutting corners, or by violating the faith that the Company has in you, you will be disciplined and my trust will be revoked.

There will be the occasional drill or test in which your are called upon to demonstrate this competence. However if you are keeping up with your work and performing your duties diligently, this will not be an issue for you.

While some of you may believe that holding this department to a high standard and demanding the rapid and efficient completion of your work constitutes an unacceptable infringement on your lives, nothing could be farther from the truth.

Get your work done at work and we will have no problems. Complete your tasks as soon as they are assigned and your work will stay at work. If regular tasks are completed on a regular basis, they will not pile up, and your workload will remain manageable.

I do not enjoy micromanaging those I am assigned to oversee, I do not enjoy meddling. I do not want to see overtime assigned, I do not want to request overtime from my employees. Tired and sloppy workers make mistakes, and I do NOT abide errors within my department.

All that said, I promise to you that as long as you maintain the expectations that I have for you, I will ensure that your work stays within work hours and that you are protected by the company physically and financially.

Keep to this agreement, and everything will run smoothly.

Do not disappoint me.

With Warmest Regards,
Director Juliette Greene
Neo-Okinawa Director of Special Operations
A recorded briefing of Head of Security Dorothy Burkett, provided to all Weyland-Yutani Security Personnel who answer to her.

"Employees of the Security Department, welcome to Neo-Okinawa. We are here as a pacification force to ensure the continued profitability of the colony. The local populace has been infiltrated by anti-corporate agitators, and we will be resolving that issue. The Motobu Terminal is our base of operations for the foreseeable future. Facilities have been provided to you, and we will ensure that they are up to Company standards, for maximal effectiveness. We have three priorities in our operations - Company. Colony. Colleagues. These three priorities stand above all others, and I expect you to keep them in mind as you conduct your duties. As you all know, standard-issue gas masks have been provided for you all, due to the hostile local atmosphere. We will now go over safety protocols and procedures on duty..."

A recorded voice memo from Head of Security Dorothy Burkett.

"Note to self - Assignment requires additional coordination between departments. Issue information requests to Director, Head of Research, and Administrator regarding their personal security deployment. High-value targets: Motobu Terminal. Main basing of security personnel, requires security deployment. Naha Plateau. Main basing of administrative and high-value corporate personnel.
Mid-value targets: Izena Industries, Onna Pumps - Vital to the colony, unlikely to be disabled without significant insurgent radicalization and-or infiltration. Security deployment deemed necessary to achieve priorities one and two.
Low-value targets: Doya Plateau, high concentration of dissident population, high concentration of potential risk. For achievement of Corporate-mandated profitability metrics, will explore possibility of pre-emptive strike on dissident population elements. A classic self-destruct gambit will work well here. Talk to Director about it."

A private briefing, issued to Weyland-Yutani Commando Squad Sergeants and Above.

"Colleagues, please familiarize yourself with the Doya Plateau as your most likely offensive deployment. We will be planning with the following factors in mind: air transport, medevac, and fire support provided via air assets; likely deployment at night; and significant civilian population in the area. RoE is to be sub-lethal, and focused on detaining, capturing, and extracting priority targets. Targets are..."
Neo-Okinawa 11.10.2179 - Iron Fists and Fearful Riots New

=} Clouded Dreams {=

=} Neo-Okinawa 11.10.2179 {=

Colony Events: Unrest in Doya

The inhabitants of the Doya-Plateau – Subcontractors and Doya alike – were torn out of their sleep and their beds by the thundering sound of engines roaring over their head, of dropships rapidly descending, while gunfire and explosions filled the morning hours in a terse staccato. The day to day life broke down: people did not dare venturing out of their homes, those who did reported armed gunships hovering over their homes, with white clad Weyland Yutani Commandos breaking into homes, offices and community centres: dragging out people in front of their families and loved ones. The mood was tense, crying children were audible through thin walls and in at least two streets the light and filter systems broke down after a missile blew up parts of the street and the pipes below it. People did not feel safe – did not believe the sweet PR that was coming out of the radio, was coming into their homes through the intra-net. They had done nothing wrong – they had worked and now their homes were under threat, the sudden raids coming without warning and without any efforts to bring them in line with the official broadcasts.

As a result things took a dive for the worse: as soon as the sky was clear people were streaming out onto the streets, fear giving way to anger and with security forces far away – busy parading or securing the more vital company properties on the other plateaus, the local sheriffs could offer no resistance as their offices were stormed. Just as surprised as anyone else, they did not dare to raise their weapons as their incensed neighbours occupied their stations and started using the intercom to call upon their neighbours and colleagues to join them in occupying the security stations – while laying down their tools and rejecting to head back to work.

That no one was seriously hurt was mostly thanks to no targets being closed at hand – with the one unit of first responders that had made it to their station on Doya, choosing to barricade themselves in, deciding that staying in their station was safer than heading out onto the street with Weyland Yutani uniforms. As such what was swiftly turning into multiple riots across the Doya Plateau did little but break multiple contracts – between Doya and subcontrators and a few more daring of the laters contracts with Weyland Yutani. For the moment the colony could grind on with fewer of the Doya coming to work, but as the riots were moving towards the tram line and the cable car, it was becoming clear that they might be aiming to cut off Doya from the other plateaus – if even for the moment and simply by pilling up what they could find into barricades.

Either way: this was a challenge – one that couldn't just go unanswered.

Director: Transition

Before the Riots broke out, uncertainty was the prevailing feeling across the colony when it came to the new board. What Director Greene had promised was honest work for honest pay, an end to corruption and inefficiency – and among the Weyland Yutani employees, or at least those unable to engage in corruption of their own – such words were both welcome and hopeful. While her attention was hardly personal, people in the Spire seemed to appreciate her management style – or at least what they have seen so far. The only thing slightly marring this positive image, were rumours that contrary to her intranet mail, she did indeed have an ire for office romances and wasn't above sending her personal guards to pull young couples out of closets… but such was only a rumour and the talks it spawned were more repeated for amusement than anything more serious.

Administrator: Approachability

Administrator Stahl in contrast cultivated a more light hearted and eager persona, her curiosity on the day to day life of her employees finding her well informed of the various happenings – and gossip – across the spire. Her open door policy was little used for now, but appreciated by those that believed in such and her own PR teams spin on the changing of the administration being the first step towards a better life on a better world…

…. was horribly counteracted by the actions of security across the Doya Platform. With one part – one of the most populous one of the colony – living in fear turned anger, her outreach activities failed to convince anymore than just the full Weyland Yutani Employees that things were going to get better around here.

Security: Brutality

While the parade across the star port, heavily featuring the tanks brought along by Head of Security Burkett, had bolstered the spirit of the Weyland Yutani Employees and worried the locals of Neo-Okinawa - for tanks promised nothing more than a readiness and preparedness for heavy clashes – things really took a dive when Weyland Yutani Commandos raided the Doya Plateau in the early morning hours of the 10th October. They tore people out of their beds and offices, gathered them up and flew them to the terminal via dropships – using their bearcats as a constant threat to any resistance. Collateral was kept low, and the detainees were decried as sympathisers and 'legitimate' side of the insurgent movement. While the Doya might claim that the targets were teachers, community organisers, artists and activists – such claims found no purchase on the official communication channels and even as Doya was pushed into chaos, the rest of the colony was firmly convinced that the new administration was not going to let the Oshyun get away with any more attacks of wanton violence and destruction upon them!

Research: Renewal!

While the news from Doya were overshadowing much, the scientific community of Neo-Okinawa – as modest as it was – was experiencing its own renewal at the hands of Dr. Dr. Serroelof. Old structures were torn wide open, new procedures tested and old ones done away with in the name of progress and efficiency. Among the research staff the energy and omnipresence of their new leader was appreciated by those who were able to cling onto the new rising star – with researchers competing with one another for funding and attention. A small scale renaissance was happening in these sleepy laboratories, carried by the energy and equipment the new head of research had brought to the colony. With his teams descending below the gas layers below the pump, it was only matter of time till new discoveries and patents would be up for grabs to all those who were able to bring themselves into position for a share or two…

Mobility: Clear (but in Danger in Doya)
Stability: Clear (falling in Doya)

Shares: Neo-Okinawa Terraforming Gas-Exports
Administrator: 8%
Head of Security: 10%
Chief Scientist: 6%
