[X] Burning of Prospero - you have died, on that day. Your soul lost to space and time, to finally be brought back in at the end of 39 millenium. You have paid your dues and are free. As free as one can be in this Universe of horror and war.
[X] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
Adhoc vote count started by MrocnyZbik on Dec 6, 2020 at 2:12 AM, finished with 27 posts and 18 votes.
[X] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
[X] Burning of Prospero - you have died, on that day. Your soul lost to space and time, to finally be brought back in at the end of 39 millenium. You have paid your dues and are free. As free as one can be in this Universe of horror and war.
[X] Never - you have never died. You survived so much, and made so many deals that you are not sure there is anything of you left. But you live, throughout 10 milenia of war, bloodshed and power. You live
Ladies and Gentleman we have a tie. So the question goes to the people who voted for Fabius and Never, what do you want, or to people who didn't vote? Rather Prospero or First Battle. We need a tie breaker, and I have a big list of Relicts you can choose from
Bolt rounds whizz and fly like little comets. Wolves scream and scream so beautifully when your psyker powered arm tear them limb from limb. You can indulge yourself, Magnus the Red is back. His power flows through you and your brothers, even the Rubricae are more alive.
- Ain't that right brothers!?
Raise your heads proud sons of Prosepero, and see fleets burning in orbit. The Emperor's Dogs are dying. They are dying on the beaches, they are dying on the landing grounds, they are dying in the fields and in the streets, they are dying in the hills and mountains.
With a deafening roar, a pack of canine warriors stormed towards you. Bolters blazed, soldiers fell. You are in the clench with a hammer wielding marine. Feint, hit, dodge feint hit. Knife and bolter sing the song of blood. Hit. You are on a ground, bloodied Wolf raises his hammer screaming curses and promises of end in his barbaric tongue. Resounding splat fills vision and armour is showered with red mist. Brother Sorcerer Daor Kalliston stands above. Wolf disappeared.
- Stand up brother, there is vengeance to be made. -
Stand up, inferno bolts armed. Ready to kill. Arm in hand went back into the fray. With magic and bolt, with blade and strength of arms. Wolves are coming, again, and again, and again.
- DIE WITCH! - screams a marine wielding a blue blade.
- Is it all you can say. Die witch?!
Blade swings left cold cobalt snowflakes, and hit like a mythical rhino. Biomancy flows through veins and powers every move. Bolt shell into the head and there is less one Wolf, three knife hits and another Wolf falls.
- I will have vengeance for my brother's Traitor.
- I heard it already!
His eyes gleam with green rage, his red hairs resemble more flames with each passing moment. Another Wolf falls to your power, but this, this berserker presses harder with each passing moment. Blade swings and your bolter falls on the ground cut in half. Fist lands on the Wolf's face, but he stands and answers with knee to the stomach. Power drains, Wolf stands. Power drains, Wolf hits again. You fall on the ground.
- When you meet your master in hell, remember that Halvar Frostblade sent you there.
- Hell is denied to me, dog. Only sweet embrace of oblivion awaits. Or did you forget the "Imperial Truth"
You laugh while the blade falls on your head.
Daor Kalliston looks at you. You breathe, there is a pulse in your veins.
- I am sorry brother. I would let you rest if I could, but I had no choice. -
- There always is, brother. There always is. -
This new body, you'll get used to it. In time it will fit like a glove.
Bridge of your starship remembered better days. Filled with servitors and mutants, cultists and madmans. Yours since the death of Daor. Your because of failure. Blasted Wolf and his pack. Now they call him Scarab Hunter, Venerable Halvar Frostblade Scarab Hunter. Bastard starts to collect titles like you collect rebirth. Daor, Iskaander, Xenthul, Esotephres, Onoris Bekta. How many times has this dog killed you? You have lost count. But it is not like you hadn't had some victories, like on Sigma Fraternis VII when you tear his arm off, or on Hadesius Primus when you took his eyes. No matter, you made him "Venerable ", but now was not the time to reminisce about the past.
Sitting on the control throne flipping through the files, documents and blinking screens of information. There were worse things on this ship than it's crew, there were "people" that chose to follow you into the darkness of space, onto the road of glory and power. Some died, some left to pursue their own agenda, but for every lost you could always find a new one.
Lieutenants CHOOSE AT LEAST 5:
[ ] Lagrange Sigma-Delta, Daemon Hybrid Heretek. Centipede-like machine being, on her back jars of specially prepared brains, each possessed by a daemon. Question where one starts and other ends is one with no answer, maybe there is no more Heretek Lagrange, or maybe Heretek Lagrange is resultant of all these powers melded into one. Lagrange is a follower of Knowledge of the Deep, an ancient school from the deepest parts of Warp Storms.
[ ] Chaos Chosen known simply as Ana. Exalted in the eyes of Chaos gods, in her power armour, wielding Dark Eldar whip that can cut even Ceramite , and bolter taken from the cold hands of a former warband leader. Now she controls over 100 Space Marines, that venerate her like a living embodiment of Chaos advancement. With Keren Var and Keren Vir, two Word Bearers champions protecting her on every step, she is a power to be recon with. One thing you know about her, she is not fully human, she never was, even before communion with Dark Powers.
[ ] Asgyll Svartveld Space Wolf Rune Priest with his 50 Wulfen Guard. They say Khorne hates psykers, well Svartveld hates Khorne back with a power of supernova and makes it shown every time he summons one of his daemons. After which he sacrifices it on his runic altar and syphones its power into his Guards. Why? How? You would like to know, but old Wolf keeps his cards very close to his chest.
[ ]Iron Warrior Apothecary Myka Tzimisce with his 15 Scout Marine Hunters and 100 szlachta cybernetic geneforged mutants. They say that he served under Fabius Bile in the famous Consortium. But "they" say many things, like that Myka is a "son" created from the genes of original Tzimisce by Bile and implanted with all of the original knowledge, and even some of its creator. For now, he is a well trained apothecary and techmarine combining his love for tinkering in Space Marines flesh and creating new abominations of metal and flesh.
[ ] Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator. An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.
[ ] Ur-Kalas, Night Lord Seer, whose eyes pierce the Veil of Warp, Space and Time. Who bound to himself Navigators Clan, with a few well placed cortex bombs. Ruthless and without humor. In his Terminator Armour, spends most of his time staring into the madness of the Warp. Three eyes gleaming in molten gold, seeing what others cannot. He doesn't want power, nor knowledge, nor wealth, not for him are finer things in life. Bastard just stands there, and watches, constantly. Sometimes he speaks, not with words, no, he uses hand signs, with his Lightning Claws.
[ ] Decimoc Ventane, Fallen Ultramarine Swordmaster, who gave himself in full into the embrace of Slaanesh. With his pupils entourage of 6 blademasters: She Who Kills in Silence, World Eater Farvak Handtaker, Raven Guardsmen Moradius Knifedancer, Sons of Horus Nero Jubal known as Onehit, and two Iron Warriors Sor Two-Blades and Galvanus Unparalleled, they are the chosen of Chaos, blades, dancers, killers. Only 7 in total?! Famous last words of many.
[ ] Lady Inquisitor Sarissa Eleaniro of the Ordo Hereticus, once an exemplary member of the Puritan Inquisition. Her mistake? She survived. Prom puritan to radical. From radical to hunted by her own Ordo. From hunted into heretic and hunter, to finally ended as what she once fought. You do not have to squint your eyes to see blue daemon that whispers into her ear. Her entourage might be small but highly professional. A bounty hunter, a death cult assassin and a psyker. Not much. But she survived. Many made this mistake and tried to take her out. She survived, they did not.
[ ] Sister Belliya of the Adepta Sororitas, or should I say Ex-Sister of Battle. Now she and her 35 sisters found a new purpose. Her, her sisters and over 1000 well trained cultis soldiers. It took time and effort but the fall of this group was one of the greatest achievements of Alpha Legion Agent, or at least that is what you heard. Now with the resilience of Nurgle, strength of Khorne, finesse of Slaanesh and guile of Tzeentch they roam the battlefields trying to find their honour. Who are they when everything they believe in was a lie. Sister Belliya will find out, and she will never be betrayed again.
[ ] Manahkmor P'Tra Terminator Astartes and his 5 Blood-Brothers, connected by blood, born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. They didn't take part in the Rubric Ritual, and made it to this day. Mutated beyond recognition, undergo a mystic blood ritual to somehow cleanse themselves out of it. Arhiman would give his soul for this knowledge, well you would too. But asked Manahkmor answered, "It is worse than being dust in the wind. If we could choose again we would become Rubrices. To be again with our brothers."
[ ] Constantine Brant Black Templar Dark Apostle, his eyes fired with the warp violet flames, surrounded by over 50 Possessed Priests and over 3000 cultists. They call him Godmaker. His calling and his drive is to make others into gods, so that all humanity may walk the Primeval Path and ascend to its rightful place beside gods of the immaterium.
[ ] Psyker All-Mind - once there was a choir of astropaths, 10 strong, that with the blessing of the Emperor sang his massages across the unfathomable deeps of space. One day, there was a mistake, a little flaw in the song. Today a Tzeentchian daemon occupies 10 minds and 10 bodies, all speaking with one voice. His.
[ ] Armilus 23-7 Alpha Legion Raptor and his 20 battle brothers, Godhunters. Precise, deadly and driven to cleanse the Universe out of the so called "Gods" in every form and in every name.
[ ] Jaldabaoth, Golden Armoured Space Marine. Some said he gave himself to Khorne for his batlike wings, others to Slaanesh for prowess in sword and flight, other that he is a follower of Tzeentch and just fucks with everyone. Nothing is certain about him, and over 5000 cultist and mutants followers have over 9000 contradicting stories about their beloved master and living demigod.
[ ] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always assume he knows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
[ ] Power Axe with Boltgun - a memento from Burning of Prospero, you took it from the dead corpse of Custodian, it took few rituals and a lot of blood but you have broken the gene-lock.
Power Axe with Boltgun - +3 Combat, +1 Diplomacy
[ ] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
Terminator Armour - +2 Combat, + 5 Melee, +1 Hit can be taken
[ ] Left Arm of Ra - Power Fist connected with left power armoured arm, on arm there is a xenothech cannon shooting green energy beams able to tear apart everything it goes in contact with.
Left Arm of Ra +5 Combat; Something wants its toy back
[ ] Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - syringes, capsules of poisons and drugs, scalpels, laser cutters and many, many more.
Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - +5 in Apothecarium actions; +1 Learning
[ ] Nemesis Force Halberd - It took you and many of your Rubricae to put the Grey bastard down, but you did it and took the spoil of war.
Nemesis Force Halberd + 2 Combat/ +5 against warp beings
[ ] Hellblade - favored weapon of Bloodletters, you wield one. Khorne hates psykers, so you do not really care about his opinion and that you stole one of his servants' weapons.
Hellblade + 5 Combat, -10 in contact with Khorne followers, Khorne followers wants his blade back
[ ] Dragonhide Cloak - Hide made out of Sempremitus Dragon, strong enough to stop a boltshell in its track.
Dragonhide Cloak +2 Hits can be taken
[ ] Daemon Crozius Arcanum- Qhurdrac, is it the name of a crozius or daemon that dwells in it. There are runes on the mace saying "My Master is my Slave".
Daemon Crozius Arcanum +2 Control; + 2 Power; +10 Rituals, there is a Daemon bound to the staff, he is not amused
[ ] Daemonic Rune - rune of power containing fragment of Greater Daemon name and its power.
Daemonic Rune + 1 Combat, + 2 in contacts with Chaos worshipers
[ ] Crown of Prospero Force Field - powerful artifact from the depth of Tizca vault. Creates an unbreakable shield of psychic defense and augments psykers own power. Tzeentch looks closely at those who wear the crown.
Crown of Prospero Force Field - + 2 Control; +2 Combat; +2 Hits can be taken, Eyes of the Changer of Ways are upon you
[ ] Teleportarium - archeotech technology implemented on your starship. It can take you in the blink of an eye to any none protected by a force field place in its range.
[ ] Soul Cage - Made by Castirian King-Magos, it can hold any warp being inside for later use.
[ ] Tarnor Mimic-Mask - Mask that change its shape and augmented by thoughts of its bearer takes a shape most appropriate to the situation. It does not read minds, but it reads emotions of people surrounding you, and from that takes its shape.
Tarnor Mimic-Mask + 3 Diplomacy
[ ] Lash of Torment - Made up of lascivious coils and barbed hooks, a Lash of Torment moves with a mind of its own. Any victim that finds himself ensnared amongst the Lash's disturbingly warm tendrils experiences crashing waves of intense pain and fear, a sensation that translates back to the wielder and all nearby in a glorious sharing of agony and bliss.
Lash of Torment - +2 Combat, +5 in contacts with Slaanesh followers
[X] Asgyll Svartveld Space Wolf Rune Priest with his 50 Wulfen Guard. They say Khorne hates psykers, well Svartveld hates Khorne back with a power of supernova and makes it shown every time he summons one of his daemons. After which he sacrifices it on his runic altar and syphones its power into his Guards. Why? How? You would like to know, but old Wolf keeps his cards very close to his chest.
[X] Manahkmor P'Tra Terminator Astartes and his 5 Blood-Brothers, connected by blood, born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. They didn't take part in the Rubric Ritual, and made it to this day. Mutated beyond recognition, undergo a mistic blood ritual to somehow cleanse themselves out of it. Arhiman would give his soul for this knowledge, well you would too. But asked Manahkmor answered, "It is worse than being dust in the wind. If we could choose again we would become Rubrices. To be again with our brothers."
[X] Ur-Kalas, Night Lord Seer, whose eyes pierce the Veil of Warp, Space and Time. Who bound to himself Navigators Clan, with a few well placed cortex bombs. Ruthless and without humor. In his Terminator Armour, spends most of his time staring into the madness of the Warp. Three eyes gleaming in molten gold, seeing what others cannot. He doesn't want power, nor knowledge, nor wealth, not for him are finer things in life. Bastard just stands there, and watches, constantly. Sometimes he speaks, not with words, no, he uses hand signs, with his Lightning Claws.
[X] Armilus 23-7 Alpha Legion Raptor and his 20 battle brothers, Godhunters. Precise, deadly and driven to cleanse the Universe out of the so called "Gods" in every form and in every name.
[X] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
[X] Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - syringes, capsules of poisons and drugs, scxalpels, laser cutters and many, many more.
Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - +5 in Apothecarium actions; +1 Learning
[X] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
Terminator Armour - +2 Combat, + 5 Melee, +1 Hit can be taken
[X] Asgyll Svartveld Space Wolf Rune Priest with his 50 Wulfen Guard. They say Khorne hates psykers, well Svartveld hates Khorne back with a power of supernova and makes it shown every time he summons one of his daemons. After which he sacrifices it on his runic altar and syphones its power into his Guards. Why? How? You would like to know, but old Wolf keeps his cards very close to his chest.
[X] Manahkmor P'Tra Terminator Astartes and his 5 Blood-Brothers, connected by blood, born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. They didn't take part in the Rubric Ritual, and made it to this day. Mutated beyond recognition, undergo a mistic blood ritual to somehow cleanse themselves out of it. Arhiman would give his soul for this knowledge, well you would too. But asked Manahkmor answered, "It is worse than being dust in the wind. If we could choose again we would become Rubrices. To be again with our brothers."
[X] Ur-Kalas, Night Lord Seer, whose eyes pierce the Veil of Warp, Space and Time. Who bound to himself Navigators Clan, with a few well placed cortex bombs. Ruthless and without humor. In his Terminator Armour, spends most of his time staring into the madness of the Warp. Three eyes gleaming in molten gold, seeing what others cannot. He doesn't want power, nor knowledge, nor wealth, not for him are finer things in life. Bastard just stands there, and watches, constantly. Sometimes he speaks, not with words, no, he uses hand signs, with his Lightning Claws.
[X] Armilus 23-7 Alpha Legion Raptor and his 20 battle brothers, Godhunters. Precise, deadly and driven to cleanse the Universe out of the so called "Gods" in every form and in every name.
[X] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
[X] Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - syringes, capsules of poisons and drugs, scxalpels, laser cutters and many, many more.
Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - +5 in Apothecarium actions; +1 Learning
[X] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
Terminator Armour - +2 Combat, + 5 Melee, +1 Hit can be taken
[X] Manahkmor P'Tra Terminator Astartes and his 5 Blood-Brothers, connected by blood, born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. They didn't take part in the Rubric Ritual, and made it to this day. Mutated beyond recognition, undergo a mistic blood ritual to somehow cleanse themselves out of it. Arhiman would give his soul for this knowledge, well you would too. But asked Manahkmor answered, "It is worse than being dust in the wind. If we could choose again we would become Rubrices. To be again with our brothers."
[X] Asgyll Svartveld Space Wolf Rune Priest with his 50 Wulfen Guard. They say Khorne hates psykers, well Svartveld hates Khorne back with a power of supernova and makes it shown every time he summons one of his daemons. After which he sacrifices it on his runic altar and syphones its power into his Guards. Why? How? You would like to know, but old Wolf keeps his cards very close to his chest.
[X] Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator. An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.
[X] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
[X] Decimoc Ventane, Fallen Ultramarine Swordmaster, who gave himself in full into the embrace of Slaanesh. With his pupils entourage of 6 blademasters: She Who Kills in Silence, World Eater Farvak Handtaker, Raven Guardsmen Moradius Knifedancer, Sons of Horus Nero Jubal known as Onehit, and two Iron Warriors Sor Two-Blades and Galvanus Unparalleled, they are the chosen of Chaos, blades, dancers, killers. Only 7 in total?! Famous last words of many.
[X] Teleportarium - archeotech technology implemented on your starship. It can take you in the blink of an eye to any none protected by a force field place in its range.
[X] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
Terminator Armour - +2 Combat, + 5 Melee, +1 Hit can be taken
Navigator is must have, terminator armour - if we don't have it mc won't be leader for long in warband
Yes, always. No matter who you will choose the loyalty is a problem even in the loyalist groups. Hell even none NPC soldiers can take a shot at you If you fuck up enough. I will not make it a main focus of the story, but it will be in the background.
[X] Chaos Chosen known simply as Ana. Exalted in the eyes of Chaos gods, in her power armour, wielding Dark Eldar whip that can cut even ceramsteel, and bolter taken from the cold hands of a former warband leader. Now she controls over 100 Space Marines, that venerate her like a living embodiment of Chaos advancement. With Keren Var and Keren Vir, two Word Bearers champions protecting her on every step, she is a power to be recon with. One thing you know about her, she is not fully human, she never was, even before communion with Dark Powers.
100 Space Marines? yes please
[X] Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator. An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.
Having a way to navigate the warp could be a great advantage to have and with Ana and her 100 Space Marines, getting a Space Marine sacrifice isn't that hard to find.
[X] Lady Inquisitor Sarissa Eleaniro of the Ordo Hereticus, once an exemplary member of the Puritan Inqisition. Her mistake? She survived. Prom puritan to radical. From radical to hunted by her own Ordo. From hunted into heretic and hunter, to finally ended as what she once fought. You do not have to squint your eyes to see blue daemon that whispers into her ear. Her entourage might be small but highly professional. A bounty hunter, a death cult assassin and a psyker. Not much. But she survived. Many made this mistake and tried to take her out. She survived, they did not.
She is probably the best person to understand how the inquisition worked and how to counter them. Or she probably knew how to fake being an Inquisitor and that opens up a whole lot of options to play with.
[X] Sister Belliya of the Adepta Sororitas, or should I say Ex-Sister of Battle. Now she and her 35 sisters found a new purpose. Her, her sisters and over 1000 well trained cultis soldiers. It took time and effort but the fall of this group was one of the greatest achievements of Alpha Legion Agent, or at least that is what you heard. Now with the resilience of Nurgle, strength of Khorne, finesse of Slaanesh and guile of Tzeentch they roam the battlefields trying to find their honour. Who are they when everything they believe in was a lie. Sister Belliya will find out, and she will never be betrayed again.
Sisters of Battle are pretty powerful, boosting them with buffs from all of the Chaos Gods will make them good, lower profile Astartes. Perfect for grunt work and maybe drama with meeting other Sisters of Battle.
[X] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
I was split between this and the Godhunters but I feel getting an information network to find Points of Interest are much more important than Special Forces Astartes.
[X] Teleportarium - archeotech technology implemented on your starship. It can take you in the blink of an eye to any none protected by a force field place in its range.
Space Marines are deadly in boarding actions, this is the best Boarding action method.
[X] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
I think the versatility the armor gives is the best option.
[X] Chaos Chosen known simply as Ana. Exalted in the eyes of Chaos gods, in her power armour, wielding Dark Eldar whip that can cut even ceramsteel, and bolter taken from the cold hands of a former warband leader. Now she controls over 100 Space Marines, that venerate her like a living embodiment of Chaos advancement. With Keren Var and Keren Vir, two Word Bearers champions protecting her on every step, she is a power to be recon with. One thing you know about her, she is not fully human, she never was, even before communion with Dark Powers.
100 Space Marines? yes please
[X] Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator. An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.
Having a way to navigate the warp could be a great advantage to have and with Ana and her 100 Space Marines, getting a Space Marine sacrifice isn't that hard to find.
[X] Lady Inquisitor Sarissa Eleaniro of the Ordo Hereticus, once an exemplary member of the Puritan Inqisition. Her mistake? She survived. Prom puritan to radical. From radical to hunted by her own Ordo. From hunted into heretic and hunter, to finally ended as what she once fought. You do not have to squint your eyes to see blue daemon that whispers into her ear. Her entourage might be small but highly professional. A bounty hunter, a death cult assassin and a psyker. Not much. But she survived. Many made this mistake and tried to take her out. She survived, they did not.
She is probably the best person to understand how the inquisition worked and how to counter them. Or she probably knew how to fake being an Inquisitor and that opens up a whole lot of options to play with.
[X] Sister Belliya of the Adepta Sororitas, or should I say Ex-Sister of Battle. Now she and her 35 sisters found a new purpose. Her, her sisters and over 1000 well trained cultis soldiers. It took time and effort but the fall of this group was one of the greatest achievements of Alpha Legion Agent, or at least that is what you heard. Now with the resilience of Nurgle, strength of Khorne, finesse of Slaanesh and guile of Tzeentch they roam the battlefields trying to find their honour. Who are they when everything they believe in was a lie. Sister Belliya will find out, and she will never be betrayed again.
Sisters of Battle are pretty powerful, boosting them with buffs from all of the Chaos Gods will make them good, lower profile Astartes. Perfect for grunt work and maybe drama with meeting other Sisters of Battle.
[X] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
I was split between this and the Godhunters but I feel getting an information network to find Points of Interest are much more important than Special Forces Astartes.
[X] Teleportarium - archeotech technology implemented on your starship. It can take you in the blink of an eye to any none protected by a force field place in its range.
Space Marines are deadly in boarding actions, this is the best Boarding action method.
[X] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
I think the versatility the armor gives is the best option.
[X] Chaos Chosen known simply as Ana. Exalted in the eyes of Chaos gods, in her power armour, wielding Dark Eldar whip that can cut even ceramsteel, and bolter taken from the cold hands of a former warband leader. Now she controls over 100 Space Marines, that venerate her like a living embodiment of Chaos advancement. With Keren Var and Keren Vir, two Word Bearers champions protecting her on every step, she is a power to be recon with. One thing you know about her, she is not fully human, she never was, even before communion with Dark Powers.
[X] Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator. An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.
[X] Lady Inquisitor Sarissa Eleaniro of the Ordo Hereticus, once an exemplary member of the Puritan Inqisition. Her mistake? She survived. Prom puritan to radical. From radical to hunted by her own Ordo. From hunted into heretic and hunter, to finally ended as what she once fought. You do not have to squint your eyes to see blue daemon that whispers into her ear. Her entourage might be small but highly professional. A bounty hunter, a death cult assassin and a psyker. Not much. But she survived. Many made this mistake and tried to take her out. She survived, they did not.
[X] Sister Belliya of the Adepta Sororitas, or should I say Ex-Sister of Battle. Now she and her 35 sisters found a new purpose. Her, her sisters and over 1000 well trained cultis soldiers. It took time and effort but the fall of this group was one of the greatest achievements of Alpha Legion Agent, or at least that is what you heard. Now with the resilience of Nurgle, strength of Khorne, finesse of Slaanesh and guile of Tzeentch they roam the battlefields trying to find their honour. Who are they when everything they believe in was a lie. Sister Belliya will find out, and she will never be betrayed again.
[X] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
[X] Teleportarium - archeotech technology implemented on your starship. It can take you in the blink of an eye to any none protected by a force field place in its range.
[X] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
2 word bearers would counter psyker powers, Ana will be a tough opponent and 100 space marines will kill 35 sister of battle just because 1 sister is not as powerful as space marine.... Rethinking my own option and don't know what to peak
2 word bearers would counter psyker powers, Ana will be a tough opponent and 100 space marines will kill 35 sister of battle just because 1 sister is not as powerful as space marine.... Rethinking my own option and don't know what to peak
Well the other options are equally dangerous. I feel that Ana is the type who would rather battle than manage a warband so as long as we give her targets and handle everything else, she will be happy. Let her think she is in charge and be the voice on her shoulder giving suggestions is a viable way to lead while still having 100 Space Marines.
Well the other options are equally dangerous. I feel that Ana is the type who would rather battle than manage a warband so as long as we give her targets and handle everything else, she will be happy. Let her think she is in charge and be the voice on her shoulder giving suggestions is a viable way to lead while still having 100 Space Marines.
Eh, I picked up 7 blade masters and 5 terminators to counter that. Maybe there wouldn't be such mechanics with loyalty and it will stay in "what if " category
Eh, I picked up 7 blade masters and 5 terminators to counter that. Maybe there wouldn't be such mechanics with loyalty and it will stay in "what if " category
Well nothing is stopping them from working together to overthrow us and they are pretty deadly too. I guess any choice with Astartes Lieutenants are just high risk I guess.