Chaos Consume Us [Warhammer 40k Chaos Quest CK2]

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It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Let's end his suffering with well placed boltshell to the head, or prolong it as gloryfied battery.
Location, Location
In the end you die or you walk your own path. Sooner or later it happens to everyone. It happened even to the mighty Horus, it happened to you. But the data aren't complete, so let us start at the beginning little mortal.
No, no, that won't do, please do not shake. The Zero-point Tesseract Cage is quite sturdy.
Tell me, as a traitor to your own Corpse-Emperor, to which group did you belong? Before it all began, before your choice. Silence. Well it cannot be helped, we can always use Mind-Scarabs but it is so invasive and not elegant way.
Me? Oh don't you worry about me. I'm just an Observer, an Archivist of History throughout the Ages. Someday my great Liege will be back and I will present Him with my glorious collection. Yes you are a part of it. Or at least this version of you. No matter it's not like your monkey brain could understand.
So let as found out everything about "you", the original you. Who were you? And please, behave.

[ ]Traitor Legioner -> You were part of the original traitor legions, maybe from the very beginning, maybe recruited later at one of many heretical planets, blasphemous space ships or in the eyes of raging warp storms. But your lineage goes from the seven Archtraitors, seven demigods that stood against tyranny of their heartless father and his crumbling empire of lies.

[ ]Loyalist Legioner -> You were one of the few that saw the light of the Primivale Truth when Horus called to battle, or maybe later it shined upon you. You are one of the Original chapters or successor to their glories. Either way, no longer Corpse on the Throne dictates your path. No longer bound by petty mortals and their politics. You are free, or at least that's how you feel.

Hello this is my second attempt at a quest that will use CK2 in the From the Foundation: A Latveria Quest version rules and takes place in the warhammer 40k universe.
Let's do this. Again.

After each Turn/Post with voting there is a moratorium for discussion. Voting starts after my post "Now you can vote", every vote cast before that goes into the void.

P.S. For all language mistakes I am terribly sorry, this is not my native tongue. Please correct my mistakes, I would like to learn and never make them again.
Roll: d100
    • Martial -> planning to hit shit
    • Diplomacy -> selling shit
    • Stewardship -> managing shit
    • Intrigue -> putting others in shit
    • Learning -> knowing shit
    • Piety -> worshiping shit
  • Secondary:
    Combat - Hitting shit
    Power - Only for Sorcerers/Psykers/Faithfulf and other beings controlling powers of the Warp or simmilar
    Control - Only for Sorcerers/Psykers/Faithfulf and other beings controlling powers of the Warp or simmilar

Ambitions - your overall goal and drive as a Character, it unlocks questlines and options to choose from, but also denies other options. In the begining you cannnot have more than one Ambition, but you can exchange it for other. Exchanging means loosing options from the previews one, and droping missions and quuest from it. :
  • Power
  • Knowledge
  • Perfection
  • Survival
  • Immortality
  • Ascension


This is a 'Crusader Kings'-style quest. You play as a traitor astartes in the 40k universe (a version thereof roughly based on the codexes, wikis, fanfiction(like Age of Dusk and The Shape Of The Nightmare To Come 50k) and mind of yours truly) at the start of M41.

Each turn, which is (tentatively) one year in-universe, you have access to a number of actions, as chosen from seven categories: Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning, Piety and Personal. (You have a set number of actions for each category, and possibly also some number of free actions to be placed in any category.) Each action is associated with a DC; after voting, the basic system is that I will roll a d60 for each action, and if the roll at least equals the DC, the action succeeds to some extent; otherwise it fails. The higher the roll, the better. Following this, you may get one or more reactive arcs in response to some threat or other.


Characters are particularly prominent people in your organization. Recruiting Characters is done by taking actions (DIplomacy/Intrigue/Learning/...), and gets progressively harder the more of them you already have.

0-15 Human

15-30 Astartes

30-40 Custodes

40-50 Daemon Prince/Primarch

50-60 Greater Daemon/Daemon Primarch

When rolling for an action, most bonuses decrease the DC. Hero bonuses are the only bonuses that actually improve the roll. Specifically, the hero's value for a certain stat is added onto the d100 roll. This may sometimes cause the roll to exceed 100; in this case only (a roll of 101+), the d100 explodes, i.e. you get a re-roll to add to your current total. The same hero bonuses also affect this roll, so that you can get a prolonged chain of hero bonuses.

Each character can participate in one action a turn. Multiple characters can add to one action, but each another adss less. 2nd character ads 1/2 of his characteristic, 3rd -1/3, 4th - 1/4 and so on.

Spaceships and whole planets, armies and single heroes. I go more to the storytelling side, so no resources apart from gene-seeds.


The procedure is as follows:

1. Action options for the turn are posted. (Write-ins are very welcome, but subject to QM approval.)
2. Discussion time, after which I gave a call for voting
3. By-line approval voting among the actions, to determine which actions are undertaken this turn.
4. A second round of voting, by plan, to determine which bonuses, particularly heroes, go on which action
5. Turn results
6. Possible reactive mini-arcs, with smaller votes within them

Voting by plans is not allowed, except when it is explicitly stated.

Rolling 1 -> Critical Failure
Rolling 100 -> Critical Success
-/+2 - +15 -> Bare Failure/Success
-/+16 - -/+55 -> Failure/Success
-/+56 - -/+85 -> Major Failure/Success
-/+86 - -/+99 -> Near Critical Failure/Success
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Main Character
Name: Apedemak

  • Martial: 21 (14+2+2+2+1)
  • Intrigue: 10 (7+2+1)
  • Stewardship: 16 (12+2+1+1)
  • Learning: 21 (17+2+1+1)
  • Piety: 15 (12+2+1)
  • Diplomacy: 12 (9+2+1)
  • Combat: 15 (10+2+1+2)
  • Power: 19 (13+2+2+1+1)
  • Control: 19 (13+2+2+1+1)

Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything
Thousand Son +2 Martial, +2 Power +2 Control
Prospero Born - +1 Learning
Student of Tizca - +1 Control, +1 Power
Order of Jackal +2 Martial, +1 Stewardship
Veteran +1 to everything

Psyker - You are psyker, drawing powers of Immaterium and bounding it to your will
Pavoni - The Pavoni Cult tended to be the most egocentric of the known Cults within the Thousand Sons Legion, as they had developed the psychic discipline known as physiokinesis, a unique form of biomancy. Physiokinesis allowed the Pavoni to manipulate body chemistry and physiology within themselves as well as others.

Terminator Armour - +2 Combat, + 5 Melee, +1 Hit can be taken
Gear: Gladius, Combat Knife, Frag Grenades, Bolter

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic - You are hunted by a Space Wolves pack.
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Characters and NPC's
Behtor Kaelon
Fallen Angel, secretive, silent and always asume he nows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.
  • Martial: 20 (15+2+2+1)
  • Intrigue: 24 (19+2+1+2)
  • Stewardship: 16 (11+2+2+1)
  • Learning: 14 (11+2+1)
  • Piety: 13 (10+2+1)
  • Diplomacy: 17 (14+2+1)
  • Combat: 16 (10+2+1+3)
  • Power: X
  • Control: X

Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything
Veteran +1 to everything
Dark Angel - +2 Martial, +2 Stewardship
Caliban Born - +3 Combat
Survived in Shadows +2 Intrigue

Gear: Sword, Plasma Pistol, Power Armour, Combat Knife, Frag Grenades

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic - Haunted by his Dark Angel brothers


  • Spy Network +10 to collecting informations - ears and eyes in most of the places, can take actions to collect informations

Asgyll Svartveld
Space Wolf Rune Priest with his 50 Wulfen Guard. They say Khorne hates psykers, well Svartveld hates Khorne back with a power of supernova and makes it shown every time he summons one of his daemons. After which he sacrifices it on his runic altar and syphones its power into his Guards. Why? How? You would like to know, but old Wolf keeps his cards very close to his chest.


  • Martial: 16 (10+2+2+2)
  • Intrigue: 18 (14+2+2)
  • Stewardship: 17 (13+2+2)
  • Learning: 16 (10+2+2+2)
  • Piety: 15 (11+2+2)
  • Diplomacy: 17 (13+2+2)
  • Combat: 28 (13+2+2+5+3+3)
  • Power: 17 (9+2+2+1+3)
  • Control: 23 (16+2+2+3)

Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything
Veteran of the Long War +2 to everything
Space Wolf/Vlka Fenryka +2 Martial, +5 Combat
Fenrisian - +3 Combat

Rune Priest - +2 Learning, +3 Control, +1 Power
Psyker - You are psyker, drawing powers of Immaterium and bounding it to your will
Summoner - can summon beings of the Warp
Rune Teller - weak precognition

Runic Battle-Axe +3 Power, +3 Combat - three blades on a halberd long pole, coverd in acient runes
Gear: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour, Combat Knife, Frag Grenades

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic -Space Wolves do not take lightly to Traitors in their midst (Frostblade got help)


  • 50 Wulfen Guard
Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator
An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.


  • Martial: 15 (12-1+4)
  • Intrigue: 17 (11+2 -1+4+1)
  • Stewardship:16 (6+2+2+4+2)
  • Learning: 22 (12+2+2+4+2)
  • Piety: 16 (11+4+1)
  • Diplomacy: 14 (8+2-1+4+1)

  • Combat: X
  • Power: 24 (14+4+4+2)
  • Control: 19 (13+4+2)
Daemon in the Machine +2 Learning, +2 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy, +4 Power
Machine +2 Stewardship,
Tech-Construct -1 Martial; -1 Intrigue; +2 Stewardship; +2 Learning; -1 Diplomacy;
Ancient + 4 to everything
Folded Space "God" +1 Intrigue; +2 Stewardship; +2 Learning; +1 Piety; +1 Diplomacy, +2 Power, +2 Control

Daemon Navigator - You can traverse the warp whitout the need of a beacon
Daemon Seer - Sees the visions of past, present and future



  • 13 Navigators

Lady Inquisitor Sarissa Eleaniro of the Ordo Hereticus
Once an exemplary member of the Puritan Inqisition. Her mistake? She survived. Prom puritan to radical. From radical to hunted by her own Ordo. From hunted into heretic and hunter, to finally ended as what she once fought. You do not have to squint your eyes to see blue daemon that whispers into her ear. Her entourage might be small but highly professional. A bounty hunter, a death cult assassin and a psyker. Not much. But she survived. Many made this mistake and tried to take her out. She survived, they did not.


  • Martial: 16 (15+1)
  • Intrigue: 17 (12+1+2+2)
  • Stewardship: 11 (8+1+2)
  • Learning: 16 (11+1+2+2)
  • Piety: 16 (11+1+2+2)
  • Diplomacy: 14 (11+1+2)
  • Combat: 11 (10+1)
  • Power: X
  • Control: X

Inquisitor +2 Piety, +2 Intrigue
Lady Inquisitor +2 Stewardship, +2 Diplomacy
High Education +2 Learning
Veteran +1 to everything
Iron Will +2 Piety
Whispers from Beyond +2 Learning, +2 Intrigue, -5 to control herself

Gear: Sword, Inferno Pistol, Carapace Armour, Melta Grenades

Negative Traits:
Known Heretic - Ordo Hereticus will never let her go, and never forget


  • Death Cult Assasin
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Psyker
  • Herald of Tzeentch Bound to her
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Warband: Hate Bearers
  • 30 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
  • Pequod - Gladius-class Frigate
    • 3 Thunderbirds
    • Squadron Interceptors
    • 2 Bombers
    • 2 Predator Tanks (not working)
    • 3 Rhino (not working)
    • 10 Land Speeders (3 in working conditions)
    • 5 Dreadnoughts (asleep)
    • Crew: aprox. 24,500
      • aprox. 12 000 Cultist
      • aprox. 8 000 mutants
      • aprox. 4 500 Tzangors
Gene-Seeds: 29
  • 20 Space Wolves
  • 7 Thousand Sons
  • 2 Dark Angels
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Gain trait: Adeptus Astartes : +2 to everything

Ah yes, the original. The arch-traitors. The ones who saw the Truth of the universe, or at least one side of it. But that information is only the first of many we need to extract from you.
I don't know if it is the matter of your history, your many changes in warbands and loyalties, or the fact that my Psychohistory Engine is all that I want it to be. Well no matter. We will find our answers and if you will stay silent there are other ways.
Like this parts of armour, very specific, yes. Or the engraves on bolter, the way your combat knife is hold. All of that and many more tell me a story, of change, of improvement, of blood and destruction, pure carnage and unending resilience.
So many stories, and they all add upp to:


[ ]Iron Warriors - From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron! These are the words you live by and you will die with.The Iron Warriors were the Emperor's finest siege troops and their Primarch, Perturabo, was the equal of Rogal Dorn in the arts of fortification and strategy. Yet, Perturabo felt himself side-lined by his brother Primarch, whose every proud boast was, to the master of the Iron Warriors, a barbed insult. When the Horus Heresy came, it was perhaps inevitable that the two Primarchs should find themselves on opposite sides of the galactic civil war.
Iron Warrior - +2 Martial, +2 Learning

[ ]Night Lords - The Night Lords are synonymous with terror and murder, for their favoured mode of warfare is the unfettered application of brutal, overwhelming force. They show no mercy whatsoever, eschewing all subtlety and guile for wanton bloodshed and destruction. While such an approach might appear mindless, at one time it was different.
Night Lord - +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue

[ ]Word Bearers - Through their actions they corrupted the Warmaster Horus and brought on the terrible galactic civil war of the Horus Heresy in all its savagery. Today they bend all their considerable efforts towards the overthrow of the "Corpse Emperor" in the Long War and spreading the "truth" of Chaos to all Mankind. You are the mouth of Chaos, spreading its teachings and leading humanity to glorious path in Primeval Truth.
Word Bearer - +2 Martial, +2 Piety

[ ]Alpha Legion - Experts in infiltration, covert operations, misdirection and diversion tactics. You are Alpharius. Everyone is.
Alpha Legioner - +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue

[ ]Fallen Angels - Also called simply the Fallen, are those Renegade Space Marines who followed the Ist Legion's second-in-command, Luther, into damnation when they split off from the Dark Angels Space Marine Legion ten-thousand Terran years ago in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. You might have even taken part in that rebellion, or been recruited later in time. Either way you are a knight on a revenge mission.
Fallen Angel - +2 Martial, +2 Stewardship

[ ] World Eaters - The World Eaters, originally known as the War Hounds, were also once the XIIth Legion of the twenty First Founding Space Marine Legions, and one of the first to betray the Emperor of Mankind for the service of Chaos and the Warmaster Horus. This Legion was a collection of nearly inhuman monsters long before Horus became corrupted and monsters they would remain, only with what little remained of their restraint and their Humanity stripped away after their fall to Chaos.
World Eater - +2 Martial, +5 Combat

[ ] Thousand Sons - The main feature that distinguishes the Thousand Sons from the other Traitor Legions is the sheer number of psyker mutations that have always existed amongst the Space Marines in this Legion.Every current member of the Legion possesses psychic abilities and they prefer to use Chaos Sorcerers and guile in combat, relying on their psychic powers and sorcerous knowledge to earn them victory.
Thousand Son +2 Martial, +2 Power +2 Control
Trait - Psyker

[ ] Emperor's Children - The Emperor's Children was the only Space Marine Legion to bear the Emperor's own name and His own icon -- the Palatine Aquila -- granted to them by His hand as a symbol of the Legion's martial perfection. Few were ever so honoured amongst the ancient Space Marine Legions and given less cause to betray the Master of Mankind than the Emperor's Children. Given the plaudits and accolades accorded them, few could doubt that they were the embodiment of what the Emperor had intended the Legiones Astartes to be: noble in action and aspect, excelling in all matters, strong, civilised, firm of purpose and loyal to the core. Until now. Sing the song of chaos, dance the dance of destruction, the is only perfection.
Emperor's Children +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy

[ ] Death Guard - Death Guard were the strongest and most resilient of all of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, the inheritors of the Primarch Mortarion in whose genetic image they were created.
Death Guard +2 Martial, +5 Combat

[ ] Lunar Wolves/Son of Horus/Black Legion - Few other Legions could match their achievements and of those that could few could rival the XVIth Legion for the brightness with which their victories shone. Spread across hundreds of Expeditionary Fleets and on countless battlefields, the Luna Wolves broke the enemies of the Imperium and pushed the Great Crusade forwards. Yet the character of any Legion was an echo of their Primarch, one can see the flaws of the father in the pride of his sons. Brutal, ruthless and unwavering but also honourable, and once loyal beyond question, the history of the Luna Wolves is the history of the ambition of the Imperium itself, and the flaws that broke its founder's dreams of unification and glory for all Mankind asunder.
Lunar Wolves/Son of Horus/Black Legion +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy

[ ]Write-Ins - You can write any warband, if this is some less known please add a link to an article or write something on it so I could assess bonuses of such party.

Voting starts now.
First Life
You remember it, the time when the sands and the sun were scorching and painful. Times when your family consisted of mortals, and it was good. Simple and monotonous but good. You remember your origin, planet that all begin it was:


[ ]Terra - You were born on the humanities cradle, and fought in the Unification Wars. You remember how all of it started, before legions before Primarch. When there was Emperor and nothing more.
Terra born - +1 Martial
Unification War Veteran - +2 Combat

[ ]Prospero - Planet of Sorcerer. Centre of knowledge and lore, particularly knowledge of sorcery and the Warp. You were born among its deathly fauna and flora, and under the guidance of Magnus the Red
Prospero Born - +1 Learning
Student of Tizca - +1 Control, +1 Power

In the years of fighting, in the years of learning. When your Primarch was found by the Emperor the organization of Legion changed. Five Cults were created to consolidate and tutor emerging powers of the mind you were a part of:

CHOOSE 2 (it will determined your main, not the only one ability):

[ ] Athanaean - The Athanaean Cult's members were practiced masters of the discipline of telepathy, and were able to transmit their thoughts and read the thoughts of others. They often acted as the Legion's communications officers since their communications were secure from all but other psykers and they assisted the Corvidae in conducting intelligence operations based on psychically-gleaned knowledge.
[ ] Corvidae - The Corvidae were skilled in the psychic discipline of precognition and divination, determining the likely probabilities of future events. They served as the Legion's seers, warning their Battle-Brothers of dangers before they materialised.
[ ] Pavoni - The Pavoni Cult tended to be the most egocentric of the known Cults within the Thousand Sons Legion, as they had developed the psychic discipline known as physiokinesis, a unique form of biomancy. Physiokinesis allowed the Pavoni to manipulate body chemistry and physiology within themselves as well as others.
[ ] Pyrae - The Pyrae were pyrokinetics, meaning that they had developed the ability to both generate and control fire, the power for which was drawn from the Warp. As masters of the arts of pyromancy the Pyrae could both generate lethal bursts of fire from their bodies that they could shape into a number of different forms, including projectiles fired from their hands as well as fire shields that could hold back foes and melt away incoming weapons fire.
[ ] Raptora - The members of the Raptora Cult were gifted practitioners of the psychic discipline called telekinesis, and were known as telekines. In battle, a Raptora Cult member could psychically fling physical objects at their enemies or rip their enemies bodies' apart through the application of immense telekinetic power drawn from the Immaterium.

The ordeal were grueling and tiresome, but you came through, more powerful, more focused. Beteer soldier in the Emperor's war, Great Crusade, that what it was called.
Throughout the war Magnus the Red made another changes, creating three orders, three groups of his most trusted and loyal. You were honored by being chosen to it:

[ ] Order of Jackal - Known as the Measure of Life and Death, the role of this order was twofold: to remember the dead and to raise the next generation of warriors to fight for the Legion. It was the Order of the Jackal that interred approved wounded Thousand Sons into Dreadnoughts and trained Aspirants and Neophytes into new Space Marines as well as managing Gene-Seed. The Order also attended to the dead of the Legion and maintained their legacy. As a result, the Order contained a large number of Apothecaries.
Order of Jackal +2 Martial, +1 Stewardship
Apothecary - You can perform apothecary actions
[ ] Order of Ruin - Symbolized by a poised serpent, the Order of Ruin were a sect of mystics said to be obsessed with numerology and the hidden structure of the universe. Its members were known as calculators, logicians, analysts, and organizers of supreme ability.
Order of Ruin +2 Learning, +1 Stewardship
Techmarine - You can perform technology actions
[ ] Order of Blindness - consisted of infiltrators, spies, interrogators, and scouts and operated psychically conditioned standard Humans in their operations known as Hidden Ones. The Order also oversaw the Legion's fast-attack Ammitara Occult troops. The Order of Blindness would often create chaos within the ranks of enemies of the Thousand Sons, often working with Destroyer Squads in the process.
Order of Blindness +2 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy
Destroyer - +5 Combat, Archeotech Gear
First Death
Adhoc vote count started by MrocnyZbik on Dec 5, 2020 at 2:54 AM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Order of Jackal - Known as the Measure of Life and Death, the role of this order was twofold: to remember the dead and to raise the next generation of warriors to fight for the Legion. It was the Order of the Jackal that interred approved wounded Thousand Sons into Dreadnoughts and trained Aspirants and Neophytes into new Space Marines as well as managing Gene-Seed. The Order also attended to the dead of the Legion and maintained their legacy. As a result, the Order contained a large number of Apothecaries.
    [X]Prospero - Planet of Sorcerer. Centre of knowledge and lore, particularly knowledge of sorcery and the Warp. You were born among its deathly fauna and flora, and under the guidance of Magnus the Red
    [X] Pavoni - The Pavoni Cult tended to be the most egocentric of the known Cults within the Thousand Sons Legion, as they had developed the psychic discipline known as physiokinesis, a unique form of biomancy. Physiokinesis allowed the Pavoni to manipulate body chemistry and physiology within themselves as well as others.
    [X] Order of Ruin - Symbolized by a poised serpent, the Order of Ruin were a sect of mystics said to be obsessed with numerology and the hidden structure of the universe. Its members were known as calculators, logicians, analysts, and organizers of supreme ability.
    [X] Corvidae - The Corvidae were skilled in the psychic discipline of precognition and divination, determining the likely probabilities of future events. They served as the Legion's seers, warning their Battle-Brothers of dangers before they materialised.
    [x] Athanaean
    [x] Order of Blindness
    [x] Pyrae
    [x] Raptora

Prospero burns. The great library, the tombs of knowledge and people, so many people. All put under the Wolves axe. You shoot again and again, knife slashing, mind bursting with an energy taking your body to next levels, so it keeps up, always keeping up with attacking Wolves. Another Wolf falls with its throat sliced, and another one with a boltshell piercing his helmet.
- Traitor! - screams Wolf wielding an axe and a sword. You cannot penetrate his defences. His runes protect him from your powers.
Axe and sword rise and fall, again, and again. Khopesh broken, knife lost, boltgun sliced. Warp surges in, if you cannot break through his wards, you pull all this power into your fist. WIth one powerful strike under the ceramite armour with a loud crack you punch his hearts out. Standing over a dead body, feeling a broken arm and crashed fist, spent in all ways. Only thing left is to witness. To be one seeing your Primarchs victory over the… no… it cannot be. But it is, Magnus the Red fallen. Did you fallen to?

[ ] Never - you have never died. You survived so much, and made so many deals that you are not sure there is anything of you left. But you live, throughout 10 milenia of war, bloodshed and power. You live.
  • Veteran of the Long War +2 to everything
  • Arsenal of the Long War - You have 3 relicts and/or Artifacts collected over the period of millenia
  • Your soul is mine - you are not the master of yourself, you have fought for so long and made so many deals, your options are really limited. Every few turns, one or more of your creditors will demand payment in full.
  • Known Heretic - You are hunted, and not only by by a Space Wolves Pack. The Inquisition, Adepta Sororitas and Gods Undivided knows what else is on your tail.
  • 6 Lieutenants
  • 50 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
[ ] Fabius Bile - He brought you back to life. Into his Consortium. So much knowledge you have gained, but there was a price, there always is.
  • Veteran of the Long War +2 to everything
  • Relict - An archeotech, xenotech or warptech relict
  • My Master - You may still have some freedom but you have debts to pay, to no other than Fabius Bile, and he always collects. One every dozen turns or more, he will need something from you.
  • Haunted - You are hunted by a Dark Eldars kabbalah.
  • 5 Lieutenants
  • 40 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
[ ] First Battle of The Fang - survived Prospero to fall at the vengeance attack. Many Wolves fell under your hands, but finally you succumbed to wounds and died to again be reborn, and again, and again.
  • Veteran +1 to everything
  • Relict - An archeotech, xenotech or warptech relict
  • Known Heretic - You are hunted by a Space Wolves pack.
  • 4 Lieutenants
  • 30 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
[ ] Burning of Prospero - you have died, on that day. Your soul lost to space and time, to finally be brought back in at the end of 39 millenium. You have paid your dues and are free. As free as one can be in this Universe of horror and war.
  • Master of my own fate - for now you stand on top of the food chain. Congratulation
  • 3 Lieutenants
  • 30 Rubricae - your honour guard made out of fallen brothers to the Ahriman's spell
Bolt rounds whizz and fly like little comets. Wolves scream and scream so beautifully when your psyker powered arm tear them limb from limb. You can indulge yourself, Magnus the Red is back. His power flows through you and your brothers, even the Rubricae are more alive.
- Ain't that right brothers!?
Raise your heads proud sons of Prosepero, and see fleets burning in orbit. The Emperor's Dogs are dying. They are dying on the beaches, they are dying on the landing grounds, they are dying in the fields and in the streets, they are dying in the hills and mountains.
With a deafening roar, a pack of canine warriors stormed towards you. Bolters blazed, soldiers fell. You are in the clench with a hammer wielding marine. Feint, hit, dodge feint hit. Knife and bolter sing the song of blood. Hit. You are on a ground, bloodied Wolf raises his hammer screaming curses and promises of end in his barbaric tongue. Resounding splat fills vision and armour is showered with red mist. Brother Sorcerer Daor Kalliston stands above. Wolf disappeared.
- Stand up brother, there is vengeance to be made. -
Stand up, inferno bolts armed. Ready to kill. Arm in hand went back into the fray. With magic and bolt, with blade and strength of arms. Wolves are coming, again, and again, and again.
- DIE WITCH! - screams a marine wielding a blue blade.
- Is it all you can say. Die witch?!
Blade swings left cold cobalt snowflakes, and hit like a mythical rhino. Biomancy flows through veins and powers every move. Bolt shell into the head and there is less one Wolf, three knife hits and another Wolf falls.
- I will have vengeance for my brother's Traitor.
- I heard it already!
His eyes gleam with green rage, his red hairs resemble more flames with each passing moment. Another Wolf falls to your power, but this, this berserker presses harder with each passing moment. Blade swings and your bolter falls on the ground cut in half. Fist lands on the Wolf's face, but he stands and answers with knee to the stomach. Power drains, Wolf stands. Power drains, Wolf hits again. You fall on the ground.
- When you meet your master in hell, remember that Halvar Frostblade sent you there.
- Hell is denied to me, dog. Only sweet embrace of oblivion awaits. Or did you forget the "Imperial Truth"
You laugh while the blade falls on your head.


Daor Kalliston looks at you. You breathe, there is a pulse in your veins.
- I am sorry brother. I would let you rest if I could, but I had no choice. -
- There always is, brother. There always is. -
This new body, you'll get used to it. In time it will fit like a glove.


Bridge of your starship remembered better days. Filled with servitors and mutants, cultists and madmans. Yours since the death of Daor. Your because of failure. Blasted Wolf and his pack. Now they call him Scarab Hunter, Venerable Halvar Frostblade Scarab Hunter. Bastard starts to collect titles like you collect rebirth. Daor, Iskaander, Xenthul, Esotephres, Onoris Bekta. How many times has this dog killed you? You have lost count. But it is not like you hadn't had some victories, like on Sigma Fraternis VII when you tear his arm off, or on Hadesius Primus when you took his eyes. No matter, you made him "Venerable ", but now was not the time to reminisce about the past.
Sitting on the control throne flipping through the files, documents and blinking screens of information. There were worse things on this ship than it's crew, there were "people" that chose to follow you into the darkness of space, onto the road of glory and power. Some died, some left to pursue their own agenda, but for every lost you could always find a new one.

Lieutenants CHOOSE AT LEAST 5:
[ ] Lagrange Sigma-Delta, Daemon Hybrid Heretek. Centipede-like machine being, on her back jars of specially prepared brains, each possessed by a daemon. Question where one starts and other ends is one with no answer, maybe there is no more Heretek Lagrange, or maybe Heretek Lagrange is resultant of all these powers melded into one. Lagrange is a follower of Knowledge of the Deep, an ancient school from the deepest parts of Warp Storms.

[ ] Chaos Chosen known simply as Ana. Exalted in the eyes of Chaos gods, in her power armour, wielding Dark Eldar whip that can cut even Ceramite , and bolter taken from the cold hands of a former warband leader. Now she controls over 100 Space Marines, that venerate her like a living embodiment of Chaos advancement. With Keren Var and Keren Vir, two Word Bearers champions protecting her on every step, she is a power to be recon with. One thing you know about her, she is not fully human, she never was, even before communion with Dark Powers.

[ ] Asgyll Svartveld Space Wolf Rune Priest with his 50 Wulfen Guard. They say Khorne hates psykers, well Svartveld hates Khorne back with a power of supernova and makes it shown every time he summons one of his daemons. After which he sacrifices it on his runic altar and syphones its power into his Guards. Why? How? You would like to know, but old Wolf keeps his cards very close to his chest.

[ ]Iron Warrior Apothecary Myka Tzimisce with his 15 Scout Marine Hunters and 100 szlachta cybernetic geneforged mutants. They say that he served under Fabius Bile in the famous Consortium. But "they" say many things, like that Myka is a "son" created from the genes of original Tzimisce by Bile and implanted with all of the original knowledge, and even some of its creator. For now, he is a well trained apothecary and techmarine combining his love for tinkering in Space Marines flesh and creating new abominations of metal and flesh.

[ ] Daemon Machine Spirit Navigator. An experiment by Dark Archmagos Lobachevsky Lehrer. Combination of possession, navigators powers and powerful cogitator machine spirit gave birth to this abomination. Worshiped as a living god of folded space by his Navigators Clansmen, DMSN takes your frigate throughout the cosmos without the need of an Astronomican. All he needs in exchange is just a simple token of gratitude, in the form of ritualistic sacrifices. A mutant here, a priest there, a Space Marine at the end. Nothing much, don't you think.

[ ] Ur-Kalas, Night Lord Seer, whose eyes pierce the Veil of Warp, Space and Time. Who bound to himself Navigators Clan, with a few well placed cortex bombs. Ruthless and without humor. In his Terminator Armour, spends most of his time staring into the madness of the Warp. Three eyes gleaming in molten gold, seeing what others cannot. He doesn't want power, nor knowledge, nor wealth, not for him are finer things in life. Bastard just stands there, and watches, constantly. Sometimes he speaks, not with words, no, he uses hand signs, with his Lightning Claws.

[ ] Decimoc Ventane, Fallen Ultramarine Swordmaster, who gave himself in full into the embrace of Slaanesh. With his pupils entourage of 6 blademasters: She Who Kills in Silence, World Eater Farvak Handtaker, Raven Guardsmen Moradius Knifedancer, Sons of Horus Nero Jubal known as Onehit, and two Iron Warriors Sor Two-Blades and Galvanus Unparalleled, they are the chosen of Chaos, blades, dancers, killers. Only 7 in total?! Famous last words of many.

[ ] Lady Inquisitor Sarissa Eleaniro of the Ordo Hereticus, once an exemplary member of the Puritan Inquisition. Her mistake? She survived. Prom puritan to radical. From radical to hunted by her own Ordo. From hunted into heretic and hunter, to finally ended as what she once fought. You do not have to squint your eyes to see blue daemon that whispers into her ear. Her entourage might be small but highly professional. A bounty hunter, a death cult assassin and a psyker. Not much. But she survived. Many made this mistake and tried to take her out. She survived, they did not.

[ ] Sister Belliya of the Adepta Sororitas, or should I say Ex-Sister of Battle. Now she and her 35 sisters found a new purpose. Her, her sisters and over 1000 well trained cultis soldiers. It took time and effort but the fall of this group was one of the greatest achievements of Alpha Legion Agent, or at least that is what you heard. Now with the resilience of Nurgle, strength of Khorne, finesse of Slaanesh and guile of Tzeentch they roam the battlefields trying to find their honour. Who are they when everything they believe in was a lie. Sister Belliya will find out, and she will never be betrayed again.

[ ] Manahkmor P'Tra Terminator Astartes and his 5 Blood-Brothers, connected by blood, born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. They didn't take part in the Rubric Ritual, and made it to this day. Mutated beyond recognition, undergo a mystic blood ritual to somehow cleanse themselves out of it. Arhiman would give his soul for this knowledge, well you would too. But asked Manahkmor answered, "It is worse than being dust in the wind. If we could choose again we would become Rubrices. To be again with our brothers."

[ ] Constantine Brant Black Templar Dark Apostle, his eyes fired with the warp violet flames, surrounded by over 50 Possessed Priests and over 3000 cultists. They call him Godmaker. His calling and his drive is to make others into gods, so that all humanity may walk the Primeval Path and ascend to its rightful place beside gods of the immaterium.

[ ] Psyker All-Mind - once there was a choir of astropaths, 10 strong, that with the blessing of the Emperor sang his massages across the unfathomable deeps of space. One day, there was a mistake, a little flaw in the song. Today a Tzeentchian daemon occupies 10 minds and 10 bodies, all speaking with one voice. His.

[ ] Armilus 23-7 Alpha Legion Raptor and his 20 battle brothers, Godhunters. Precise, deadly and driven to cleanse the Universe out of the so called "Gods" in every form and in every name.

[ ] Jaldabaoth, Golden Armoured Space Marine. Some said he gave himself to Khorne for his batlike wings, others to Slaanesh for prowess in sword and flight, other that he is a follower of Tzeentch and just fucks with everyone. Nothing is certain about him, and over 5000 cultist and mutants followers have over 9000 contradicting stories about their beloved master and living demigod.

[ ] Behtor Kaelon Fallen Agent, secretive, silent and always assume he knows about your secrets. Alone but with a network of spies and ears in many places. You want something, he knows how to get it, you want to know something, he knows about it or how/where to get the information.

[ ] Power Axe with Boltgun - a memento from Burning of Prospero, you took it from the dead corpse of Custodian, it took few rituals and a lot of blood but you have broken the gene-lock.
Power Axe with Boltgun - +3 Combat, +1 Diplomacy

[ ] Terminator Armour - When battle calls for durability and protection over agility, it is to revered suits of Terminator Armour that the Space Marines turn. Massively thick armour plates and powerful servo-muscles drive these defensive shells.
Terminator Armour - +2 Combat, + 5 Melee, +1 Hit can be taken

[ ] Left Arm of Ra - Power Fist connected with left power armoured arm, on arm there is a xenothech cannon shooting green energy beams able to tear apart everything it goes in contact with.
Left Arm of Ra +5 Combat; Something wants its toy back

[ ] Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - syringes, capsules of poisons and drugs, scalpels, laser cutters and many, many more.
Mechadendrite Apothecarium Kit - +5 in Apothecarium actions; +1 Learning

[ ] Nemesis Force Halberd - It took you and many of your Rubricae to put the Grey bastard down, but you did it and took the spoil of war.
Nemesis Force Halberd + 2 Combat/ +5 against warp beings

[ ] Hellblade - favored weapon of Bloodletters, you wield one. Khorne hates psykers, so you do not really care about his opinion and that you stole one of his servants' weapons.
Hellblade + 5 Combat, -10 in contact with Khorne followers, Khorne followers wants his blade back

[ ] Dragonhide Cloak - Hide made out of Sempremitus Dragon, strong enough to stop a boltshell in its track.
Dragonhide Cloak +2 Hits can be taken

[ ] Daemon Crozius Arcanum- Qhurdrac, is it the name of a crozius or daemon that dwells in it. There are runes on the mace saying "My Master is my Slave".
Daemon Crozius Arcanum +2 Control; + 2 Power; +10 Rituals, there is a Daemon bound to the staff, he is not amused

[ ] Daemonic Rune - rune of power containing fragment of Greater Daemon name and its power.
Daemonic Rune + 1 Combat, + 2 in contacts with Chaos worshipers

[ ] Crown of Prospero Force Field - powerful artifact from the depth of Tizca vault. Creates an unbreakable shield of psychic defense and augments psykers own power. Tzeentch looks closely at those who wear the crown.
Crown of Prospero Force Field - + 2 Control; +2 Combat; +2 Hits can be taken, Eyes of the Changer of Ways are upon you

[ ] Teleportarium - archeotech technology implemented on your starship. It can take you in the blink of an eye to any none protected by a force field place in its range.

[ ] Soul Cage - Made by Castirian King-Magos, it can hold any warp being inside for later use.

[ ] Tarnor Mimic-Mask - Mask that change its shape and augmented by thoughts of its bearer takes a shape most appropriate to the situation. It does not read minds, but it reads emotions of people surrounding you, and from that takes its shape.
Tarnor Mimic-Mask + 3 Diplomacy

[ ] Lash of Torment - Made up of lascivious coils and barbed hooks, a Lash of Torment moves with a mind of its own. Any victim that finds himself ensnared amongst the Lash's disturbingly warm tendrils experiences crashing waves of intense pain and fear, a sensation that translates back to the wielder and all nearby in a glorious sharing of agony and bliss.
Lash of Torment - +2 Combat, +5 in contacts with Slaanesh followers
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Where the Road goes
Where to? Question stays and cannot fall out of your mind and screams with each day. Where to? Warband becomes more and more impatient. Blasted Space Wolves, after the last encounter you have lost Armilius and his brothers. At least "Venerable" lost much more. You open the gate. Hydraulics and electronics blips and hiss. The smell, the smell, sweat and rancid, spicy and hot like lava hit your augmented nostrils. Wulfen drink their mead, they sing songs of victory and bravery, and blood. Did Asgyll summoned another daemon and add it's fluids to the mead? Probably, but if it was that easy everyone would do that. There must be something more in his ritual, something that takes the pure essence of a warp creature and transforms it into this, this liquid. Maybe someday he will trust you enough to share this secret. You smile under helmet, yes and for your next trick stars will become green. Rune Priests sits at the head of the table, of course he does, sees you and raises his mug. Is it bone, or just ceramics, another question without answer.
- Øjor va Great Apedemak! Jarl of the Hate Bearers! Lord of Pequod!
Each sentence ended with wheezing breath, like a chainsword being fired up. Wulfen raised their mugs and voices with a little mumbling but what did you expect. Little respect and gratitude for saving their fury asses, at least Old One knew how to behave, or at least how to appear.
- Øjor va Old One. Destroyer of enemies, breaker of daemons. Let your mug always be full -
Old Hunter smiles and laughs, and with one wave of a hand the closest sitting Wulfen lands on the floor.
- Way for our Vlka Thegn, dog! - spits Asgyll, Wulfen rises and with bared teeth steps in front of you. Without stopping and with little biomantic help, you send Wulfen flying.
That is what happens when power armour meets with Fenrisian face. Room bursts into laughter and mead, there is a mug in front of you. You put down your helmet, and drink it all at once. Once you tried to smuggle some out of this room with biomanticly keeping it in your guts, Asgyll wasn't happy about it to put it mildly and you never again tried. There were better ways to prey on someone's secrets without losing that person… trust? Alliance? Agreement. Without losing agreement with that person. The carousel of flavors and fragrances hits again and again, your augmented metabolism somehow keeps up with mead, no need for biomantic help.
- So! What brings you Jarl?!
Lack of a helmet ment all sounds came at you with their full force, no control over volume.
- Vision.
Silence fell on the room, like an executioner's sword on the neck.
- Leave! Us!
In a moment the room becomes empty.
- Speak! - and you do. You tell Old One about Daemon Machine Vision, About its dark dreams and darker voice, about songs sung by Navigators to put it to slumber.

Choose at least 2:
[ ] I have seen you when the galaxy was burned to cinder, when the Five Gods of Chaos were killing each other, when the Devourer and the Black Wall of Immortal Steel clashed. I have seen you dancing with a fiery swordsman and one with the sword that hungers, always hungers.
Ambition: Immortality
[ ] Four armed serpent, winged destruction and carnage, vulture face angel, unkillable swarm. Such are the forms of gods, but there is more, there is winged swarm, and serpent angel, and carnage vulture, and, and and… And there is an ancient Pyre of black in which souls burn, there is a red crystal in a labyrinth of dying race. There are billions upon billions of worshipers praising your name.
Ambition: Ascension
[ ] I have seen engines of destruction, filled with beings of pure energy and warp angels. I have seen astartes learning from them, feeding on them and growing in shapes both beautiful and terrifying.
Ambition: Power
[ ] There is a ship.Greater than the mighty battle-barges, in which bowels lie knowledge and writings of Primarch.
Ambition: Knowledge
[ ] I have seen Legion reborn, in eternal bodies, their souls preserved in ceramic bone. Gleaming with power, crushing all opposition. Beautiful, fast and deadly.
Ambition: Perfection
[ ] They throw everything on you, every scrap of metal, every bullet, every laser fire, every spell and warp flame. Everything. You are still standing.
Ambition Survival
[ ] Write-in

You talk for a while, you talk, Old Hunter is leastining, finally he also talks. Two minds put together. So different and yet there is a thread of understanding. He tells you what He thinks, you rebuke some, agree to some, argue with some. He does the same. Couple meads later you know what to do.
- I believe in you Thegn. - is he drunk? No the eyes, like two adamantium hawks. You nod. Belief is a harsh mistress, for believer and believed.


Behtor and Lady Sarissa were waiting for you. Fallen Angel in his uniform and Inquisitor in hers. They were both sitting and conversing about something, conversing or playing mind games, most probably both and then some more. When you entered the room, both
straighten out and stood up, both nodded in a very frugal bow.
- What a suprise my Lord, what we deserved a visit?
- Business as always my dear. Unfortunately.
- Will we be making another jump. - Angels eyes narrowed.
- Yes and I need your expertise about three places. Carthagius Sector, Tyrant's Jaw and Ibericus Expanse.
Lady Sarissa sat down with one hand on her forehead, Behtor walked to the bookcase and took out a few scrolls and a data slate. Everything landed on the table. You waved your hand in denial, when Behtor showed you a very sturdy chair.
- Carthagius. Typical imperial sector with moderate Navy presence, divided into five sub-sectors. One belongs to Cult Mechanicus and is defended by the Imperial Knight House called Dark Scythe's. Other four are all well defended, armed and tithe paying, you can say what the imperial sub-sector should look like. Sector is currently in its expansion into the sixth subsector where most of the chaos influence was purged, and of course I am well known to the powers of that sector. Inquisitor Sarina Scorpia is now Lord Inquisitor of Carthagius Sector, and she and I have a bit of a history. - You looked at her - But on the plus side, they do not like Space Marines chapters, or at least do not want any in their midst. For better or worse, the Sector Government at all cost wants to show its maturity and independence. In ancient times the whole territory belonged to the splinter groups of Word Bearers and Night Lords from the Shadow Crusade and even after so many millenia not everything was purged. There are planets marked as death worlds and tomb worlds, but it's a blatant lie. The cultist activity is still gurgling under cover, and they would meet us with open hands as their saviors.
- Behtor? What about you?
- My knowledge is concentrated more on Expanse and Tyrant;s Jaw. Let's call it my old playground.
- Your playground?
- Yes Captain. I lived here for a huge chunk of my life.
- What can you tell me about these places?
- Warp Storm "Tarants Jaw" is where I have spent a lot of time - says Fallen Angel
- Why am I not surprised? - whispered Lady
- It is a place for chaos and betrayers.- spoke without a pause - Where sorceress kingdoms rise and fall, where daemon princes rule and bows before mighty, where Dark Mechanicus fortresses are kept. Of course because of that, power struggle is fierce, mutations rampart, and to go out of this place you have to fight your way through a space fortress called Emperors Eye. Last time, lets just say it wasn't a cake walk, so if we go in, we may not get out, unless with the small Black Crusade, my lord. But on the other hand it is a great place for increasing Warbands strength and power.
- This Fortress who keeps it?
- Space Marine Chapter known as Morkai Watchers. A Spacebound chapter whose purpose is to protect travel through a narrow corridor in Warp Storm. Also they are the first line of defence for everything that tries to come out of the storm.
- Strenght?
- Theoretically by the book that all chapters are organized. Practically half more in numbers, twice in the Navy. Also they keep a rather large number of Scouts and other auxiliary forces. Number of fallen put into dreadnoughts is pretty high.
- And this Ibricus Expanse?
- Ibericus Expanse territory ruled by xenos, chaos, rebels and rogue traders. - Siad Lady Sarissa - As of this moment there are established three sub-sectors, sub-sector Amnestadt ruled by Trader Family Vlaskovich and closest to how imperium should run thing -
- Of course they hiding more systems, then there are in inventory
- Of course. Sub-sector Barkimi where raiges constant war between Orks Freebooters, where already mentioned Morkai Watchers goes for their little "crusades". Last but not least sub-sector Exilea where three Families play war of assassins trying to control the most before the imperials would come, and they will. There was an information in the higher eshelons of crusade, but for better or worst Governor Feodor cannot gain enough support. Yet. Of course there is also mentioned Port Emperors Eye, standing in the Corridor from Warp Storm "Tyrants Jaw", Port is controlled and a staging state of constant "crusades". Everything else, great unknown.
- Tell me more about these crusades?
- More Hunting parties. Scout Band armed with sword and bolter in a strength of three to four companies. They take their neonates and cleanse the Orkish or/and Chaos bands.
Where would we go?

Choose 1 or 2:
[ ] Sector Carthagius - Imperial sector
[ ] Ibricus Expanse - Badlands
[ ] Tyrants Jaw - Warp Storm
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