Yeah, still here, sorry about not getting anything up yet, RL distracted me at a key moment and I kind of lost track of things.
I live, but... who are you guys again? This IS the official thread for the Catgirl Appreciation Committee, right? :D
I live, but... who are you guys again? This IS the official thread for the Catgirl Appreciation Committee, right? :D

Mike: *looks at Sakura and Misa* ... sorta?
Isabella: as your principle employer I support this motion
Mike: Your not even in the story yet!

Edit: Oh I should have a chance tomorrow to post some stuff related to the updated system. I'm going to do something like Sushi's chopping block thread and post the DRAFT game notes there for comment and feedback.
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I posted the draft versions of the revamped system in my own version of Sushi's Chopping block. These are draft versions remember so I might change things - most likely streamlining things. Really you should of seen ALL the versions of spaceship creation I had....

Feedback and thoughts welcome.

Oh yeah and I posted my idea for a new 'game sheet' and plotting notes for the game everything beyond the first scenario is rather speculative since you the players have so much control. You might choose to go to Mars or something....
I posted the draft versions of the revamped system in my own version of Sushi's Chopping block. These are draft versions remember so I might change things - most likely streamlining things. Really you should of seen ALL the versions of spaceship creation I had....

Feedback and thoughts welcome.

Oh yeah and I posted my idea for a new 'game sheet' and plotting notes for the game everything beyond the first scenario is rather speculative since you the players have so much control. You might choose to go to Mars or something....

Do you want us to post on that thread or somewhere else?
Do you want us to post on that thread or somewhere else?

if you want to provide feedback on stuff posted in that thread post it there -

since someone asked in Discord NO you don't need to repost characters this is more like a patch then a reboot. Carry on into the nightclub
@DB_Explorer @HatsuZ @Daraken @Jeboboid @Ryo0955 @tankdrop24 @Unimaginative

By the grace of ... well likely leased communication satellite lines I've gotten something posted IC.

Neither group knows where their respective marks are (IE the group that ransacked the medical supplier or the hacker) just that they worked out of this club. How you find them is up to you. Surprise me.

No seriously - there's no 'wrong' way to do this just ones with different narrative costs. If you have any questions just tell me what you want to do and I can figure out the correct implementation of mechanics.
@DB_Explorer @HatsuZ @Daraken @Jeboboid @Ryo0955 @tankdrop24 @Unimaginative

By the grace of ... well likely leased communication satellite lines I've gotten something posted IC.

Neither group knows where their respective marks are (IE the group that ransacked the medical supplier or the hacker) just that they worked out of this club. How you find them is up to you. Surprise me.

No seriously - there's no 'wrong' way to do this just ones with different narrative costs. If you have any questions just tell me what you want to do and I can figure out the correct implementation of mechanics.

Are we all their as one group, or is Michael's group already there and my group in en route?
*drums fingers* This is likely my fault - I should of paused the game rather then try to run it on a 3,000+ nmi long tether of tenuous COMSAT connections.

Fate as a whole puts a lot of narrative control in the players hands, which can lead to stalled stories if no one has an idea what to do and the GM ain't around to throw a metaphorical hand grenade into the room.

Alas Cedas is not Ronapur so I can't justify throwing ACTUAL hand grenades into the bar.


I'm really unlikely to block any sort of proactive player actions here outside of the blatantly impossible.

Start a fight? OK sure.
Drug the VIP's drinks? if you think you can
Waltz up to the VIP section. Godspeed
Flirt with the bartender? .... ok *checks notes* She's taken though.

Just *ask* once I know what you want to try to accomplish and how in general terms I can work out how run that in the game.
Sorry, I've been busy for a while, and I've just had an emotional bombshell hit me with another RP I've been in for years.

Does anyone have any idea for our group, or should I try to think of something? My last idea if I recall correctly, was to fake being from some other gang.
Does anyone have any idea for our group, or should I try to think of something? My last idea if I recall correctly, was to fake being from some other gang.

umm depending on how and why your doing it its likely a deceive or a provoke and either an overcome or create advantage I think.

@DB_Explorer @HatsuZ @Daraken @Jeboboid @Ryo0955 @tankdrop24 @Unimaginative

also I should be back with a proper connection in a month and a half or so. I'm working on two proposals for how spaceships will work (one is currently posted in my plot idea thread)

the other is still being worked on since the basis for it (Fate world module book ...thing: Sail full of Stars) has the ships with large crews so I need to work on adapting that to my setting.

Supplies maybe.

Once I get back I'm going to finish the current scenario and do launch new threads for the updated systems for better organization and to allow recruitment to fill slots of anyone that has gone MIA.
No tagging for this one. But I've got a month or so before I get a more open schedule and can continue this RP as I intended. As I stated before after the current scenario I'm going to make a new OOC thread just to have a better organization.

But I will also be rolling out a new modification to Fate core to run the game and I would like feed back on it. I'm of two minds for the dicussion on this. One is to have it all occur in my Plot idea thread since that lets wandering debates on game design stay clear of clogging up this thread. On the other hand player input into the setting and the game itself is important for fate.

So for now post here and there - with the plot thread being more for if your going to go heavy into game design rather then tweaking the extras. Key feedback I want/wish for:

1) Spaceship system, I have a second simpler idea in the works that might be more suitable to most so word on if the current proposal is too much would be good. (also what it does well)
2) Setting guide being too vague, too detailed, too short or too long.
3) Name for the new OOC thread when it goes up
4) New IC thread/continue the current one (and name ideas if we make a new one)
(I really think post rate matters more than what system you use to be brutally honest.)

This is true! Player involvement (and GM involvement) is the largest contributing factor to a games success or failure namely because you can (as shown) tweak and change a system - no players means no game.

though It was easier to tweak around with the extras then post here namely due to the fact that I already had all the PDF's downloaded and thus did not need to play hunger games to get a computer with net access.

On the other hand as a function of time most of the world was spent on reorganizing my plot notes and working on ways to help players understand the fate point economy and aspects and stuff.

IE 'how to GM'
@HatsuZ @Daraken @Jeboboid @Ryo0955 @tankdrop24 @Unimaginative

ladies and gentlemen after careful consideration I've decided that it will be better to just restart the scenerio from the top so I've made a new OOC thread thats also better orginized by vitture of me claiming the first 4 or so posts.

new OOC post is RIGHT HERE

Celeritas players will get picked as players in the reboot first if they post by June 25th!

Alright then, any changes to the character sheets I should know about or should I just copy/paste?
Alright then, any changes to the character sheets I should know about or should I just copy/paste?

ummm well I split lore into

Acamdemics (general stuff)
Brokerage (The offical skill of Holo the wise wolf and the Demon Queen : P )

Also CRAFTS IS BACK to handle general handyman stuff like gunsmithing, woodworking, cooking etc.

I've yet to add my thoughts on Aspect creation and stunts but well we can handle that later!

edit: basically the extra skills in Celeritas are meant to show that some skills and jobs are those of specialists. In a sense it means taking electronics, brokerage, etc more important to the nature of the character.
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