Nathan muttered to himself as the discussion continued between his new crewmates. Their words only faintly registered to the man, his attention instead focused on the tablet in his hands.

Let's see. The website server was here, with a connection to a mail server there. Oh, some good tidbits to be found here. And very nice, an old unpatched email server. How kind of them to leave the door unlocked.

Tapping and sliding away at the information at his fingertips, the ex-specialist quickly skims through the data, building up a picture of just what was going on. When he at last finishes, Nathan lifts his head up to the others and lightly coughs to grab their attention.

"Right then, intel." The man flips his tablet over, so that the information on it's screen can be seen by the rest of the group.

"Person of Interest Number 1, Rachel Sylvie. They're the one paying for ASA's mail server, though no other links to the thugs as far as I could see. Could be the boss, or a patsy or a fake identity. In any case, they've a link to a nightclub in the area," Nathan explains, the tablet highlighting bits of pertinent data as he brings them up.

"Person of Interest Number 2, Marcel Sylvie." Random email snippets pop up on the screen, while lines trace alongside a digital map. "Seems to be the one giving out orders to our little gang, engaging in some light extortion, drug dealing, fencing. You know, the usual. They're based out of the address on the card."

The communications officer looks to everyone else and then shrugs. "So, flank 'em and poke the unknown at the nightclub or go for the direct route and check out their base?"
"Well that's great" Michael replied, flipping the business card over as he considered Nathan's findings. "Two people, maybe, one might be a fake... hell might be their damn dog." He tossed the card back onto the table fore continuing. "What we lack is any sort of ground truth - got nothing to calibrate what we find to sort whats right and whats slop. What we do have is this information and locations. I say we see whats up at one of them, see what fits with what the computers say and whats off. Easiest approach would just head to those so called office and see whats up. Of course that means going in quite blind. We could also check out this nightclub, safer given its so public - though not quite sure if its a path that goes anyway. Or we try our luck finding more information in some other way. I could tell us all what to do, but the crew ain't big enough to need that." Michael explained. "It's my sister involved yes, but we can't leave where we call port open to getting us extorted. I can't handle this on my own so if we're doing something it should at least be something we can all agree on."
The communications officer looks to everyone else and then shrugs. "So, flank 'em and poke the unknown at the nightclub or go for the direct route and check out their base?"

Aidrian tapped his fingers on the table, considering the options. "I feel like we're still missing a lot of information on these people." he said eventually. "We don't even know who the person in charge really is. I'd like to try to take the subtle route for a while, gather some intel about our adversaries. If necessary we can go the direct route later, but we'd have a hard time doing the opposite if the office goes badly."
Oswald made a tsk, tsk noise. "Are we really going to be acting like this is a goddamned binary choice like it's fuckin' amatuer hour. Most of us hit the nightclub, we send a schlub or two to look around the area where the office is. And I don't mean going in, knocking on their door, look around, stake the place out, plant some cheap cameras if you can. Observe and report. It'll make it easier for it we do need to infiltrate the place after. Hell, we could probably just get a drone with it, in the unlikely event this outfit could afford something that could do the job."
Michael leaned back from the chair as the crew debated to go or to well... not go to the nightclub. No one it seems was interested in trying their luck with looking at the so-called security firm's offices directly. Which was fine by him, the club was a public place which meant less chances for trouble.

"How about this." Michael starts, getting everyone's attention. "Helena, I want you to stay. Chief engineer should take some time to learn the ship. System was throwing me some errors from the starboard main engine – want you to take a look at that. Klaudie can stay in case you need help fetching a larger part we don't have aboard." He continued nodding toward the deckhand. "Everyone else, even it's not your scene, nightclub. Consider it paid shore leave if you want since I'll have funds to cover drinks added to the early pay for actually showing up. Miss Noihara, I'll see if my sister can watch your daughter for the night – should keep them both out of the way and out of trouble. We can head out in one or twos, big group going in as one might get attention." He said as he stood up. "For now, go settle in your quarters and find something nice to wear, it's a nightclub after all not a pub."
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Tapping and sliding away at the information at his fingertips, the ex-specialist quickly skims through the data, building up a picture of just what was going on. When he at last finishes, Nathan lifts his head up to the others and lightly coughs to grab their attention.

"Right then, intel." The man flips his tablet over, so that the information on it's screen can be seen by the rest of the group.


Like she had said before, Elise had some at least basic knowledge of network penetration, nowhere near what the other guys around her could possibly have. There were those times, however, where she was forced to do that kind of thing because she happened to know the most about computers. It was an odd learning experience, and one she hoped she could skip this time around.

As she looked over the information provided by Nathan, Elise breathed an internal sigh of relief. Given the amount and kind of data he had pulled up, it seemed he really knew his way around various networks. This wouldn't be her show to run.

At the same time, Elise made a mental note to at least try to stay on this guy's good side. He could do this to anyone.

OK, Allied Security, Sylvie, Rachel/Marcel... she pondered a bit. "Um... Could I..." She nudged a bit closer to the tablet, double checking what she saw. Once Nathan started explaining what he found, Elise started her own analysis, running through several of the terms through social networks, running the bar through review sites, and maybe giving the servers another run-through.

Given the advances of computers in the last few centuries, the old saying about the definition of insanity just... went differently when it came to computers. Especially when it came to security infrastructure. It doesn't matter how good you think your security is; a single bit flipped in just the right spot just does things.

OK, so... huh, those drives are... oh, OK. They're smart.
Oh, good, pictures.
...Oh. Don't wanna be in that.

"Helena, I want you to stay. Chief engineer should take some time to learn the ship. System was throwing me some errors from the starboard main engine – want you to take a look at that. Klaudie can stay in case you need help fetching a larger part we don't have aboard." He continued nodding toward the deckhand. "Everyone else, even it's not your scene, nightclub. Consider it paid shore leave if you want since I'll have funds to cover drinks added to the early pay for actually showing up. Miss Noihara, I'll see if my sister can watch your daughter for the night – should keep them both out of the way and out of trouble. We can head out in one or twos, big group going in as one might get attention."

"Um, if it's alright, sir," she said to the captain, "I was actually hoping to stay behind as well. I wanted to... uh, look over all the components and stuff and since Helena's staying, I also kinda wanna get used to working with her and all that..." She petered out at the end. Nightclubs weren't usually her thing, especially not right now.

"Oh, and um, I found some new stuff while you guys were, um, talking and, yeah, uh... one moment..." Her mini-tablet could get finicky when connecting to new hardware. While she figured out a few connection issues, she took the chance to go over at least some of her findings.

"So, I looked over at all the stuff Nathan found and I found a couple of interesting things. Like the warehouse. They have some servers connected for updates, but they're not even on the network right now. So they're probably airgapped when they're not updating... and uh, oh! And I found a connection that goes between the warehouse servers and a server at the nightclub; there's something to link the two areas. I know IP addresses don't hold much in court, but it's a start!"

"So, the nightclub. And Rachel Sylvie! She actually owns the club, likes to show it off on the usual sites. A couple of profiles also say that Marcel is her brother, but that's it. He doesn't show up aside from that. Uh, one moment, one moment... there!"

A couple of images showed up on the nearby screen. Two people that at least looked related in some fashion.

"There! Pictures! That's, uh... right, that's Marcel on the right and that's Rachel on the left."

She double-checked something at the last minute just to be sure it was the right week. Then she continued: "So, yeah, be careful if you're going out. They're doing a big 'join the club' promo this week." She pulled up some relevant ads and flyers on the screen as well. "Half price drinks, entry fee discount, the whole thing. Rachel's got a lot of followers online, so... I, I think it's gonna be really packed, guys."

Lots of people and loud music. Not a good combination. For her, at least.
"How about this." Michael starts, getting everyone's attention. "Helena, I want you to stay. Chief engineer should take some time to learn the ship. System was throwing me some errors from the starboard main engine – want you to take a look at that. Klaudie can stay in case you need help fetching a larger part we don't have aboard." He continued nodding toward the deckhand.
"Of course, Captain. I will solve the issue before we are due to depart." Helena glanced at the larger woman, she definitely seemed capable, and looked like an honest sort.

"Do you have logs of the diagnostics you performed? They would make isolating the problem somewhat easier." Helena asked, hefting her heavy bag onto her shoulder as she did, she would drop her gear on her way down to engineering.
"Um, if it's alright, sir," she said to the captain, "I was actually hoping to stay behind as well. I wanted to... uh, look over all the components and stuff and since Helena's staying, I also kinda wanna get used to working with her and all that..." She petered out at the end. Nightclubs weren't usually her thing, especially not right now.
Sparing a glance to the young woman by her side, Helena nodded to her words. "I have no objection to this. It will provide a useful opportunity to assess Engineer Harmon's Capabilities." Helena couldn't bring herself to use Elise's first name yet, she barely knew her, after all. That kind of informality did not come easily to her.
Michael glanced between the two engineers as he looked over the pictures Miss Harmon had found. The two girls we're almost opposites of each other he had wanted to bring the younger engineer in case they needed some engineering expertise on hand but it would be better to see if two had any... conflicts before actually setting off. "That sounds fine. Many hands make light work and all that jazz, right?" Michael said.

"As for the logs," Michael tapped a few buttons on his own tablet before a chime rang from Helena's counter part. "That's everything I have - you'll need to pull the logs from engineering for all the details that go over my head." Michael stood up. "Unless there is anything else I'll go get ready for tonight."
Michael glanced between the two engineers as he looked over the pictures Miss Harmon had found. The two girls we're almost opposites of each other he had wanted to bring the younger engineer in case they needed some engineering expertise on hand but it would be better to see if two had any... conflicts before actually setting off. "That sounds fine. Many hands make light work and all that jazz, right?" Michael said.

"As for the logs," Michael tapped a few buttons on his own tablet before a chime rang from Helena's counter part. "That's everything I have - you'll need to pull the logs from engineering for all the details that go over my head." Michael stood up. "Unless there is anything else I'll go get ready for tonight."
"My thanks, Captain." Helena replied, nodding as she shot the diagnostics to Elise as well as she began to look through them, "This seems to be a reasonably simple problem. It will be resolved by the time you return, should all go well.

"If that is all, I will excuse myself. There is work to be done." Helena said, and with Ajax padding at her side, made her way from the room, her destination her new bunk to drop off her things, and from there, the engines.
"Oh, and um, I found some new stuff while you guys were, um, talking and, yeah, uh... one moment..." Her mini-tablet could get finicky when connecting to new hardware. While she figured out a few connection issues, she took the chance to go over at least some of her findings.
Nathan let out an impressed whistle as Elise went over her analysis, the man nodding in appreciation at her work. "Nice job," the ex-specialist praised with a genuine smile at the smaller woman. This kind of technical stuff got taken for granted too often, as Nathan was (un)happy to testify to in his experience. So making sure the apprentice engineer got properly commended was a bit of a pet issue with him.

As the two engineers excuse themselves from venturing out to the nightclub, Nathan gives out an exaggerated sigh. "Well, I suppose that leaves it to me for any technical support onsite, huh?" The communications officer let out a low chuckle before shaking his head. "Well, nothing new there I suppose." Not quite what he was signing up for with this job, but you had to roll with the punches life gave you.

"Though sir, if you're expecting us to dress in 'something nice'," Nathan says as he turns to the captain, a hand scratching at the side of his beard. "I've got...a clean set of civvies?"
Klaudie can stay in case you need help fetching a larger part we don't have aboard." He continued nodding toward the deckhand.
@Ryo0955 @Jeboboid

No skin off her nose, wasn't like she was much for the clubbing anyway. A good dive bar and an oily mug of something high proof was more her speed. And the lifting and the fetching of course.

Klaudie nodded to Elise and Helena's receding back.

"Anything else needs doing or getting, give me a shout. I'll be around."

Bunk up, stow what few effects she had and then wander. Good to know your way around a place by heart, especially in the black.
Michael sipped his drink as a bass line thumped in his chest and a dozen lights danced around him and over the bar. The rest of the crew, minus the engineering team, had filtered into the club over the last half hour or so - it avoided drawing attention as a single big group.

True to Lis's findings the club was packed with people enjoying some performance of some local DJ mixed with discounted drinks. The captain took another sip of his chosen vice as he eyed the bouncers at the edge of the room - they didn't look understaffed at all, unlike the poor bartender behind him.

What interested him more was the stairs to either side of the main dance floor - guarded of course by velvet ropes and a burly man in a nice suite. Those would the be stairs up to the VIP section, which was likely be where one would find the clubs owner. Of course none of the crew would be on the lists to get up there.

You eyed a staff darting through some doors into the back of the club, likely to a kitchen where they make orders for the bar and VIPs and perhaps an office with something to find - no idea what they had for staff back there of course.

Michael set his empty glass on the bar as he considered his options. "Would you be having another one sir?" The barkeep asked, a pretty brunette in your typical suit and vest combo that nicer places seemed to decide was standard as a bartender attire. "Have you heard of our Red Ball Express?"

"No, No I haven't." Michael replied. "And I'm fine for now." He said as he waved her off before considering that he hadn't seen that special on any of the ads they had found. Curious.

Halfway across the town and far closer to the Celeritas herself the engineering crew walked through the dockyards. The large crates that held some of a torch drives smaller parts carried amongst them.

Around them automated cargo transfer carriages drove by as their counterparts overhead moved more outsized loads on railings studding the vaulted ceiling above. There was no artificial sunlight here, not enough air above to even make a tinge of blue - it was shift change and the lighting was low for circadian rhythms plunging the level into a permanent dusk.

"We don't need your god damn protection." A raised voice grabbed attention, though the crowd of workers going to and from work seemed to part around the disturbance and did their best to avoid it. Which only made it more obvious for those that cared.

"Ya sure?" A second voice asked, smoother and almost mocking in tone. "Be a shame if something happened to your haulers and your bosses blamed you for it after all…."

A simple word to discuss his simple feelings about this whole place. Flashing lights, overly loud music, trendy clothing and a bunch of young people dancing. No, this wasn't really Nathan's kind of place. He take a good old pub over this any time.

Well, at least the drinks weren't half bad, the ex-specialist thought to himself as he slowly finished the fruity cocktail in his hand. Might as well expand his horizons alcohol-wise, right?

Not that he was doing much else at the moment except pass the time. Investigations and talking to people weren't really his thing, so all he really had to do was wait until someone in the crew called for his technical expertise. Or needed his help to shoot some idiots. 50/50 chance of either occurring in his opinion.

Pity there wasn't any decent food being served here though...
Oswald strode through the nightclub crowd. His stiff, professional gait probably made him stand out from the clubgoers, but it he wasn't really the type that went to clubs, or really, had any type of 'off hours' at all. That wasn't to say he had never went to these sorts of places before. In fact, he fancied himself a predator in a forest of prey. He could reach out, grab someone on the shoulder, and odds are they'd be scum of some type. Shame he didn't have the authority to arrest anyone now.

Still, Oswald dismissed the thought. He had work to do.

Walking up to the barkeep with the best fake drunkard grin he could manage, Oswald ordered a drink, specifically, a blue one. The tender seemed under the impression he was a tourist doing some kind of stupid challenge. In fact, the reason Oswald had ordered that specfically was because it matched the embalic syrup he had bought on the way over that he poured into the drink as he walked away.

If they couldn't get to the owner, then they'd have to make the owner come out to them...

There was just one last thing needed. Oswald scanned the crowd. There was Mike, but Oswald wasn't stupid and shortsighted enough to use his current employer for this stunt, as amusing and/or fitting as it would be.


A simple word to discuss his simple feelings about this whole place. Flashing lights, overly loud music, trendy clothing and a bunch of young people dancing. No, this wasn't really Nathan's kind of place. He take a good old pub over this any time.

Well, at least the drinks weren't half bad, the ex-specialist thought to himself as he slowly finished the fruity cocktail in his hand. Might as well expand his horizons alcohol-wise, right?

Not that he was doing much else at the moment except pass the time. Investigations and talking to people weren't really his thing, so all he really had to do was wait until someone in the crew called for his technical expertise. Or needed his help to shoot some idiots. 50/50 chance of either occurring in his opinion.

Pity there wasn't any decent food being served here though...
Oswald caught sight of one of the others... Nathaniel, was it? Whatever his name was, he looked like he was slacking off on the job and trying to pretend he wasn't here instead of working to get this damn mess over with. That made him perfect for this plan.

Oswald walked up to Nathan, bent down, smiled, and threw his arm around over shoulder. "Hey, you... It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Crazy running into you here of all places." Oswald presented him the spiked drink he held in his other arm. "You've really got to try this place's... whatever this is... It's really quite something."
Oswald walked up to Nathan, bent down, smiled, and threw his arm around over shoulder. "Hey, you... It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Crazy running into you here of all places." Oswald presented him the spiked drink he held in his other arm. "You've really got to try this place's... whatever this is... It's really quite something."
Nathan's face turned briefly skeptical at Oswald's overly friendly approach, before a false smile finally appeared. Oh great. A 'pretend to be old friends' routine. Really, couldn't the other man have just told him whatever he was planning over the comms first?

Heaving an internal sigh, the ex-specialist just nods knowingly at Oswald. "Long time no see," Nathan responded back with false cheer. "Well, you know me. I'll never turn down a free drink."

An interesting fruity flavor, citrusy with a bitter aftertaste. Hmm, which wasn't sitting very well. As his stomach started churning and the realization of what was happening hit him, Nathan's eyes bolted to meet Oswald's. "You comple- hurgh." An abortive heave interrupted the Martian, acid taste filling his mouth.


Managing to get out one last hate filled word, all Nathan can do is turn to the side and empty out the contents of his stomach onto the floor.
"Scotch, neat, and whatever the lovely lady wants." Sakura turned toward the bars newest patron and found a red head in a tailored jacket leaning against the bar waving to get the attention of the bartender before turning toward Sakura with an impish smile. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? How about this - I have a private booth upstairs so how about you and me go make ourselves more…." She trailed off, gesturing vaguely as she considered her next word before settling on. "...Comfortable."

@Daraken @tankdrop24
On the far side of the bar Nathan continued to heave, though someone had helpfully placed a bucket down though most of the crowd had given the communications specialist a very wide berth.

Oswald had only stepped far enough back to avoid being in the line of fire. Michael meanwhile pushed his glass back before getting up to move toward the chaos. He could hardly stay idle, if they ran ID's they'd demand something from the captain of the ship they worked on.

@Mina @Jeboboid @Ryo0955
On the docks the cargo handlers seemed evenly split from starting a tussled with the suited gentlemen and accepting the deal for the offered 'insurance'. A brief shadow of movement caught Lise's eye as she looked behind the suits and spotted a familiar face hanging back. It was the same man from the cafe that had briefly taken her hostage, or tried to anyway. The chances of this group being related to the gang causing the ship grief has gone from a maybe to a near certainty.

Helena meanwhile had noticed something altogether different. Resting atop the scrap pile outside the warehouse were some of the same parts the Celeritas herself needed. Likely dropped and brought out of alignment or some other trivial failure resulted in their disposal - something far easier to fix then the gross wear and tear that had broken the Celeritas' parts.

Using those parts would save a great deal of money, especially if they could be acquired for free - which might be possible if Helena helped the workers with their problem.
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A few quiet breaths. In theory, waiting back near the ship should mean that Elise and the others shouldn't expect too much craziness on their end.

Loose clothing, hair tied back; just enough to get things out of the way. Just focus on the machines, focus on the messages, make sure it's all flowing along.

Hmm? 'Protection'? What?

...really? So she couldn't even think about it without tempting fate? How odd. At least in the books she read, it didn't happen until---

Oh. That was one of the guys from earlier. Specifically, the one that managed to grab and almost abduct her.

Of all times.

Lis crouched slightly, holding her right hand to her head; it helped her think a bit faster and a bit better, or so she supposed.

So, him. He can't keep going. I can't stop him; he'd just grab me.

But I'm here with Helena... and her robot dog. That'll... yeah. Oh, and, and... oh, I forgot her name already. The other lady!

But I can't just stay back and let them do all the work. I have to- but what? Maybe... no. Or... uh?

Shoot. Nothing.


Elise quietly made her way over to Helena's side, then nudged her while looking at the hubbub a short distance over, specifically at the one guy that had grabbed her.

"So... we're gonna do something about that group, right? Should I stay out of the way, or do you need me, I mean, you know, something?"
Helena meanwhile had noticed something altogether different. Resting atop the scrap pile outside the warehouse were some of the same parts the Celeritas herself needed. Likely dropped and brought out of alignment or some other trivial failure resulted in their disposal - something far easier to fix then the gross wear and tear that had broken the Celeritas' parts.
To Helena, this was a goldmine, a pile of tech that was probably only minorly dinged up, barely even a challenge for the born and raised scrapper to use to fix up the parts of the Celeritas that needed fixing. If she was lucky, there might even be some spare bits and pieces left over that she could use to improve Ajax a little.

The only trouble, however, was that while this might be scrap marked for disposal, simply taking it could still be taken as stealing if she didn't get permission first... And if she were being honest, Helena felt more comfortable with her wrench and her tools more than she did with her words.

On the docks the cargo handlers seemed evenly split from starting a tussled with the suited gentlemen and accepting the deal for the offered 'insurance'. A brief shadow of movement caught Lise's eye as she looked behind the suits and spotted a familiar face hanging back. It was the same man from the cafe that had briefly taken her hostage, or tried to anyway. The chances of this group being related to the gang causing the ship grief has gone from a maybe to a near certainty.
Elise quietly made her way over to Helena's side, then nudged her while looking at the hubbub a short distance over, specifically at the one guy that had grabbed her.

"So... we're gonna do something about that group, right? Should I stay out of the way, or do you need me, I mean, you know, something?"
The raised voices were just starting to reach her when Elise nudged her arm. Looking down at the diminuative tech, Helena listened carefully, even as Elise's voice grew quieter, and nodded thoughtfully. This group seemed to be trying to make a proper go of turning into a full blown criminal enterprise. Sadly for them, though, they were between Helena and what she needed.

@Mina @Ryo0955
Voice dim, Helena turned to Elise and Klaudie: "Can you assist in a fight?" She first asked Elise, giving her a once over. Maybe her tiny frame hid a surprise or two? Helena didn't know, she barely knew the girl so far.

To Klaudie: "I would like to gain access to the pile of scrap that seems to belong to those warehouse workers. Would you like to aid me in helping them so that they can help us?"

"Um, sorry, no, that's... that's kinda why I was asking you." She half-muttered the last part. She really, really didn't want to be in the middle of a combat situation, but it really did seem like that was out of her hands at the moment.

"I can dodge pretty well, but I can't hit worth anything. Not like you." She shrugged a bit. There was something that could be considered muscle on her frame but not exactly what the others had.

"I, uh... I can use drones to chuck boxes and things at people. I've done it before," she offered to Helena, looking a bit hopeful. She found that out due to stress and lack of caffeine one day. The others during that job looked at her funny for a while, but at least it was done under the (rather harsh) time limit imposed by the manager.

"Um, sorry, no, that's... that's kinda why I was asking you." She half-muttered the last part. She really, really didn't want to be in the middle of a combat situation, but it really did seem like that was out of her hands at the moment.

"I can dodge pretty well, but I can't hit worth anything. Not like you." She shrugged a bit. There was something that could be considered muscle on her frame but not exactly what the others had.

"I, uh... I can use drones to chuck boxes and things at people. I've done it before," she offered to Helena, looking a bit hopeful. She found that out due to stress and lack of caffeine one day. The others during that job looked at her funny for a while, but at least it was done under the (rather harsh) time limit imposed by the manager.
"I understand." Helena, feeling responsible for the safety of her subordinate in the situation she was about to cause, turned to Ajax: "Ajax, engage guardian protocol, designate Elise Harmon as defendant."

The great mechanical dog made a noise akin to a low grumbling woof and made his way to Elise's side. "Do what you can, but keep your safety is your main priority. Ajax will guard you." Helena turned to Klaudie, "Ready?"
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The great mechanical dog made a noise akin to a low grumbling woof and made his way to Elise's side. "Do what you can, but keep your safety is your main priority. Ajax will guard you." Helena turned to Klaudie, "Ready?"
@Ryo0955 @DB_Explorer

Klaudie had been quiet as a ventilation rat, taking in the whole tableau, but she simply wasn't.

Wasn't there, beside Helena. Wasn't listening, to the strategy. Wasn't stopping--until she was far too close to the bespoke goons.

"Hello friend. Small station, to see you again." Klaudie's voice sounded like it ought to be smiling. She wasn't.

"Robbing the sweat off of more worker's brows? Running that good hustle. Feeling big."

She leaned in, "You leeching scum."
"Oooooooh! Th-thank you!"

Elise was barely restraining the urge to geek out over Ajax. So well built, and an AI that had to be beyond basic. So. Good!

And now this was meant to defend her while the other two took care of-

Wait, where was the other one?

Klaudie had been quiet as a ventilation rat, taking in the whole tableau, but she simply wasn't.

Wasn't there, beside Helena. Wasn't listening, to the strategy. Wasn't stopping--until she was far too close to the bespoke goons.

Oh, no. Oh, no!

"Um, uh, uh, she..."

She quickly pointed at the other lady and spoke progressively faster. "She ran out! Go catch up! IllbefinethankyouforAjaxgojoinherplease!"
Nathan's face turned briefly skeptical at Oswald's overly friendly approach, before a false smile finally appeared. Oh great. A 'pretend to be old friends' routine. Really, couldn't the other man have just told him whatever he was planning over the comms first?

Heaving an internal sigh, the ex-specialist just nods knowingly at Oswald. "Long time no see," Nathan responded back with false cheer. "Well, you know me. I'll never turn down a free drink."

An interesting fruity flavor, citrusy with a bitter aftertaste. Hmm, which wasn't sitting very well. As his stomach started churning and the realization of what was happening hit him, Nathan's eyes bolted to meet Oswald's. "You comple- hurgh." An abortive heave interrupted the Martian, acid taste filling his mouth.


Managing to get out one last hate filled word, all Nathan can do is turn to the side and empty out the contents of his stomach onto the floor.

On the far side of the bar Nathan continued to heave, though someone had helpfully placed a bucket down though most of the crowd had given the communications specialist a very wide berth.

Oswald had only stepped far enough back to avoid being in the line of fire. Michael meanwhile pushed his glass back before getting up to move toward the chaos. He could hardly stay idle, if they ran ID's they'd demand something from the captain of the ship they worked on.
Oswald allowed himself a thin smile as he observed his work.Then he dismissed it, closed his eyes, and drew upon all the memories of bullshit screw ups his subordinates had pulled in the past. He would need that energy for what he was about to pull.

"Who the fuck do you people think you are?" Oswald bellowed as he kicked the fallen Nathan's cup on the floor for dramatic effect. "I have only a few wee hours between week long flights and where do I decide to spend it? This pigshit hive because it's website claims it's doors are the gates to the Garden of fucking Eden. Yet my friend here takes one sip, nay, one nanosized drip of this foul nectar you call alcohol, and he's on the floor turning himself inside out." Oswald's hand both stretch out at Nathan.

He stormed up to the nearest barkeep. "Where's this weed house's chickenshit coward of a manager hiding? I demand to see them crawl out from under their rock and explain to me every step this cup of sewage took from it's water being mined in a comet or recycled from piss water to the moment it was stirred in a glass. I want to know how such a thing could exist that could render such a close, dear friend of mine with a godforsaken hole in his stomach. Do you people really think you can just get away this?"

Oswald turned back to the club, and spoke loudly so the hopefully, any clubgoer paying attention to the scene would hear him. "You think you can just treat us like pigs in your sty. That you can just feed any garbage drink to patrons and expect them to just slurp it up like idiot animals? Is that how you and your boss run this place?" Oswald turned back to the barkeep and looked him dead in the eye. "Well, fucking is it?"
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@Ryo0955 @DB_Explorer

Klaudie had been quiet as a ventilation rat, taking in the whole tableau, but she simply wasn't.

Wasn't there, beside Helena. Wasn't listening, to the strategy. Wasn't stopping--until she was far too close to the bespoke goons.

"Hello friend. Small station, to see you again." Klaudie's voice sounded like it ought to be smiling. She wasn't.

"Robbing the sweat off of more worker's brows? Running that good hustle. Feeling big."

She leaned in, "You leeching scum."
"Oooooooh! Th-thank you!"

Elise was barely restraining the urge to geek out over Ajax. So well built, and an AI that had to be beyond basic. So. Good!

And now this was meant to defend her while the other two took care of-

Wait, where was the other one?

Oh, no. Oh, no!

"Um, uh, uh, she..."

She quickly pointed at the other lady and spoke progressively faster. "She ran out! Go catch up! IllbefinethankyouforAjaxgojoinherplease!"
The only sound Helena made show her discomfort at the now escalating situation was a small hum. With a final nod to Elise, she turned towards the larger group and made her way over to them.

Hefting her rather oversized wrench over one shoulder, she maintained eye contact with the man from the cafe as she moved to back Klaudie up. She did not speak, but she was obviously ready to crack a skull or two.
@Mina @Jeboboid @Ryo0955
At Klaudie's words and Helena hefting her own wrench up the mooks shifted their focus from the workers to the new arrivals. Like a pack of Hyena's facing competition they bristled at the challenge. The worker before Klaudie stared back at the towering deckhand even as one of his friends flanked to his side to show this was not going to be a one versus one affair. "Scum? Lass this is just business, and unless you want to be yesterday's business, you'd best keep your selves out of it." He said

In Helena's direction another one of the would-be gangsters tried to give a lazy gaze at the wrench over the Martian's shoulder but the tension in his stance showed the casual display of strength had struck a nerve. Still he stepped forward, rolling his shoulders in what he no doubt though was a suitably theatrical manner.

The only familiar mook among the group took note of Helena's gaze and instead decided to move toward Elise. "You think after the last time." He said, looking toward the smaller girl. "That you'd learn something, perhaps the lesson will stick this time, umm?"

The sound of heels on the club's floor got the attention of both the bartender and Oswald. The brunette looked like she would be at home in a boutique of some kinda rather then the lights and thumping bassline of a club. "I'm not sure which rock my manager is under," She started even as the bartender paled at moved to shift items behind the bar around. "Though I might be a better person to ask about where the drinks came from, Rachel Sylvie – it's my club." She introduced as she leaned against the bar next to Oswald before turning toward the bartender. "James, what did you sell the man?"

"Nothing special ma'am" The bartender replied quickly. "Just the normal Blue Hawaiian."

"Is that so?" She replied with a smile before turning to Oswald. "Excuse me for a moment." She said before she grabbed the bartender's hair and slammed him into the top of the bar. "You're not new enough here to be this stupid James." She whispered to the bartender, barely audible past Oswald in the club's music. As the bartender groaned from the sudden assault Rachel reached behind the bar to grab whatever James had been trying to hide producing something like a small ice tray full of slender vials. "Selling fucking Red Eye in MY club though?" She hissed. "That's very stupid." She pulled the still dazed bartender up by his shirt and shoved him into the hands of one of the bouncers. "Put him somewhere for me to deal with later." She ordered before taking a breath and turning to the now stunned bar patrons. "My apologizes for that … display. I take management so personally at times and finding out my staff may have poisoned a customer" She gave a melodramatic sigh. "If anyone would like a full refund for their drinks tonight your more then welcome to request such a thing – I apologize for any inconvenience."

The frozen customer service smile dropped as she looked back at Oswald. "If your friend had Red Eye to drink, he'd be proclaiming how he can see fifteen new shades of orange – not puking his guts out. So… what can I do for you and how do I get you out of my club?"