Courscanti Calm
Last 'breather' chapter before everything hits oscillating rotary devices! As always thank you to @Warlord01 for the beta!
The rest of the trip to Courscant was full of an anxious anticipation for all on the ship, the fates of all on board were about to be determined at their destination. Callera's dread only matched by her weariness from her conversation with Anakin last night. Callera had convinced Qui-Gon to talk with both Obi-Wan and Anakin about his plans and goals for talking with the Council.

"I can be a Jedi?' His eyes bright-eyed and hopeful as he looks between Callera, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan.

"Yes, you can." Qui-Gon's voice steady and firm as he smiles slightly at the boy's exuberance. "I intend to ask the council for permission to teach you. Obi-Wan has been ready to become a Jedi Knight for a while," the frank confession stunning the young man in question, "I have been meaning to bring it up with the Council before this and I have faith in you, my Padawan."

"Can't Callera be my teacher? She's a Jedi, right?"

"I've been taught by those outside the Jedi Order Anakin. They might not want me to teach you."

"But, But..." Anakin's eyes fill with unshed tears.

Callera's smile bittersweet, "We will see you trained Anakin. Just because I can't be your teacher right now, doesn't mean you can't learn from me."

"What do you mean?" Confusion evident in Anakin's voice

"If the Council lets Qui-Gon teach you, I will be involved. If they take you as youngling, I will be trying to stay close to the temple to help you." Her steady voice calming the anxious boy.

"Why can't you teach me now?" The plaintive plea echoing in the room.

"I can't teach you the basics like either Temple or Qui-Gon can. I was taught the basics in ways that could be harmful to you Anakin, my foundation in the Force is shaky." Pausing to gather herself. " Think of it like your podracer. If I built the podracer's frame, it would be slightly out of alignment. What would happen if you tried to build your podracer on a bad frame?"

His eyes widen briefly as pout forms on his lips, "Parts might not fit right or at all, more risk of the podracer blowing up at a crucial moment."

Callera nods, "That's right. To keep the example going; while I might not be good at building the frame, I will be better at helping you tune that podracer to truly be yours, help you find the parts to tweak your engines and sensors, or help you scout race tracks to find paths that make sense for you."

"What about my mother?"

Qui-Gon picks up the conversation, "The Queen has offered her shelter for the time being Anakin."

"Will I ever get to see her again if I become a Jedi?"

Before Qui-Gon can answer, Callera cuts in. "It might be several years before you can see her if you are taken in by the temple, but I promise you that you will be able to communicate with her."

Anakin's watery smile could power the ship at that answer.

"Now go get some rest kid, tomorrow's going to be a long day for us all."

Anakin nods and dashes off to his mother.

"You shouldn't have given him false hope, Callera." Qui-Gon's rebuke soft in the evening hours of the ship.

"It's not false hope, I'll deliver the messages myself if I have to." Her sincerity draws both Jedi's attention.

"Why is it so important to you?" Obi-Wan rejoining the conversation after the stunning revelation at the beginning.

"He's a nine-year-old boy who's only attachment, and best thing in the world, is his mother. Arbitrarily cutting that off, will damage him."

"Was that one of the 'problems'?"

"Possibly. Regardless, letting his attachment and love for his mother evolve and change naturally will serve him and the order better than just taking a lightsaber to that bond. He's not a toddler or an infant, he knows his mother."

"But attachment is forbidden for Jedi." Obi-Wan's rote response brings a soft chuckle to Callera.

"Every Jedi is attached to the Order. Every Master is attached to their Padawan and Padawan to their Master. It's more that our attachment to the Force and Order should come before any other attachment we form."

Her words bring the Jedi to silence, unable to come up with an adequate reply.

The rest of the night passed quietly after that. As morning and arrival approached, Anakin was up in the cockpit watching the pilots at work. Callera, on the other hand, was in the back with the Queen, her Handmaidens, and Captain Panaka. "Do you all have copies of the sensor data and the message?" Nods of agreement from the assembled woman. "Captain Panaka, what about you?"

His stiff nod and words answer, "Yes, I do."

Amidala looks at him from under her white-painted face, "You have one of the harder tasks in this effort Captain Panaka."

He shakes his head in the negative. "Talking to the Judicial Forces will be far easier than standing in front o the Senate, your highness."

"Don't forget the Treasury Audit Division either Captain. The Judicial Forces might destroy ships, but the TAD can destroy the Trade Federation as a whole." Callera soft smirk is answered by his own. "Don't wait, don't pause, head to them right as we disembark if the Senator or anyone else meeting us tries to stop you, claim that Queen Amidala wants your tasks taken care of as fast as possible and hope to get them rolling before the Senate is in session."

"Shouldn't we tell the Senator of this?" The Queen's voice curious.

"Not till after the bureaucratic levers have been pulled. Let him focus on helping you sway the Senate to possibly make the rest of this unnecessary, that's the best use of his position right now. If you need the extra leverage after everything else, then bring him in on the rest."

"Understood." Amidala tilts her head. "I do wish I could bring you with me to the Senate, your counsel has been inventive and on point since this crisis began."

Bowing slightly, "You honor me with such praise, but the vaunted halls of power are not where I can do the most good." 'I also do not know what would happen if Palpatine and I were in such close quarters for an extended period of time.' "And the Jedi Council needs to hear of my story with alacrity."

"Your story is more important the Trade Federation trying to take Naboo?" Panaka's incredulous voice fills the meeting room.

"Yes and no." That brings Panaka up short. "Something drastic happened in the Force that brought me into your crisis, so my news is of great import. Especially of the hunter."

"You knew him." Panaka's tone bordering on accusatory.

"I know of him Captain and he's trained in the Force. Something about your conflict has drawn several power Force wielders into it. That makes it an important Jedi issue." Callera's eyes bore into the Captain's, his nod reluctant but acknowledging.

"The Force, Jedi, you, it's all above my paygrade. All I want is my planet free and my Queen and people safe."

"I understand Captain. The Force can complicate matters when it gets involved in situations, but those dataslates you are now carrying are going to make strides in helping your people."

The intercom chimes and Anakin's voice echoes. 'We are five minutes from the landing pad. I repeat five minutes. Did I say it right?' 'Yes, you did kid. Good job.' The intercom clicks off.

"Sounds like it's showtime, your highness." Callera's voice steady and reassuring.

"Indeed it does Callera, indeed it does."
Courscanti Chaos-Arrival
And thus the next major arc begins! As always thanks to @Warlord01
The cool air flowing into the ship as the gangway lowers causes Callera to tug on her borrowed tight-fitting black button-down blouse borrowed from the queen. Standing near the back of the group, the Jedi in front, followed by the Queen and her entourage with Artoo and Threepio amongst them with their information, and then the stragglers: Jar Jar, Anakin, Shmi and herself. Looking back towards Anakin standing there unsure with his hand in his mother's reinforces Callera's resolve to not let this little boy to not suffer his destined fate.

"Don't worry Anakin, everything will be fine." Callera's gentle smile sets him and his mother at ease. "A new world can be scary, but everything will be okay. You remember the plan?"

"Mom and I are to stay with the Queen until she goes to the Senate or the Jedi Council or you call for us." His bright chirpy voice widening Callera's smile and causing a small one to appear on Shmi.

"That's right. We're about to meet several powerful people that can help the Queen, just outside the ship. Be polite and let them talk, to them we have no say in things."

"But you've been helping the Queen?" Anakin's confusion.

"I am no Jedi, no 'official advisor,'" Motioning to him, his mother, Jar Jar, and herself before continuing, "all four of us are considered guests of the Queen, the best way to help her is to play up to that expectation during this meeting."

Shmi squeezes her son's hand bringing his attention to her. "This is a nicer version of when we would be near Watto and he was arguing with a customer. We had no role in those arguments unless asked." He nods in understand as the group slowly makes its way into the light.

As Callera steps into the light to see the people greeting the Queen, she does everything to not react. Palpatine. Emperor. Darth Sidious. The affectation of a plain, simple, and genial man next to who she assumes is Chancellor Vellorum, a man barely standing from the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders.

"The situation has become far more complicated." The voice of Qui-Gon drawing her attention to the Jedi of the welcoming committee. A tall dark-skinned bald man and a short green being. Wishing she'd paid more attention to Tionne's lectures on famous Jedi she can't identify the first, but the second… Yoda. The Grandmaster and Master Skywalker's mentor. Already old, but none of the weariness Master Skywalker mentioned when speaking of the revered Master.

"I am so glad to see you have made it safely your highness," Palpatine's smooth voice brings Callera's attention back to him. Palpatine's eyes had left the Queen's to briefly look at her, "would you please introduce me to your guests."

"Of course, Senator Palpatine." She turns and motions the group of guests forward. "May I present Jar Jar Binks, Callera Bladesinger, and Shmi and Anakin Skywalker. All of them helped us get to Courscant" Callera tilts her head in acknowledgement of being called, her eyes never leaving Palpatine's. Both having the same thought.

'He/She Knows.'

"Thank you for helping my Queen." Palpatine bows slightly to the group.

Looking to the rest of the 'guests' and receiving a nod before she speaks, her eyes locked on the butcher of countless beings. "It was our pleasure Senator."

"Callera, it is time to go to the Temple." Qui-Gon calls out as he and the Council members start to move to their transport.

"You have an appointment with the Council?" Curiosity tinging the Senator's voice.

"The Force brought me to Naboo in rather interesting ways Senator Palpatine, so the Jedi who found me feel I need to tell my story to the Council with alacrity."

"Perhaps you could indulge a curious old man when there is a moment."

"Perhaps, Senator." Echoing the word before turning to face the Queen and Anakin.

"May the Force be with you."

"Thank you for all your assistance, Callera Bladesinger, and may the Jedi Council help you find what you seek." Amidala then looks to Palpatine and Vellorum, "You said it would be a few hours until the Senate session begins, is there a way to see to my guests before then?"

"Of course, Your Highness. The Senate Apartments for me and staff has enough room for you, your entourage and your guests."

Callera freezes slightly just past the politicians as she catches those words. 'Sithspit…he shouldn't do anything just yet…too public…I hope…' Moving fully towards the Jedi and looking directly in Yoda's eyes as she bows. "Greetings, Master Yoda."

"Heard of me you have?"

"In a manner of speaking, Master Yoda."

"News you have, urgent you feel it is."

"I was told of how insightful you could be," Looking back over her shoulder to know she was out of Sidious's hearing range and speaks softly, "the fate of the Jedi hinges on my words."

The dark-skinned Jedi speaks up, "And how certain of you are this?"

"I would not be here if I thought otherwise." Her eyes boring into his.

He stares back unblinking and she feels his senses reach out. Knowing the greatest threat to the galaxy is barely twenty feet from her, her walls stay up. Eyes-narrow.

"Master Jedi, You will have the chance to evaluate my words in front of the Council. I've already, showed Master Qui-Gon and Padawan Obi-Wan my sincerity." He glances over to them and they nod.

"Very well then." Nodding his head in acknowledgement as the group heads towards the transport.

'Please be don't draw attention to yourself Anakin. Allya and the Force protect me and guide my steps'
Courscanti Chaos-Politics
Back-to-Back chapters and as always my beta, @Warlord01 does good work
"You said her family name was 'Bladesinger'?" Palpatine's voice steady and smooth as the politicians and Senatorial Guard exited the shuttle in the apartment complex.

"Not her family name, Senator. Apparently, she took it as a deed name while learning about the Force from her Mistress.'

'Talzin, I knew it.' Opening the door to his suite of apartments, he lets the Queen's entourage inside, as he does so one of his aide's chimes in as she had been leaving.

"Hego Damask has accepted your invitation to the Courscant Symphony tonight Senator."

"Thank you Lira, is everything ready?"

"I'm heading over to the Senate Hall now to make sure everything will be at your dias."

"Thank you, dear girl."

The aide smiles and shuffles out quickly.

"Magister Hego Damask?" Amidala inquires.

"I am surprised you know the name, Your Highness."

"When the Trade Federation blockade began, I asked for research and that name came up came up during the research into the deal for our plasma."

"Correct, he has been an occasional partner on work to improve the Outer Rim. He also helped lay the groundwork for tying the Trade Federation to the Republic, thus I have been trying to cultivate my relationship with him to help find a way to remove the Federation from our world."

"I take it then that you feel that the Senate in its current form is powerless?"

'She's learning faster than I thought she would' Palpatine fights the urge to raise his eyebrow. "Correct. The Supreme Chancellor is mired in baseless accusations of corruption, his power has been scattered amongst bureaucrats appointed by the Senators to keep him in check during the investigation."

"Even with that, how many Senators would support our cause or be at least against the Federation?"

"A solid amount, but nowhere near enough to cut through any procedural objections without a strong Chancellor."

Amidala lowers her head to ponder and think. "What are the other options?"

"We submit a plea to the courts and take our chances." A flash of suspicion and frustration echoes from the young Queen as she listens. The frustration is understandable to Palpatine, he wants her frustrated. But suspicious?

"The courts take even longer than the Senate." Her tired worn voice makes Palpatine want to smile, but he holds it in.

"Agreed your Highness, but without a strong central figure to keep the Senate in line…" Pausing for effect, "it's our only recourse." Again, that feeling of suspicion from the young woman. 'What is causing that?'

*BEEEP BEEEP* The sound of a commlink alert in one of the handmaiden's robes. She turns it on and holds it towards the Queen.

"Yes, Captain?"

"Success your Highness."


Palpatine wanted to both congratulate the Queen and kill her as they made their way to the Senate Chamber. She had managed to find options he had tried to deny her. He'd done everything rush this moment, to force her to remove Vallorum and clear the path for him to achieve the Supreme Chancellorship. It was all Bladesinger's fault. Intentionally or not, and he was leaning towards intentional, she had given the Queen avenues that were downright ruthless and legal. He could only watch these next few moments play out.

Opening the door, he motions for her to join him upon the dais. The large room was raucous and loud.

"ORDER ORDER!" The room quiets down.

"The Chair recognizes the Senator from the sovereign system of Naboo at this time." The words both dreadful and hopeful to the people on the platform as Palpatine moves the dais towards the middle of the room.

"Supreme Chancellor, delegates of the Senate. A tragedy has occurred, which started right here with the taxation of the trade routes and now engulfed in our planet in the oppression of the Trade Federation. To state our allegations, I present Queen Amidala, a recently elected ruler of Naboo, who speaks on our behalf.

The young woman steps forward to the front of the dias as Palpatine steps back. "Honorable Delegates of the Republic. I come to you under the gravest of circumstances, the system of Naboo has been invade by the droid armies of the Trade Federation…"

"I object!" The representative for the Federation rushes their dias towards the Chancellor's center podium. "These accusations are baseless!"

"The Trade Federation has not been recognized at this time." Valorum tries to cut off the Federation.

Amidala just takes the dataslate she'd kept with her and plugged it in. Sending its data to all of the representatives.

"It's no lie." Her words quiet and resonating in the stunned silence. "They fired upon my ship as I tried to come plead my case here."

"A committee should be appointed to ascertain the facts and validity of the data and accusations!" A random senator chimes in and the room devolves into chaos.

"Leaning over Amidala's shoulder Palpatine whispers in her ear, "And here is how Valorum's powerlessness stalls this approach."

Vallorum after a heated talk with his political minders calls for order. "The allegations are grave and have merit, would you consent to a committee?"

"If these ships are not the Trade Federation, then pirates have bought or stolen an entire fleet of their ships, and therefore reach the threshold for emergency Judicial Forces taskforce to be dispatched to Naboo as threat to the surrounding systems and to ascertain their purpose."

Valorum's grim face starts to smile as he sees the path the Queen has chosen. "Delegate for the Trade Federation, are those ships on the presented data yours?"

Palpatine can feel the distinct unease of the Neimoidans, trapped between acknowledging an illegal blockade or having their fleet declared 'pirates' "We have no ships around Naboo, and resent such an implication!"

"Then the Judicial Forces in the Chomell sector will do a sweep for pirates to make sure no pirates linger." Valorum sends his glare towards the Federation representatives, as the move their dais back to its niche.

Palpatine also moves their dias back. "I am impressed your Highness, I did not think about capital ships being pirate vessels to force the issue that way."

"Neither did I, Senator, until I talked with Callera on the way here. Is there a way to talk to the Trade Federation delegates from here privately?"

"Of course, but why?"

"I want to reinforce the lesson that just happened in front of everyone."

"Is this about what your Captain mentioned over the phone?"

"It is Senator."

"Then I see no harm in it." 'Bladesinger seems to have given the Queen an edge.' Pressing the proper buttons to establish a secure connection, "Our Queen would like to deliver a more private message to you now."

She steps forward to speak into the microphone, "Pursuant to the deals you have with several of our companies we have asked for and been granted an Audit of all your business dealings with us by the Treasury and Audit Department. According to a conversation with them, the sensor data you just witnessed is also making them question the rest of your financial dealings within the Republic to see if you have been lying on your taxes to afford to use so many ships on a blockade. By the time this Senate session has ended, many of your assets shall be frozen while they pour over all your records. I hope your paperwork is in order and please send my regards to Nute Gunray when you see him, and remind him this would not have happened if he had left my home alone."
Trade Federation just got itself a new one. What poor buggers, no one had warned them that working with a Sith is bad for health.
Another fantastic update~ I like how THE SENATE is being blocked at every turn. That isn't going to last long though. The Sith's plan of revenge is one eons in the making. Hopefully, the Republic and the Jedi can weather the storm...
Another fantastic update~ I like how THE SENATE is being blocked at every turn. That isn't going to last long though. The Sith's plan of revenge is one eons in the making. Hopefully, the Republic and the Jedi can weather the storm...

When your plan is stalled out right at a key point...that causes massive reflection, reaction, and especially if you are Sith...REVENGE!
Ooh, if Palpatine decides to get some outside help... I'd be curious and keen to see you devise some bounty hunters or mercenaries.
Ooh, if Palpatine decides to get some outside help... I'd be curious and keen to see you devise some bounty hunters or mercenaries.
Nah, this just got personal for him. Palpatine will not let just anyone deal with it, much less some random bounty hunters or mercenaries.
No, this is a job for Maul or for Sun Guard.
She steps forward to speak into the microphone, "Pursuant to the deals you have with several of our companies we have asked for and been granted an Audit of all your business dealings with us by the Treasury and Audit Department. According to a conversation with them, the sensor data you just witnessed is also making them question the rest of your financial dealings within the Republic to see if you have been lying on your taxes to afford to use so many ships on a blockade. By the time this Senate session has ended, many of your assets shall be frozen while they pour over all your records. I hope your paperwork is in order and please send my regards to Nute Gunray when you see him, and remind him this would not have happened if he had left my home alone."


That is just pure gold. And definitely the first time i've seen anything like this trick pulled. Absolutely excellent.
While it wont stop ol' Sid for forever, it sure will put a crimp on his style for a while.
Courscanti Chaos-Council-1
Here we go! The meeting everyone has been waiting for! Thanks as always to @Warlord01 ! And as an experiment this song was playing in my head this entire chapter.
The journey to the Temple was tense, the undercurrents of the matters at hand and Callera's impending revelations sending energy throughout the shuttle. Thankfully, the trip was silent as she looked out the window. The Temple in all its pre-Empire grandeur and glory, the weight of all its history touching her as she takes it in.

Qui-Gon notices and raises an eyebrow, the silent question about the temple clear.

Shaking her head softly in the negative Callera waits as the shuttle lands in the hangar.

The Force alive with the presence of so many Force users nearly overwhelms her. Her Order had been only a fraction of this size and cobbled together by Master Luke's hope, determination and Holocrons. This Order was still unbroken and unbowed. She'd already changed so much, Callera was determined change its fate as well.

As they travel up the central spire to the High Council chamber, she closes her eyes. 'Those who suffer emotion shall never know peace. There is no emotion, only peace.' Letting both the words of The Book of Law and the Jedi Code fill her and settle her mind. As the doors opened to show the chamber, she slows slight letting everyone else head to the room before. Twelve seats, ten filled already with the two facing her empty. Waiting outside the circle of Masters with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan as Yoda and the dark-skinned Jedi Master take their seats.

"Come forward Master Qui-Gon and deliver your report."

As he and Obi-Wan move to the center, he motions for Callera to join them as well in the center. "I think the report on this matter would best come from someone with a different perspective on the issue. Knight Callera," she fights back a gasp and stiffens as Qui-Gon uses that title, the gathered Masters also looking intrigued, "knows more about the darkness we face."

"Knight Callera, hmm?" Yoda's eyes probe Callera's as she joins the others in the middle.

"Yes, I am Jedi Knight Callera Bladesinger. My master was Kirana Ti."

The Cerean on the Council chimes in, "To my knowledge there is no Jedi of the that name."

Turning to look at him she tilts her head in acknowledgement. "You are correct, she was or will be granted her knighthood in about forty years and her mastery another decade later." The disbelief rolls across and around her, so she drops her barriers. Her pain and sincerity wash back over the Council through the Force. "I know it sounds unbelievable. I still have trouble believing it every waking moment I am here! One moment I was on Dagobah and then the next I was pulling myself out of lake on Naboo as the Federation invaded."

Spinning to look each member of the High Council in the eyes as she continues to speak. "I come from a time where Jedi are few and scattered thinly. A time where this honored order was reduced to dust and ash, but one small light was determined to rebuild its flame. What I have already done while here, might even put that fate for the galaxy into doubt."

"And why is that?" The dark-skinned Jedi leaning forward and looking at her over steepled hands.

"Because I have already poked the Rancor of Sith plots designed to destroy you."

"The Jedi killed the Sith a thousand years ago." One master chime's in before Yoda intercedes.

"Hard to see the Darkside is. Proof you have?"

"The one who came after the Queen on Tatooine was a Sith Lord, Darth Maul. The dagger and apprentice to the master Darth Sidious. The level of equipment and training he had."

"What would the Sith want with a trade dispute?"

"The dispute is just another step in their long-held goal of destroying the Jedi. Sow chaos, doubt and mistrust. Play many sides against each other to slowly secure their power and weaken your own. Get tax laws passed that make the Trade Federation feel like they have to act, point them at system with a young ruler, bog down the government in as much red tape as possible before offering that young ruler an 'out' to cut through all the bureaucracy."

"You speak of the Supreme Chancellor's issues." The Cerean chimes in again.

"Correct, create such a scandal so as to render him politically impotent during such a crisis. What would a headstrong impatient leader do?"

"A call for a vote of no confidence, remove the Chancellor for a chance to remove all the obstacles allowing for action to be taken to save their world." The dark man next to Yoda filling in the gaps. Callera nods in agreement.

"That would only benefit the Sith…"

"If the Sith get the Chancellor they want." Callera finishes for a different master. "The Sith have gotten better with using more traditional levers of power; money, politics, ambition, greed, things even those who can't touch the Force can use. And that's why you've been blind to them."

*BEEP click* *BEEP click* *BEEP click*

Callera looks down at the commlink on her hip with a vicious smirk. "I did not expect to receive that, and I am sorry for the interruption."

"What was the meaning of that?"

"Captain Panaka of Naboo's Security Forces, letting me know that my help was not needed to secure additional aid and the Queen's plan succeeded."

Qui-Gon interjects, "I would call it your plan that the Queen agreed to."

Callera shrugs, "Either way, the blockade should be over soon."


"The Captain delivered to the Judicial Forces sworn testimony from Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan of the fate of their diplomatic vessel, as well as the sensor data of the blockade firing on the queen. They now have the authority to intervene without direct Chancellor approval. Also, the Queen submitted a request to the Treasury Audit Division for a full review of the Trade Federations taxes in regards to deals they have conducted on Naboo."

"An audit to cut off the money, and the Judicial Forces to push them from the system now that they have broken the law with their invasion and blockade."

"Exactly, Master."

"You seem to be as familiar with those same levers of power as you claim the Sith to be." The tone flat with hints of accusation.

"Of course, my Order is aware of them and use them! We're barely a shadow of you in my time! For the older Jedi, being a Jedi was a second occupation; diplomats, smugglers, spies, law enforcement, teachers, scholars, bureaucrats. And so many of us learned, sometimes the best way to affect change is to use the system and make it work. Other times one needs to go outside the system to see justice done." Slowly recentering herself and projecting calm along with her pain."

"Much hate I sense in you, Callera. Touched by the Dark side you are."

"Yes, I have been touched by the Dark side, walked right on that line and even took a step or two over it regretfully. But I try to stay away from it, acting from darker emotions is seductive and dangerous. But I have spent my knighthood protecting and healing those that cannot protect themselves."

Yoda nods in acceptance of her point. "Mentioned the Apprentice you did, but no words on the Master. Curious."

Sighing before looking directly at the small Grand Master, "Trying to think of the best way to say it in ways that you will believe, Master Yoda, and I am coming up short. I have no proof that would satisfy. Only my history. Darth Sidious is a master manipulator and has been under your nose for years." Waving her hand around the Council before continuing, "I wouldn't be surprised if he has met with many of you, and then gloated privately that you don't know that you just met your enemy."

Spinning around more time to look at them all before returning to Yoda. "Darth Sidious is Sheev Palpatine. Senator from Naboo."
Courscanti Chaos-Council-2
Second Half of the Council Visit! Thanks @Warlord01
Quiet disbelief answers Callera's statement. Choking down her frustration as she draws her presence inwards, hiding herself from the Force. "If I had been introduced like this to you, would you have thought I was Force Sensitive?"

Yoda pauses as he stares at her. "Barely sense you, I can. But sense you I do."

"I am not a master of hiding myself in the Force, only recently have I truly started learning those skills. Now imagine a Sith Lord dedicated to the destruction of the Jedi, the first thing you teach your apprentice is concealment. How to hide your true self and patience. How to bide your time. So that when they come face to face with a Jedi in a moment where they cannot strike down the Jedi, they can walk away smirking that they were right under your nose, plotting your deaths."

Again a slow circle to acknowledge the circle of Masters. "I am no Caamasi, though at this moment I wish I was, so I could share memories clearly and directly. During the trip to Tatooine I let Master Qui-Gon into my head where he saw glimpses of my life, and what he saw convinced him of my sincerity." Stopping in front of the Cerean master she continues. "I know of the Cerean pride and trust in logic, if my memories can convince you it should help the rest understand."

He nods his head briefly, "Would not Master Yoda be the better choice since he leads the High Council?"

"It's because he leads the High Council, it shouldn't be him. A member of the High Council, yes to impart the seriousness and validity of my thoughts, but the leader no."

The barest hint of a smile on his face as Callera feels like she passed some test in his eyes, before he looks past her to Yoda.

"Proceed if you wish Master Mundi." The now named Cerean Master nods towards Yoda before looking Callera in the eyes. Feeling his presence washing over her she slowly drops her walls, letting the Master in.

Sitting along a large anti-gravity stadium with debris everywhere. One young man floating in the middle, his bisected opponent drifting to opposite ends of the Arena. The holographic image of a hooded robed man looming over all present.


"The Dark side is insidious and subtle and the paths to fall can even be from good intentions." A sandy-haired man with haunted eyes addressing a few people. "In my case, I surrendered to it to save the New Republic from the reborn Emperor and I still bear the scars to this day. Each step you take down the dark path, the easier the next one is, and the next, the next; until all that is left is dark. But even then, it is possible to come back from it. It is a long road back from the Dark side, full of sacrifice and pain, but it is possible. If the person wants it."


"How much longer?!?!?" Silver blade leaving the speaker's hand, clipping the top of the noseless scared being a handful of feet away, dropping them. Unfamiliar armor on a trained solider.

"Last transport is being loaded, ten minutes!

Lightsaber back in hand, "We don't have ten minutes!


"Tionne," the speaker addressing a silver-haired woman, "out of the Jedi in the time leading up to the Fall, who would you have liked to talk to the most?"


Master Mundi slumps over suddenly and Callera fights to not drop to the floor, her emotions raging.

"If she is not telling the truth, then she's been a victim of memory tampering on a scale and depth that is highly improbable. I recognized Dantooine in the glimpse of a memory and nothing like what I saw has happened there in our lifetime." The Master's word worn and tired. "Whatever happened between now and the future she represents, we are destroyed."

"Nothing that could be used as proof?"

"I was born a few years after the death of Sidious, nothing in my memories would suffice as proof. All I have is the history of his atrocities from the moment he kills you all, till his death. And even then, I wasn't the best student of history. Medicine, philosophy, and bureaucracy yes. The specifics of history, not so much." Her smile wry as her emotions settle.

"Stop the Sith to save the Republic and ourselves," Yoda's calm words resonate in the High Council chamber, "Prove Palpatine is Sidious we must."

The dark-skinned Master speaks up. "If you knew that Palpatine is Sidious, why leave the Queen with him?"

"Because he can't do anything overt without outing himself. He is her Senator after all."

Qui-Gon also adds in. "That's why you left Anakin with him too, try and downplay his importance."

"Indeed, Master Qui-Gon." Callera tilts her head in the affirmative.

"The young boy on the platform?" The Master next to Yoda interjects.

"Correct. Anakin Skywalker." Pausing for effect. "The 'Supposed' Chosen One."

That declaration rocks the High Council further.

"The one prophesied to bring balance to the Force?"

"Correct, or at least correct according to one interpretation of the prophecy."

"If that is correct than why was the Order destroyed?"

"Because the Force is balanced by reducing the Jedi and then eventually the Sith to ashes."

"Right now he's a scared and excited little boy, but between Sith Manipulations and Jedi traditions he could be pushed to destroy the Jedi in about fifteen years, and about twenty years from then he would kill the Sith."

"From that Future you came, but here is different."

"Correct Grandmaster Yoda. Much has changed here. His mother free," gathering herself, "a growing bond between Anakin and myself instead of Qui-Gon, the Naboo crisis resolved without Maul and Qui-Gon clashing and the passing of Master Qui-Gon, the chance that the Sith threat might be purged before the Order is ground down by war and then eventually betrayed from within."

"War?" Master Mundi rejoins the conversation.

"The Clone Wars. With a Chancellor Palpatine leading the Republic against a foe of his own design and under his own command, the 'Confederacy of Independent Systems. He positions the Jedi to be Generals, leading clone troopers against CIS droid armies. Making you appear incompetent and potentially power-hungry even as you slowly 'win'. And in that last moment as you capture their last military leader, he turns the clones on you with an order buried deep in their programing. Killing almost all Jedi in the field as his new Apprentice leads a group of clones on the Temple, slaughtering Padawan, Jedi, and Youngling a like."

Callera lets that sink before continuing. "A few Jedi, Padawans and Younglings survive and are scattered across the galaxy. Many of them ruthlessly hunted down by the now Emperor Palpatine and his acolytes and inquisitors. But those few survivors pass scraps of information down to others who are Force-sensitive, trying to keep the light alive. Till one Jedi master," Callera waves at Obi-Wan, "takes on a student briefly before his own death. Sending that student to the only other Council Member still alive," pointing at Yoda," between the two of you he learns and grows. Both of you telling him he needs to face the Emperor's Apprentice to stop the Sith. And he does, but not with his lightsaber. Compassion reaches through the cracks in the dark armor, to reveal the good that had been the core of the man before fear and pride had twisted him. And thus, the 'Chosen One' turns on the Emperor and sacrifices his life to end the threat.

Looking at the assembled individuals, "The Force brought back into balance."

Again pausing to let them absorb that information, "But right he is just a boy, an excited well-meaning young man, who is afraid to lose anything or one that is important to him."

"So, what would you suggest we do? Train him as Jedi, knowing he could destroy us?"

"In theory anyone in the room could destroy the Order with enough time and preparation or even a different Jedi could fall and start eroding the Order. To deny someone training because they MIGHT become a threat is just begging for trouble and might even cause the very threat you wish to avoid."

Yoda stares intently at Callera, "Wish to teach the boy, you do."

"I wish for him to be taught, yes. But I am not ready to take a Padwan myself, even if I was back in my original time. In regards to the fate of Anakin Skywalker, the best two paths I see are these: Let Obi-Wan take his trials so that Qui-Gon make take him as a Padawan with some guidance from me, or let Anakin be an Initiate here and hopefully when he is of the usual age of being taken as a Padawan I have built up enough good will and trust, that you will allow me to teach him then."

"Our own counsel on who is ready to take their trials, we keep."

"Yes Grandmaster, but my very presence and actions have denied Obi-Wan the chance he would have had. The High Council agreed that his actions at the end of the Naboo crisis and his fight against Maul were enough to elevate him to Knighthood. I have now cost him that, so I am asking you to consider that now." The young man in question, stunned at the passion in Callera's plea, stays silent.

"The dark-skinned Master nods, "We will deliberate on the matter after this meeting is concluded."

Callera gives him a deep bow, "Thank you, as much as I am changing things by my very presence, I want the good things I know of to come to pass as much as possible."

"And what of the second option, why that path? Master Mundi asks so all can hear her reasoning.

"Even if I might be better at helping him navigate his emotions and fears based on my background, teaching the basics at this time is not a good choice for me."

"Between the darkness within and without, you feel the boy would be safer in the Temple for the time being."

"Correct Master Mundi. With all chaos that is about to descend being under Temple supervision or Qui-Gon's watchful eye will be safe than me teaching the boy. By now Palpatine knows for sure I have interfered in his 'Grand Plan' in such a powerful and direct fashion. I expect assassination attempts, arrests, and other ways to kill, cripple, or capture me to start happening soon."
Well, that's a pretty good argument not to take a kid as your student.

Aside the whole 'I am yet recovering from a very uncomfortable brush with the Dark Side and not mentally ready to perform that job well' thing.
Courscanti Chaos-Forms
Callera's wild time in the Temple continues! Thank you as always @Warlord01
Callera, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan were dismissed from the High Council's chambers shortly after he statement of surety that she was on the Sith's radar and likely to be targeted soon. Callera was surprised at the latitude of movement they'd given her in the Temple, but unsurprised that they asked her to always be near either Qui-Gon or Obi-wan at all times. Qui-Gon had left to meditate on the events and revelations of the past few weeks, leaving the younger two Force Users alone.

"Why did you push for my knighting with the High Council?" Obi-Wan's voice steady and curious.

"As I said in there my actions have taken away opportunities for them to see you are ready to be a Knight. You are a good man Obi-Wan with much to contribute to the Order. It would be a crime against the Order and you if I didn't try to help others see that."

Obi-Wan stares into her eyes before nodding in acceptance. "Where would you like to go now Callera?"

"Can you lead me to the quartermaster, supply master, whatever the official position is, so I can finally get some clothes that fit me properly." Callera's voice trying not sound whiny as she picks at the tight blouse, but having worn clothes of a woman a decade younger and smaller than her for almost a week was straining on her.

Obi-Wan nods the hint of a smile on his lips, "This way."

The journey was fast and surprisingly empty. When asked about that, Obi-Wan did admit to taking some of the lesser-used hallways to help minimize any attempts to question Callera's presence. For which she was grateful. Once there and her situation explained, she was granted access to robes. Black boots, her white homespun pants tucked in, and now a black sleeveless tunic exposing her silver-blue arms, are the result of her rushed garment hunt.

"Feeling better?" Obi-Wan's concern clear.

"Feeling more like a Jedi and less like a stranger in a strange land at the very least."

"That is good. Where would you like to go next?"

Callera's eyes gleam in a way that makes Obi-Wan uneasy, last time he saw that look was when she was convincing them to sic TAD on the Federation. "Is there an exercise room nearby? After that encounter with the High Council, I have a lot of extra energy to burn off."

Sighing and nodding, "This way, Callera."

Within minutes of arriving, in ways he does not quite understand, Obi-Wan finds himself across from Callera lightsaber in his hands having agreed to a sparring session.

Callera lets a green blade grow in her hand to the length of a lightsaber, a confident smile on her face. "Thank you, Obi-Wan." Bringing her blade up in a salute, before she slowly starts prowling towards him.

Obi-Wan leaps towards her, somersaulting to add power, but Callera isn't there. She rolled under his leap. Barely spinning around in time for his lightsaber to meet sword. Her strikes become probing, looking for openings, he starts a rapid series of counter-strikes to force her to block and she's not there, using the momentum of the first strike to roll off to the side and reset. Again he leaps, this time for behind her. His eyes meet hers, she knows it's happening and is spinning, clipping his legs together with her forearm. Dropping him to the floor, her blade pointing at his neck. Withdrawing the blade, she offers her hand and he takes it."

"You were hesitating Obi-Wan. Afraid my blade couldn't handle a lightsaber?"

"No, and I wasn't hesitating at all."

"You were fractionally, like you were having to think through what you were doing. That is why I was able to take you out of the air, the hesitation gave me just enough of a read to clip you."

"Why would I be hesitating?"

"I think you're technically proficient in your style, it's Ataru right?"

Obi-Wan nods.

"But it doesn't suit you. You're analytical and methodical yet trying to use a style that is aggressive and mobile."

"She is right Padawan Kenobi."

The two turn to see a tall well-built human with long blond hair with several small children behind him, Obi-Wan gives him a respectful head nod that Callera copies.

"Master Drallig" This name Callera does know, the old Order's last Battlemaster, and someone she idly had wonder what he would have thought of their Battlemaster, Kyle Katarn. She struggles to keep her eyes from going wide.

"Your Master, Qui-Gon, is an expert Ataru duelist, and he imparted a lot of that knowledge to you from what I just saw. But the young lady is right in that you seem to be at war between your mind and your form. An uncommon but not rare occurrence when Masters and their Padawans are suited to different Forms."

Turning slightly to address Callera, "That blade is an interesting technique in the Force. Can you wield other weapons?"

Instead of verbalizing Callera holds her hand out her side, away from the master, younglings and Obi-Wan. A knife slowly forms in her hand, the handle growing longer turning it into spear, the head melting off to form just a staff, and then it disappears.

"Can you use all of them?" Genuine curiosity

"If I can't use a weapon, I would not manifest it."

Drallig nods in understanding. "I have not seen you around the Temple, yet from your comments, you seem to have at least a passing knowledge of lightsaber Forms."

She nods, "I have seen a few Holocron descriptions and datatapes during my education in the Force, so only a bare-bones knowledge of them."

"Based on that, what would your suggestion be for Obi-Wan?"

"I'd look for a defensive style, something that would allow him to put that sharp mind to work in creating openings for himself. He's got the patience and reaction speed for an approach that lets opponents exhaust themselves."


Obi-Wan stays silent pondering similar thoughts from two very different people but nods in acknowledgement.

"I was planning on taking my students through their velocities this afternoon. You, young lady, might offer them a different option. Would you consent to demonstrate various weapons in a spar with me?"

"I would be honored." Following the Battlemaster to the center of dueling room as Obi-Wan and the younglings take up spots along various walls to watch from different angles.

Standing opposite from him she begins by manifesting a tonfa as he ignites his green blade. With a mutual nod, they begin to circle. Spinning the tonfa in her right hand every few moments, to let the younglings see the motion, waiting till the two of them had traded spots. She dashes into a sliding kick, trying to take his legs out.

An easy jump over and swipe of his blade causing her to block and roll upwards and start probing with measured swings for arms and legs. All blocked. Leaping backwards she throws the blunt weapon at him. The moment he blocks it begins to dissipate as green bladed gauntlets form on her arms. Bringing her arms up she approaches slowly. Drallig doesn't give her the initiative this time. Barely keeping ahead of his blade with dodges and the occasional vambrace meeting blade. He has her number already, pushing her right to the limit she can safely demonstrate at. His foot coming up to kick her, she takes it and uses the force to add to the momentum to create distance, letting the gauntlets fade and forming a spear.

He lets her keep him at range for a little while letting her show off and catch her breath at the same time. Drallig hits her spear in the same spot three times in rapid sequence, so she lets it fade and brings out her tried and true sword. The combat shifting to a fluid dance, he is pushing to bring out the best Callera has to offer. It is no wonder he is their Battlemaster. He locks her blade with his, she can feel the disarm coming and lets her blade fly free and dissipate back into the Force.

Breathing heavily as the Master in front of her seems barely winded, she bows to the man, and he returns it as he shuts down his blade.

"Switching or manifesting those blades tires you out doesn't it?"

She nods, "The more I have to manifest or the longer I hold them, the more of a strain on my focus."

"And yet you were willing to swap rapidly between them."

"You asked for a demonstration of several weapons, so I felt I had to."

A smile flickers across the man's face. "You could have paused between each weapon."

"Oops." Her cheeks flush slightly at the soft rebuke, "I should have asked ahead of time how we should handle that."

"But it did give me a rather interesting perspective on you. What brings an esoteric warrior like yourself to the Jedi Order?"

"The Force works in unusual and unforeseen ways Master Drallig, I had to deliver a warning to the High Council."

His eyes narrow. "A warning of what?"

"Potential dark times ahead for us all. They are currently debating my words the last I knew off."

"Thank you…" He trails off.

"Bladesinger, Callera Bladesinger."

"An apt name Callera," tilting his head in acknowledgement, "would you be willing to answer questions about the weapons you chose and maybe others with my students?"

"I'd be honored Master Drallig."
Courscanti Chaos-Revelations
More time in the Temple that unsettles Callera! Thanks as always to @Warlord01 for the beta pass and EU double checks! This song was playing in my head the entire time.
The Younglings had been persistent in their questioning under Master Drallig's guidance and encouragement, they stayed on the weapons themselves and not how she had manifest them. It might not have been an intentional test for her but interacting with a Master of such standing had definitely become one. One that she hoped she passed.

Shortly after Drallig had dismissed his students Callera and Obi-Wan moved on to the kitchens to 'appropriate' a small snack before making their way to a meditation room near the Archives. The chamber had been unoccupied and silent, so the two of them both began their own meditations. Slow and steady breathing filling the room. While Obi-Wan sent his senses outwards, Callera went inwards practicing the very exercise she performed in front of the High Council. No need to make the target on her back even bigger by letting her presence be easily sensed.

Seconds became minutes. Minutes became hours. Even without the Force, Callera hears the approaching footfalls as the door opens.

"Padawan Kenobi, report to your Master that I will be supervising Ms Bladesinger for the time being." The solid voice of the dark-skinned council member calls from the doorway.

"Of course, Master Windu." She hears the rustling of Obi-Wan's robes as he stands, nodding slowly in his direction with her eyes still closed. 'Master Mace Windu, now I have a name to go with the face.'

"Thank you, Obi-Wan, for the spar and escort. I'll see you and Master Qui-Gon later, I hope."

"You will Ms Bladesinger," The formal tones of the Master behind her as he moves around her. Waiting till his robes indicate the master is sitting in front of her and Obi-Wan's footsteps on the tile outside of the room as the door closes, she opens her eyes.

"You have questions Master Windu, are they your questions or the Council's?"

"Both Ms Bladesinger."

"I take it from the title, you do not recognize me as a Jedi?"

"You yourself have indicated that your order is different than ours and that your training and background is vastly different. I recognize you for your talent with the Force, and the help you feel you are providing to us, but we have yet to confirm your Order as truly being of Jedi lineage."

The words cut deep but are on some level expected. "I understand."

"You do?" His tone curious.

"You don't have experience with our Master's and our training, only my words. The fact that we've scrapped together a Jedi Order from memories, holocrons, datatapes and hope; rather than the millennia of traditions you currently posses. You have never dealt with me; never seen me in a crisis where I'm hands deep in someone's belly trying to keep them together, never seen me standing firm in front of a threat to the innocent, never seen me living up to the code, or seen me in the moments I know have I trod upon the code." Looking at Master Windu with tired acceptance, "But as the code says 'There is no ignorance, there is only knowledge.' How may I enlighten you?"

"Master Mundi talked about the images he saw, and I would like you to put them into context for me. Where was that anti-gravity arena?"

"The Shadow Academy, the remnants of the Empire's project to create an order of 'Dark Jedi' to counterbalance the growing Jedi Order of the New Republic. I was a student of one of the two factions of the Academy, one a more 'traditional' approach to the Force and the one I was taught under the Nightsisters of Dathomir."


"Dathomir has a strong Force culture heritage, fiercely matriarchal, but for the most part the Witches follow the Book of Law passed down from a Jedi exiled there a long time ago. The Nightsisters would be like the Sith for the Witches."

"The image Master Mundi saw was the end of the fight between the protégé's of the two programs; Knight Zekk and Vilas."

"Knight Zekk?"

"Many Shadow Academy students joined the Jedi Order when the Academy was destroyed. Zekk became a Jedi Knight in our order."

"Even with his brush with the Dark side?"

"Our order has a firm belief in forgiveness and redemption Master Windu. The journey back into the Light is a long hard road. Several Master's of our Order have fallen and come back from the Dark."

"And yourself?"

"I know I have had several uncomfortable brushes with the Dark side Master Windu. I am aware of my own flaws and try to keep from letting hate run my life."

"But you have given into it."

"I have." Her solemn straightforward admission stuns the Master with its frankness.

"I hate the Peace Brigade for betraying the galaxy to the Vong, for killing innocent refugees, for trying to capture and kill every Force User they could to appease the invaders! I hate them more than I do the Yuuzahn Vong themselves!" Her vehemence fills the room and then she takes a few deep breaths to settle back down. "I'm sorry Master Windu, four years of war, pain and doubt wear on me. Four years of being hunted because I could touch the Force. Years of doubt and debate of how to confront the Vong. Years of fighting to keep innocents safe as they were forced to flee their homes. It's only been three weeks since that war officially ended for me, Master Windu. No chance to come to terms, no peace."

Master Windu stays silent letting Callera speak.

"Hopefully, the Clone Wars never come to pass now. Three years of the galaxy tearing itself apart. Three years of the Jedi Order being Generals and soldiers, instead of peacekeepers, diplomats and advisors. What few journals and reports we managed to uncover, showed the strain the war put on the Order as you were scattered to fight multiple battles on multiple fronts while Sidious arranged to destroy your image and slowly wear you down and eliminate you."

"How would your Order have handled it?" Non-judgemental steady words leave the Master's lips.

"We'd have ceded all authority for the clone army to the military chain of command and liaise with them, diplomats and intelligence elements. Some of us would integrate partially into various command structures, during the Vong War some of us served as Squadron commanders and others served as coordinators on capital ships. I, myself, worked with commando squads when I wasn't in refugee camps. Some worked with smugglers and some with Republic intelligence. The Council always tried to send us where we could do the most good."

"What if the Supreme Chancellor ordered it?"

"We would help but it would be in our way. We served the Republic and later the Galactic Alliance, not those who hold office in it. At the same time, many politicians wanted nothing to do with us. They remember the problems and myths of the Jedi during the Clone Wars and considered the Jedi Order 'meddlers,'" a wry grin appears on Callera's lips, "a not unwarranted accusation when often the Force brings you into situations they'd like to remain hidden."

A slight twitch to Master Windu's lips reminds Callera that the behavior of politicians is as eternal as the Force. A few minutes of reflective silence before the next question.

"Does your Order use lightsabers on the whole? Master Mundi saw your silver blade and the red blade Zekk had at the Shadow Academy."

"Yes, it is the symbol of a Jedi. I know many of us chose not to carry our lightsaber in certain moments when being 'known' as a Jedi could cause more problems than help."

"What happened to yours?"

"Left in my time on Dagobah along with my jumpsuit, boots, and survival gear. As Master Qui-Gon can attest to, I showed up practically naked on Naboo."

"Where did you get your crystals from?"

"Illum has been practically strip mined of Adgean crystals in my time. So, we use any gem or crystal we felt a connection with. Some created theirs, others traveled to worlds with meaning to them to collect a crystal, I know one Jedi who used the focusing crystal from a communications display!"

Master Windu's eyebrow raises fractionally at that declaration before Callera continues.

"I've been through three blades by now; the one the Shadow Academy gave me with a synthetic mass-produced ruby, the one Master Ti let me make with a Dathomiri diamond, and my last one using a Theferyan Agate that a smuggler who'd been friends with my medic mentor Davos gifted me when my last lightsaber was destroyed by the Vong."

Pausing briefly. "I'm just glad Nejaa Halcyon had the foresight to write down the meditations you used during the Clone Wars to build and attune new lightsabers quickly.

"Nejaa Halcyon?"

"A Corellian Jedi a few years younger than Qui-Gon."

The next words chill Callera to her very bones.

"There is no Jedi by that name Bladesinger."

Callera jumps up at that declaration. "That can't be right Master Windu!"

"I know for a fact there is no Knight of that name."

Knowing the archives are nearby she flees from the room and into the spacious room and dashing for an empty terminal.

Ignoring the chiding rebuke of the Librarian she starts typing as Master Windu arrives behind her.

Query: Jedi Halcyon

Kieran Halcyon was responsible for the settling of a conflict on Selonia in the Corillian System…

Query: Jedi Solusar

No Jedi of such name

Query: Jedi Vergere

No Jedi of such name

"No No No…" Callera's emotions roiling as she keeps searching

Query: Arkanian House Nobrea

No known house in Arkanian society

Query: Jedi Allya exile

File access restricted by order of the High Council.

Looking over her shoulder with wide teary eyes, "Please! Open the file! I need to know!"

Looking straight into her watery eyes with his own for a few moments before leaning over her shoulder to type in a code.

Exiled to Dathomir for……

Callera lets out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

Query: Dathomir

A rust-red world appears on the screen. 'Not my Dathomir…'

"Not my Dathomir," The words softly leave Callera's lips, "this isn't my Dathomir. Full of vibrant life and swirling storms." Standing up wearily she bows to who she thinks is the Head Archivist. "I'm sorry for the disruption…I had to know..." Letting the words trail off she stumbles out of the library with Master Windu following behind her.

"What did all of that mean Bladesinger?"

"It means everything and nothing Master Windu. I'm not in my past, but a past. Those names I searched for would have been Jedi in my timeline, potential allies I could have reached out to since I knew a little more of them."

"Does that mean that everything you've told the council is wrong?"

"No, based on everything's that happened there are still similarities. Naboo crisis, the Tatooine detour, Anakin, Maul, Palpatine; there are still many identical actors and actions occurring."

"Then we should take your words as a vision of a future, but not the future."

"I was already pressing for that because I've changed things, Master Windu. The question is, have I changed enough already to make that future impossible or has the Sith plot been so well laid that even the disruptions that have already happened and actions all of us take from here on out are meaningless?"
Might Drallig note something about Cal's fighting style suggesting some different philosophies to his?

He could and would, but probably not in that moment. He would have that conversation more privately or possibly with Padawans and Knights. Discussing the various weapons Callera used with the Younglings is a fairly safe ground in front of them, going into combat philosophies and teaching styles of them it would really depend on the younglings and his judgement of Callera.
He could and would, but probably not in that moment. He would have that conversation more privately or possibly with Padawans and Knights. Discussing the various weapons Callera used with the Younglings is a fairly safe ground in front of them, going into combat philosophies and teaching styles of them it would really depend on the younglings and his judgement of Callera.
IIRC the Battlemasters like Drallig or Bondara tended to correct or suggest style changes to Padawans/Knights only in private so as not to undercut their position in front of others.
But this is a somewhat different context - Cal is clearly an adept warrior, and the students wouldn't get to see a non-Jedi warrior in a practice context that often.
But this is a somewhat different context - Cal is clearly an adept warrior, and the students wouldn't get to see a non-Jedi warrior in a practice context that often.
The principle still stands, you take people into a private conversation when you want to tell them they suck at something. You don't do that in public, or at least non-jerk people don't do that.

For all Drallig knows she was trained by one of the wandering Jedi masters like Diath, Fay (I still think she is Edessa's and Zayne's kid) or Knol. Additionally, there are many Jedi with non-standard fighting styles or weapons.
I don't mean in "you suck" terms. I mean in "note that her style embraces passion and resourcefulness, as opposed to our reliance on discipline above all" for example.