Blades of the Void: An Imperial Navy Quest

Welcome to the I.L.
[X] Indissoluble Light

"The Indissoluble Light," the clerk says gruffly.

"You must be joking," you say.

The man shrugs. "Don't know what to tell you, pal. They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel a few thousand years ago. That was back when everything had to have some religious theme or other." He chuckles. "Pretty sure they just started slapping random adjectives on "Light" by the end of it all. Pretty sure there is an 'Indigestible Light' and a 'Voluminous Light' floating out in the void somewhere."

You stare at the man coldly. He must be mocking. "You must understand that I refuse to believe that."

The fellow shrugs in a manner that makes it clear he doesn't really care in the slightest. "Believe what you want pal. Your glorious ship awaits you in Docking Bay Alpha Centauri Major Q. Have a nice flight, Midshipman Candor, I pray you remain as indissoluble as the Indissoluble Light."

You try not to look petulant as you stomp off. Then again, being a touch whiney will make this fellow forget you faster, or at least make him want to forget you faster. So you slump your shoulders a little and trudge off with vague bitterness. The Clerk shakes his head and moves on with his day.


The Docking Bay in question proves to have several ships docked, and is teaming with an army of workers, navy officers, tech-adepts, and servitors. Most ignore you as you move closer to a collection of Dauntless Cruisers. One of these ships is your new home. You walk up to an officer and give a sharp salute. "Excuse me, sir. I'm looking for the Indissoluble Light. I'm Midshipman Candor."

The Officer salutes back with a smile. "Well, Midshipman, you are a lucky man. I'm 2nd Lieutenant William Gao of the Indissoluble Light. The ship is taking a few repairs at the moment, you can board in a few minutes with the other newcomers."

You smile. "Well, this is a spot of good luck. Tell me, Lieutenant, what is the Light like?"

"I've served on a few ships in my career, and the Light isn't anything that special. It's old as dirt though, and has its weird areas." He grins brightly. "Got some wild stories, but it is all fake. Don't get freaked out about ghosts or anything."

"Oh, don't worry, I don't scare easily," you say.

Gao chuckles. "Well, that's a relief." Suddenly he grows cold. "You will be. Captain runs a tight ship. We expect discipline from the greenhorns."

"Duly noted." You grunt. You don't expect it to be anywhere near as grueling as the training for Inquisitorial agents. Still, best to keep up appearances, you are supposed to be a greenhorn, not a hardened soldier.

Gao starts to move out. "Come along, Candor. We'll chat on the way."

You follow with stiff politeness, and say, "Tell me, sir, why does the ship need repairs? Did something happen?"

Gao snorts with amusement. "Not much happens out here, Candor. Just had a routine internal problem. Happens all the time on an old ship." He gives you a look that tells you to not question his statement. So you don't. You note it in your mind though. Heresy is unlikely yes, but always possible. Gao moves on from the subject smoothly. "So, Candor, you're a Schola brat, right? Which one?"

"Deodatarius," you answer stiffly. A minor Schola. Most people will only vaguely know of it.

Gao nods somewhat absently. The conversation is now stalled. To an extent, this is a good thing. You want Gao to remember you as little as possible...on the other hand, it may be good to establish you as just another normal Midshipman. In that regard, there are some basic questions you may ask before you reach the Light.

[] What are the other Lieutenants like?
[] Who is the Captain?
[] What do you do on-ship?
[] What are you going to do to me?
[] Say nothing
[] Write-in
"The Indissoluble Light," the clerk says gruffly.

"You must be joking," you say.

The man shrugs. "Don't know what to tell you, pal. They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel a few thousand years ago. That was back when everything had to have some religious theme or other." He chuckles. "Pretty sure they just started slapping random adjectives on "Light" by the end of it all. Pretty sure there is an 'Indigestible Light' and a 'Voluminous Light' floating out in the void somewhere."

[X] Who is the Captain?
[X] What do you do on-ship?
[X] Who is the Captain?
[X] What do you do on-ship?
[X] What are you going to do to me?
[X] Who is the Captain?
[X] What do you do on-ship?
[X] What are you going to do to me?
"The Indissoluble Light," the clerk says gruffly.

"You must be joking," you say.

The man shrugs. "Don't know what to tell you, pal. They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel a few thousand years ago. That was back when everything had to have some religious theme or other." He chuckles. "Pretty sure they just started slapping random adjectives on "Light" by the end of it all. Pretty sure there is an 'Indigestible Light' and a 'Voluminous Light' floating out in the void somewhere."
I'm pretty sure this exchange is some manner of heresy. "Back when" everything had a religious theme? Is this some alternate universe Imperium? Am I missing something?

Then again, maybe I'm a bit too straight-laced about it. After all, I think Indissoluble Light is a perfectly fine name.

[X] What are the other Lieutenants like?
[X] Who is the Captain?
I'm pretty sure this exchange is some manner of heresy. "Back when" everything had a religious theme? Is this some alternate universe Imperium? Am I missing something?

Then again, maybe I'm a bit too straight-laced about it. After all, I think Indissoluble Light is a perfectly fine name.

[X] What are the other Lieutenants like?
[X] Who is the Captain?
It was just a joke, not to be taken too seriously.
[X] Who is the Captain?
[X] What do you do on-ship?
[X] What are you going to do to me?

You ask your first question casually enough. "So, who is the Captain of the ship then?"

Gao answers, "Captain Piers Thimbleforth." He keeps walking. "He is a good captain, been doing for this for a long time."

"What exactly do you do on the ship?"

"Well, I am a Second Lieutenant. I keep things running properly, get to lead fighter craft if one of the Firsts isn't, leading points on boarding parties," he says. "I also only occasionally have to clean the decks." He adds with a smile.

"And what, pray to tell, do you intend to do to me?" You ask with very little seriousness.

"We are going to make a proper voidsman out of you," Gao says jovially. "Don't worry overmuch, I'll be gentle at least." He gives you a wink.

You chuckle. "Well, that at least is good to hear, Lieutenant."


At last, you reach the cruise ship that will take you to the Indissoluble Light. It is a solid ship and well taken care of. Gao taps his ear and nods at some instructions. "Alright. We are missing a couple of the greenhorns, but most are accounted for. If they don't show up in thirty minutes we will leave them behind." He doesn't seem to much care about those that may be left on this Port with no ship. You wonder if that is how the Navy recruits new clerks. Gao looks over at you. "Well, climb aboard and meet your new mates. You will be with them for years most likely, so you best make a good first impression."

You nod. "I will see you aboard the ship then, Lieutenant?"

"Probably. See you around, Mr. Candor." With that, Gao leaves, probably to look around for the late-coming Midshipman.

You enter the ship calmly, giving a polite nod to the pilot as you do so. The pilot ignores you and continues to casually flip through the "art" book he is engrossed in. You leave him to it. As you enter the passenger cab, you catch a short glimpse of some of your new fellow crewman. A woman with half-dyed pink hair, a solidly built man with dark skin and a rather friendly smile, six in all, and apparently a few more besides. How do you interact with your new friends?

[] Be polite, as Gao said, best to make a good first impression
[] Don't bother interacting. You aren't here to make friends
[] Don't make conversation on your own, but respond if they speak to you
[] Write-in
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[X] Don't make conversation on your own, but respond if they speak to you

[Jk] look for the biggest guy in the room and make him your bitch!

[X] Don't make conversation on your own, but respond if they speak to you
[X] Be polite, as Gao said, best to make a good first impression

At least attempt it. We're an Inquisition agent, not some half-wit amateur.
Meeting Midshipmen
[X] Be polite, as Gao said, best to make a good first impression

You give a bow fit for royalty and say easily. "Good afternoon. My name is Candor. Robute Candor. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

The responses are mixed. The Pink-Blonde mix gives you a flat look and rolls her eyes before going back to her business. A clean looking fellow doesn't look up from carefully picking each individual fingernail. Everyone else seems to be taking a quick nap before take off. The friendly looking man proves his appearance isn't deceiving and gives you a salute in response. "I'm Ignatius Nox. A pleasure to meet you, Candor."

You move to a seat next to Nox, giving him an easy smile. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Nox. Had a good day?"

"Yeah, its been decent," Nox says easily. "Great to finally be on a ship, out of the schola, you know what I'm saying?"

"I do," you answer easily. You've never been in a schola, but you suspect Inquisitorial Training was far more brutal. You don't recall your childhood that well, but you remember discipline and near-death. Even a little under a quarter of that experience is probably quite difficult.

"Yep. Service on the good ol' Indissoluble Light will be pretty awesome. Believe me, Candor, we will have an easy life up there," He grins. "It'll be a lot of fun."

You doubt this. Baroness wouldn't have sent you here if there wasn't something going wrong in this area. Still, can't expect a recent Schola graduate to have the knowledge you have. You don't give him much more responsive than a quick. "Hope so." before moving back to rest in your seat. Another Midshipman finally arrives. Then Gao comes back.

"Right," Gao says. "Time to go."

No one asks about any missing midshipman. After a short time, the ship lifts and starts moving towards the Light in dock. There you will meet your Captain. How do you want the Captain to think of you? His thoughts on you are important for your cover.

[] Dedicated soldier: Close to your true self. Hide in plain sight
[] Casual and relaxed: No one suspects the fool
[] Just melt into the background: Be the Grey Man
[] Write-in
[] Dedicated soldier: Close to your true self. Hide in plain sight
[] Casual and relaxed: No one suspects the fool

Based on our previous choices I think that either of these would be best.
[X] Casual and relaxed: No one suspects the fool

Hopefully not taking it too far: I doubt Baroness would be happy if we were in the brig when something important was going down.
[X] Casual and relaxed: No one suspects the fool
[X] Dedicated soldier: Close to your true self. Hide in plain sight

We've already messed up by drawing attention to ourselves with that little stunt on the transport. Best just to go all out and play the naive, over enthusiastic schola graduate who "really wants to make a difference in the galaxy."