Be Wary Of The Man Who Speak In Hands (Worm,CYOA)

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Before I begin officially with the story, I would like to share some thing. First, for me...
Before I begin officially with the story, I would like to share some thing. First, for me Writing is something I do as a primary past time, I am a individual lot of imagination so I like to create all kind of story, some more serious than other but for the majority of the time, I do it for the fun of it And I am not adverse to share.

Sadly, I am not a person with a lot of skill in English grammar, it is after all, only my second language not my native one, so I will make mistakes it is almost guaranty, but I will strive to correct them. It's another reason why I write, It's good practice and I will learn of my fault. I will welcome your correction in your post if you spot some error of some kind, please remain polite and patient with me, Furthermore I would prefer that someone could point to me a Beta available and interested to work with me.


This Story Has a framework using a Cyoa format of some kind, I will not say which version nor what was the built, It will help keep some intrigue, not a lot, but some. You can speculate at your leisure as the story advance.


I will post pretty much sporadically because I only write a story when my muse stroke my fancy

So enjoy!
Waking up again in my squishy body was not something I thought I would experience again, because, y'know, I clearly remember dying. It was a gruesome death too, I choked on my own blood and everything! If someone were to ask me How I died, all I would disclose on the matter is that I will never scoff at the existence of Yandere in real life ever again.

I was also tad worried about my lack of strong emotion about my own death, It had been traumatizing after all. Maybe my time in Limbo messed me up more than I had considered. Still, that place chilled my soul to the core even now free of it's grasp.

So yeah, I opened my mint colored eyes to show the world I was awake, which confused me still, but the kicker was that I didn't find myself in a hospital bed or even my own casket, which was a relief mind you, nooo, I had to wake up to the smell of rotten trash all around me, with my body sprawled on the ground, behind a dumpsters in an shady alley in the middle of the night.

It was real classy setup for my return on the mortal plane, let me tell you (Because it was real, I could feel the ache of being alive! The difference from the numbness of being bodiless in the Limbo was a major relief).

But regardless of my less stellar environment I was feeling really great physically, like I was years younger, Mentally… yeeaah pretty much still dazed over the fact I was alive once again.

After a while staring at the barely visible moon in the sky still sprawled on the ground, I began to feel the gravity of my situation I found myself in.

As much I liked the me alive and well, there many question that are beginning the be felt for their lack of discernible response, like for example where the hell I was?

So kicking the high gear of my brain, I began by standing up slowly to take up the feeling of my body carefully, and took careful deep breaths to calm the palpitation of my heart to stall any raising panic over the danger there could be in this situation.

Once done calming my nerves, I proceed by checking what I was wearing briefly, I found myself surprised to see the light grey turtleneck sweater on me with semi form fitting black dress pants(belt included) and formal shoes, the total attire fitted my tall firm shouldered lean frame comfortably. It wasn't my standard style, like at all, but I found myself properly charmed with it.

Anyway! Next step, I suppose, was to fish out info from the environment around me.

I strained my ears to take in the noise of the area, noting I was probably in a quiet area of a city for I could barely hear anything but some old lamp post electric buzzing coming from the mouth of the alley. I took the time to analyze all the detail of my waking area, only to conclude That I would find nothing relevant to the situation. I didn't bother to smell around, I knew it stink to high heaven already.

Just I was about to contemplate stepping out the alley and explore, I paused my thought has a heavy pressure assaulted my mind and it was building up force pretty fast. Before I could even cry out in alarm, I felt the pressure explode like a dam breaking down from to much wear, then came crashing in a life worth of foreign memory.

I… I Could barely stand, as memories after memories flashed in my mind at breakneck speed, to fast for me to even process what those memory contained.

I Felt my mind fog with new incomprensible information…

I quietly panicked has I lost the perception of the world around me, the last thing I saw clearly was briefly saw my own hands change from flesh to bone that looked like there were designed out of a cartoon there was even holes where the palm was, making me freak out a lot more about what was happening to me. So much that I was barely aware of my whole body was also morphing in a different form against my wishes. And with that new form came some sense I didn't know I could possess.

And It was those droplets of excess that tipped the balance to much. Like a man trapped in violent hurricane my mind lost all control of itself and was dragged along like a ragdoll by the influx of information.

Some of my last coherent thought were that I desperately wished I had someone who could help me.

Because right now in the back alley of god know where I didn't want to die before I even enjoy my second chance at life.


I.. N..Need..Needed T..To F..Find Ħe..HELP!

Then everything became blank.
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Yeah, there are quite a few grammar mistakes, plus a few spelling errors as well. I would point you towards a good beta if I knew of any, but it would probably be a good idea to get one.
It's hard to tell whether this story will be any good with just the short chapter, but it seems well written outside of the previously mentioned errors. What CYOA are you using for this, and what choices did you make for it?
Dude, you need two cull your spacing by like half and give us a hook to hang ourselves on.
Needs the story's premise and CYOA choices, that's what hooks people, we see 'CYOA SI' and wonder 'What CYOA and powers is he going to get? Is this a Powerwank or a fix fic? What's different and interesting about this story?'
Right now I like the direction things are going. I have a couple ideas about how horrified this character is going to be about their situation once they see their new form. This is not the first CYOA story I've read so I am curious if we will have a meeting or an uncovered memory that introduces us to a Random Omnipotent Being which played some role in the events to come. I am a little peeved that we do not have a name for our hero... or villain, as the case may be. That can come about next chapter though.

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 1
Once my mind pulled a blue screen, I was lucky or maybe unlucky enough, to find out that my newly transformed body seems to have a auto pilot or something along those lines when dealing a mental break down. Because all the while my mind worked overtime to tame and organise the shitstorm of information flying inside my head. I found myself moving out of the alley, granted I looked like a drunk stumbling all around the place, but I was walking alright! Yes, I know I was basically moving on some form of instinct without any rational thinking processing my action, which was not a good at all, I know. However I couldn't stop myself, and despite the whole fuck up possible at the time, I must have been fucking blessed, because I was out of it for an entire week, and I wasn't death yet, nor kidnaped, or even arrested for the period I was running on my apparent cruise control.

And thanks to some flashes of lucidity I had during the whole ordeal, I think I could draw a pretty solid conclusion on what was happening to me.

I was walking slowly in a definitely more clean section of the city after getting through a more poor neighbourhood when I passed the bay window of some store. I paused before I turned to see my reflection on the glass under the light of the dawn showing me clearly the new face I sported, the reflected visage was one that I recognized instantly. It originated from one of my favorites characters of a game I played the first time around, That droopy eye and fracture on my head was damn distinctive. I looked like a younger version of W.D. Gaster ,previous his experience with the void, from Undertale.

It didn't take long for me to figure out that my soul have been R.O.Bed for reason unknown, and if I was to bet about my own transformation, I strongly think it was linked with The vague memory I have of the Worm CYOA I build months before my death. It would explain the situation with my mind being forced to organise four centuries of memories of a scientist among monster. It was after all, my choice for primary power I made. Being age since I created it was a tad hard remembering all my choice I chosen with God mode, I...I think I chosen God mode...right? I know for sure I put point in Man of Mystery or it's equivalent, same with a thing called Special snowflakes I think? It was something that made me immune to power manipulator which was good. I definitely taken some Geas but for the life of me I couldn't remember what they were and how many I had taken. The rest of my choice still eluded me.

I had briefly had hope that ROB just used my Cyoa for the power to give me, and that he had not really placed my being in the setting of Worm for a second chance at life. The first time I met people in a flash of lucidity dashed any hope I wasn't in Wibow world.

Again, I was stumbling forward without any destination in mind, in what seemed to be a commercial street. I could see a handful of pedestrian milling around with bag in hands, looking around more carefully I checked if anyone was noticing my striking self, the answer was absolutely. I found some across the street looking at my direction and pointing their cell phone, recording my apparence most likely, the other I could see that spotted me were a couple hesitantly walking in my general direction. They finally decided to walk along the parking of the convenience store adjacent the sidewalk I was on, obviously keeping me on their sight all the time. They were clearly smart cookies to not be at arm's reach of a unknown like myself, didn't means it was a nice feeling to be avoided Like I was a danger for them thought. Once they were sure they weren't in my field of view, they proved to be not so smart cookies because they were clearly not out of my hearing field when they chose to talk about me.

'' Do you think That was a real cape?''

''I don't know maybe we should, you know, call the PRT, if he's really a cape I don't think he was in good shape, did you see how he could barely walk straight?''

'' Yeah you're right, but man, his mask was really …''

It was all I heard before they were too far for me to hear clearly. So in brief moment of panic I was about to hurry and find a less populated area to think on this new tidbit of info before my mind dragged me under the haze once more.

There right then was the moment that sealed my fate, so when I regained complete focus a week after the info dump, I couldn't deny my situation anymore. I had died, experienced the Limbo for god know how long, found myself living again, but not without a price it seems. I was transformed In a skeleton designed straight out of a game with the memories and power of said character, found myself drowned in my own mind by said memories for a week that I was lucky to live unscathed, I was also, maybe still not sure, an entertainment for a being of higher power, and… and.... and I was ...scared.

Yeah I have no shame admit it, I was scared shitless. This was no joke, Worm was a world that was called grimdark for a reason. I could die again at the tiniest of missteps on my part, and I have no desire to experience it again anytime soon, It really didn't help that this world have so many way to kill me with the aid of power it's ridiculous.

So yeah, Here I was hidden in the abandoned office of a old industrial warehouse in what I assume was the docks of Brockton bay, sitting on the floor Indian style leaning on the wall, trying to see what to do with this shitty second chance. Resting my skull on my bony hands I analyzed my options available to me.

Living a normal life out of the cape community was right out, Because once I stopped freaking out at my lack of, well, everything, like my heart or my junk, and Oh God I lost my dick, I tried returning to my human form. Only to find it was impossible for now in the current state I was in. Even when my instinct screamed at me that it would be possible one day to do it, I missed presently something of importance before it could happen. So yeah I was struck as a charming Skeleton, for the foreseeable future, no normal life far away from danger for me.

Now the life of Earth Bet was a tad complicated when one try to live in the community of cape, I have five choices I was reasonable to takes in this clusterfuck.

  1. I become a indie Hero,try to clean up the world one step at time' I would have to steal from the gang to survive, And I retain my freedom. But I was At great risk of dying in the first few months if I was to big of a nuisance, and it would be difficult to fully use the potential of my power without being press ganged by all side. so pass!

  2. I go Rogue and try to contact Toybox for protection, because the moment It became know I was a pseudo tinker that could learn and had reproducible tech, the hunt for my bony ass would be some thing of legend. I think I will pass.

  3. I could also try my hand at mercenary work with Faultline passing as a case 53 but ultimately it would become a lying web in the making that I would like to avoid.

  4. Undersider would be a option where I could be in smack center of the plot for me to change but it's a deal that came with most direct contact with Coil. Yeah didn't think so.

  5. The last routes I could takes was the one I pass as a minor with my look and sign up as a Ward. But it would cut full well in my freedom, bury my bones in paperwork which I hate and limit my range of action severely.

''☞ ❄☟✋ ✋ ✌☠❄ ✌ ☼☜☞☠*(Fuck this, I want a refund.)*'' I found myself grumbling. Oh yeah! I forgot I was now fully incapable of comprehensible verbal communication, isn't marvellous, I can now insult anyone without being them the wiser! please note the sarcasm, please, note it hard… I guess I chose this as a Geas... I suck.

Sighing I dropped my hand on my laps and gazed unseeingly at the broken door of the office I was holed in. Of all option the Ward was the safest bet for me, it provided protection, resources, solid allies and a relative stable life. However If I wanted to affect to plot I will have to be creative with so much restriction that would inevitably be put on me. The big problem with this option was that I have no identification, no paper trail to verify, I was a ghost in the system. I could somewhat pass myself as a case 53, but it would be a stretch if I have no mark of omega on me. No if I was to live here I just have to play with half truth and play it safe, It would make the transition more solid for me without setting a trap with my lie latter on.

Fuck it, I will think more about it later, Now I gathered some willpower for my body to stand up despite feeling a weakness all over. I needed something to eat, because while I was fortunate now to have a monster physiologie that could sustain itself only with magic, my reserve were about to be depleted after running on the stuff for a week straight. Sure I survived but not for much longer if I didn't do something about it soon, I could do three more days if I don't play to much with my magic.

Just I was about to leave the office, and out the warehouses to find something to satiate my hunger I heard the rusted side door of the building bang open, startling me something fierce. Cautious to not be seen, I stepped closer to the dirty office window that was opened to the rest of the warhouse, I could definitely see some poorly dressed gang member, Merchant if the drugged hobo vibe were to be any indicator. They were a dozen all armed in some form, I could spot three firearms, two baseball bat, a freaking shotgun and the rest were to hazy to see throughout the dirty glass of the window. There was also two man sporting shitty mask that someone could buy for five buck, One of them was clearly the leader if the manner he gave colorful order that I couldn't make head or tails were any indication. The other druggies must have understood him somewhat, because they spread hazardly around the warehouses managing to block all easy exit point. I have a bad feeling about this…

''ALL RIGHT SHITSTAIN, WE KNOW YOU'RE FUCKING AROUND THIS SHITHOLES SOMEWHERE! YOU'RE BEEN SCARING MY COSTUMER WITH YOUR LIMPDICKING IN MY TERRITORY, YOU POOR EXCUSE FOR CUMRAG!'' I did? huh must have been during my hazy moments. "SO I'M GONNA GIVE YOU A CHOICE, JOIN THE FUCKING MERCHANT TO REPAY US, OR WE'RE GONNA FILL YOU UP WITH LEAD LIKE I WOULD FUCK YAH MOTHERFUCKER! SO WHAT WILL IT BE SHITSTAIN?!" Shouted who could only be Skidmark, he was even waving wildly his gun during the entirety of his entire speech to push the threat further, to whom, his own members or me was up to debates. All the while the other masked man was gathering a great amount of trash.

So I was not joining the Merchant, even if I was greatly weakened and inexperienced with my power, I have a semblance of pride goddammit. I was currently trapped inside the warehouse l didn't have to beat who I guessed was Mush and Skidmark with their dozen armed merchant, no I just needed to distract them enough to created a exit and flee and maybe even attract the attention of the PRT with enough explosion?

I was so cursing the fact that I couldn't take a 'shortcut' without taking major risk with being magic extensive and super hard to do for a beginner like me if Gaster memory were to be believed

I will survive this, I am Dean Hales, and it will not be some druggies gang leader wannabe that were going to send me back to the Limbo if I have any say on the matters!
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well telekinesis alone, depending on how much finesse you have, is a pretty bullshit power, with enough training one could even mimic elementarism, biokinesis and even if somewhat limited hardlight projection (compress air or shape mental power into a form that you need and then use it or doing it as a substitute for that object)
what power does Gaster have again?
Our knowledge of Gaster's powers can only be conjecture, as he doesn't really do anything on screen in the source material. He was a scientist who is said to have been shattered across timelines in an experiment. His successor Alphys used blueprints that he may or may not have created to extract "Determination" from human souls.

"Determination" could have an entire dissertation written on it, but it typically manifests as the ability to SAVE and LOAD. Yes, this is an instance of game mechanics as an explicit in-universe superpower.

Sans uses a weapon that visually resembles the device used to extract "Determination" and is called a "Gaster Blaster". He is also aware of alternate timelines, and is implied to have worked with Alphys and/or Gaster on their research.
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About Gaster's powers, it is reasonable to asume that he could possess most of Sans powers, given the mysterious relationship between the two. Also if you want some inspiration for what you could use for some of his powers, I would recommend the "darker yet darker" music video by Man on the Internet and a fan gaster battle thats floating around. He does something really cool in both of them that's similar to King's power (I think thats his name, I haven't really read Worm indepth yet)
Also, is this going to be an actually CYOA or is it just called that because a CYOA is where you made the idea? Big fan of self inserts, CYOAs, not so much.
Though if it comes to choice, I would probably just summon a bunch of bones to impale them, blast them with a gaster blaster or just said blaster to create a distraction and/ or an exit.
On another note, would it be possible for you to shift to Gaster's void form at so point, I feel like the ability I mentioned last post would only be available to you in that state.