Amazo discovers the Internet ((OOC))


1. You are meant to be a chatroom, but if you link something to Amazo, or such Ill let it slide. If you try and Dox someone for Amazo then Goodluck getting past the various fuckery of DC with a Roll.

2. Amazo can see any posts in the IC Thread. You can help guide him, but keep in mind he's a person. If your infos wrong be will be less trustful of you.

3. In the thread, you will be stuck with one username. This thread, is mostly here to let Players dicuss plans, meta knowledge and stuff without alerting Amazo.

If you wish to use an Alternative Username then the default which will be your SV Username then make sure to Bolden or Largern the name like such.


Lol Jokers fat.

IC Link here: Amazo discovers the Internet ((DC)) ((IC Thread)) IC

Any questions ask here.