Allansfirebird's Art Thread

2024.04.21 New
Drawing 528 / 2024 Artwork 61: Cowboy Bebop's Jet Black.

Drawing 529 / 2024 Artwork 62: I finally saw Spy X Family: CODE White yesterday, and there was one sequence in particular that had me fucking rolling from its ridiculousness. I now present...
The God of Poop.
I shall provide absolutely no context whatsoever.
2024.04.28 New
Just a couple drawings again this week because IRL things were occupying me as well as reopening the EVA-Trek writers room for pre-production on season 2! I'm currently deep into work on the S2 writers' guide and laying out the finer strokes of where I want the characters to go over the course of the next 15 episodes. I'd forgotten how fun these early stages of story development were, not bound by a production schedule as yet, and just blueskying ideas around the major setpieces I've got planned for EVA-Trek's five-year story arc.

Drawing 530 / 2024 Artwork 63: Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop.

Drawing 530 / 2024 Artwork 64: The Quintessential Quintuplets' Miku Nakano models the Dominion War-era Starfleet sciences division uniform.