Ace of the City: A Pilot Fixer Quest (Library of Ruina)

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With the advent of a new Singularity, the City spread its Wings to the Skies Above.

Unfortunately, the resident of the Skies did not take kindly to this, and the City's denizens brought with them the City, the edifice of humanity in its fell glories, with them.

As for you, you are the owner of a solo wing Pilot Office. Your work is that to take contracts against your clientele from threats without... and threats within.

Make your mark in the Skies Above, Pilot. Or die trying.
Prologue I: The Pilot


A Dangerous Beast, A Perpetually Fumbling QM
On Leave
No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.
Robert Allen Zimmerman

They say the Skies are lost to Humanity. They say that After Calamity, the gaze of man should never gaze heavenward.

They were fools.

The unveiling of a new Singularity, you find, is always a treat.

Here is yet another man full of idealism backed by the ruthlessness of his adjutant.

Here is yet another man excitedly talking about how the betterment of Humanity can be achieved.

Here is yet another man who will be broken in the Wing Wars in... oh, you'd say three months, really.

Really now. Reclaiming the Skies.


Still, as an Arbiter, you can make your judgement on this tomfoolery. And your arbitration is that of mocking laughter.

They say Zachary has no chance. They say that the newly christened X Corp had no chance to survive the coming war.

Alone, true. They would've been slaughtered and their Singularities split amongst the spoils of war.

But there were others.

Others whose designs align in tandem, in writing and rhythm.

The sounds of flesh rending are music to your ears. Always will be, really. So long as you are in this work line, the agony of others is an orchestra you will never trade for anything. And though by now many of your men are dying, mostly in pieces and tenderized for the consumption of the Backstreets of District 23, your foes are dead.

Save one. One person whose blood bled orange from the stumps of his legs and one who glares at you through a lacquer-mask stronger than anything that's not derived from three Singularities.

Here, and the sight sears itself to your brain forevermore, lies a broken and battered body of a Claw-men.

"Bastard. You utter irrevocable bastard. You and your Udjat carrions. This is not yours to fight."

"Mmm." You hum, lowering yourself down to the dying form of the Executioner in front of you.

"Perhaps not. But our leader was insistent in this matter. And well..." You chuckle dryly, ears perking at the thumping sound that comes closest to you. "...we're not the carrions. We're the herald of those."

A baleful mask that once inflicted terror look towards the direction of the sound, one that revealed itself to be a sharply-suited woman with a cape of white-gold.

The Claw-men laughs, a true and wet one from a being such as he. He knows now. His defeat is ordained— a prophecy writ in the beating heart of the City itself compelled him to lose.

"Funny how life works, doesn't it?" The woman said as if the dying din of battle did not rage all around her. "A Prescript led you here to this fight. Another Prescript marked your doom." She made a gesture with her index finger before nodding to you. "As the Prescript wills."

"As the Prescript wills~" You intone happily, hefting your staff like a bat.

Your staff, glowing gold, shatters the ribcage of the Executor. And then you swing, shattering the heart behind it. Another one and the spine blows out of his back.

And the War swings your way.

The War was won. The Head acceded. And the new X Corp was christened.

And all will learn of the Skies.

Just not in the way the trespassers and natives expected.

The Sky burns. It is a tapestry that blazes azure, crimson, and emerald from manifold machinations. Around you, the broken bodies of Executors sent alongside you slide off the slippery scales into the ground below. The Sweepers will feast well tonight. Of the task force sent against the beast that dared encroach upon the threshold of the City, you remain.

Doesn't matter, you can finish this job on your lonesome.

This beast, this Sky Serpent, dared. It dared to crash down from the roof of the world, parting the skies and bringing ruin and devastation throughout the edges of the City, rolling and swiping its skyscraping body here and there as it spurts gouts of smokeless emerald flame that scorched all it touched.

A consolation perhaps, that the thousands burned died instantly.

And then there are the parasites that assailed you and the Claws. Burrowing monstrosities not unlike the things that came out of the Ruins, armed with all manners of biological weapons designed to maim and murder with varying degrees of efficiency.

Against the Claws, it's an even enough match with all dead and you remaining standing. You are wounded, true. Your neck had been torn apart thrice, and your lungs boiled by an acid spray of one of these interlopers. But you can survive that. Sadly, so can the beast survive gouges the size of train cars ripped out of its body. It's funny, honestly. You and it, fighting like it's a drunken barfight in some lowly Backstreets bar as if the Claws your weapons and the monsters its. As if nothing else is truly at stake.

But this charade ends here and now. As the saying goes, 'One will die here and the other on the way to the hospital.' You take a deep breath.

Long ago, there lived the Locksmith...

The world screamed. Your body screamed as well. For not only are you wielding power a man isn't meant to, but you're also wielding too much of it. To channel a Singularity in an ad hoc manner have consequences. Your innards become outtards as blood and brain fluids orange made their displeasure known.

That's fine.

You have no use for them now.

...and now, only the « Lock » remained.

They say that if one were to look up during The Partings, one would've seen the sight of the Great Serpent's body enveloped in a black lock, darker than the void of space itself.

One would then see the beast attempt to thrash once more, only to be
ripped apart, its resistance bisecting itself lengthwise in half, ending its reign of terror in the Sky.

One would then feel the abject despair as the divided corpse crash through the length of the City, its still living innards and parasites killing all they can touch from the Backstreets to the Nests indiscriminately.

They said that a million died in a week, as the events of The Partings and the aftermath caused a desperate battle of survival that raged between Nest and Backstreet dwellers against the alike.

And after all that, the Head said it's all worth it. So it is.

"Beholder Franc, I have worked with you for sixteen years and I think I am allowed a particular candidness."

The office room is austere. For the standards of the highest rung of the City's society, that is. Pristine white covers the room in almost glaring bright light, broken only by lines of black and gold inlaid in a pattern designed to break the monotony. All designed in such a way to keep the image that this is a room of a person unswayed by material concerns.

Ironic, perhaps, that the Trigrams of Hana in understated glories shine through. Material concerns are the primacy here, for the premier Association of the City.

Still, you reply. "Of course, President Hyun. We may speak as equals here."

He nods. "Then simply put, I have but two words." He inhales, and you can imagine those two words. "The fuck." He said two, but you stay your tongue- for he has much more to say. After all, candidness for Ryeom Hyun is the candidness for a man deep in his bottles, the red with drunkenness and fury. "What is the Head thinking? In the wake of an incident to rival the greatest of the Wing Wars, you ask us to expand our operations? To this- this Sky District idea? 30% of all Fixers died, Franc. We are stretched thin in all corners to the point the fucking Fingers decided to show in force and take over our work in earnest! You better have something to show as to why this is the case."

You nod, and a wave of your hand summons a stack of papers directly unto his desk. You then gesture, and one of the most powerful men in the City take them without a word despite his initial outbursts.

And he read them.

And he continued to read.

And you choose to hammer the point. "The Wings have jointly considered a Flight of Peace, as it were. No fights, nothing beyond standard corporate espionage and Singularity snooping, for one year."


"Material readings from the substances of the Serpent and its inhabitants. And indeed, they have the power to inexplicably enhance the Singularities of all Wings. Even to the point of perhaps being able to create new ones. When this information became disseminated, well... X Corp is raking all the Ahns from selling their Singularity, making all these Districts." You raise your hands to shrug. "Sorry to say, but your concerns are nought to them." You raise them apologetically now. "And thus, to us."

"...There's more to this." And there's the instinct of the man who rose to the spot of President. His eyes glints as he takes your sudden — calculatingly deliberate — silence as "What does the Head offer?"

"A compromise. And the reason why the Claws outside this room opted to not drag you to your doom for your outburst. It took the sacrifice of an Arbiter and eleven Claws to bring down the Serpent. Though the best of your Fixers could've dealt with it, the attrition rate would be too unacceptable even for us. And thusly..." You sweep your hand once more, and this time, one piece of paper manifests directly on his grip.

It did not take long to read, and you take pleasure from the sheer shock and paling of a veteran of two Wing Wars as he reread the paper thrice.

"Though it is distasteful for us to add colours to the City, the encroachment of impurities inhuman are worse. Thus- that paper... and more." You smile, and President Hyun couldn't help but laugh in absurdity.

Because for once, the Head's motive is for the objective good of the City.

The Airframe Amendment was released to the shock of many. The hoi polloi in the City having access to weaponry that can level buildings with a salvo? Unthinkable.

And yet, as the Sky Districts hang above their Wings and as the Sky-Monsters fell in force, no one can gainsay that these Airframes, and the newly christened Pilot Fixers, are not of worth.

And here, in the tumult of the historical moments,
you arrive—the owner of a single Airframe and the ruler of your own Office.

Alone. But then, that's how you'd like it.

But who, exactly,
are you?

Pilot Registry CharGen
[] Everyone born in the City has a name, one that their parents gave or one that person themselves use. « What is yours? »
[] Everyone who lives in the City has a gender. Or not. Or several. Humans can be whomever they wanted, and that's one freedom that the Head chooses to not take away. « But for clarity, what is, or are, yours? »
[-] Every Pilot has a Tac-Name. Unfortunately, you don't get to choose yours. But the bureaucracy has deemed that yours to be... « Pinion » It will be yours until you die.

The black-gold embossed card, one of Hana's custom order make glints with refracted light. They hit your eyes, and for the moment...

Background Vote
[] ...You see blood and the flashes of desperate struggle that led to this license card of yours. You hear the staccato of gunfire of the Thumb and the clashing of void-blades from Ring-couples. You shuffle to the forefront the memories of your bloody past in « the Backstreets of District 11 », and as you dismiss them back, you hear a shrill scream that only you can hear.
[] ...You see a masterpiece. For this is not just a card. It's the work of an artisan, one of the few who work in a special Hana Atelier making unique cards like these. It takes you back, to the times when you worked in « Lutherie Atelier » before the days the Smoke War plucked the strings of your life away.
[] ...You see neutrium-gold flecks glittering like the Stars of the City. A side-effect, they say, of the Singularity process required to create this material anomaly. All you know, with your whole experience as a « Nest Commentariat », is that this is richness quantified. And that fleeting feeling almost made you forget the phantom smell of charred and liquifying flesh latching on the core of your being.

AN: Welcome to Ace of the City. With the fact that Library of Ruina has completed its main story arc, I feel comfortable with releasing this Quest to the wild. If you have absolutely no idea about the setting, don't worry about it~ I will be guiding you through the world of Ruina as if this is an Original Quest. With that in mind, you may see properties of shows and works from beyond Ruina itself, like that of the other two inspirations of this Quest, Ace Combat and Project Wingman.

And with those out of the way, please vote by line. No plan votes please~
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At last.

man those are a lot of names I don't know

[X][Name] Twelve
[X][Gender] Male
[X][Origin] District Eleven

if we convince you to do male ace will you have the motivation to write suit woman quests 🤔
[X][Name] Edith
[X][Gender] Female
[X][Origin] Lutherie Atelier

No idea what's going on. I kind of like the last background option but I'm more sure of what the second means and I don't want to pick something based on a misunderstanding.
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Ah. And so it begins.

I won't be apart of this one, but let my post be the first to christen the march of Library Of Ruina Quests.

See you all on the other side! Here's hoping the Setting never gets stale!
[X][Name] Twelve
[X][Gender] Male
[X][Origin] District Eleven

This background involves blood and violence and I think that's all I need to know.
[X][Name] Sloan
[X][Gender] No
[X][Origin] Nest Commentariat

Sounds like there's a big mess out there, but that's that and this is this.
Codex 0: The Basics
man those are a lot of names I don't know
All in due time. Don't worry, primers are going to roll in... now. I'll keep it short and with brevity in mind for the basics

The City is... the City. The last bastion of humanity after a vague sort of apocalypse setting. The problem is that the City is a corpocratic dystopian landscape first and foremost, governed by the Heads, the three most powerful corporations in the City. It's not a fun place to live, but it's still better than the Outskirts and Ruins, which- at the most abbreviated I could say- is ten times worse than being a poor person living in the Backstreets.

Ah yes, the Backstreets. Essentially, where the poor lives and is essentially a network barely lawless neighbourhood that also comprise, at least inferred from the game, the locale where the majority of the City folks live in. No, even if you're middle-class, you get to stay in the nicer parts of the Backstreets, where it's nice and guarded by kind Fixers. As opposed to unkind parts guarded by un-nice Fingers. We'll get to these factions later.

But those middle-class bougie gets to at least have a shot of entering the Nest, an almost-arcology area where you have almost nothing to fear or worry... so long as you contribute to the society. Leeches, after all, belong in the Backstreets.

And Nests and Backstreets comprise a District, essentially a nation unto itself under the ministration of a Wing, the terminology for a corporation. But not just any corporation, a Wing is responsible for the exclusive maintenance and patent usage of a Singularity, a transcendent piece of technology that, in narrative terms, makes the setting an urban fantasy one. They range from a lot of things, like innocuous things like opening any lock, physical or metaphorical — I know, not that innocuous — or more fantastical ones, like drawing forth the mind into the real world, often times manifesting monsters than not.

And that is the sum basic of it.
The city is a place wjere many, near magical pieces of technology can be found. (Also actual magic in some rare places). All of this tech has changed nothing.

It is still a dog eat dog world. One of those miraculous techs is literal time extraction. Mostly used to sell time, to get things like "A 5-day 3 minute stew"- tastes like its been cooking for 5 days, served in 3 minutes. All thanks to T corp.

Its one where even crappy, 2 bit crooks can still have (crap quality) full body cyborg conversions (mostly by selling their flesh bodies to afford it). Where you can find just about anything for the right price

Because for all that incredible tech, its as mundane as ever. If you aint got the cash you got nothing. Its all about money in the city.

"We fought to eat each other, and in the end the stronger side survived."

That is life in the city. Fight to live, scrape up all the cash you can to survive. Because if you dont make it, someone else will.

So lower your head, dont think about tomorrow or the day after. Just make sure you make it through today.
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[X][Name] Twelve
[X][Gender] Male
[X][Origin] District Eleven

Backstreets best streets. Interesting name, though, gotta say. Feels like there's a story behind it.
Aaanyways, oh boy that was a worse disaster than the Pianist and the Crying Children put together, yikes. No wonder the Head's getting involved.
There's... what, 26 Districts? 400,000 is most of a District, and more than a million died in the first week, so... Yeah, that's an actually significant chunk of the City just dead.
With the fact that Library of Ruina has completed its main story arc, I feel comfortable with releasing this Quest to the wild.
As one Star falls, another Star will rise.

What kinds of dreams shall it illuminate over the City?

May the City stay mesmerised in its sweet dream, no matter how brightly this star may shine.

[X][Name] Edith
[X][Gender] Female
[X][Origin] Lutherie Atelier
Argument for Twelve as a name, now that I've thought about it more:

In the City, all things are fungible - all things can be exchanged for anything. Everything has a price. Food, water, air. Entertainment, pleasure, despair. Murder, violence, and desecration. The greatest evils and holy miracles, all available for the buyer with sufficient means.

It is merely a question of how much value is attached to any possession - both by the buyer and seller.

So in comes Twelve.

Twelve is the sort of man who calculates how much he can afford to feed to fuel his ambition.
Without his ambition he does not exist.​
Twelve is the sort of man who sold his first identity without a second thought.
In its place he has placed an ambition.​
This card, then, is proof that he has left Eleven behind.
His blood-soaked ambition still demands more.​