Accidental Magical Girl in Worm (AMGCYOA SI)

So if the Overcity is worsened by conflict in the real city, then the secret is to help the city and the Overcity will become better. She better make these changes quickly, we don't want to know what the Overcity would look like after Levi.
Oh but there isn't nearly Enough time. It's currently May 2nd and there's only 13 days left. (Insert Evil laugh here.)
So if the Overcity is worsened by conflict in the real city, then the secret is to help the city and the Overcity will become better. She better make these changes quickly, we don't want to know what the Overcity would look like after Levi.
Theoretically, she could try to avert Leviathan visiting by trying to cure... what-her-name Echidna.

Sadly, no eating shards that easily, and no preserving of the provided shard. After seeing its Concept, I am glad it was captured before any serious [DATA] was gathered for the Precog Shard Network to model with.

I just realized how odd it is for Uber and leet's shards to keep their connection in the Overcity. I assume that means popping Leviathan into the Overcity is innaffective, at best...
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I couldn't get any further. Instead of finishing the chapter, a bunch of other ideas popped into my head at the wrong time. I'll finish the next chapter tomorrow.

Mostly Side Stories about Cauldron
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Temper 2.3
AN: As much as I wanted to expand on this part, I don't want to spend 8 chapters on filler, so I just summarized the events. I just want to get to the exciting part so, this is what happened and Chrome passed. Next Chapter - Boss Battle.

Chapter 16 Judgment

(You have entered an unclaimed Territory)

(A territory is a location where a layline or dragons vein has awoken. Such locations have their own defenses in the form of spirits. These locations are often places that had or will have great significance to the progression of History.)

As soon as we entered the overcity for the first time since we lost the rig, Amaryllis reported something new. A territory can basically be summarized as a field dungeon. Low intelligent spirits and monsters gather at these sights like moths to a flame and high level creatures tend to fight to take over these areas due to the elemental energy that appear when the low level creatures cycle it, purifying the energy further. These sites start off as neutral and slowly change to the attributes the stronger spirits emit, transforming to match the impression the spirits have on the area.

In this case, the over arching attribute is dark, the element that is most prevalent in the world today mostly due to the lack of hope. For Brockton Bay, metal is actually the strongest element followed by fire, than light. This is probably due to the strong gangs in the city leaving an impression on the civilians. If this was about a decade earlier, It would likely have life as the strongest element because of Marquis and death for Butcher and the Teeth.

But I digress. The greatest issue I've noticed, likely because the location has become a territory is how organized the creatures have become. The shadow beasts have already set up a rudimentary night watch and guard rotation. They all walk around in groups of three. One leads the group and the other two watch the leader's blind spots. Fortunately, they only move along the tower walls in one direction with only one group per corner meaning if we can take one group out, we won't have to worry about alarming anyone else until we reach a guard tower.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the rig now looks like a pentagonal shell keep marred by age. The upper portion of the keep is excessively bright, starkly contrasting with the darkens of the lower levels. It's been modernized to match with the advancements of mankind and greatly influenced by science fiction possibly due to the influence of tinkers in the current parahuman era. If I were to make a comparison to something I recognize, I would match it with Haven from Halo for the top half and Sauron's tower for the lower half. Despite the contrast, they melded together seamlessly between levels.

The plan for taking over the rig didn't change much despite the monsters being better organized. Uber scouted ahead for the group, I held the rear guard position and Leet would take on the mid ranged offense. We would take out the guards and work our way through to the command center which happens to be on the top floor. The first step was easy enough due to the previously mentioned set up. It was when we entered the courtyard that things became difficult. Despite not setting off alarms, the shadow beasts immediately started approaching the area. It was fortunate we already had experience fighting them as we managed to clear the monsters after a while. Unfortunately, we were separated when we entered the floor, the door locking behind us, or me now.

I found myself in a long corridor with tall windows revealing the courtyard outside under the night sky. No creature appeared until I reached the end, a door depicting anything I imagined to be under the sin of Lust on the left door and virtue of Chastity on the other… I won't tell you what happened behind that door. It was embarrassing, scary and mortifying and that is good enough for me.

The next floor housed the sin of gluttony and virtue of temperance. Every monster I killed, slimes, caused me to lose strength and endurance but gain speed and perception, the returns lower than the loss. The room was filled with them and I couldn't go very far without being completely surrounded by them. If it weren't for the fact I could fly, I wouldn't have made it past the first half of the room. Unfortunately, the second half had slimes that could jump at high speeds, bouncing off walls and becoming a type of bullet hell even as the slimes from the first half joined the rest. The best I could do was endure and evade. The attacks of these creatures weren't all that high so I managed to clear the level but I had to rest right afterwards.

The third floor was lighter and covered the sin of greed and the virtue of charity. The creatures on this floor were mimics shaped like treasures. Funnily enough, if you pick up an item of high value and toss them around, the creature would move allowing you to clear the path of mimics that copy chests and doors. If you try to keep the item, however, anything within your range would first stare for a while before attacking. I kept a few things when I passed that level but not a lot.

The 4th​ floor of sloth and diligence was gray with pulsing gray lines covering the walls and ceiling. The monsters on this floor were beautiful flowers that released hallucinates, tranquilizer agents and other drugs, weak enough to shrug off relatively easily but enough to be a distraction when dealing with wind weasels.

The 5th​ floor of Wrath and Patience was the most difficult so far, dealing with being hunted by Dark Tigers in a dark room. They taunted me with near misses until I nearly lashed out on reflex but I beat them using the simple glow magic to dispel the strange shadows and impaled the tigers with spears of steel.

The 6th​ floor of Envy and kindness was filled with doppelgangers of capes like Vista, Clockblocker, Armsmaster, Uber, Leet, Dragon, Lisa, and Contessa. Fortunately for me, their ability to mimic their powers were limited to illusions and were easy enough to resist when I found out. Generally, most of the doppelgangers I had to fight were weak possibly because the only ones I envied enough for their powers to actually work despite my assurance these were illusions were only two, Vista, and Contessa. Fortunately, Contessa's powers were more attuned to battle precognition and I was able to get around it a few alterations to the terrain and Vista's powers were limited in range allowing me to attack out of reach.

The 7th​ floor was Pride and Humility and I had to fight a dragon. Fortunately I was able to meet up with Uber and Leet before hand and we took it down together. I won't go into the details but all of us had different trials until we met up. And finally, We entered the final room.

"Welcome Witch and Madmen."

In the center of the room was an angelic man wearing white and gold battle armor, a spear and a shield in hand.

"Thank you for participating in my trials." His golden eyes glimmered red for a moment.

"You have done well for yourse-" Boom

I turned to see Leet's rocket Launcher smoking. "The Smurf" he shrugged.
a door depicting anything I imagined to be under the sin of Lust on the left door and virtue of Chastity on the other… I won't tell you what happened behind that door. It was embarrassing, scary and mortifying and that is good enough for me.
Expanded chapter release on QQ when? :V:drevil::ogles::V


I appreciate condensing these events into one overview. Makes is easier to focus on the story and not be distracted by Overworld randomly generated red herrings.
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I finished 'designing' the boss. Now I just need to come up with the before and after.
Temper 2.4
AN: Finally. I get to use one of the ideas I had earlier.
Based off one of my favorite songs. Feel free to ask questions. I'll fill in the missing details that I can remember over time but I'm sure I'll miss some things.

Longest Chapter so far.

Chapter 17 Nightmare

A short while before

We had just defeated the Black Iron Dragon, a rather impressive feet that left Leet's Rail-gun completely empty, the SAW on his back at half capacity and scorch marks on his Mjolnir armor. Uber was better off, his armor mostly fine, his energy sword at 20% and his laser rifle at 0%. We each had collected some dark crystals along the way and with the converter, we were able to recharge the energy weapons with little issue. As for ammo, I could shape it using the designs provided earlier so we didn't have to worry about running out as long as I had the materials. Unfortunately we couldn't leave. The last boss room sealed shut behind us and the hall we were in deflected energy attacks. Bullets didn't leave a scratch and the windows were far tougher than they appeared making any effort to escape at this point a useless waste of energy. Forward was the only way.

"Have any idea what's behind the door?" I asked no one in particular.

(High spirits are attracted to the most prevalent element in the area, dark in this case. With a high concentration of light element in normal circumstances, it is likely the high spirit has an affinity for illusion, curse, and or blessing magic.)

"So we'll be facing a cleric or warlock?" I questioned.

"Probably a warlock." Leet provided. "When I completed the trials, the signs of battle or changes in the environment disappeared and it was only after reviewing the recorded events after the battle that I noticed inconsistencies with my experiences and what the armor said happened. Either the environment fooled my armor or I was under an Illusion and well, Occam's razor, fooling the various different sensor's is far harder than fooling my mind."

"That and the special traits of the monsters so far leaned more towards creating status effects as apposed to providing buffs. I wouldn't be surprised if we were bombarded with curses at one point." Uber was deep in thought when he spoke trying to guess what was inside but without much luck. The creature inside could be anything with any level of sapience.

"So we'll just assume it's a warlock?"

""No."" My teammates said at the same time before Leet continued. "Let's work under the assumption the creature we're fighting is capable of both. Better to over estimate the enemy than to underestimate them."

Alright" I agreed feeling a little chastised. I could have underestimated my opponent simply because I didn't consider the chance of a second element…


A sigh echoed through the room with purple flames on it's trail. The angelic form cracked and fell away revealing a demon. He was covered in a black exoskeleton which revealed periwinkle skin between the cracks. Each wing was as wide as he was tall and his prehensile tail extended a similar length. And his eyes, they glowed red leaving a trail even as a fog began obscuring the area.

"I'm surprised you didn't hesitate." The demon spoke in a gravely voice. The space in the room twisted and pillars rose, separating us from each other. "What is this Simurgh that has damaged the reputation of those light spirits? I would love to meet this creature." It narrowed it's eyes but didn't move, taking the impact of a rocket head on. Not a scratch was left showing it's durability. I followed the trail the rocket left to try and find it's origin but it twisted into a direction I couldn't process.

Smaller demons covered in writhing purple flames climbed out of the fire and began attacking. "So impatient." It said before we found ourselves standing beside each other across the room from him. "This isn't how negotiations work." He berated. "First you should state what you want, your opponent will state their wishes and then we would hash out the details. Attacking first is so boorish and signs of a base human being." It said shaking it's head. "I'll start. My name is Nightmare and I want to see the outside world with my own eyes. Your turn."

I hesitated, before playing along. "I want the Territory or at least, free passage. There's something I want to do that would require using the area here liberally.

"See it isn't that hard." The Demon smirked. "The bad news is, I have claim over the territory. The good news is, you would be able to bring me to see the outside world so we can easily solve the issue. There is just one problem. I will not follow a weakling." The purple flames increased in volume. "Defeat me and we shall seal the contract, you will receive the Territory and I will use you as an anchor to see the outside world."

"How can we trust you?" Leet asked. "You don't give off the most honest vibe out there."

(No spirit will lie though the will bend the truth a little. I recommend using a written magic contract.)

After a bit of talking we agreed to the contract.

"Good." Nightmare smiled an ear to ear smile full of teeth. "Now, show me what you've got."

The flames twisted and flame imps spawned around us, separating us from each other. Fortunately, they were weak. Unfortunately, there were enough of them to be a distraction. Not waiting for us to finishe them off, the demon cast a spell, spreading a miasma throughout the area. I couldn't stop it from entering my body before leaving and creating a shoadow of myself in front of me. Uber and Leet saw their reflections across from them as well.

I tried ignoring her and focus on Nightmare but he moved too quickly to get a lock on him and my copy, wearing an inverted version of my magic armor, intercepted me before I could try and chase, causing me to tumble off to the side as I avoided a bullet of light.

Uber was having an easier time of things, the miasma being unable to replicate his skill since that was stored in his shard. Still, that didn't make facing his doppelganger any easier since it more than made up for it with another ability, using the memories of Uber as he did trained to make up the difference. Leet just bombed the area, not waiting for the miasma to form into a figure and facing off against the demon first. The flames rose to obscure my vision from his battle and I focused on taking out my duplicate. Unlike my teammates, my clone was far more skilled than I was, doing things with magic I didn't know how to. Fortunately, she was holding back significantly, probably testing my adaptability.

If I didn't know better, I'd think I was receiving training. Scratch that, I was being guided on how to use my magic. I was picking up the skills easily, changing muscle memory into skills I can identify and replicate. Normal Mana bullets, incremental adaptations to the element and concept of metal, reinforcement, flight maneuvers, it would always stay just beyond what I could handle, causing me damage thorough out the fight without doing permanent harm even as my clone taunted me with well placed shots causing me to dance in circles.

There was mirth in the clone's eyes. After a while, the clone lost it's liveliness and it's movements dulled to something I could handle easily, the life in it's eyes fading long before the battle was over. That was odd. I couldn't be bothered to try and figure that out right now, turned to join Leet in his battle when the purple flames died down, low enough for me to see the fight continue. Uber was finishing off the imps, apparently his clone was taken down easy enough.

Leet was revealed even as the demon grabbed his rocket launcher and crushed it before twisting and swinging it's tail at him. He didn't hesitate to release the rocket launcher and drop to the ground, avoiding the attack. Uber stepped through the flames with an energy sword in hand, not a light saber but the one you would find in halo, the two prongs aiming to pierce through the split on the side of the exoskeleton while Nightmare lashed out with it's arm, stretching beyond the range it should have been able to reach. I took the chance to shoot at the exposed skin causing the him to retract his arm in pain.

"Ow," his red eyes stared hard at me. I couldn't react in time, dealing with the little Imps spawning from the flames and trying to gouge out chunks of skins. Their claws were hard and ripped through the ground like a knife through butter. He took a deep breath and exhailed a dark fog that spread quickly across the room. I felt slower and my aim, which was pretty good if I do say so myself, dropped significantly.

He kicked at me, his leg stretching the distance needed to reach me and launching me into the wall. "What was that?" I asked.

No answer was given and I felt myself weaken further, my strength returning to before my recovery, still stronger than base human but weak enough that the added strength couldn't overcome anyone a decent level of skill above me. Nightmare was one such person but fortunately, Uber covered for me. Or it would be if ht didn't seem Uber was weakened even more than I was, his movements dropped to civilian levels from his previously peak human abilities.

Leet was the only one unaffected by the penalties we seemed to have incurred but both Leet and Uber seemed to have lost sight of their surroundings, and completely forgetting about me unless I was being targeted by Nightmare. Gritting my teeth, I drew my gun and shot my teammates in the head. It was a mana bullet only strong as a flick to the forehead. "Uber, give Leet your sword." They swapped weapons now that they seemed to be able to acknowledge each other's existence and I shot the sword with a special bullet, a trick I picked up from fighting my clone. She was able to imbue enchantments into her guns or shoot the ground and make traps. I kind of mixed them up taking inspiration from a certain hitman and shot an enchantment onto the sword. Acceleration. The sword swung faster than before, severing the Nightmare's wing.

I manifested a spear and stabbed the demon in the side, missing the crack completely but still damaged it's defenses.

Before we could continue the assault, Nightmare pulled our feet from under us, Uber being the only one to manage to avoid the tail and smashing his heel into his shoulder. The demon staggered and tried to grab Uber's leg but Leet drilled into the demon's back with his Saw causing the demon to let go and cover himself with his remaining wing. Hearing the clicking of the gun, Nightmare spread out his wings quickly leaving a shock-wave that smashed the flames in the room into oblivion and causing all of us to tumble head over heels.

"Come on, you can do better than-" Nightmare taunted, the flames reforming his wing before stopping as he noticed a red beam aimed at his head.

Sighing he pulled out the contract before tearing it in half. "You pass. You better not die too soon." Right before he was hit, the contract paper burned in a purple flame and merging with the demon as he entered my gun taking the laser beam with it, his voice reverberating out from it before he goes dormant. "Stupid time spirit and her stupid prophesies. You may want to return to the real world now or you'll miss something important." The laser bounced off multiple reflective surfaces. Leet lowered the laser rifle and we all fell to the ground.
Character Sheet Nightmare
AN: I decided to cheat and give a character sheet of Nightmare
This'll be my chapter for today.

Type: Dark High Spirit
Specialty: Illusions, Curses
Weakness: Light

Special Abilities:
Price of Evil - Curse of the 7 Sins
-Gluttony - Decreases stamina and speed
-Greed - Received counter attacks deal double damage
-Wrath - Lowers awareness towards everything excluding the enemy you currently target
-Pride - Reduces Personal Stats
-Lust - Lowers Accuracy
-Envy - Reduces Ally Stats
-Sloth - Slow

Devil's Show
-Sets the field aflame (Purple flames twists light, separating the enemy so it looks like they are fighting one at a time)
-Fills the area with flame devils (Killing these will unravel the illusion you fight in.)

Victim of your Own Creation
You are forced to fight a copy of yourself. Only happens when the Nightmare Beast is on it's last leg. Replaces Devil's Show's Flame Demons.
I'm not sure it needed a rewrite, but if that is what you feel is needed go ahead. I just hope to see it in the future, good luck and stay healthy.