Sending Sapphire if only as an observer or forward picket for the two demons could have been beneficial.
Gaining experience in seeing how fleets of both sides operate could have expanded her understanding of why as a sub you don't want to rush head first into a big fight.

@Naron consider making a ship-character tab so people can keep track of the various characters and their class/capabilities. Especially if you will be introducing stuff that's not encompassed by canon.
@Naron consider making a ship-character tab so people can keep track of the various characters and their class/capabilities. Especially if you will be introducing stuff that's not encompassed by canon.
Hm. I can see how that could be useful. But I do not think the cast or technobabble will grow to a point where I need that for people to keep track of everything.

Other opinions on this are welcome, though.
Jeanne had watched and shook her head at me after the whole scene. "Just remember, Princess," she told me before sallying away. "We are of the Abyss. Giving our lives to help kill them all is our purpose. To advance the plan, to protect the Princess. I appreciate that you want us to survive the ordeal, but denying our purpose to wage war wholesale is impossible."
Honestly I'm kind of hoping to let them go to another princess permanently rather than letting them convince us to literally fight a war. I think the idea of building someplace away from the war would be nice. Plus if we make it a sort of nursery where we raise a shipgirl and keep them around until they decide they're willing to leave to fight and repeat would work nicely for the abyss' side as well seeing it's regular free high quality warships.
08. War Never Changes New
Day 67

Sapphire was back to brooding this morning. I probably should have expected that, but I actually need her in the field. Just in case any scouts come our way.

I wanted to talk to her about fighting and my stance on it, but Jeanne's words are still echoing in my ears. It is true I think differently from them; I do not think my perspective is wrong or bad, but that can easily be bias. This subject is so difficult because war is not a good thing. I forgot who it was attributed to, but I like the quote about it being a continuation of negotiations in a different form. In the end though, that does not change what it does to people. Or humans, rather.

Maybe that is the crux of it? How close or far from the human mentality are shipgirls? How far do Abyssals deviate from that? War changes humans with few exceptions. But Abyssals are born for war. The Abyss concurs with that if nothing else; they have the mental fortitude and mindset to walk through what humans would call hell and shrug it off.

Perhaps my plan to make domestic Abyssals was doomed from the start. Or it just takes more time than I have at the moment. I need to gather my thoughts and have a few words with Sapphire. Ionia and Orion are fine as per usual because they are 'civilian' models without direct combat applications. I guess I can not quite relate to them being born with a purpose in mind; humans only have the purpose they make for themselves after all.

It still feels wrong to even consider allowing anyone into battle. I already worry about Jeanne and Ariel.

Speaking of those two, Frostbite called earlier and called me insane for sending her two Demons as support; after apologising for doubting me when I said I would only send two ships, she called me insane again for making both together. I gather that this is overkill by the fact Frostbite only ever had one Demon, once, who fell when she was chased out of her previous stronghold. But as we all know: there is no kill like overkill.

I am sorely tempted to make more Demons right now, but I need to watch my resources. I absolutely will have my scientists look into upgrading regular Abyssals to Demon status, though. The Abyss itself seems curious about my rationale, but I feel it is a solid idea; if I build a normal Abyssal who ends up surviving a number of engagements and becomes a veteran, making them a Demon is prudent to make them stronger. Or if I want Demons but do not have the resources at a given moment. That one goes more for people not me with the resource cheat, though.

Either way, tomorrow I need to talk to Sapphire.

Day 68

It seems the Abyss was cooking up something as well. I woke up to a new line of tech, starting with Abyssal Conversion. Reading up on it, this branch of the tree covers converting an existing Abyssal into a Demon; upgrades lower resource expenditure and time spent, the base amount is the same seven days as a regular Demon.

That gave me food for thought as well. I needed a few minutes to consider the implications, but then I made up my mind. As much as I dislike it, I can not always keep my girls from danger; this conflict does not allow it. What I can not afford is going down the slippery slope to try and end it faster; the road to hell is paved with good intentions after all.

So I pumped the water out of Sapphire's favourite grotto and walked down there. She was sitting in a corner, decidedly not looking at me. She did not move when I asked her to come along, so I ordered her. As rebellious and upset as she may be, she did not refuse an order from her Princess.

I took her outside to the beach where we could look onto the sea. The endless cresting of waves has something calming to me. What I told her feels kind of cheesy in retrospect, so I am a little reluctant to relay it word for word. But what it boils down to is that I care more about her safety than any gains made in battle. That I hate the prospect of losing any of my girls.

She raised a good point with the twins, I admit. Maybe it was hasty, but Frosbite is among the people I want to keep around. I also told her that I made Demons specifically because they are that much hardier. That their roles were supposed to be the hammer to Sapphire's dagger. That I figured they could do with actual combat experience because they are the most likely to fight later. I also apologised for not considering her feelings.

It took me a while to actually say that; I do not apologise often.

It almost hurt to see that fledgling hope on her face. "So can I sally too?" she asked me then. Maybe I really underestimated how much she wanted it. I am normally someone who just goes along with others, but this time I stayed strong and told her no.

"Not for this engagement. We need to do some preparations first. Also, some ground rules that I really should have thought of before sending the twins out."

Her disappointment was immeasurable, but a reminder that this was no longer a complete no kept her attentive. So I laid down the law, which was basically just two rules.

First, do not die. Come hell or high water, do not die. Even if it means you can not destroy an enemy or you need to retreat, your own survival has the highest priority. No amount of defeated enemies is worth your own life. I think I grew more animated than normal when I talked about this to her, more fervent even. Perhaps that finally got through to her why I am so careful.

Second, protect your allies and work with them. No running solo where it can be prevented, no using each other as dispensable fodder. Demon or no Demon, this does not fly. I did not say it then, but if I actually catch any of my girls doing this, I will remove their battle privileges. I do not care if the regular Abyssals can be built on a factory line, I do not condone treating lives as numbers. This is a situation where I give them enough rope to hang themselves with; consequences are not stated beforehand because I want to see what they do without such a threat looming over them.

One could argue that an exception can be made for mindless Abyssals like drones, but sacrificing those just sounds like a gateway step toward becoming an asshole.

"Do you understand?" I asked Sapphire once I was done talking. She had a bit of an odd look and nodded quickly. Whether she actually understood is unclear, but I will see in time.

"Good. Then we will now convert you into a Submarine Demon."

That was when the severity of the situation started to slip. Sapphire sputtered in surprise, eyes wide and a little blush on her cheeks. She certainly did not expect that. I grinned at her little display.

"I already decided I won't go for legions of ships. Quality is the name of the game here. The only ones I produce from here on will be Demons, and you will join them, now that I have the resources to afford it."

She snapped to her feet and stood at attention. I would not have been surprised by a salute. "Yes, Princess! Thank you!"

She only came down from her high when we were at the spawn pool; Sapphire swam inside, only her head visible while I merrily dumped steel and other metals in. She was almost timid when speaking up again: "Actually, I had no idea this is even possible. Aren't Demons born as Demons?"

"It wasn't possible until this morning," I told her with some cheer, mainly about her dumbfounded look. "And technically, what you said is still true. From what the Abyss tells me, it's not a refit but rather a rebirth. You will still be you coming out, with all your memories and character intact." And if not, I will tear the Abyss a new one for lying to me.

That was when I finished with the rare metals and the pool began bubbling. "Now duck under, I'll see you in a week."

In retrospect, I am not sure to be flattered or worried about the blind trust she had in me and a thus far untested process. Maybe a bit of both. Sapphire vanished underneath and dissolved; it is a bit like turning from caterpillar into a butterfly.

I just realised I put my only scout out of commission for a week while my neighbour expects hostiles any day now. I am such a genius.

Day 69

Ey, nice!

Not much to say outside of that, though. I remembered to call the twins and tell them the rules as well; they took it with grace, but Ariel had an important question for me: how do their allies count into these? Should they flee a losing battle even if it throws Frostbite under the bus?

I had to think about that one for a bit. Like I wrote before, I like Frostbite. But I can not order her to follow the same rules as my girls. It is a special case, but an important one. When I called back, I told them in basically these words: "If it comes to this and Frostbite insists on making a stand, which I doubt, you drag her away kicking and screaming."

I really do doubt she would make such a choice, too. Frostbite survived a previous wipe by fleeing with her small core of veteran escorts. If she were the type to fight to the last, we would have never met. But at the same time, something may make her choose to face certain death if in a similar situation; expecting logic to prevail in highly emotional situations is an exercise in futility.

Day 71

I made certain to count the days until Ionia gets her candy privileges back. Almost forgot to tell her with tension running high. Then again, being presented with a piece of caramel once she returned got me that sweet little smile of hers; she seems to like the stuff a lot more than I anticipated. Just realising she can have it again made her all but glow.

Come to think of it, she also said she was craving sweets more as the days wore on. I researched this a bit today and now I have to worry. Sugar is not supposed to be addictive like tobacco or alcohol, but does that hold for Abyssals? If what I perceive as a little nudge to kill humans is a nearly unignorable desire for the others, would the effect of food they have no frame of reference for not be amplified as well?

I tried synthesizing meat based on what formulas I could find, but it just did not taste right after cooking. The only other sources I have on this island are fish and some tiny critters I do not want to hunt. And Abyssals, I guess. But I will unseal the poison gas research before I resort to cannibalism.

Maybe I can sell the concept of an infiltration unit to the Abyss, so I can get someone capable of going ashore to buy groceries. But that is such an incredible risk I am not sure I even want to try. At least the Abyss is interested in the idea.

Either way, I need to cut back on handing out candy until I can reliably make other foodstuffs to balance my girls' diets. At least nutrients or lack thereof are a non-issue because we are all Abyssals. Accidentally becoming a drug lord was not on my bucket list, no matter how well it would work to keep people dependent on me.

Maybe I am being paranoid and the girls just react more strongly because they never had sugar before, but I refuse to take risks here. Say no to drugs, folks!

Addendum: I just got a message that fire was opened in Frostbite's territory. I think I can faintly here the echoes outside, too. How nice that they have to show up overnight when I am trying to sleep.

Day 72

Today may have been the weirdest day yet. I have been an Abyssal for close to three months, but this was new.

First I was wide awake with worry for half the night, waiting for word from Ariel and Jeanne. Then the relief upon hearing they were fine, though Ariel took a few shells to her armour belt. Nothing penetrated and her escorts kept the enemy bombers away, thankfully. From how they told it, Frostbite's doctrine consists of grouping battleships in clusters of three with one designated leader, then surrounding them with escorts. Jeanne was her only carrier, but the sheer amount of planes she sent kept the opposing carriers busy enough.

They sunk several cruisers and destroyers, but their opponents fell back upon realising they were evenly matched. What they sent would have been a lot harder to fight without my two Demons in the mix; Frostbite still lost a number of her own girls. The escorts dutifully threw themselves in front of any torpedos that would have hit her battleships.

It was a dry recounting from Jeanne. Even now I have to appreciate that determination the Abyssals possess. I am not sure I have that myself. But then, neither am I 'expendable' nor am I devoid of personal experiences. Abyssals have not naturally evolved, maybe they just do not have innate self-preservation instincts? Or theirs are less pronounced. Princesses definitely have one if Frostbite is any indication.

The Abyss just tells me these instincts are optional; some Abyssals have them, some do not. It just becomes more likely as their power increases. So I was basically right.

None of this was the weird part, though; that came in the morning.

I woke up around my usual time despite going to bed at like four. Perks of being Abyssal, I guess. I even felt pretty rested, knowing Jeanne and Ariel were fine. So I went on my morning walk as always.

Guess what I found at the beach?

I can not describe the feelings I felt when I saw a small form curled up in the sand, just far enough to not be caught by the tide. First I thought it was one of Frostbite's who swam for safety, but I felt the truth about as soon as I registered her torn clothes and bruised body. That was a shipgirl.

It could have been a minute or ten that I just stood there, trying to figure out how this could happen. The constant nudges to dismantle the girl while she slept did not really help there; I kept losing my train of thought because of them. She was injured, but very much alive.

In retrospect, bringing Hydra to kill her at once would have been the prudent thing to do. Letting her live is inefficient, not to mention dangerous. Her presence will constantly rile up my girls. If she returns to her home base, humans will learn about me.

But looking down at her small form in the sand, I could not do it. Maybe part of it was spite at the Abyss telling me what to do. Either way, I picked her up and carried her inside instead. She was even smaller than I thought at first, not tiny like a submarine but definitely petite. Maybe she could have gone as a light cruiser, but I pegged her as a destroyer. I was right on that, by the way.

My mind was awhirl at the time. I did not even think about the possible repercussions when I put her in the repair bath. She must have been exhausted, not waking from either being jostled around or the warm water. The strips of cloth that were left of her rigging faded as well.

The reality of my situation hit me at that point. I sat with my feet dipped in the water for at least an hour, trying to decide what to actually do with this girl. I have no holding cells here, I do not really want to keep any prisoners, and letting her go back sends a torpedo into my operational security. Killing her was not an option either, even if I thought long and hard whether maybe it should be.

Then she woke up. After groaning and sinking deeper into the bath, she muttered something in Japanese; that was my first sign it would get even more difficult: I do not speak Japanese. Just German, English, and Abyssal via racial memories. Moreover, this girl started to look familiar.

It was a weird moment, really. When she opened her eyes to figure out who found and recovered her, we just stared at each other for a few long seconds. Then she rubbed her eyes, blinked, looked around, then stared hard at the water as if trying to solve the world's greatest mystery.

Then she screamed. It was high-pitched, with some screeching involved as well. After that it was scrambling around the room and as far away from me as possible, spreading water on the smooth floor in the process. I am not sure what she thought to achieve hiding in the corner opposite to the door, but panic makes everyone do stupid things.

She babbled questions in Japanese, I got that much from her tone. The few things I picked up through pop culture were nowhere near enough to figure them out, especially not in real-time. I had to scrounge together this knowledge to talk to her; at least she paid attention when I cleared my throat. And what I said at least cut through her panic, even if it was basically "I no Japanese".

Maybe it was the giant Abyssal talking to her in badly accented Japanese; I sounded mighty stupid there. Stupid enough to replace her panic with confusion.

We did not get much talking done after that, beyond that she speaks English and that her name is Akatsuki. At which point I realised why I knew her in particular; her hair is more black than the purple I recall and the sailour outfit was already in tatters then.

She is understandably paranoid, but also still weak. With my Demons staying with Frostbite in case of a second attack, I tabled the issue. There is still a lot to figure out and I need sleep, so I will continue this in tomorrow's log. Good night.
It will be fascinating to see how thing will progress if the shipgirl lives and returns home.

Even if nothing else of significance happens, even if the language barrier stays and relations stay distant? The girl woke up next to a Princess, patched up, and not in pieces. To literally all known logic? That's not weird, it's impossible - up there with shipgirls gaining the ability to voltron and form giant robots.
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First I thought it was one of Frostbite's who swam for safety, but I felt the truth about as soon as I registered her torn clothes and bruised body. That was a shipgirl.
So the fight wasn't Abyssal vs Abyssal, then. :/
She is understandably paranoid, but also still weak. With my Demons staying with Frostbite in case of a second attack,
Yeah, having your demons back with a shipgirl there wouldn't be a great idea.
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I, for one, am hoping that this develops in the direction of Dagon keeping Akatsuki around as a present for Saphire when she gets out of the pool. Girl wants to fight so badly that welcoming her back with a weakened shipgirl to murder is just perfect.
Since they both speak english translator tech isnt really needed.

that would be the paranoid side of mine talking. the "Akatsuki can speak English but does that mean everybody can do it?" kind of brain worm. that and it's a good way to make people think they can use their language as a "safe" way to talk with each other when in reality you understand everything they are saying.
and might be a good way to get on human's good grace by trading this tech? ease of communication is nice after all. assuming they can trust us first.
Sapphire was back to brooding this morning.

"You don't understand mom! This is not just a phase! I have to kill humanity, it is my calling!"

Maybe that is the crux of it? How close or far from the human mentality are shipgirls? How far do Abyssals deviate from that?

Yes, are Shipgirls starfish aliens in humanoid disguise or ruberheard ones all the way through?

Just because something looks similar doesn't necessarily means it's the same, it could be a mimicry or simple convergent evolution.

I guess I can not quite relate to them being born with a purpose in mind; humans only have the purpose they make for themselves after all.

And what a dreadful thing it is, to be born with a purpose, not being able to choose your life and do what you want and not what a higher power decided for you.

The only ones I produce from here on will be Demons,

All others abyssals: "Having a single demon is already a gigantic accomplishment, having two is unthinkable."

Dagon: "Oops, all demons."

Maybe a bit of both. Sapphire vanished underneath and dissolved; it is a bit like turning from caterpillar into a butterfly.

Ok, that calls for a little lesson about bugs and how reality can be way more strange than people expect (hope you aren't eating when reading this :V):

Naron clearly knows given the reference here, but did you know that caterpillars actually did completely dissolve inside their Chrysalis? If you smash one, you won't get a half transformed bug coming out, you will get mostly goop and some parts of the butterfly that have formed (or parts of the caterpillar that are still left).

Or at least that's what I remember seeing about it, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

expecting logic to prevail in highly emotional situations is an exercise in futility.

Partially because, contrary to what some *rational* fics would tell you, emotions exists for a purpose, and aren't actually that illogical.

They may be slightly out of phase due to how fast the world has changed, but they did develop with the express purpose of helping take decisions quickly and efficiently.

But I will unseal the poison gas research before I resort to cannibalism.

*Meanwhile, I am happily deciding to have my survivors be cannibals in my campaign of Kingdom death: monster because the Dream keeper campaign gives better bonuses on the side for it than for making graves when people die.* :V

At least the Abyss is interested in the idea.

Deep strike into enemy territory, of course the Abyss is thinking on it.

That was a shipgirl.

Naron clearly knows given the reference here, but did you know that caterpillars actually did completely dissolve inside their Chrysalis? If you smash one, you won't get a half transformed bug coming out, you will get mostly goop and some parts of the butterfly that have formed (or parts of the caterpillar that are still left).

Or at least that's what I remember seeing about it, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
This is roughly what I know as well. It is quite fascinating to consider, especially because the butterfly retains learned behaviours from the caterpillar stage.
Who knows? Maybe she can be bribed with sugar? :V

... Thought she would dunk her into Abby converter pool... Shame
The possibility came to mind, yes. It will be addressed in the next chapter.
Abyss flavor Ice cream that you can only get if you join Abyss side..
Make it super delicious, super sweet, etc to attract shipgirls.

Imagine the propaganda that we can make from that alone..
Honestly while I understand the safety reasons, not bringing the Re-kinda-class doggo was probably for the best, it would have likely made her panic even more.

Anyway she put herself in a pretty rough spot, if she releases her she risks a lot for the reasons already tought by the MC in the chapter, but if she keeps her when they will try to resummon her and fail, they will be even more likely to send another stronger fleet, since I think that they will assume that she's alive but stranded somewhere where she last fought.

Abyss flavor Ice cream that you can only get if you join Abyss side..
Make it super delicious, super sweet, etc to attract shipgirls.

This has some "come to the dark side, we have cookies" vibes.

*Dagon open google*

If someone will ever notice and investigate the search history of the random device accessing internet in the middle of an abyssal occupied territory, this is a great way to both confuse and terrify them.
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Even if nothing else of significance happens, even if the language barrier stays and relations stay distant? The girl woke up next to a Princess, patched up, and not in pieces. To literally all known logic? That's not weird, it's impossible - up there with shipgirls gaining the ability to voltron and form giant robots.
You have made me very sad.

I entered "shipgirl voltron" into google and came back with no images.
Well, its not on QQ, so it won't go how I'm familiar with it going anyway.


For real though, there's no way this doesn't end in tears, its just a matter of who's crying at the end of the day.


(Also I can't find any of those images with the DesDiv6 going away shot by shot until Hibiki is the last one)