Arc 1-3
Arthur's right hand fumbled for his spear for a moment before grabbing the haft. The eyes drew closer in the stillness of the night as he jumped up, grabbed a small twig, and threw it on the low-burning embers. Arthur did not look to see if the branch caught fire as he pilled on more branches in a barely controlled frenzy as the thing drew closer. His heart was pounding and his hands were sweating, but he did not stop his task. He had glanced at the thing once, and that had only made him work harder as it slowly and surely came closer still.

The wood that he had thrown upon the fire began to glow within the pile as it began to catch. Arthur gripped his spear and stepped between the thing and his family. His mind screamed at him for answers to what this thing was; another part was telling him to flee and run, but Arthur did no such thing. There were numerous reasons for him to flee or stay, depending on what that thing was. But those were the justifications and distractions of the mind. The truth was that his family was in danger, and he was their only protection, so he waited for the monster's approach.

The blue flames that had hung in the air disappeared when the creature was halfway into the clearing when the wood caught fire and flames began to lick the air. Casting light into the dark like brief moments of clarity, the beast stopped, unsure of the steadily growing circle of light that allowed Arthur to catch a glimpse of the thing before it backed away from the light. Arthur's vision blurred for a moment; he vomited into his mouth, and his mind just simply refused to acknowledge what he had just seen. Spitting out the sick his mind trying to comprehend the monster he had got a glimpse of.

It was as if the thing were the opposite of natural, an un-thing—something that a sane and reasonable world would not allow to exist. The beast stalked along the edge of the circle of light, trying to find a way in but failing to do so. Arthur was thanking the ancestor serpent as he followed the beast's eyes with his. As it moved, it never stopped looking at him. The seven orbs slid along the edge, their only movement being the direction they were moving in, which was where the beast was prowling.

Arthur lost track of time shortly after that; all of his attention was on the thing stalking outside the camp. He was very glad that his family had set up camp near the lake. for it prevented the monster from approaching the sleeping forms of his parents and sister.

The beast then abruptly stopped and just looked at Arthur, its swirling eyes looking past Arthur at the fire, which prompted him to look at it. Arthur's heart leapt into his throat. The fire began to dim; it had not yet become embers, and he had used up most of the firewood, but it would not be long now. He was sure dawn was approaching, but he could not be sure. He could try to wake his father while there was enough light.

His eyes settled on a long branch with one end in the fire and the other end sticking out of the fire; he could use that as a touch and drive the beast off. Then he remembered that while he had been gathering herds with his mother, they had gathered a dozen large spark shrooms, so-called for the very flammable stalks and sap that burned for a long time. Your clan makes use of these to start fires, and it is very useful to sabotage supply wagons and making incendiary weapons.

He could tie that to his spearhead and ignite it, but he had a hunch that it would not go well for the monster to be stabbed with a burning spear. The only problem is that he could ruin his spear and be left helpless. But he had to do something now.

[ ] Throw the remaining wood and anything flammable on the fire and pray for dawn to come

[ ] attempt to Wake your father up you have the time to wake your family you really should have done this but you were panicking unwilling to take your eyes off the beast but now you know you can

[ ] grab a branch from the fire and attempt to drive the monster back into the night as it does not seem like fire

[ ] Special skill proc Herbalism: using the spark shrooms you could set your spear alight. It is weary of fire, so what will happen if it is pierced by a flaming spear, something it does not want to get close to?

A/N ok I found a programme called Quillbot that checks grammar and other things here's an example of your skills getting you something special for example if you got rather gather herbs than got him near a cooking pot he could put poison in it or a laxative as long a non-magical plant can do it then it rising the skill give Arther better options and how to handle more dangerous plants atm he's options are a bit crude and limited
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[x] Special skill proc Herbalism: using the spark shrooms you could set your spear alight. It is weary of fire, so what will happen if it is pierced by a flaming spear, something it does not want to get close to?
[x] Special skill proc Herbalism: using the spark shrooms you could set your spear alight. It is weary of fire, so what will happen if it is pierced by a flaming spear, something it does not want to get close to?
i just realised that i cant write the update until Tuesdays do ill leave the voting pen till the hopefully getting one more voter
[x] Special skill proc Herbalism: using the spark shrooms you could set your spear alight. It is weary of fire, so what will happen if it is pierced by a flaming spear, something it does not want to get close to?
[X] Special skill proc Herbalism: using the spark shrooms you could set your spear alight. It is weary of fire, so what will happen if it is pierced by a flaming spear, something it does not want to get close to?
[X] attempt to Wake your father up you have the time to wake your family you really should have done this but you were panicking unwilling to take your eyes off the beast but now you know you can
Didn't expect to run into horrors beyond the mortal realm so soon in a quest, but here we are. Two sets of hands are better than one, and our dad is way better at combat than us.
[X] attempt to Wake your father up you have the time to wake your family you really should have done this but you were panicking unwilling to take your eyes off the beast but now you know you can
Didn't expect to run into horrors beyond the mortal realm so soon in a quest, but here we are. Two sets of hands are better than one, and our dad is way better at combat than us.

The voters did vote for a mystery box but some boxes are not meant to be opened if Arthur survives this then you are getting exp as Arthur really could have died
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Arc 1-4 ( the blade went snicker snack)
With great haste, Arthur rummaged through the satchel. Using some wire that he found, Arthur tied the spark mushrooms to his spear, occasionally looking over his shoulder at the creature; the beast had not moved its swirling eyes and just looked at the fire, waiting for it to die. This unnerved Arthur; if it had been raging, stalking, or doing anything else, Arthur would have minded less. But this was creepy... It only served to reinforce his belief that it did not belong in this world. Arthur quickly turned back and focused on the task at hand. Once he had tied spark shrooms to his spear, he rose and strode over to the fire, all the while keeping the monster in his peripheral vision. If the beast reacted to his movement, then Arthur would like to know if it moved during this critical stage of his plan.

"Ancestor Serpent watch over me," Arthur muttered, not letting himself pause so as to not let the doubt of his current course of action lead to hesitation. In one quick motion, he thrust his spear into the heart of the fire. The spark shroom caught fire almost immediately after removing the burning tip from the fire. The spear's burning tip was engulfed in flame, and the edge of the flames was green from the mushrooms' particular properties. In that same moment, he had already turned and had begun to advance upon the beast at a dead sprint. The creature, who amazingly had not moved and had been content to stare at the dying fire, now began to look at him, its eyes sliding toward him. Now perceiving another source of light and warmth that may prevent it from attacking its prey, it moved to investigate.

Arthur was only a dozen steps away from the beast, but he didn't notice; he had caught a glimpse of the beast's body, which had made him instantly sick. Knowing this, he did not want to know what seeing its true form would do when illumined by his burning spear. As a result, he would close his eyes at the last moment. hoping that the flames of his spear would harm the creature, pinning all his hopes on this throw of the dice. Even if it cost him his life, Arthur would gladly die so his family would live.

Just when he reached halfway to the creature, Arthur closed his eyes and let fate guide his aim. So when Arthur felt his spear connect, he had no way of knowing it had entered the leftmost eye, but he certainly noticed his spear being ripped painfully from his hands. A moment later, Arthur felt the beasts' scream more than heard it. The wave of unsound shook Arthur's very being, sending waves of nausea blasting through his mind. It was like his entire being was being crushed under a stampede of horses. doubling him over in disgust and reaching as the bitter tang of blood entered his mouth. He fell to his knees as his vision grew spotty and darkness began to encroach upon his vision.

By sheer fortune, this saved his life, as something clipped him on his back, sending him tumbling. Arthur felt his shoulder pop, causing him to scream in agony, and the subsequent tumble was excruciating. Arthur did not know if he blacked out for a moment, but he did not remember some of it.

His roll stopped somewhere, near the edge of clearing his mind and on the brink of shutting down from the pain and nausea. Even as he teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, he could hear the beast's wail growing fainter and fainter until nothing could be heard. It was either dead or had fled from Arthur, who lacked the strength and will to celibate because his world was nothing but pain and nausea, clinging to the world of awakeness by a thread.

However, just as the wail had gone, a new sound broke the silence: the crackling of a campfire and the sound of insects chirping. Arthur, who was on the verge of passing out, was relieved to hear his mother's tired voice. That, in the name of the ancestor Serpent, inquired as to what that noise was, which quickly turned to his name. Then it grew more urgent, and the sound of running footsteps got closer to him. The strong hands of his father lifted him up while his little sister Aria asked his mother if he was going to be OK. Arthur, who had kept watch and stood watch against a terror from legend, blacked out, knowing his family was safe.

You earn 100 exp for surviving and 50 for injuring the monster total of 150 exp to spend

[ ] spend yes

[ ]Spend no

If so on what

[ ] might

[ ] vitality locked until conditions

[ ] Perception

[ ] instinct

[ ] Spiritually

Skills spend exp on skills

[ ] skill Spear rank novice exp to next rank 50 ( Arthur has some knowledge on how to use a spear but he has only put one foot on the road to the top)

[ ]herbalist skill allows for proper identification of herbs allows healing actions of some aliments injuries Rank novice exp to next rank 50 ( with some coaching from his mother Arthur knows how to use herbs to treat injuries also she taught him a bit on how to treat battlefield wounds)

Choose interlude

[ ] a serpent watches

[ ] an Empire marches

[ ] a new enemy

[ ] those who seek

A/n You only survived due to good choices and the Serpens freakish vitality you could not have killed it if you had waited it out then you would have just survived but your family would have lost most of their stuff herbalism really saved you this fate. Walking up to your father could have led to the option of gathering more wood while he played bait or you could kill the jabberwocky if you then woke your mum up then you would have had the flaming weapons and your father would have deduced its scream to be debilitating as he would have a higher instinct then you as Arther's little look at it would have set off the old mans brain into gear.

I hope i the update makes sense and is not cludgy

Anyway enough rambling time to go to bed
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Hey, we lived and now have a long-term goal, getting our spear back.
[X] spend yes
-[X] instinct (50 exp)
-[X] skill Spear rank novice (50 exp)
-[X]herbalist skill ( 50 exp)
[X] a serpent watches
I feel like this is an even spread for skills, and since we have enough exp we might as well spend it to level up spear and herbalism.
[X] spend yes
-[X] instinct (50 exp)
-[X] skill Spear rank novice (50 exp)
-[X]herbalist skill ( 50 exp)
[X] a serpent watches
vote ends in 12 hours also that comment about me liking a serpent watchs was bad gming and ill not say what I like again as I feel like it influenced the vote
i think ill be closing the vote you guys should realise you could have spent your exp to upgrade 4 stats instead of 3 oh well your choice
looks like we are going for combat medic hmmm I can work with this
Interlude A serpent watches
Mist rolled over a pure white ground and sky in one location. It was a featureless landscape, with only the mist as a notable landmark in the endless white that stretched from horizon to horizon. But that did not make the place uninhabited, as within the mist were two deep green eyes with dark slits. The eyes appeared to float in the mist, unmoving as the mist coiled and shifted, forming images and figures in almost perfect three-dimensional detail.

One of the images depicted a man in a tent reclining in a chair in front of a long table. The man was dressed in a purple shroud-like cloak, with a hint of white denoting the colour of his other clothes, which were visible through the cloak's gaps. His seat was a gilded, ornate chair. The chair was in the shape of an eagle, whose wings formed the arms of the chair. Its jewelled eyes gazed over the man's head, its beak screaming in defiance.

The table was surrounded by other men in armour polished to a mirror sheen. All of them were looking at a map and discussing its contents. Their helmets were placed on the table, each with a red crest. Then, as if a hand had passed through the image, the scene shattered into mist before reforming into another scene.

The mist reformed to show a group of a dozen cloaked figures approaching a forest; the trees seemed to be bowing in sorrow. Each of the figures had a simple pendant with a slightly translucent pale gem on the end.

The most important thing was the one carrying a long pole embedded with the same gems but only on one end. The air around the pole seemed to act like it had a localised heat haze following it and its wielder. The lead figure then began to turn its head as if looking for something. The green eyes narrowed slightly at the cloaked individuals who were now looking around for something before the image became misty again. A new image formed, showing a woman tending to a young man who was lying out on a sleeping mat. She was being aided by a girl who was soaking rags and passing medical herbs to the woman. Another part of the image showed a man talking with a dozen other men, all of whom were armed but relaxed. But their faces were concerned about the topic they were discussing.

The image faded instead of shattering, leaving nothing but the eyes and the roiling mists. There was silence for a while that stretched inexorably on before being broken like a thunderclap.

"So it will be like this then," said a melodious and resounding voice that travelled to the horizon, its tone musing to itself before settling into a solemn whisper.

"Events are moving towards their final outcome as the seekers scrabble for scraps Fools and the empire plots the downfall of the clan." The bearer of the eye continued to mutter inaudibly. The voice then rose once more into audible words.

"It will be up to young Arthur, then hopefully we will be able to meet because you are not prepared for what is to come child."
A/n sorry this was a bit vague but I can't reveal too much at all I say is that you glimpsed something important and something is coming please comment as I really do not know how this interlude comes across
It's good for what it is, but as you said it's too early to be anything but vague. It's a good first glimpse into the brewing major events.
Arc 1-5
Arthur was floating in a completely black void. He felt like someone had said his name, but he had heard nothing. He groaned, attempting to open his eyes before closing them again as the midday sun seared into his vision. It was far too bright, and he was comfortable; he was about to go back to sleep when there was the sound of running feet and a sudden, intense weight.

"Big brother!" Aria cried out, leaping atop him and tightly hugging him; the sudden falling hug caused Arthur's eyes to snap open, exposing him to full daylight and making him wince. Arther hugged her back with one arm half-heartedly knowing what came next.

"Mom was so concerned that you were hurt outside the camp and..." Aria continued to babble as Arthur tuned out his sister's waterfall of words and his vision began to stop blurring. Arthur's mind then caught the last of his sister's words.

"Since you're awake, I'll go get mom," she said before leaping up and dashing away. Arthur could not help but smile to himself; the little constrictor still had the energy to spare. As he lay there, the memories of his encounter with the monster returned to him. If he had not stopped that monster, then he and his family would have very likely been dead or worse. He, of course, wanted to believe that it had been a dream, but that was wishful thinking.

Like the rest of his clan, he was practical and not prone to denial that something otherworldly had attacked them. And the fact he had killed or driven it away was a salve to Arthur's nerves, while he now knew the world was much more dangerous. The monster's memory, still fresh in his mind, of those multicoloured eyes staring at him, made him shiver and tense his muscles reflexively. But he could not plan for such monsters; it had been terrifying. But if he could do more lessons with his mother, given her knowledge of herbs. and more training with his father, he could train to fight without relying on his sight; he could beat them if he prepared for the future.

He would have to carry a fire starter with him at all times, along with some sparks and wire, so he could have a weapon against further attacks. as something deep within him told him that this would not be the last time he would meet one of the beasts of its ilk. Arthur mentally nodded to himself as he formulated a plan from what little information he had gained from the confrontation. He would also look for stories about other monsters to see if they had any weaknesses that he could exploit. He had to be prepared as if it had happened once, it could happen again, and even if such creatures were rare, he refused to put himself, his family, and, by extension, the clan, at risk. It would be very irresponsible to leave such things to chance.

Another thought came to him in his mind the same way a drop of water hits a pound. Would his parents believe him if he said there were otherworldly monsters roaming the earth? And would any of his clansmen believe him?

He grimaced at the thought that it would be hard to explain to his parents, let alone convince them. His people and most of the continent, including his parents, did not believe in monsters or spirits, as no one had seen them, so they must not exist. Arthur's current state put an end to that theory, but if no visible injuries were present, it could have been caused by an animal attack or stepping on a poisonous plant.

The sound of steady but firm footsteps interrupted Arthur's musings. Arthur turned his head to see his mother approaching with a steady stride. Arthur attempted to sit up, but his body seemed to respond sluggishly When his mother arrived, she gently but firmly guided him back into his sleeping mat. There were a few silent minutes of her checking his health. Arther did not say anything, as it was clear to him that his mother wanted to speak, which she did, breaking the shroud of silence.

"My child, it's good that you've healed, but please explain how you got three long gashes on your back and why our previous campsite had tracks of an animal that neither my husband nor I could identify," his mother said, her gaze boring questioningly into his eyes and her voice slightly colder than usual. Arthur internally flinched; his mother was enraged, truly enraged; he had been on the receiving end once and did not want to be on the receiving end again.

He wanted to tell her what had happened that night, but doubt wormed its way into her mind about her believing him if he said it was a bear or that he had gone for a pee and was attacked then. However, if he lied, his mother would know something and may direct her ire towards him, and I he told the truth, she would be rightfully angry.

On the other hand, he had a strange hunch that his mother would believe him if he told the truth. Arthur opened his mouth and told his mother.

[ ] Tell the whole truth

[ ] He was attacked when going to the toilet and did not get a good look as he struggled. full lie

[ ] part of the truth Arthur will say he was attacked by something with seven eyes, discounting the otherworldly aspects.

[ ]Write in

A/n hope you guys enjoyed this as I had to really fight this one I hope it does not come across as wooden on another not that ill not be able to write as often going forward as ill have obligations that take all-day