Are you a Boy, Girl, or Other

  • Boy

    Votes: 29 59.2%
  • Girl

    Votes: 11 22.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
[x] A Fair Amount of Seed: Eat your fill
[x] Aidan eats a Berry: Its works for Pokemon, why not Me?
[x] Explore: Your in a new area, a graveyard: Steal from the Dead, they don't need it, YOU DO

I'm glad someone else already did my vote of choice so I only had to put in minimal effort!
Thanks random internet person!

As for names...
I think we all know that the only proper name for our magikarp is obviously Mr. Fish.

And ifwhen the patrat joins us, we should name it something appropriate.
Like DeadMau5.
Yes, I do want to make this a thing.
There is no greater joy than finding the best reference to name your pokemon by.
[x] A Fair Amount of Seed: Eat your fill
[x] Aidan eats a Berry: Its works for Pokemon, why not Me?
[x] Explore: Your in a new area, a graveyard: Steal from the Dead, they don't need it, YOU DO
[x] A Fair Amount of Seed: Eat your fill
[x] Aidan eats a Berry: Its works for Pokemon, why not Me?
[x] Explore: Your in a new area, a graveyard: Steal from the Dead, they don't need it, YOU DO

Pat for the Patrat?
Naming and Discovery: BAD END
Well, hello everybody. It's that time of the week again, where we vote for all the important moments of our little megalomaniacs journey to the top, or bottom really, of the underworld of crime. Now, the Winning votes are....
(X) Eat your Fill, (X) Aidan eats a berry, and some light grave robbery. This'll turn out great! Now, on with the chapter.

Chapter 5?: Can't get Worse than This

As we return to our Villians in the making, we find Aidan trudging behind his newly made friend Patrat, desperately hoping to escape the graveyard his first battle had landed him in.

"Okay Patrat, are we almost to the exit? Night is beginning to fall, and I REALLY don't want to be in a dark cemetery with ghosts about." Aidan asked the small staring creature slightly desperately.

He was of course keeping the fact that he had given almost the entirety of the seeds to the Patrat, fearing both that the Pokemon would mislead or even abandon him in the spooky area if there were no more.

And that would help no one.

Not to mention the fact that he had been following the Patrat, who he was now just going to refer too as Pat in his head for convenience, for what felt like hours, and was starting to feel hunger cramps.

And what was he supposed to eat? He gave the cooked seeds to Pat, he didn't have any canned food left, and it didn't look like their were any bird Pokemon that he could find and cook flying about.

That only left him with Mr.Fish, the Magikarp who he finally got around to naming, and the few random berries he found when he was bashing said fish into trees as he walked.

'So, bony fish that would leave me without protection of any kind, or random forest berries.' Aidan judged in his mind.

Yep, had to go with the berries. And they DID look kind of appatizing. The ones he found the most of were the same general size and Color as a tomato, but had spikes growing off of its body.

'It wouldn't grow in such a popular area unless something could eat it, right?' Aidan thought, mind now focusing on everything that could go wrong.

What if it was poisonous? What if he died here? Would he be a ghost? Would he notice? WHAT COULD GO WRONG!?!?!

Aidan quickly slapped himself to get his mind back on track.

He was in the middle of what seemed to be a stupidly huge graveyard on the latter edge of dusk, with barely any food but a semi(hopefully) useful fish, a tiny amount of seeds that we're going to be his ticket out of here, and some questionable berries.

At least that way, he wouldn't starve to death.

Mind now made up, he stopped for a moment to get the berries from his pack, prompting the Patrat to turn around finally to see what the strange food-giver was doing.

Taking the surprisingly firm berry in hand, Aidan took a moment take a deep breath, before closing his eyes and taking a large bite, missing Pat's wide eyed look of surprise.

Aidan took a blink of shock as he let the berries juice flow into his mouth. It actually wasn't bad! Not the greatest in the world, it was a little bitter, but certainly edible!

This was just growing on the forest path! No wonder so many Pokemon gather there!

As Aidan quickly scarfed down the rest of the berry, and was going for the second one, he was stopped by a strange sensation. It felt like...Fire.

Like a fire welling up in his stomach, rising up his throat, and quickly reaching his mouth.

"Haaaaaaa........IIITTTTTTTT BBBBBBUUUUUUURRRRRRRNNNNNNNSSSSSS!" Aidan yelled in pain as he literally breathed gaots of fire into the air.

"SO DAMN SPICY, HOW DOES THIS EVEN EXIST!??!" Aidan tried to yell, but could not past the burning feeling in his body.

He flailed around, bashing and smashing into everything around him, at several points burning the trees and even Mr.Fish a little as he tried to douse the fire in his gullet.

Finally, after what felt like millennia, Aidan reached a river, and began to drink deeply from it, uncaring of little att Rd like if it was fresh water or not.

"GASP! Oh Arceus, why does that exist! WHY did I do something that STUPID!" Aidan yelled at himself as he finally brought his head above the water. And it had been stupid. He tried an unknown berry he randomly found in the woods with no antidotes or other medical anything around him, and then had to be for the nearest source of water, which might have just gotten him FURTHER lost.

"CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE!" Aidan yelled out at the sky, just wanting the day to be over.

"Gahemm" came a voice from behind him.

Aidan quickly turned around to lambast the person who had snuck up on him, only to quickly pale in shock as he saw what looked to be a hoard of ghost types, ranging from Yamasks, to Cofigrigus', and even a few stray Ghastly.

As he looked beyond them and saw what could only be described as a half burned and crumbling field of gravestones, Aidan could only weakly gulp and hesitantly raise Mr.Fish.....only to r Alize he had been dropped in the panicked search for liquid.

Aidan could only think one thought, as the soul horde pounced on him.

'Huh, so that's how it could be worse.'

End of Chapter

Well.....It seems you've all reached the First Bad End! I'd give you an achievement for that if I could! But, yes. As you can see, this is a Bad End, brought about by either half-assed decisions, or poor choice skills. Also traps. Lots and lots of traps. Hell. This isn't even the Bad End I though people would get first! The first one I had was if you chose the Speed training for Mr.Fish. He would have drowned ya.

But, hey, he Didn't! So good job! And here are your new options for the Good End

(X) Follow the Pat, He'll Lead you Somewhere

(X) Go Your own Way, the Grave can't be THAT Big, Right?

(X) Loot the Graves, Seriously

(X) Contact!

Also, the berry Aidan ate was a Tamato berry, which is one of the spiciest berry in the game and show, supposedly.

That is all folks, see you next week, and I hope you all find the TRUE ending by end of this fic :).

Till Then.
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[x] Follow the Pat, He'll Lead you Somewhere

Pats are totally trustworthy.

Btw, @Virgo with cheer - the standard voting format for SV quests uses the brackets [], not parentheses. That format is for the tallying software, though.
[x] Follow the Pat, He'll Lead you Somewhere

Pats are totally trustworthy.

Btw, @Virgo with cheer - the standard voting format for SV quests uses the brackets [], not parentheses. That format is for the tallying software, though.

Ah, thank you Slain! I was not aware of that. I will start doing that with updates from now on.
Follow the Pat: the First Hoard
Hello hello helloooooo~ everyone! So, the time has passed, and so few of you have voted! That makes me sad, but at least it was a fairly close poll! And if you (again) can't tell from the chapter title, the winning vote was [Follow the Pat]. Yep, you follow the small rat Pokemon with no hesitation, ignoring the tantalizing treasures resting near those odd shaped rocks, and the odd building-shaped shadows in the distance. Now, LET"S START THIS THING!

Chapter 6 True: Where we are, But not Why

'Okay, this is getting ridiculous.' Aidan thought as he dragged himself through what had to be the thirteenth bush in just as many minutes.

Why did the little rat keep cutting through the most painful parts of the forest? First it was through that river(which gave him a strange, dangerous feeling) through a tree hole that somehow lead out a cave, and now through what felt like a mile of thick, spiky bushes. Was this really the only way out the grave?

Aidan shook his head to rid himself of any doubts as he finally finished getting the thorns out of Mr.Fish. if there was any plus to the situation, the travel at least made great progress with his pain resistance and defense.

"Kaarrp-Karrp!" 'Thank you pain giver, for this, you die last!'

Once again taking his eyes off the fish, Aidan quickly eyed pat, who had just turned around for a moment to make sure he was still following him.

"Haaaaa. What am I thinking, of course this is the right way. If i go in one direction far enough, of course i'll leave the graveyard." Aidan mumbled to himself as he braced himself for the distance to come.

Pov Change: Pat

'Is he still following me!?! Why is he following me! He gave me those tasty nuts, I pointed him in the right direction, and now he won't leave me alone! Does he want something? Does he want to eat me!?!' Pat thought worryingly as he kept a fair pace ahead of the tall one.

'He followed me through the the stream, ducked through my secret cave, and even went through the Thorn Forest! WHAT DOES HE WANT!' Pat thought, growing more and more frantic as he once more glanced over his shoulder and saw the tall one.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to Pat once he saw where he had lead the tall one, prompting an evil grin to grow on his face.

Pov Change: Aidan

'Awww, what a cute little smile! He must be telling me we're almost out of the forest!' Aidan thought, feeling his hope rising once more as he walked past some oddly shaped rocks.

Pat suddenly stopped dead in the path, in front of what seemed to be the opening to a clearing. The little rat then turned around, and let loose a long set of chitters and squeaks, before pointing towards the right side of the clearing.
'Through here is a way out...but you must go through the One-that-is-Many'

Aidan teared up a little as he gratefully thanked the small one for leading him out of the forest, and was once more cursing the fact that he had no pokeballs to catch the little one with. However this thought was quickly taken from his head as he watched the Patrat run back nto the bush.

Aidan wiped his eyes, knowing that he would always remember the Pokemon who helped him, and then made his way into the clearing, and safety.

As he walked into the clearing, he took note of the fact that it There was no wind blowing, no bug types making noises, or Flying types going through the skies above. It was..eerie.

Aidan readied Mr.Fish, hoping that nothing would happen, and slowly made his way to the center of the clearing, now taking note of the various signs of rubble littered around the clearing. Something had happened here, but he didn't know what.

Then, he heard something.

Who goes there?

What was being said? Who was speaking? it seemed to ring out through several areas and levels, like multiple people speaking as one.

Who are You, who disturbs Our Slumber?

"What? i can't hear you! Where are You!' Aidan yelled out to the clearing, hoping it was not as bad as he expected.

'SPirit? To-Tom-spir'
Cannot hear Us? very well. We shall be Louder.

"SPIRITOMB!" The voices cried out as a dark purple haze leaked out of the rubble surrounding the clearing, before forming a circular looking body with a wicked grin, flicking eyes, and what looked like a ring of green flames going around it.

"You who have Awakened Us, Perish and Become One!"
The spirit/s cried out as it flung itself at Aidan.

Aidan could only do the one thing he could. With all his might, he swung Mr.Fish at the Spiritomb....

Only to hit the ghostly apparition and send its green lights scattering across the ground.

Aidan looked down in disbelief at Mr.Fish, who seemed to be flapping around in joy at living another day.

Then, Aidan heard a weak voice call out from one of the closest green orbs around him.

"Wh-what jusssst Happ-ppened?" The voice sounded slurred, and slow.

Aidan quickly gathered himself together, seeing an opportunity.

"Ha! Puny Spiritomb! You have fallen to the Great Aidan, and his partner, Mr.Fish!" Aidan gloated, clearly taunting the defeated Ghost.

"However" Aidan started, suddenly switching tones, "You may be weaker than us, but I could make you Strong. I could make you Greater. So, what do you say, will you join me?" Aidan said, as he crouched down to look at the small Will o' Wisp, hoping to play on its pride.

"Sppppri...Tomb. Sprirrirto-spi-tomb."
"Hgnnnn. As much as it pains Us, We Shall Join you. But be Aware, when We Become Stronger than You, We Shall Make You One of Many"

"Heh, well I guess I'll just have to stay stronger than you." Aidan said with a smirk.

"Now, pull yourselves together, and lets get out of this damn graveyard." Aidan said as he got back to his feet and brushed his pants off.

"Very well....Master. But this is not a graveyard. This was a human village before a child carelessly brought Our Stone Here."

Aidan paused as he took in that information.

"Well....Neat." Aidan replied after a while, not sure how to reply to that statement, and instead just started walking around to gather the other Wisps around the clearing.


Welp. That's a wrap on this update people. Our Pat has deserted you, hoping that you would be brutally murdered by an Abandoned Spiritomb who had destroyed the local human village. And now he's all yours! So I'm hoping for some great names, and plenty of votes for the next segment. Now, CHOICE!

[Find a path: Reach Civilization: Finally get the F*ucking Pokeballs]

[Find some people: Avoid Insanity; I'm Starting to Understand the Pokemon!]

[Wander and Forage: I'm stuck anyway, might as well make it worth it]

Also, is NOW LEVEL 56. It's Everstone thread!~ let's see how long it'll take for Aidan to realize that little fact :)
So, see YOU all next Thursday! And college starts next week! Yay!(Not quite Yay)

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[X] Wander and Forage: I'm stuck anyway, might as well make it worth it
Seriously guys, I'll overlook it this time becausw we got some sweet loot anyway, but if you do this to me I'll be very upset.
[x] Find a path: Reach Civilization: Finally get the F*ucking Pokeballs

Gotta spread his shenanigans to civilization.