[X] plan: putting things in order
Good to see a SW quest with an interesting premise. I'd love to see one set in way back in the Old Republic during the SWTOR timeline (that actually gained track), but this is a very promising take.
@Killerflood a couple questions regarding this AU. Given that Bane's Order of Two never went into effect, Palpatine either didn't exist or simply remained a Nabooan politician, correct? I'm guessing that some of the Banite Sith Lords were Sith here as well or at least Dark Siders, but many others would have never started using the Dark Side.
I'm assuming that the other options we had for setting are untouched now that we're working mainly in Korriban for now, yes? If that's so and Empress Teta ends up unifying the Core Worlds under its rule, we'll probably end up clashing against them as the other big Galactic power sooner or later.
Also, how are you planning on running this AU, Legends verse or New Canon? Because boy, I decided to create a doc file for interesting bits of lore and stuff for a SW RP here and there are a ridiculous amount of stuff that could be used for flavor and interesting options to bring the quest. Even if some of them may not exist due to those 1000 years of chaos, there should be still plenty left to plunder for the quest.
And the fact the Sun Crusher and other similar retarded bullshit are neatly eliminated is a plus.