This looks really intereting! I'm not sure a twelve hour memorandum is required at the very beginning of the quest, though, those are for when you've accumulated a large player base and have complicated enough decisions that they need mandatory time to communicate about it. Right now, it's better to have the quest pick up momentum.
I'm going to leave this open until Friday night, 21:00 CDT. Please poke me around that time or else I might use it as an excuse to "forget" about the quest ... :oops:

Hopefully not, but I don't have much faith in my own ability in this regards. Like @LonelyWolf999 said, this quest will need momentum more than anything.
[X] plan: putting things in order

Good to see a SW quest with an interesting premise. I'd love to see one set in way back in the Old Republic during the SWTOR timeline (that actually gained track), but this is a very promising take.

@Killerflood a couple questions regarding this AU. Given that Bane's Order of Two never went into effect, Palpatine either didn't exist or simply remained a Nabooan politician, correct? I'm guessing that some of the Banite Sith Lords were Sith here as well or at least Dark Siders, but many others would have never started using the Dark Side.

I'm assuming that the other options we had for setting are untouched now that we're working mainly in Korriban for now, yes? If that's so and Empress Teta ends up unifying the Core Worlds under its rule, we'll probably end up clashing against them as the other big Galactic power sooner or later.

Also, how are you planning on running this AU, Legends verse or New Canon? Because boy, I decided to create a doc file for interesting bits of lore and stuff for a SW RP here and there are a ridiculous amount of stuff that could be used for flavor and interesting options to bring the quest. Even if some of them may not exist due to those 1000 years of chaos, there should be still plenty left to plunder for the quest.

And the fact the Sun Crusher and other similar retarded bullshit are neatly eliminated is a plus.

Palpatine does not exist. Butterfly effect in the tune of ~1000 years allows me to say he was never born. The Banite Sith Lords never existed as Bane and his apprentice only managed to pull off a mutual kill against the Brotherhood of Darkness' returning Coruscant expedition. Bane was strong but surely numbers and firepower can at least do that. Any remaining Force empowered Sith and/or Jedi were killed during the Crisis which both Ruusaan and the Battle of Coruscant were only the beginning to.

Yes, if Empress Teta manages to do well in its rolls, it has the possibility to unite the Core. Of course, the others will be seen as actual entities and will thus be rolled for as well.

Legends. The New Canon doesn't have any backstory (that I know of) to it yet like Legends does. There's also the fact that all of the New Canon takes place around a half century either side of 0 BBY which is itself ~1000 years since Ruusaan. Since that's all been butterflied away, there's nothing of the New Canon left to use other than maybe something from Rebels which I have not watched the new comics which I have not read.
[X] Plan Stabilization and Reconstruction

Mostly because I find the construction tab of the other plan lacking. We can't make more than one corvette per turn (8 IND/corvette) and the planner is expanding our yard to produce two per turn. Since I'm playing Total Wars lately : Shamefur display.

EDIT : I would upgrade -[ ] Enlarge Small Vessel Yard (Builds fighters/bombers): +1 production capacity. Cost: 100. Upkeep: +50. Time: 1 turn. Pauses unit production.

While the Corvettes are the most upkeep efficient (and should be the core of the navy of a power with a small economy), the bombers are the most cost efficient way to deal damage on the higher tonnage ships (well, higher than corvettes). Thus, having the capability to rapidly put them out there in case of emergency would be swell.
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Votes Closed. Plan "putting things in in order" has won.
Adhoc vote count started by Killerflood on Jul 6, 2018 at 10:21 PM, finished with 28 posts and 13 votes.