A Cluster of Stories (Five Star Stories Inspired Quest)

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Knighthood, Mechas, and Space. The tellings of a Mortarheadd pilot.
Chapter 0 "The Beginning of Fate"

For thousands of years, humanity has flourished and explored every and all corner of the galaxy. But that is not the humanity of this story.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the height of humanity's civilization. The scattered remains of humanity now squabble in isolated clusters of the galaxy. But humanity carries on.

The Justinian cluster is the beginning stage of our story. A cluster where duty, loyalty, and knighthood are values that have persevered throughout thousands of years.

Wars are fought with mortarheadds, powerful machines piloted by headliners and co-piloted by fatimas. The first are the descendants of genetically engineered super-soldiers, the only ones capable of handling the speeds and force of piloting the mortarheadds. Fatimas are similar in that they have superhuman computation abilities and interface with the mortarheadd's systems to make them able to function.

Headliners, fatimas, and mortarheadds are all incredibly valuable resources in warfare. Their fates are inextricably linked to the duels they will fight, the wars they will be called to join, and the losses they will suffer.

You are thus fated to join the ranks of the elite warriors of the Justinian cluster and share in their fates.

This is a headliner + mecha quest, now this is a series that is pretty much forgotten and I know I won't hold a candle to mister Mamoru Nagano but here it is. It won't be at all basted on the Joker cluster of the original manga, mostly because it is untranslated and there isn't a reliable wiki with the information necessary to seamlessly run one. As such, this will be a sort of approximation to that.

The Stars Welcome You

901 JY

849 JY - Skirmishes between Qascha Republic and the Duchy of Visivios take place for mining rights. Many expect it to be over within days.

850 JY - Arqi's skyline crumbled as the buster cannon relentlessly pounded, reducing the once-thriving city to ruins. Terrified civilians' cries mingled with the destructive roar. Post-carnage, a somber general assembly convened among the planetary nations of Sura, hearts burdened by the aftermath.

851 JY - The Knights of Surajul descended upon Visivios, embodying hope for the beleaguered Western Coalition. Led by Grand Master Yevgeniy VI, they swiftly and lethally dismantled the ducal guards, leaving Duke Leposme III to meet his fate on the battlefield. The Solis Imperium protested the knights' intervention, besieging their fortress on Kotsun. The planetside nations stirred, sensing an impending storm.

855 JY - Scarred by a decade-long civil war, Queen Etena XV ascended the throne of Helios. Through a strategic marriage, Helios and Solis formed a formidable alliance, posing a significant threat to its enemies in Sura and Kotsun. Amid whispers of manipulation and political machinations, chaos ensued. This alliance, bolstered by their Sura allies, became the Aethran League.

861 JY - President Carzanchi's demise during the Voxelii siege forced Baron Cintrill to sign the capitulation of the coalition. Remnants of the Western Coalition found support in Lucacci. Supported by the ancient Valqiss kingdom, perched on a moon orbiting a gas giant, they defiantly resisted the encroaching war tide.

865 JY - Aethran League's buster weapons ravaged Luccaci's cities, leaving behind unimaginable devastation. Millions perished, lives snuffed out by merciless firepower. Yet, the war persisted as Ekravan Holds abandoned neutrality, aligning with the Remnant Coalition, determined not to surrender.

866 JY - The Aethran League's advance halted, exhausted or lacking skilled pilots. They retreated to their domains in Kotsun. In their wake, Etena XV's untimely demise sparked a succession crisis, leading to the Holy War within Solis Imperium and Helios. The "Black Flowers" conflict emerged, born of fanatical heretics and feudal conflicts. Mercenary Black Knight Oedivios and others sought to carve their own domains within the weakened Aethran League.

875 JY - Lucacci, once unified, crumbled under ecological disasters and population loss. The federal government sought refuge, leaving warlords, mercenaries, ambitious nobles, and budding republics to dominate the planet.

885 JY - The war of the "Black Flowers" favored Helios. A fragile Helios-Solis union formed, while the Aethran League disbanded. Internal conflicts consumed nations, preventing further warfare.

892 JY - The Holy Iovian Empire rose from Sura's ashes, expanding ruthlessly, leaving suffering in its wake. The Union of Helios and Solis became the Empire of Neu Solaris.

897 JY - Tzinxani Republic and a revived Qascha formed a coalition against the oppressive Iovian Empire. The war raged on.

899 JY - Grand Master Yevgeniy VI fell in battle against Duke Casimir Leposme IV, marking the Great War's official conclusion. An official treaty followed, and headliner and mortarhead numbers dwindled due to the toll of prolonged conflict.

900 JY - King Maximilian's ascension in Valqiss united representatives from major nations in a moment of peace. Queen Augustina continued governing on behalf of her young son.

901 JY - Born into a hard-won peace in the Justinian Cluster, your destiny awaits.

Your birth marks the beginning of your destiny. While it may only be the start, it can't be denied that the world that you will live in will shape and mold the experiences that you will have throughout this world. But more importantly, for now, we must know in which of the four main inhabited planets the fates have decided to put you in.

Planet of Sura:

Sura is a lively planet with both tropical, temperate, and alpine climates. The natural rough geography of Sura lends itself to the creation of many small nations and states. The great war ravaged this planet with genocides and massacres that changed the culture of Sura forever. However, there are still a plethora of regional powers with the premier power being the Holy Iovian Empire which holds over 40% of Sura. Other countries of note include the Tzinxani Republic, the Duchy of Visivios, and the Qascha Republic.

Holy Iovian Empire: A religious empire based on the worship of their deity called the Father. Out of all nations in the cluster, it is the most hierarchical and stratified by social class. It is ruled by Emperor Eustace I, an old man who was once a mere general of the republic of Hedesia who seized power after killing his superiors at the head of a coup. His visions are thought to be the result of toxic poisoning in the aftermath of a battle with the Knights of Surajul.

Duchy of Visivios: Ruled by Duke Leposme IV, grandnephew of Leposme III. He is a capable military commander and headliner pilot whose feats of bravery during the Great War won him admiration even amongst his foes. Visivios is a stratocratic society, focused on pragmatism. Technically a vassal of the Holy Iovian Empire, it pretty much acts independently from it without reprisal.

Qascha Republic: A nation centered around the city-state of Carachan. With a strong republican and patriotic history, it has also suffered due to warlordism in the aftermath of the death of President Carzanchi. General Tallan has managed to bring together the disparate warring factions of Carachan to build a somewhat stable but militaristic autocratic republic.

Tzinxani Republic: A republic centered around the city-states of Chilida and Azad. It is ruled by a council formed out of the finest families of its respective city-states. While also keeping some democratic values. Coherent and cohesive, it is one of the most well-functioning republics in the cluster.

Planet of Kotsun:

A world that has just transitioned into its glacial age. Geographic features of the planet include ice floes, snow-capped mountains, and frozen seas. However, around the tropics and equatorial areas of the planet, it is actually quite temperate. During the Great War, it was mostly controlled by Helios and Solis, with scattered nations and petty fiefdoms spread throughout the planet. Now with the Neu Solaris Empire, most of the planet is a vassal or an independent fiefdom, though it leans towards the latter due to the Black Knight Wars.

Neu Solaris Empire: Originally an empire comprised of Solis and Helios, the Black Flower Wars drastically shifted the makeup of the empire. The surviving nobles are far more conservative and they try to uphold the knighthood of its headliners to a higher standard than most after its repeated crimes during the Great War and the black flower wars. Because of these ideals, the empire actively recruits and trains new knights regardless of noble blood. Thus, making the Neu Solaris Empire a meritocratic empire with a distinct emphasis on the values of knighthood.

Black Baron Fiefdom: One of the many independent fiefdoms in Kotsun. Many mercenaries that once fought for the Aethran league have formed their own sort of confederation around the fringes of the Neu Solaris Empire, they are harsher and more militaristic. In truth, they have been building up their strength to fight the Neu Solaris Empire ever since they started to consolidate. The black baron fiefdom is a decentralized mercenary organization, they fight for whichever pays them the most and tend to be ruthless on the battlefield.

Neu Solaris Vassal: A collection of Vassals that swear allegiance to the Neu Solaris Empire. They can range from petite kingdoms like the Kingdom of Malakhim to vassal cities that hold large amounts of influence like the City-State of Kosaka. Whatever their form, they are subordinate to the will of the emperor of the Neu Solaris empire but generally are granted greater autonomy than most.


Once the economic and cultural center of the cluster, now barely a shadow of its former self. Its technological advancement and infrastructure have taken a major blow since the Great War and the Black Flower Wars. In the aftermath of the collapse of the planetary government, countless warlords and mercenaries have laid claim to various sectors of Lucacci, forming their own domains. While the Federal Government of Lucacci is technically still active, it's unable to govern anything outside of the capital region.

Federal Government of Lucacci: The wealthiest families of the wealthiest city-states of the core of the Confederation banded together to defend their holds even with the destruction brought by the Aethran League. A sort of meritocratic oligarchy arose out of the ashes of the Great War to create a more centralized state that was slowly recovering from the Great War.

Mercenary Warlord/Lords of Lucacci: Countless mercenary groups have made their way to Lucacci seeking their own personal glory or to make themselves rich. Most of them do so through the raiding and looting of civilian towns and cities, leaving behind devastation. However, a few have become relatively benevolent warlords, raising their own armies from the peasantry and creating their own domains.

City-States: Small, but autonomous city-states exist, for the most part, they are governed by a small elite or benevolent dictators. They trade goods, recruit headliner mercenaries, and offer services to outsiders. There is no standard city-state structure, meaning there's no way to categorize each one. Some pay lip service to the federal government in hopes of receiving aid when they are attacked.

Home of the Ekravan holds. A desert planet with harsh environmental conditions, the holds were a remnant of the original settlers of the planet that went into orbit after a major catastrophe. Religious to some extent but also harsh and traditional in nature. It is the only planet where orbitals are somewhat inhabitable due to a stable asteroid belt above it.

Ekravan Holds: Formed out of small fiefs and domains around the ring of asteroids of Al'yed, these are feudal territories ruled by different lords and nobles. Due to their harsher environment, the people have to live in space habitats deep within asteroids. Naturally, their headliners often suffer in their abilities from the lack of gravity, as such, they have the most strict and harshest of programs for all those who show the ability to become headliners.

Al-Asqar Empire: The grounds of the planet are held in part by the empire. A sultanate with a warrior caste that legitimizes itself by defending against raids from the Ekravan Holds. Their sultanate is led by Sultan Said ibn Mahfouz, who relies heavily upon his aides and prime minister.

Valthran Confederacy: A coalition of the tribal clans that control the territory of the planet. Although they are nominally at war, they aren't unified enough to properly conduct any war efforts. Instead, they settle conflict through duels, with the winner taking all.

Kingdom of Valqiss: Named after the moon in their domain, the kingdom of Valqiss is ancient with a long history of fighting off invaders. In fact, it's rumored to be the first settlement in the cluster and perhaps the origin of humanity. The rulership is currently held by the Regency Council and Queen Augustina. Their population is generally considered to be more genetically pure, with more headliners coming from this small kingdom than from some larger ones.

Pick One (But feel free to vote for more than one of these nations)

Planet of Sura

[X] Holy Iovian Empire
[X] Duchy of Visivios
[X] Qascha Republic
[X] Tzinxani Republic

Planet of Kotsun
[X] Neu Solaris Empire
[X] Black Baron Fiefdom
[X] Neu Solaris Vassal

[X] Federal Government of Lucacci
[X] Mercenary/Warlord Domain
[X] Lords of Lucacci
[X] City-States

[X] Ekravan Holds
[X] Valthran Confederacy
[X] Kingdom of Valqiss
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Chapter 1 "Broken into a New Sun"
[X] Neu Solaris Empire​

The imperial capital of Trelumburg
The newly constructed Sonne Imperial Palace can be seen in the distance

"May all burn, but Kotsun."
Tyrrscher vas Ferstium III of the Solis Imperium

The fateful words sent one of the ancient superpowers of the cluster into a war that would see it become the infamous enemy of three worlds. A dozen legions of the empire and its vassals chanted in unison while welcoming the mobilization of its true strength against the world. Everyone from the highest of lords to the lowest of knights was overcome by a feeling of great righteousness when they spoke these words in praise of the most divine Emperor and his peerless Imperium.

The weight and terror felt by the people of the nations of the Suran coalition were at least comparable when they heard these words. Even those who had not seen the legions of the imperium, but simply knew their reputation were frightened and shocked by this turn of events.

The first to depart were the Verkodes Knights with their famed Corzeigs Mortarheadds. The Corzeigs were crafted meticulously by Meister Ludger. From its swiftness and overwhelming strength to the menacing yet somehow graceful design, the Corzeigs were undefeated against every foe it had faced. They were amongst the elite of the Solis Imperium just below the knights of the imperial household.

It would be their lightning strike against the forces of General Asqanchi of Qasha that would wipe out its third knight corp would see them cement their reputation on the first day of Solis's arrival to Sura.

The Solis legions were the strongest military force to ever assemble in the Justinian cluster in the last few centuries. It took generations of careful genetic breeding and a powerful martial code to produce an army so mighty.

Two of its knightly legions would besiege the fortress of the Knights of Surajul, The Palatinates of Traus, and the Vitals. These two legions were composed almost entirely of famed Silver Bloods and would bring death to the fanatic Surajul knights.

One could go on and on, about the legions of the Solis Imperium in the first fifteen years of the war, back when the codes of conduct and galactic rules were still respected in earnest. By the time of the marriage between Emperor Tyrrscher vas Ferstium XIII and Etena XV of Helios, there was almost none that doubted that the Aethran League guided by Solis and Helios could not succeed at a task of total unification.

But those who did doubt the capabilities of the Aethran League were right. The invasion of Lucacci, for better or worse, woke up its stagnant and hedonistic knights to the realities of war and its terrible consequences. While they suffered the onslaught of the Solis legions, under the leadership of headliner ace and hero Dorrian Yllin, they drove back the invaders at the battle of Medara, known infamously today as the "Solis' Desolation." where many knights of Solis and Helius would be encircled and killed one by one by the headliners of Lucacci. Empress Etena XV attempted to rescue her tutor Alexandru Belun in that battle, only to face Dorrian Yllin and his prototype karokite-powered mortarheadd. Etena XV survived the encounter with grave injuries that would begin a chain of events that would lead to one of the darkest eras for Kotsun as a whole.

Emperor Tyrrscher was outraged after the battle of Medara, driven outraged he commanded that a legion be sent to raze the entire republic of Sirach to the ground and it did not disappoint in its savagery. Angry at the injuries sustained by his wife or perhaps with hurt pride, the actions of Emperor Tyrrscher were answered quickly by the Luccaci Federal Army. Banned buster weaponry was used against the Aethran League's armies for the first time as Luccaci exterminated 30% of the Imperial Legions and made many lose the lives of their headliners in short battles, including some of their best aces and knights. The ecological damage was seen as acceptable by the Congress of Lucacci to hopefully bring the Aethran League to peace negotiations but instead, they only added fuel to the fires of anger.

On the 725th day of the invasion of Luccaci, Emperor Tyrrscher ordered all of his ships in orbit to deploy their weapons against the planet as revenge. For thirty minutes, the buster weaponry of the Solis Imperium was unleashed on Lucacci's major cities, dozens of millions died and the entire economy of Lucacci was plunged to its lowest point since the inception of the Confederation.

The greatest cities of the planet such as Magni, Amadea, Venezia, and Veii were incinerated with a few meager pockets of survivors. The entire cluster was witness to a barbarous event never seen before. But before the 2nd wave of buster weaponry could be unleashed on Lucacci, the ship of Lord Marsek Tudelaia de Braves named "The Divine Lady" detonated her reactor next to the Emperor's ship, killing off the Emperor, his ministers, and many of the most elite headliners of Solis in one move.

It is no surprise then that the invasion of Luccaci was called off a mere week later, just as Prince Frederick vas Ferstium-Elainstre was announced as the heir of the Throne of Solis...but that is a story for another time.


You are born in the Neu Solaris empire where the Black Sun of the West and the Blue Sun of the East have finally merged together. Twenty years into the rule of Emperor Frederick II vas Ferstium-Elainstre, the imperial house lived under a period of relative stability after devolving much political power to the kingdoms, dukedoms, and fiefdoms within its borders. Instead, of a more direct rule like its predecessors it relies on the indirect ability of its headliner knights to uphold the will of the New Sun through a strict code of conduct known as the "Valiant Code".

This code demands much of its knights and enforces its will through a myriad of knight orders willing to remove those who disrespect the code. Those same knight orders also compete for recognition and prestige by the imperial crown.

Many of the headliners of Neu Solaris are actually from a newer generation, as the ranks of the veteran knights of Neu Solaris dwindled to precarious levels after the Great War and the Black Flower Wars. However, despite the younger age, this is a generation of headliners and knights who recognize the shame of Lucacci as something to not be repeated.

But, one shouldn't assume that there are not many among this new generation of headliners, or "Sunless", who desire power beyond what is granted by the crown, willing to dishonor themselves just to enrich their families or sate their desires. Especially those with ties to the Black Barons at the edges of the empire.

Though long are the days of the Silver Bloods' supremacy over the title of knight, it can't be denied that the houses that remained are very careful in who they accept into the ranks of headliners. Even if one possesses the capabilities and the genes to be a headliner, the weight of a bloodline, reputation, and proper schooling is more important to being accepted as a headliner to most heads of these old families. The meritocratic dream of Neu Solaris may be a pragmatic approach to a problem, but for many, it remains a dream and those from prestigious houses still prefer those from similar pedigree.


For the character creation, you will be allowed four phases beginning with this one. Character creation this time around will be dice-based. You will begin with 5 points and for each phase, you will gain 1d10 or 3 points (whichever is highest) at the end of each phase so you will only know how much you rolled in the next phase. In each phase, you will be allowed to go into negative points. If you end up with negative points after rolling you will have to select flaws or story challenges based on the traits picked in the previous phase to compensate.

So now select the status that the headliner will be born into. These will affect the narrative options for the next phase so take that into account.

Pick 1

[X] Commoner: You are born a commoner, probably in the rural areas of Neu Solaris. While not many headliners come from the fields, they are often seen as undisciplined and lacking in honor by most headliners. The struggle begins right from the start. [0 Points]

[X] Bourgeois: Born into a city with access to privileged education is already something quite good in the empire. This allows you to have a foot in the door to enter the meritocratic race of the empire. However, many of the upper houses may not look so kindly upon another Bourgeois upstart. [2 Points]

[X] Landholder/Knight: Respected but minor landholder families still populate much of the empire. While not all of them have headliner blood every generation, they are still a source of noblesse in the empire. [4 Points]

[X] Noble: Born into a family with more than a few centuries of history in the empire or with equivalent prestige, nobles are the ones who often get the chance to show headliner talent, while also holding combat knowledge and techniques they can pass to their descendants. [8 Points]

[X] Imperial: The imperial family and the cadet families of the Neu Solis Empire are in this category. They hold some sway and privilege among other nobles of the Empire, the families of the royal line are held to the highest standard of conduct, as they are the "pillars of the sun", and will be under watch by the nobility and other houses the moment they step into public life. However, the traditions of the imperial families and cadet families can open many doors. [12 Points]

Region: The Neu Solaris Empire is divided into three major regions, the Solis core which encompasses the region around Kosaka and Dren, or more simply the western region. The landscape is roughly temperate to Alpine with the mountain regions containing mines and large hilltop cities like Dren being quite important. It is the most ancient of regions, with millennia of history in the cluster.

Next comes the Helios region, the old home of the Helios republic and now extinct kingdom. Its main industry has been that of agriculture and mining for a long time, but it is far more known for its emerald knights that retained an acceptable code of conduct during the Great War even under the leadership of Solis. The landscape is predominantly forest and temperate weather makes it an idyllic environment to live in.

Then, there's the Central Region of Graffos, an evergreen landscape with cool weather that serves as the connective tissue between Helios and Solis. Mostly inhabited by new houses and knight orders, it lacks the prestige of the other regions but keeps growing in influence due to a position central to transportation within the empire. As it is right at the center of the empire and is the largest region of the three, it also borders many of the Black Baron Fiefdoms on its northern and southern end. Turning its borders into conflict zones from time to time.

Last and perhaps almost forgotten by most, is the off-world island of Kryvas in Sura. A leftover from the Great War, the kingdom of Kryvas has sort of silently assimilated into the protection of the Neu Solaris Imperium after the rise of the Holy Iovian Empire. Led by a veteran from the Great War, Black Knight Wars, and Black Flower Wars, the forces of Neu Solaris continue to hold to this territory even after the three wars.

Pick 1 Region

[X] Solis

[X] Helios

[X] Graffos

[X] Kryvas
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[X] Commoner: You are born a commoner, probably in the rural areas of Neu Solaris. While not many headliners come from the fields, they are often seen as undisciplined and lacking in honor by most headliners. The struggle begins right from the start. [0 Points]

[X] Kryvas
[X] Landholder/Knight: Respected but minor landholder families still populate much of the empire. While not all of them have headliner blood every generation, they are still a source of noblesse in the empire. [4 Points]

[X] Helios
[X] Graffos

I choose landholder so that at the very least we won't be sabotaged immediately by the nobility, should we start making ourselves known and strong/skilled.

Either Helios or Graffos is fine by me.
Helios would help give us positive reputation if we play our cards right.
Graffos will allow us to climb through the ranks faster through constant conflict.
[X] Landholder/Knight: Respected but minor landholder families still populate much of the empire. While not all of them have headliner blood every generation, they are still a source of noblesse in the empire. [4 Points]

[X] Kryvas
[X] Noble: Born into a family with more than a few centuries of history in the empire or with equivalent prestige, nobles are the ones who often get the chance to show headliner talent, while also holding combat knowledge and techniques they can pass to their descendants. [8 Points]
[X] Graffos
Alright, I will be closing the vote in about 2 hours. If we are still tied then it will be up to the dice.
[X] Landholder/Knight: Respected but minor landholder families still populate much of the empire. While not all of them have headliner blood every generation, they are still a source of noblesse in the empire. [4 Points]

Starting Location: 1d2
Kryvas (1) vs Graffos (2)

Shall also be rolling for the points of the next phase. Max of 1d10 or 3 points.
Murtox threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
Murtox threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
Chapter 1.1 "A Tale of Flowers"
[X] Landholder/Knight: Respected but minor landholder families still populate much of the empire. While not all of them have headliner blood every generation, they are still a source of noblesse in the empire. [4 Points]

[X] Graffos

*To not repeat names the emperor's name for Solis has been changed from Maximilian to Frederick.

"Swear to me knights of Solis and Helios! You will bring honor and discipline to our people"
The speech of Emperor Frederick I before the battle of Floyda in the Solis region.

The seemingly unstoppable advance of the Aethran League was put to a stop in Lucacci and with it, any hopes of the rapid unification of the cluster were put to rest. An unofficial cease-fire followed, the Federal Government of Lucacci had lost the hero of Medara, Dorrian Yllin during the orbital buster barrage and was now scrambling to reorganize itself, attempting the best it could to salvage what remained of the planet.

A combined legion of Solis and Helios would stay garrisoning the beachhead of the League in Silras, where they would wait for reinforcements for a renewed offensive in vain.

Having lost its most important member, but not its teeth, the combined forces of the Kingdom of Valqiss and the Clans of the Ekrava engage the forces of the League in their home system, constant raids have to fend off and a pair of legions are sent to Al'yed's orbitals to bring the fight against the Ekravan nuisance.

Meanwhile, the League is witness to the coronation of Emperor Frederick vas Ferstium-Elainstre. Son to Emperor Tyrrscher III and Etena XV. The hopes of the nobility of Solis and Helios are put into this young king, the hopes of Kotsun finally being united under a single crown.

A regency council governs the nation led by a scarred and almost broken Etena Elainstre XV. The loss of her husband and her knights and mentor still brings tears to her eyes to this day. She will keep it up as best as she can for her people, but grief and trauma are no friends to leadership.

An investigation follows into the cause of the core explosion of Lord Marsek Tudelaia's cruiser, with the title of "Argentus" his loyalty to the Helios dynasty is unquestioned but the nobles of Solis take haste to demand that the house of Tudelaia be dishonored and its domain forfeited to those willing to serve the empire with its entirety.

The houses of Helios oppose their action in the council. The Solis ministers led by Sir Isarhen Eyvandem a Silver Blood of the elite rank of Merkurs Blade lead a boycott of the regency council due to a belief that the houses of Helios are protecting a kingslayer's family.

With forces deployed in all four cluster systems, the Solis and Helios alliance began to experience strain throughout all fronts. Raids far more easily pass into Kotsun, leading to the destruction of the Fatima factory of house Heideck, the ancient factory that was capable of manufacturing high-quality fatimas at an astonishing rate is no more. The mood around the League turns sour as the future looks grim.

Meanwhile, Emperor Frederick vas Ferstium-Elainstre begins to be tutored by Legendary Blademaster Kateryn Magne. Her legend through the defeat of countless headliners in a duel is beyond any discussion. Even more surprising is for her to appear after having refused to enter the service of the Solis emperor for more than a century. Soon after, Queen Etenna XV Elainstre dies due to medical complications in her regeneration process.

Finally, an investigation led by the Helios knights uncovers the conspiracy against the Solis Emperor by the cult of the Black Flower, they claim that all dynasties in the cluster are false successors to the true ruler of the galaxy. Their ideology centers around a weird form of demonic worship in combination with extreme technolatry and fascination with biological engineering. Led by Sir Valden von Scherzan, Sword of Solis, they advance towards Trelumburg just as the legions of Solis are recalled to Kotsun. The Black Flower wars begin as the first mortarheadd is sighted on the horizon of the city.

Blademaster Magne and her fatima Jehanne engage the cultists in their ancient mortarheadd the Mortaeus, the loyal and powerful machine of the legendary blademaster is an unwelcome challenge for the fanatics, as its attacks overwhelm and batter the mortheadds of the Black Flower cult. However, Magne is felled by Sir Valden von Scherzan after defeating twelve elite mortarheadds. Her death allows the young Emperor Frederick to escape the city.

Knight Legion "Lugent" of Solis and Helios is unable to return home from Lucacci due to heavy fighting in the last doomed counter-offensive of the Federal Armies of Lucacci. They will stay and form small domains on the foreign planet.

The status of "Holy War" is conceded to the Black Flower conflict by Archpriest Fuchsa of Kotsun. But this will do little to change the nature of the conflict as all houses of Kotsun pick a side between the Regency Council and the coup by Sir Valden.

It will take 19 years of conflict for the Black Flower Wars to end and they will be fought concurrently with the Black Knight Wars against mercenaries and the opportunistic vassal kingdoms of Kotsun. A grown Emperor Frederick vas Ferstium-Elainstre will kill the last cultist together with his tutor's fatima, Jehanne, on the 55th day of the year 885 JY. It is revealed that the Black Flower cult was created by an ancient but faulty AI core with a "Napoleonic Complex".

Though the empire survived these three conflicts, it was now economically devastated, its glory brought down, and its morale at its lowest. Its once-legendary twelve legions strong headliner corps, leaving it only with the Palatinates of Traus and Helios's own Emerald Knights. The Empire of Neu Solis is born out of necessity and practicality, though the houses of both Solis and Helios are severely weakened the bond of war has tightened them against an uncertain and terrifying world, where they have lost their status of superpower of the cluster.

In the year 899, Emperor Frederick died due to a genetic condition, making way for a new emperor, his son will be crowned Emperor Frederick II. The reforms and legacy of Frederick allowed the new young emperor a relatively tranquil transition. At age sixteen, another emperor must face a new era in the history of the Neu Solaris empire.


Born into the lower nobility of Graffos in the year 900, but peace doesn't entirely reign in Kotsun. Graffos is by far the largest province of Neu Solaris, made up of dozens of dukes, margraves, counts, barons, and landed knights. The reason for such decentralization in Graffos lies in the high casualty numbers amongst the higher nobility during the Great War and subsequent wars. When once it was almost unheard of for headliner knights to own land and manage it, now it is commonplace in the region with no lack of rivalries and competition amongst them to rise through the ranks.

Unsurprisingly and as another consequence of the war, even meisters of Fatima and Mortarheadds have been granted noble titles, with a few bureaucrats, businessmen, and merchants managing to squeeze in, though with little headliner prowess of their own.

By nature, headliners are forced to contend with the roll of the dice. Their fates are decided, in part, by their genetic closeness to the supersoldiers of the ancient galactic empire. Some will grow to resent the martial fate that awaits them and there is no shortage of headliners that retire early on to get away from all of it.

Lineages themselves are prized genetic codes of ancient armies, conquerors and madmen. But not all is latent talent in the headliner business as you will soon grow to know:

You have 6 Points. Remember you can go into debt, but if your points are negative after rolling for the next phase you will have to take flaw traits.

Main Lineage

Pick 1

[X] Diluted: The ancient supersoldier genetic code barely flaunts itself within you, your body will struggle to adapt to the demands of mortarheadds and the quick fast combat between headliners. [0 Points]

[X] Latent: The average in the cluster, just enough to make your physical attributes ten times higher than the baseline humans of this era. Most headliners can be considered to belong to this category. [2 Points]

[X] Meritorious: The complexities of the ancient empire's biological prowess begin rearing its head at this level. Though not by any means necessary to reach an elite level, a single aspect of your biological makeup is strengthened. From a long lifespan to strength, reflexes, or easier learning of complex techniques. [4 Points]

[X] Exemplary: At this point, your genetic makeup rivals the families that have carefully cultivated and nurtured the original genome for many generations. You can say you are part of a chosen few. Many of the elite headliners across the cluster, especially those amongst Silverblood houses, fall under the Exemplary lineages. [8 Points]

[X] Chevalier: Almost entirely exclusively to the lineages of emperors. You are far more likely to be born with a lifespan in the centuries but also takes time to master your body's capabilities. Though, there is almost little doubt of greatness within the Chevalier expect a life of duels and maybe even loneliness in your future. [12 Points]


Pick up to 2

[X] Meister: While most headliners are capable of maintenance and modifications to their own mortarheads, it is only those with almost an unnatural precognition of either the complex biological or mechanical natures of mortarheadds or fatimas that can achieve the status of legendary "meister" of this craft. While this does not make one a genius artisan or scientist by any means, the raw precognition of it is required for true mastery. [Fatima or Mortarheadd Meister][4 Points]

[X] Fated Fatima: Your bloodline for one reason or another is tied up to a fatima that has served your ancestors for centuries or perhaps only the last generation or you may be yet to find them. Regardless, when a headliner and a fatima are in tune not only together but with their own mortarheadd, they are turned into a very lethal team to any average headliner. [4 Points]

[X] Diver: Though generally considered freaks of nature, Divers are a different breed of supersoldier of the ancient galactic empire, instead of defeating their enemies with their bodies they do so with their minds. Though the average diver will be hard-pressed to go against a single headliner, some those of legendary power are said to be able to defeat dozens. They are often spies and agents to higher-than-life characters. Though you don't have the full roster of diver powers, you will be able to learn to apply this power to gain an edge in combat. [3 Points]

[X] Beautiful: Even as genetic modification made people of the past and present rather beautiful, this goes a step above and beyond. Turning you into an androgynous beauty, that is beyond the ideal standard of their society. Whether that's a boon or bane remains to be seen. [3 Points]

[X] None
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[X] Exemplary: At this point, your genetic makeup rivals the families that have carefully cultivated and nurtured the original genome for many generations. You can say you are part of a chosen few. Many of the elite headliners across the cluster, especially those amongst Silverblood houses, fall under the Exemplary lineages. [8 Points]

[X] Chevalier: Almost entirely exclusively to the lineages of emperors. You are far more likely to be born with a lifespan in the centuries but also takes time to master your body's capabilities. Though, there is almost little doubt of greatness within the Chevalier expect a life of duels and maybe even loneliness in your future. [12 Points]

Let's make the most talented character so either Exemplary or Chevalier is fine.
[X] Exemplary: At this point, your genetic makeup rivals the families that have carefully cultivated and nurtured the original genome for many generations. You can say you are part of a chosen few. Many of the elite headliners across the cluster, especially those amongst Silverblood houses, fall under the Exemplary lineages. [8 Points]
[X] Diluted: The ancient supersoldier genetic code barely flaunts itself within you, your body will struggle to adapt to the demands of mortarheadds and the quick fast combat between headliners. [0 Points]

[X] Beautiful: Even as genetic modification made people of the past and present rather beautiful, this goes a step above and beyond. Turning you into an androgynous beauty, that is beyond the ideal standard of their society. Whether that's a boon or bane remains to be seen. [3 Points]
[X] Exemplary: At this point, your genetic makeup rivals the families that have carefully cultivated and nurtured the original genome for many generations. You can say you are part of a chosen few. Many of the elite headliners across the cluster, especially those amongst Silverblood houses, fall under the Exemplary lineages. [8 Points]
[X] Beautiful: Even as genetic modification made people of the past and present rather beautiful, this goes a step above and beyond. Turning you into an androgynous beauty, that is beyond the ideal standard of their society. Whether that's a boon or bane remains to be seen. [3 Points]
To avoid confusion down the line. I have added a "[X] None" option in case you prefer the plan doesn't include any suplementary traits. Please modify your votes accordingly :V
[X] Exemplary: At this point, your genetic makeup rivals the families that have carefully cultivated and nurtured the original genome for many generations. You can say you are part of a chosen few. Many of the elite headliners across the cluster, especially those amongst Silverblood houses, fall under the Exemplary lineages. [8 Points]

[X] Beautiful: Even as genetic modification made people of the past and present rather beautiful, this goes a step above and beyond. Turning you into an androgynous beauty, that is beyond the ideal standard of their society. Whether that's a boon or bane remains to be seen. [3 Points]
Winning Vote
[X] Exemplary: At this point, your genetic makeup rivals the families that have carefully cultivated and nurtured the original genome for many generations. You can say you are part of a chosen few. Many of the elite headliners across the cluster, especially those amongst Silverblood houses, fall under the Exemplary lineages. [8 Points]
[X] Beautiful: Even as genetic modification made people of the past and present rather beautiful, this goes a step above and beyond. Turning you into an androgynous beauty, that is beyond the ideal standard of their society. Whether that's a boon or bane remains to be seen. [3 Points]

Points: 6-11 = -5 + 7 = 2
Points for the next phase: Highest of 1d10 or 3
Murtox threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 7
7 7
1.2 "Jackal of the Tundra"
Outskirts of Kanenz

Midday, the forests and their treetops are undisturbed not even by the wind. Kathya wipes her forehead her basket brimming with berries and mushrooms. Her eyes center around the cabin where she and her grandmother live together, the cabin's metal texture gleams against the sun. The sound of her sandals on the grass accompanies a silent tune of mere whispers from the forest.

She is greeted by her grandma just as she gets close to the metal steps that lead inside. At the corner of her eye, she spots an entire direction of the forest that sways towards her. Then...a sonic boom. The wind and reverberating shockwaves follow, the entire forest now engulfed in a constant thump. The noise not stopping, now growing louder by the second. The skies above tore the clouds away from its epicenter.

Kathya rushes inside her cabin, where her grandma awaits, looking outside the windows.

"Mortarheadds going at it again?"


They look out, just as they can barely hear a roar that echoes throughout the valley. It sounds like two beasts clashing against each other, sending tremors into the earth. They can't see anything but they can feel it.

"It's like a war out there. Damn bastards, probably fighting over some girl or honor in the middle of nowhere."

"Don't curse, gran"

"Pfft, fuck 'em." The old woman curses, as she collects her grandaughter's basket to place the mushrooms on a boiling cauldron. "I have seen enough headliners in the city to know how they are...Always shouting out about their honor and pride, or too busy ordering around their Fatimas."

"Oh, we can't talk so badly of headliners grandma...At least that's what father said. "

"And that's why I'm talking about it in private to you, kid."

"Grandma! That's not nice. Headliners are honorable...They protect us. "

"Of course they are. If you're an actual noble. My child was a knight and he got killed by one of those stuck-up knights in a meaningless duel."

The roars become a howl. It lasts for a few minutes until finally, the noise settles.

She scoffs. "Now, I wonder whose poor child just got crushed or blown into oblivion out there."

"Grandma...that's so awful."

"Hmph...Set the table and then you can pray for those soulless headliners, maybe that will make you feel better."



On a secluded plateau of the Eastern Valleys of Graffos, a single black mortarheadd looms over the battered frame of a silver-white mortarheadd. Its pilot emerges from its cockpit, pulling on a pair of leather gloves, the victor watches his downed foe. The mangled insides of the silver mortarheadd are on display, the oils, and fluids painting an oxidated color beneath him. The smell of burning metals and lubricant filled his nostrils.

"Master!!!" His defeated enemy's fatima crawls out of the top hatch of the mortarheadd, her knees stained and legs quivering with exhaustion. She had endured the entire fight, with her master giving everything to overcome him. But it wasn't enough.

The fatima looks at her master's corpse, still strapped into his chair, his head covered by the shrapnel and twisted metal from his cockpit.


The sheer shock and devastation were enough for her to forget everything else at that moment, even the pain in her bloodied legs. The fatima looked at her master's unmoving face, feeling dread creep into every fiber of her being as the reality of her master's death sunk in. The fatima felt as though her heart had been pierced by a knife as the full extent of her failure began to dawn on her.

She struggled to catch her breath as hot tears started streaming down her cheeks.

However, the headdliner watches not the scene of tragedy playing below him but the vast expanse of territory. Mountains, lakes, forests, and valleys. Behind him, is a snow-covered cold land that he calls home. The artic conditions worsen with each passing winter.

"One day, this shall be ours, Irida. Our children and their children shall reap the fruits of our labor." The headliner speaks to his fatima. "Not that you Fatima know anything about that." He adds on with contempt.

"Sir, are you finished?" An aged and mustached voice comes over his radio communicator, his servant awaits him over the plateau's top. His servant's name was Egbert and had once served in his grandfather's legion. The old knight, the best, and most skilled vassal his family had. He chuckles at the thought, no longer a noble of Solaris but a black baron. The old man had a circuit or two broken for going with him even though he disagreed with which faction he sided with.

His name is Gahlen vers Ternheim, black baron of Ingelheimer. Once a proud general of Solaris and at the helm of legion "Tresitas," now only left with a single retainer and a band of bastards and bandits in his domain.

"It is done. They don't make knights like they used to...coming here all alone." Gahlen turns his head towards the crying fatima below him, his expression shifts into one of annoyance. "Let's go before they get the wisdom to come in numbers..."

Gahlen descends into his mortarheadd's, the entire interior is custom built with an elegance that denounces its dark reputation. Before leaving, he uses the loudspeaker to talk to the fallen headdliner's fatima.

"Do you know where your master is headed? To the gods, fatima. Nowhere else..."

He lets the machine's loudspeakers echo his message for her to hear before piloting his mortarheadd away from the battlefield.

It was his 38th victory and none would come back to challenge him. His nickname in Graffos is known as "Jackal", unfitting for someone of noble blood but very fitting for a traitor of the empire.

Black Baron
Gahlen vers Ternheim "Jackal"


Family and Domain
The landed knights of Graffos make up the majority of the nobility of the region. Their ranks reached up to baron and for a few lucky few that of count. The domains and lands of this vast province are divided into what could be considered a "mess" in need of consolidation, however, without a strong central authority in the courts and the old families happy to sponsor those they deem "worthy" it will remain a mess for the times to come.

Now your family as landed knights have certain rights and duties to the Neu Solaris Empire. Amongst the most important is that they are allowed to own mortarheadds and a small retinue that has limits on its numbers depending on the rank of the family. They are also allowed to collect taxes and partake in local governance, a headliner's domain can be called a "little kingdom" but they have to be mindful of the knight orders who may police their actions, their rivals that wish for their land and possessions.

They are also allowed to swear fealty to a higher noble family and receive the protection they provide while losing any prospect of expansion and a significant part of the autonomy that characterizes the domains of Graffos. However, there is one rule that is absolute due to sheer necessity, nobles may only be headliners and their title may only pass onto another headliner. As such, the adoption and falsification of lineage is something almost normalized in this game of status and greed. The meritocracy stands for the strong and willing to abide by rules of conduct that motivate duels and feuds that make the nobles of Graffos partake in a competition that will allow Neu Solaris to rebuild its feared strength one day.

Now as for your family, what are its beginnings?

Pick One and as many subpicks as you wish. This will be the last phase before we head into the game. I shall roll one more time after the end of phase. Remember you can go into debt!

You have 2 + Max of 1d10 or 3 Points

[X] Mercenaries: Your family has won its position not so very nobly, through fighting for the winning faction they have managed to squeeze themselves a domain after a life of unsavory deeds. They may be devious or honorable, but they aren't accepted even by their closest allies. [+1]

[X] Boons of the Trade: Connections to mercenaries off-world and other less savory characters ensures networking that can come in useful for information gathering at relatively lower prices. But also may allow your family ties to other worlds. [-2]
[X] Brand of Terror: Your family carries with it some brand of terror that makes it unlikely that people will seek fights with them over little things. However, they may draw the attention of the righteous if they go too out of their way. [-1]
[X] Headliner database: Being a mercenary makes for a rather dangerous job occupation, but it does take you about everywhere. Allowing for a headliner's fatima to build a database of various enemies that will help in combat. Knowledge that can be useful at the right moment and against the right opponent. [-2]
[X] Off-World Business: A small domain is not enough to maintain a fatima and a mortarheadd. Your family owns and maintains an off-world business, probably related to commerce, manufacturing, or some other relevant service. [-1, -3 and -5 Options]
[X] Polluted Domain: Whatever domain a mercenary gets, it's probably not the best nor the largest. However, one can indeed exploit the land to win more income through less than orthodox methods. [-1, -3 Options]
[X] The A-Team: Your family met with other "unsavory" and maybe looney characters during their mercenary years, a couple of which were their utmost loyal band. While willing to remain under the "knight" title to serve their family, they only do so out of loyalty. At the same time, their skills and experience in different areas aren't to be underestimated. [-4]​

[X] Veterans of the Black Flower Wars: Your family was not very noteworthy until the Black Flower Wars, not partaking in the Great War but managing to provide good enough service to receive a grant of land within Graffos. [0]

[X] The Glorious Reserve: Amongst the families of Solaris or Helios, your family didn't have any lands to it and neither a mortarheadd. However, when the call of the emperor came they answered alongside many who had little experience. War made sure to weed out the weak and ensure only the great would survive. Your family just like that of others has a bond formed in the war of the Black Flower wars, ensuring loyalty, respect, and close family ties between two other families. [-2]
[X] Cozy Home: Your family's domain may not be the greatest, but it is not the worst amongst the territories in Graffos. You can expect a tranquil place with little trouble other than the one that nobles and headliners may bring. It is enough to maintain a mortarheadd and fatima, and perhaps more than one with the right administration, however, there is always something extra that could be found there. [-1 and -3 Versions]
[X] Marquis out of duty: Your family chose a border territory when many would have preferred one near the center or even the center-periphery of Graffos. As such, your family may be considered as barons or marquis with ease. With special laws that allow them to maintain a greater military force if they are able or receive direct support from the knight orders. [-2]
[X] Meister Friend: Your family managed to win the favor of a meister, while they certainly didn't have enough money to hire one without the support of the capital during the wars, they can get discounts and perhaps special modifications for their mortarheadds or fatimas thanks to their relationship. [-2 or -4 Version for an ever closer relationship]
[X] Under your wing: Not all headliners are up to the task at war, there is one particular family that owes its rise to knighthood to yours. As such, they act as underlings but with deep loyalty and respect for the order of things. They will tag along to support your family and act as minor retainers. [-1 or -3 If you want a future companion with good potential]
[X] Working People: The people of your domain are relatively content with your family and are close to them on some basis. Allowing a level of respect and trust that allows the domain to be more prosperous than most. [-1 or -3 Versions]
[X] Wide Lineage: Your family is actually kind of wide in terms of family members, there are plenty of uncles, cousins, and family out around Neu Solaris and perhaps even beyond to host and in relatively amicable terms with your parents. [-1 Point or -3 Versions]
[X] Restored Mortarheadd: The main mortarheadd of your family is a restored piece of art, while not quite to its capabilities of old, the mortarheadd was hastily put together during the flower wars, despite that it served well and has a nice reputation to it. You may inherit this one or one similar to it. [-1 and -4 Versions]
[X] Sponsored: Your family was sponsored by a higher family of Neu Solaris. However, this comes at a cost of independence even if it ensures a degree of protection for your family's domain. [0]​

[X] Knights of the Legions: Through bravery and skill, your forebearers managed to prove their worth as headliners and knights during the Great War. They managed to survive through it and two other wars filled them with renown amongst the nobles of Graffos. [-3]

[X] Friend of Royalty: One way or another, your family has managed to serve Emperor Frederick I directly. Gaining renown and prestige as he rampaged against the enemies of the empire. This prestige and loyalty has ensured that your family has ties to the royal family, as meager as they could be. [-3]
[X] A Worthy Domain: The rightful reward for a knight of the legions was to be placed amongst the best lands of Graffos. Population, resources, and titles that made any domain worthy of respect. More than enough to maintain a respectable but small retinue and some more eccentricities of life. [-3]
[X] Masterpiece Mortarheadd: The legions of Solaris and Helios were once filled with this kind of masterpieces, however, difficult to maintain, and with so many lost during the Great War and following wars, they have become a rarity. However, your family holds onto a masterpiece mortarheadd crafted by one of the best meisters in the cluster. [-4]
[X] Masterpiece Fatima: Fatimas are another tool of warfare, however, when crafted by a master meister and not in a factory they can manage to exceed the capabilities of many regular fatimas. As such, they are highly sought after and essential for the operation of the most complicated and masterpiece mortarheadds. Your family holds one such example in their service. [-4]
[X] Artifacts of Old: Your family's domain may have a small workshop or ancient technology that remains functioning. This could be for parts for motorheadds or fatimas, regardless, it is very profitable and is sure to bring some meisters into the domain to seek special parts for their masterpieces or factories. [-4]
[X] Burg: A town that borders on city can be found inside of the domain. As such, it may be considered a center of commerce or similar. It may draw interesting figures from time to time, but it also serves as a hub for other happenings and business. [-3]
[X] Allied with a family: A higher-ranked family is allied to yours, meaning that there is likely a betrothal happening sooner rather than later. This alliance could be more than enough to propel your family a few ranks upwards if it can last. [-3 Points]
[X] Elite Retainers: Your family has acquired the loyalty of legion knights or rising stars of the new knighthood. Regardless, these retainers show a lot of promise. [-4]
[X] A Ride to the Stars: Your family owns a small yacht that allows it to travel from system to system, though expensive, it is a sign of prestige to be able to own one of these starships in this era. [-2]
There is also the matter of your parents themselves. Normally, it is enough for one to be a headliner and while most headliners are male, female headliners are treated and seen as equals.

[X] 1 Parent is a headliner [0 Points]
[X] 2 Parents are headliners [-2 Points]

Finally, a few details of biographic data need to be filled out before you can be registered as the heir to a headliner family.

Name: Go for German or Latin names which will be more common, but feel free to invent new ones. Also, add the suffix "vas" before the surname.
[X] Write-In
[X] Random

[X] Male
[X] Female
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