From a pragmatist's perspective, Elsa nearly killed Anna and that would have lost him both his heirs anyway. Now, I do agree that her parents won't out-right kill Elsa unless they had too. He does however believe we are cursed and he may eventually come to believe he has no choice. It hopefully won't come to that.

As for their methods, it was not their original plan and Elsa is unsure whether she cares about her family beyond Anna, much less other people. That's why I believe Elsa should at least attempt to verify Anna's safety before Resisting or Complying. I think Elsa could realistically do either here.
Alright, considering how one-sided the votes are at the moment, I think I'll actually be able to call this thing early after all.

Which is good.
  1. [ ] Resist
    Number of voters: 17

  2. [ ] Try to talk your way out
    Number of voters: 6

  3. -[ ] I can't leave without Anna
    Number of voters: 5

  4. [ ] Comply
    Number of voters: 2
So I'll be calling this thing in about two hours when I get lunch.

Oh, and I'm really getting the sense that everyone picking Resist is actually picking the secret option of KILLKILLKILL. If everyone's fine with it, that's probably what I'm going to end up having you do.

Honestly, I keep underestimating your bloodlust, I keep thinking you guys are gonna want to be all diplomatic or nice or whatever. Instead, you want sociopathic murder rage Yandere. So that'll be fun.

I'd also like to thank all yall coming up with different options, more peaceful paths. It's probably not going to win, but I appreciate the effort.

For what it's worth, there's a pretty good chance that you could convince them to bring Anna with them and burn the rest.

Now, the consequences for that are a whole other issue.

As for what their plan was, they didn't actually come here thinking they would burn the castle down, and they didn't think you'd be nearly as attached to your family as you are, considering what you are. "Child of darkness" and all that. And, to be honest, you aren't. You really just care about Anna. If it wasn't for her, it seems like you guy's would probably be more fine with just leaving.

Ah, Anna, already spoiling plans and you're only 7.

Anyways, they wanted to just stealth the castle with no one the wiser. You'd have just disappeared to the King and his court. They wouldn't really know what to do. However, they've been spotted. And it doesn't take a genius to put together intruders and a missing princess. And since they'd rather not have a whole kingdom chasing after them, they figure they have to decapitate said Kingdom and burn it all down, evidence and witnesses alike. The rest of the kingdom will just think it was either an accident or some assassination plot that worked, and no one will come looking for their precious Lady.

Whether or not this is a good idea is something else. But that's not really the point.
Oh, and I'm really getting the sense that everyone picking Resist is actually picking the secret option of KILLKILLKILL. If everyone's fine with it, that's probably what I'm going to end up having you do.

Honestly, I keep underestimating your bloodlust, I keep thinking you guys are gonna want to be all diplomatic or nice or whatever. Instead, you want sociopathic murder rage Yandere. So that'll be fun.

For what it's worth, there's a pretty good chance that you could convince them to bring Anna with them and burn the rest.

Now, the consequences for that are a whole other issue.

As for what their plan was, they didn't actually come here thinking they would burn the castle down, and they didn't think you'd be nearly as attached to your family as you are, considering what you are. "Child of darkness" and all that. And, to be honest, you aren't. You really just care about Anna. If it wasn't for her, it seems like you guy's would probably be more fine with just leaving.

Ah, Anna, already spoiling plans and you're only 7.

I haven't spent the whole quest doubling down on family to throw it away because some daedric cultists got uppity.

We're going to work these family issues out, just with some new "modern" artwork laying around.
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Oh, and I'm really getting the sense that everyone picking Resist is actually picking the secret option of KILLKILLKILL. If everyone's fine with it, that's probably what I'm going to end up having you do.
Er, no. Not everyone is fine with it.

I'd prefer whatever got us away from them without killing them, or delaying them until the castle guards get to us. Eating them won't improve our situation and standing with the mundanes.

If we could encase their legs in ice so they can't move, wouldn't that be enough? Though that might require finer control than we currently have.

As for what their plan was, they didn't actually come here thinking they would burn the castle down, and they didn't think you'd be nearly as attached to your family as you are, considering what you are. "Child of darkness" and all that. And, to be honest, you aren't. You really just care about Anna. If it wasn't for her, it seems like you guy's would probably be more fine with just leaving.
We aren't - as in we'd be pretty chill at having people casually 'decapitate the Kingdom' to get us out as their Plan B? I didn't get the sense of Elsa being that jaded.
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Er, no. Not everyone is fine with it.

I'd prefer whatever got us away from them without killing them, or delaying them until the castle guards get to us. Eating them won't improve our situation and standing with the mundanes.

If we could encase their legs in ice so they can't move, wouldn't that be enough? Though that might require finer control than we currently have.


We aren't - as in we'd be pretty chill at having people casually 'decapitate the Kingdom' to get us out as their Plan B? I didn't get the sense of Elza being that jaded.

I'm just gauging the room here and as it is, it seems like most people here are voting because Anna's in danger and most of you voted for Yandere Elsa. Based on that, and other choices you've made, Elsa would probably be affected by the death of her family, but Anna's the only one who would really leave an impact. Sure, she might not want to have her whole family die, but I've gotten the sense from the audience that while they don't hate the King, they don't care about him nearly as much as Anna.

I've gotten the impression that if Anna was off the table, this would be a much more divisive issue with a lot more people willing to Comply. You can even see that in the number of people who are voting to talk it out or Comply, on the condition Anna is safe.

Not the King, not the Queen, but Anna.

And this is the prologue, this is character creation. This is where you define her character. So long as none of your choices directly violate previous choices you've made, such as suddenly deciding Anna is expendable, you guys are free to forge the type of person Elsa is. And if you guys decide to make Elsa the type of person who's fine with sacrificing the rest of her family to save Anna, well then that's the type of person you've made Elsa.

Now, once we get done with the Prologue, Elsa's character is going to be more well-defined. There are going to be more times where I cut you guys off from making out of character decisions more and more. These early choices have a lot of weight because they set a precedent.

Also, encasing their legs in ice wouldn't be as safe as it sounds. If you did that and it worked, there's an extremely good chance that by the time you got guards to come and apprehend her that she'd have severe frostbite in her legs, possibly even die from hypothermia (not that that's necessarily a bad thing). Later, you might gain the fine control to make your ice magically not cold, despite being ice, probably by keeping them from thermally interacting with the environment, but right now you can't do that. Any ice you make is cold as fuck, which doesn't tend to do great things to the human body.

There's also the problem of you just not having many non-lethal options. Physically you're weak as fuck, there's no way you can physically overpower her. You'd have to use your magic to do that, magic which is absurdly strong and with which you don't have too much practice incapacitating people with. That's not to say that it's impossible, just that it'd be much easier for you to kill her than try to just get away.

I'm also seeing a fair number of people adding in things like "Rip and tear" or otherwise calling out for blood. Now since this isn't as unanimous as I thought, I'll just let the dice decide how you play it, but I'm certainly seeing a vocal minority calling out for blood.

So all in all, I'll wait and see what happens in the next hour, then call the vote and roll some dice.
Adhoc vote count started by Metaldragon868 on Aug 13, 2017 at 2:21 PM, finished with 392 posts and 28 votes.
You're making me feel guilty for talking all yandere...

I mean, resist is mainly for Anna but I want Elsa to at least pretend to be a fully functioning, normal little girl. We need to be using that charismatic potential to convince people we aren't the psychotic siscon we are deep down inside!
@Grigori "using that charismatic potential" to get all those not!Annas to lick our boots and sing songs about how great Anna is :).

All those cult minions we could've made ours... oh well. Hopefully the Kingdom will hear about Princess Elsa saving the day with Holy Magic (Propaganda Ministry needed to offer Real News to the citizen!).
Sure, she might not want to have her whole family die, but I've gotten the sense from the audience that while they don't hate the King, they don't care about him nearly as much as Anna.
There is absolutely nothing that we care about as much as Anna, that's what the previous vote defined. However, it does not mean that we care about nothing else.

For one, quite a few of us care about retaining some measure of sanity. That didn't change since the character creation where we chose how to deal with our affliction.

What I saw was a suggestion for Elsa to murder a person at the age of 10. Which, as a character-defining trait, - seeing that we are still in the Prologue and form the basis of her personality - is a major decision that should be unambiguously voted for. The choice is to 'resist', not 'murder'. I would be able to accept it as a byproduct of our decision if we did so accidentally or in self-defence, but deciding those things automatically as a go-to solution where it was not my intention... don't know about others, but that would just make me leave then and there.

Just voicing a perspective from the other side.
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Still not sure if we'll gain more fear for killing indiscriminately or accidentally... They weren't wrong about people coming to fear us but hopefully a kidnapping with our family also in danger will be considered an extenuating circumstance.
There is absolutely nothing that we care about as much as Anna, that's what the previous vote defined. However, it does not mean that we care about nothing else.

For one, quite a few of us care about retaining some measure of sanity. That didn't change since the character creation where we chose how to deal with our affliction.

What I saw was a suggestion for Elsa to murder a person at the age of 10. Which, as a character-defining trait, - seeing that we are still in the Prologue and form the basis of her personality - is a major decision that should be unambiguously voted for. The choice is to 'resist', not 'murder'. I would be able to accept it as a byproduct of our decision if we did so accidentally or in self-defence, but deciding those things automatically as a go-to solution where it was not my intention... don't know about others, but that would just make me leave then and there.

Just voicing a perspective from the other side.

You make a very good point, and now I'm left with a problem.

Oh, and by the way.

[x] Resist
Number of voters: 19

Resist Wins

But now, how do I measure your success?

Here's what I mean. Say Elsa rolls a nat 100. What does that mean?

Does that mean she murders the shit out of the woman? Some would say yes.

Or does that mean you manage to successfully non-lethally incapacitate her or otherwise escape? Others, like @Nevill , would say yes.

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to have another vote to decide this. Are you going lethal or non-lethal? This is an important decision, and after further thought not driven by exhaustion, it's one I don't think should be determined by something as whimsical as a dice roll.

So, is Elsa willing to kill?

[ ] Lethal
  • Very high chance of success
  • No chance of failure to escape
  • San loss
  • Gains [????]
[ ] Non-lethal
  • moderate chance of success
  • moderate chance to kill her anyways
  • Very low chance of failure to escape
  • More sanity
  • San loss if you fail
  • Potential to gain [????]
  • Potential to gain [????]

Keep in mind, Lethal is far easier for you than non-lethal, and if you fail the non-lethal you'll either kill the woman or fail to escape. Failing to kill her is much harder, you'd need to get under a 10 to do it, but it means that Elsa is willing to jump to murder as a first resort.

So this is probably one of the more important votes in the Quest.
I also don't think we should kill indiscriminately or anything like that, but we really don't have much practice or ability to non-lethally take them out (as Metaldragon pointed out, our physical is hilariously low and our magic incredibly high and dangerous).

I'm also resisting because they're trying to kidnap us and blow up our castle (even under self imprisonment, I think Elsa would recognize that this is her birthright and once she come of age it will be hers to claim, so she'd be upset at people putting holes in it). Those concerns however, are vastly secondary to the thought of Anna getting hurt.
Alright, after a good night's sleep it's time too see how useless my vote was.
Oh hey, not that bad. Shout out to all you guys who are making a stand to talk.

There is absolutely nothing that we care about as much as Anna, that's what the previous vote defined. However, it does not mean that we care about nothing else.

For one, quite a few of us care about retaining some measure of sanity. That didn't change since the character creation where we chose how to deal with our affliction.

What I saw was a suggestion for Elsa to murder a person at the age of 10. Which, as a character-defining trait, - seeing that we are still in the Prologue and form the basis of her personality - is a major decision that should be unambiguously voted for. The choice is to 'resist', not 'murder'. I would be able to accept it as a byproduct of our decision if we did so accidentally or in self-defence, but deciding those things automatically as a go-to solution where it was not my intention... don't know about others, but that would just make me leave then and there.

Just voicing a perspective from the other side.

You do know Elsa cannot resist without using her magic right? We're a 10 year old kid with only Strength 1 They could literally just drag us if they needed/wanted. It'd be a bit slower, but there really wouldn't be too much of a difference. And as our GM has said, we don't really have nonlethal for our magic.

Since we lack the means to effectively resist without killing, then resisting has a somewhat binary route it can go down. We resist ineffectively without killing and they just drag us off without Anna (and possibly kill Anna too). Or we resist with out magic, accepting we don't have non lethal solutions and kill them.

I guess there's the third option of trying to be non lethal with magic and probably killing them anyways. Meh, what's a phrase when you only have 3 options?

Edit: Of course I'm ninja'd
Thank you.

[x] Non-lethal

I don't know what you have in mind for the option, but I can think of a few ideas, even though I don't know Elsa's capabilities to execute them. What we know is that they can't afford to kill us, so our life is probably not in danger. Thus we only need to impede their ability to take us.

I would think that a footwear would protect them from being frostbitten, but even besides that we have options to get away. For example, if we put some ice between us and them, they likely won't be able to run after us without slipping on it.

As a personal sentiment, if it fails, I'd probably take going with them over killing them (unless, of course, they are hell-bent on implementing their Plan B, then they die). But I don't expect that to be a popular opinion.
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[x] Non-lethal

if we succeed and find out they hurt Anna we can still kill them most painfully can´t we? So there is really no harm in trying to solve this without bloodshed, they could have useful Information to make us more powerful to help us protect Anna and our Family from any further attempts.