Um...Sleep had more votes overall than Follow. Why are we doing Follow?

Probably because the sleep people voted for differing following up actions splitting them up into two each, leaving the vote with the most votes for a single action being follow.

Two people voted for investigate after sleeping, while the other two voted for play tag. Having a difference that large lead to a division in the vote leaving space for follow daddy with the invisible lizard to win the vote.

You get me?
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Probably because the sleep people voted for differing following up actions splitting them up into two each, leaving the vote with the most votes for a single action being follow.

Two people voted for investigate after sleeping, while the other two voted for play tag. Having a difference that large lead to a division in the vote leaving space for follow daddy with the invisible lizard to win the vote.

You get me?

But that doesn't make sense...why should the followup action effect the first? The should be seperate options. 4 people wanted to sleep, vs the 3 who want to follow dad. Why does the fsct that those 4 want to do different things in the morning eliminate their larger numbers?
But that doesn't make sense...why should the followup action effect the first? The should be seperate options. 4 people wanted to sleep, vs the 3 who want to follow dad. Why does the fsct that those 4 want to do different things in the morning eliminate their larger numbers?
I apologize for the inconvenience of the way I've interpreted the voting system in this case. I tend to interpret each of the vote options as separate, even if they are similar. That view is why I took the one option with 3 votes instead of the two similar options with 3 votes each. I tend to see the different Sleep options as two differing vote options due to the difference in action that they would have led to rather than one vote because that makes things easier for me in the long run.

I understand the confusion, considering that on the surface the two sleep vote options that were picked seemed nigh identical, each one voting to sleep instead of investigate, but since each one only had 2 voters each for their independent follow-up action then there would have been a tie. I made a decision to go with the option that had the most independent votes because then we would not have to wait a day for everyone to revote between the two Sleep options, since waiting a day to tiebreak a vote is typically how I solved similar incidents in the past. Again, I apologize for the confusion and inconvenience.
I apologize for the inconvenience of the way I've interpreted the voting system in this case. I tend to interpret each of the vote options as separate, even if they are similar.
Err...just make sure to clarify beforehand whether the vote will be tallied by plan or by line, whenever there's a multi-part vote. I totally thought it was by line, too.

Edit: We should get a new Awareness trait perk for these rolls. Shitty stealth, amazing awareness. ^_^
Oh I am slain! threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Amanga Awareness Total: 10
10 10
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Err...just make sure to clarify beforehand whether the vote will be tallied by plan or by line, whenever there's a multi-part vote. I totally thought it was by line, too.

Edit: We should get a new Awareness trait perk for these rolls. Shitty stealth, amazing awareness. ^_^
Thanks for the input. I think that from this chapter on I'll do it that way. I'll be honest and say that now that you both have explained things out in the manner you have, that it makes a lot more sense than what I did here. Life...uh, finds a way I guess. :p

Anyone have an idea on how to change the SV tally system to do it in the way you guys are suggesting? I'm a good writer and an alright artist but when it comes to technology I'm a technological caveman.

Stealth Us - 4
Environmental Awareness - 9
Amanga Awareness - 10+5 (crit success; additonal +5 for ????)
Shadows - 1 (crit fail)

Hold on to your butts.
Of course you crit FAIL the one roll where you needed to crit fail to encounter another opponent.
Next chapter coming out in the next 18hrs.
Anyone have an idea on how to change the SV tally system to do it in the way you guys are suggesting? I'm a good writer and an alright artist but when it comes to technology I'm a technological caveman.
In the vote tally prompt, under "Divide votes:", pick "By block". :)
Stealth Us - 4
Environmental Awareness - 9
Amanga Awareness - 10+5 (crit success; additonal +5 for ????)
Shadows - 1 (crit fail)
Hold on to your butts.
Of course you crit FAIL the one roll where you needed to crit fail to encounter another opponent.
Next chapter coming out in the next 18hrs.
*holds tight* :O
Chapter 1:7
Chapter 1:7
Into the Wood
Dad is in the forest...with Amanga. The thought scares you, with what you know of the...being, you guess is the best way to describe them. The baritone voice, the superior height*, the vicious appearance; none of it said anything good, or so your instincts said. That stated, you waited till you heard the slow, steady breathing of your siblings' sleep before crawling out of High Nest.

It hadn't bothered you upon crawling into the nest, but you noted the absence of any unhatched eggs or broken shell. You thought about where they disappeared too, as you slowly crept your way down High Nest's craggy surface before remembering the things Amanga stated before. Upon reaching the bottom, your thoughts led to a disturbing conclusion. Amanga took them all, and for what purpose your mind all too easily supplied.

Curling toes in the dust, you harden your resolve and head into the dark of the forest. Clouds overhead shadow the moon, casting the world into a further dark. You cast your attention outwards, flicking you eyes to whatever sounds rustle the vegetation around you. Most of the time, however, your eyes are cast downwards, trying to avoid snapping an ill fallen twig or tripping over an Amanga-cursed branch.

Despite your careful efforts, you still snap a twig or two in your haste to catch up with the much larger and faster adults. You stumble and fall, managing to get yourself up swiftly and pick up your pace. It takes a little while, five minutes, but you manage to catch them resting in a clearing.

You are not close enough to hear their discussion, even though you long to be closer. You do not dare to even try though, because every breath of wind that runs through the trees catches the adults attention. They seem hyper paranoid to you, nigh startling at every breath of wind that dares jostle the branches of the trees or the leaves of the ferns.

You settle for slowly maneuvering your way through the brush outlining the edge of the clearing, staying well clear of the border line. You attempt to stay within the shadow every moment you can, but there are times when you are unable to stay there, and are forced to spend precious seconds exposed to the starlight. Your thankful for your mottled hide, feeling like it helps break up your image amongst the shadows of the leaves above.

It takes you a full three minutes to make your way downwind of the duo, allowing the wind to carry their words to you.

"-ur Slaughter guards the boundary lines well," Dad complements Amanga, "I scent them every few days when they near the markers I've set. They have yet to try and overlay my markers, but they set their own much closer than I would prefer."

"You know why they do so," Amanga quietly intones, giving Dad a moment to murmur an agreement. "The Square Maws (tyrannosaurs) overeach the boundaries. They have started to become too bold in their actions," Amanga groans, "Me and mine may have to take action, to remind them of why they should not dare tread on my lan-."

A bush shudders behind you, and you near jump out of your hide. You immediately turn your back to the adults and face whatever is there. You glare at the bush, and growl a quiet warning, in an attempt to scare whatever hides in the bush and to avoid the attention of the adults. A large head, as large as you are, arises from the bush, a menacing nasal crest parting the leaves out of the way as it gazes at you.

The stare down seems to last an eternity before it takes a step towards you. You take a step back, remembering a large tree not more than a few paces behind you to the right that you could climb in short order to escape. The crested Hunter takes a step forward. You take another step back. You break from the crested Hunter's stare and sprint for the Tree. It silently speeds up after you.

Your claws dig deep into the bark of the tree, as you propel yourself higher and higher. You attempt to spiral around the trunk, continually spinning out of the Hunter's reach. It stops snapping for you in short order, as you feel the energy of the clearing change. Rapid footfalls heading away from your tree let you know that the Hunter is leaving.

An explosion of warm air blasts against you from the clearing side of you. You turn, to see a large, horned face gazing at you.

What You Do?
[] Chitter Sheepishly
[] Freeze
[] Sprint for Dad
[] Crap Self
[] Write-In

QM Note: I haven't listed what the Crested Hunter is mostly because I want to see if you guys can guess what it is. The clues I'll provide are that it is canon to Jurassic Park media, so it may be mentioned in either the games, movies, or books in one form or another. My co-QM played this game with their voters over on SpaceBattles and I want to see I feel we are just as good at it over here on Sufficient Velocity. If you want an additional hint, feel free to ask.

Anyways, I'd like thank you guys for your input and help on the voting system. I'll endeavour to make the most of your suggestions from this point onwards. It really pleases me to get that input from you guys. Discussion in the thread is something that really feeds me. :) Feel free to discuss votes in thread and try to change one another's minds on certain things. I don't mind at all, so long as things are kept civil.

*carnotaurus, while noted at 7ft in the Lost World novel, have been recorded at 9-10ft. Keeping in accord with that, Amanga is in their prime at 10.4ft. Baryonyx, on the other had, are noted as reaching 8ft at the hip, and so are about 1ft smaller than carnotaurus at their prime, at best.

Vote Ends Wednesday
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[X] Freeze

Was it a more historically accurate Dilophosaurus? I know they have head-ridges kinda like what you described.
Mostly successful escape!

[x] Chitter Sheepishly

...this just seems like the most adorable option. I'm not sure if it's best, though.
I would be willing to say that it might be a Ceratosaurus since most depictions have them with a horn on their nose, which would fit the description given to us nicely. Other than that, I got nothing.

Also, before I forget.

[X] Crap yourself
I would be willing to say that it might be a Ceratosaurus since most depictions have them with a horn on their nose, which would fit the description given to us nicely. Other than that, I got nothing.
Not quite. I kind of realized that given flawed narrator I didn't really give you guys an accurate size range to figure out what dinosaur the creature is. I'll just hand that over to you guys now, since you guys have consistently guessed at dinosaurs above and beyond the size range of our target.

You guys are looking for a dinosaur that iswihin the range of 0.5-0.9m tall. Big when compared to you guys, given your the size of a squirrel currently, but absolutely nothing compared to the size of the nearby adults.
...a Compy? Some species of small Raptor?
I will do you all a solid and confirm that the dinosaur is not a compsognothid of any form, nor is it a form of dromeosauridae. That should help clear out a large portion of the potential dinosaurs it could be. other words, no it is not a Compy or some kind of small Raptor. It, in fact, belongs to a group of dinosaurs entirely than those mentioned.

I need fact, here is another hint. It's in this video.