I, Trailblazer (Honkai: Star Rail/Disco Elysium)

How would you like for the current Aeonic Intervention to occur?

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Vote finished: Chapter 2
Adhoc vote count started by CryoIce on Apr 15, 2024 at 11:04 AM, finished with 22 posts and 15 votes.

Voting has finished! Thanks again for all your votes, chapter should be out later today!
Biting the Bullet(Read: Arrow)
>Grab Nameless, and run out in front.

Injured or not, you're the one most capable of mitigating some of the damage. You quickly step into the path of the arrow, bringing Nameless up in front you. A moment passes, your breath held and your muscles tensed. The others seem to be turning in slow motion at your sudden movement. Then, a thud against Nameless, the arrow of light disperses into fragments. Some veer off away from notice, more importantly, others imbed themselves into you, sharp pain making your mind blank momentarily. (-15 Health)

"Wha- Stelle! Are you alright!?" March rushes towards you, while Dan Heng and Arlan pull out a spear and a strange mechanical sword, respectively.

<Endurance[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 10(Roll: 8 + Endurance: 4 + Injured: -2)>
Your body stays standing, the larger shards in your left leg and right shoulder not enough to make you fall.

"...I'm… fine, March… stay focused…" Talking seems difficult, one of the shards must've scraped against your neck. Even still, despite your suggestion, she quickly holds her hand out above your back. That strange ice starts to thinly cover your body, as though you're now wearing a lightweight suit of armor.

<Endurance[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 10> It's not patching up your wounds…

<Pain Threshold[Medium: Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 11> …nor is it fully stopping the pain, but that's alright…

<Endurance> …because it's holding you together, for now. (+10 Temporary Health)

Meanwhile, Dan Heng is showing himself to be a capable acrobat, as he quickly scales nearby objects and ledges, using his spear as a makeshift piton. His climb is fast, but unprotected, the strange Voidranger..

<Encyclopedia[Trivial:Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 8> A Voidranger Trampler, specifically. Known for being rather intelligent, among the Antimatter Legion, at least.

Yes, the Trampler, you suppose. You don't have time to debate names with the voices in your head, or question why it was so easy to remember. It's currently re-aiming its large bow towards the ascending Dan Heng. You go to shout a warning but, "March! I need some cover fire!" he seems to have it covered.

"Ah, right! Try this on for size, you jerk!" She rapidly fires three arrows of ice up towards her target. The first misses as the Trampler takes a quick step back, but the other two nail it in the chest and forearm, thick crystals of ice forming. The ice delays its shot long enough for the spearman to reach the perch. "Ha! Seems like you can't take arrows as easily as you can give them out!"

"It was a nice shot, but we have a bit of a problem, here!" Arlan's shout draws your attention to the other Voidrangers, who were previously surveilling the area. The skirmish unsurprisingly drew their attention.

<Perception[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 13(Roll: 10 + Perception: 3)> By your count, there are 23, of various more basic types.

<Logic[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 8> Far too many to take out with only the three of you. Especially with you injured.

"We'll need to… forge a path…" You swallow, your mouth tasting of copper. "Quickly… for both our sakes… and Dan Heng's…"

"But how? They're everywhere!" She's right, there doesn't seem to be any openings, nor a way to get up to where both the Trampler and Dan Heng are. You turn to Arlan, he may have a plan, he works here after all.

"There are stairs up to the control room, over there." He points to a nearby platform, which just so happens to have the largest amount of Voidrangers on it. How lucky. "From there we can access some other hallways up."

Even still, chances aren't looking great. There aren't any clear signs of attack. "Look again, Wielder." Nameless breaks her silence. "This 'Legion' is filled with almost nothing but pure forces of Destruction. Easy to lead astray."

<Visual Calculus[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 13(Roll: 7 + Visual Calculus: 3 + Arlan's info: 2 + Nameless' tip: 1)> All of the Voidrangers move in what is essentially a straight line towards your group, only barely repositioning to not fall off the platforms or bridges they're standing on.

<Half Light[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 10> They're more focused on killing you then ensuring their own lives. How terrifying.

<Physical Instrument[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 10> How exploitable.

"I have an idea… with me… on break…" Both sides are tense, waiting for a signal, an opening. Lightning sparks around Arlan's sword, and March's breathing is getting shaky.
"3… 2… 1… Break!" Chaos erupts, the Antimatter Legion's previous stalking movements turn into a violent charge, and your trio sprints directly towards the horde. "March, aim for… the floor… around them!" Ice quickly spreads across the floor, and you quickly follow up with…

<Physical Instrument[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 11(Roll: 9 + Physical Instrument: 4 + Injured: -2)> A body check through the closest one, it's puny body made of simple antimatter crumbles under your might.

<Logic[Trivial:Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 8> As well as the ice covering the floor and its poor balance.

"Arlan… sweeping hits!" His large blade bashes into the two nearest to him, and they fall into the abyss. Or, where the bottom of this space station is. Hopefully that won't cause any problems. Your break for it is going well so far, but a problem quickly arises. The ice doesn't discriminate, though you're hopeful your more adaptable brains can get across it without issue.

<Savoir Faire[Medium:Failed] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 7(Roll 6: + Savoir Faire: 3 + Injured: -2)> Not quite. Your injury is preventing you from moving your limbs as smoothly as you'd like.

You slip, your body sliding across the ice, veering off into the wrong direction.

<Reaction Speed[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 11(Roll: 8 + Reaction Speed: 3)> You orient yourself directly into the closest Voidranger, kicking its legs to obtain some breathing room…

And you find yourself quickly picked up and carried along. You glance up to see March 7th in a beaming smile. "I got you! You saved us earlier, so think of it like me returning the favor!" You open your mouth to retort but she cuts you off with "Don't worry, I won't drop you. You're lighter than you look!" That response was not even close to what you were going to say, so you try again, but instead a relieved sigh slips through.

<Pain Tolerance[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 11> Now that you're no longer standing, the pain has lessened quite a bit. Sprinting in this condition was making it even worse.

<Empathy[Trivial:Success] Trivial: 6 vs Your Total: 9> Translation: Shut up and accept the princess carry. It'll help out later.

After a short dash, with Arlan as a guard, the three of you make it into the control room, Arlan quickly hitting the lock button after he enters.

"That worked better than expected. I'll unlock the elevator on the same floor as Dan Heng, so we can quickly leave through there." He quickly types some commands into the console, then motions to follow him. "The way up is through here. Let's hurry."

It's a far smoother trek through the hallways -especially for you, still being carried- as it seems most of the Legion have been successfully gated out of the area. After some quick unlocks of doors and other security measures, thanks to Arlan, you've made it up to a bridge, where the fight between Dan Heng and the Voidranger Trampler has moved to.

<Perception[Easy:Success] Easy: 8 vs Your Total: 9> Dan Heng is looking weary, but the Trampler is far worse, multiple gouging spear wounds litter its body.

It seems the commotion the three of you made drew most of the attention away from him, allowing for him to dominate the battle. Arlan quickly runs in, catching both of them off guard, each of their focus solely on the other. With a battle cry he slams down his blade into its back, and it crumples to the floor. It weakly looks up and opens its mouth…

<Shivers[Medium:Success] Medium: 10 vs Your Total: 11> A scream of desperation. A scream for help. A scream of despair. A scream of a possible victory.

"Quick! Don't let it-" Before you can complete your sentence, a spearhead pierces through the Trampler's head, ending it for good.

"Thanks for the support. Let's get back quickly, we've been in this hotzone for far longer than I'd prefer." You haven't known him for long, but his response, or almost lack thereof, seems extremely in character of him.

When you get into the elevator March finally lets you down, on the caveat that you at least use her as a crutch. As you begin to ascend you get your first true breather since you woke up.

So, Stelle, some first impressions. How are you feeling about…

...the current situation?

[][Situation]I'm utterly overwhelmed…
[][Situation]I feel in my element, pain and all.
[][Situation]Just need to get through this.
[][Situation]Write in?


[][Nameless]Pretty useful.
[][Nameless]She's a puzzle I want to figure out.
[][Nameless]A new friend? Maybe?
[][Nameless]Write in?

…March 7th?

[][March]A good conversationalist and a good fighter.
[][March]I find her a bit much, to be honest.
[][March]…She's pretty cute.
[][March]Write in?

There wasn't a decent place to put an important choice without dragging it out or ending it far too early, so I decided to put Stelle's feelings more in order. This is also the first time I'm allowing write-ins, mainly because I couldn't possibly guess anywhere close to how everyone's feeling. There will be more write-ins later, most regularly for any Exploration segment. Thanks for reading, and have a good vote!

The start of this chapter, or rather the end of the previous, was rather unfortunate choice wise. I'd generally want to have you all vote to make a plan out of there, but that would've ended the chapter at about 500 words which was far from satisfactory. So I hope everyone is alright with the plan I made up. Your luck was far better this time, with only a single failed check that was immediately subverted by March. I have also decided to start rolling percentile dice(d100) to determine the success rate of some things off screen. That roll is the reason the Trampler got fucked up before you even got there, I rolled a 97. Dan Heng is a badass, so who's surprised, really.
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Translation: Shut up and accept the princess carry. It'll help out later.
Nice. You love to see Empathy being blunt for once. As for our feelings…

[X] [Nameless] She's a puzzle I want to figure out.
The followers of Trailblaze are called nameless, she's calling for blood… Nameless is just so interesting. I see so many plot hooks.

The Situation
[X] [Situation] Just need to get through this.
It's the tutorial, Nameless is helping us out…we should be fine. The Dan Heng 97 also helped out a lot. (MY KING)

[X] [March] …She's pretty cute.
I may not ship any of my OCs (if you know, you know) with March, but as for Stelle…

Goddammit, team starch forever.
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That was a well done fight scene! For the situation vote I wanted to lean into Shivers a bit, and shivers is nothing if not concerned with the world as an entity itself.

[X] Wild Ride
- [X] (Situation) You're enjoying the adrenaline here to be honest, but you wish you had a moment to stop and smell the flowers so to speak, everything is all so new.
- [X] She's a puzzle I want to figure out.
- [X] …She's pretty cute.
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[X][Situation]I feel in my element, pain and all.
[X][Nameless]She's a puzzle I want to figure out.
[X][March]…She's pretty cute.
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[X][Situation] challenging but within my abilities. Would kill for some pain killers though.

[X][Nameless] Lovely sword really. Classy too. Hope whoever owns her isn't going to make a fuss over me keeping her.

[X][Nameless] A new friend? Definitively!

[X][March]I find her a bit much, to be honest.

I'd suggest making this a task vote for easier tracking.
The start of this chapter, or rather the end of the previous, was rather unfortunate choice wise. I'd generally want to have you all vote to make a plan out of there, but that would've ended the chapter at about 500 words which was far from satisfactory. So I hope everyone is alright with the plan I made up. Your luck was far better this time, with only a single failed check that was immediately subverted by March. I have also decided to start rolling percentile dice(d100) to determine the success rate of some things off screen. That roll is the reason the Trampler got fucked up before you even got there, I rolled a 97. Dan Heng is a badass, so who's surprised, really.
It actually makes more sense this way. Stelle is an amnesiac with little familiarity with the station, only vague understanding of her enemies, and injured besides. It isn't sensible for her to be making the plans at this stage or to have time to bounce around different ideas in her head. Improvisation is about all she should be up to right now.
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Physique is our highest stat. Half-light, pain threshold, all that. :V

You all are on quite the fast track to becoming a masochist, haha.

Goddammit, team starch forever.

'Starch' has got to be the best ship name ever.

That was a well done fight scene!

Thanks! I'm not particularly experienced with fights, so I'm glad you enjoyed!

I'd suggest making this a task vote for easier tracking.

[X][Situation] Euphoric.
[X][Nameless]She's a puzzle I want to figure out.
[X][March]…She's pretty cute.
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Electrochemistry has been absent so far. Feels wrong for a Red stats build to not incorporate drugs of some kind into the build...

[X][Situation] I feel in my element, pain and all.
[X][March] …She's pretty cute.

I'm just kind of picking options I find individually interesting without really thinking of a consistent characterization.

March is cute, although I dunno if she'd make a good match with our version of Stelle.
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[][Situation]I'm utterly overwhelmed…
[][Situation]I feel in my element, pain and all.
[][Situation]Just need to get through this.
[][Situation]Write in?


[][Nameless]Pretty useful.
[][Nameless]She's a puzzle I want to figure out.
[][Nameless]A new friend? Maybe?
[][Nameless]Write in?

…March 7th?

[][March]A good conversationalist and a good fighter.
[][March]I find her a bit much, to be honest.
[][March]…She's pretty cute.
[][March]Write in?
Gents, task vote now. Edit your votes appropriately.