You are a cloud of dust (Riot? Quest)

[X] Move to a higher orbit
[X] NSchwerte plates

well I wanted to move to a higher orbit to collect more resources to build up our planet before solidifying the surface
but maybe this was it'll let us keep the organic compounds if we find another restaurant buffet
since the others melted unfortunately
also voting for NSchwerte's plate boundaries
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by 6 ZeV Proton on Mar 6, 2024 at 1:52 AM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Retain core heat
    [X] Squiggly line borders
    [X] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))
    -[X] Look at our moons.
    [X] Collect more ice
    [X] Collapse (unnecessary; nothing to collapse!)
    [X] Grow your rings
    [X] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))
    -[X] Nearby objects we could turn into more moons.
    [X] Move to a higher orbit
    [X] NSchwerte plates
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Moons? Total: 1
1 1
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Moon placement Total: 3
3 3
We seem to have again run into the problem where votes were cast before voting was actually open but not realizing as much. At the very least I know my own vote was skipped and I think there's at least one or two others.
Turn 18: You are an ascending wet rocky planet with a thick atmosphere, at least four satellites, and a fine ring system
[X] Retain core heat: 33.3%
[X] Collect more ice: 16.7%
[X] Grow your rings: 16.7%
[X] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s)) -[X] Look at our moons.: 8.3%
[X] Collapse (unnecessary; nothing to collapse!): 8.3%
[X] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s)) -[X] Nearby objects we could turn into more moons.: 8.3%
[X] Move to a higher orbit: 8.3%

Concordance: 50.0%


You complete your project of reducing the convection in your mantle, bringing the magmatic contribution to your surface temperature down to the realm of negligibility and completing your first crust formation event. Great cracks persist in your crust, marking out the boundaries of your first long-lived plates as they move about, pulling and pushing on each other in a dance of quake and eruption. The first rain of liquid water soon follows in your high latitudes, and it continues for many revolutions, giving rise to your first liquid seas. Your seas are keen on staying around once they form, and whether by giving rise to increasingly stable carbonates or by directly absorbing carbon dioxide, they fairly rapidly reduce the insulating capacity of your atmosphere, allowing liquid water to persist anywhere and growing into a world-spanning ocean as a side effect. Should you wish to keep liquid water around, there is something of a balance to be maintained here as you continue migrating away from your star and receive less of its warmth. Some more time with an ocean in communication with an atmosphere will allow you to fine-tune atmospheric controls and will also allow your accumulated organics to start doing something interesting and familiar (but the latter can potentially start up by other means).

Of course, liquid water isn't the only beneficiary of a cooling planet, and you've begun passively capturing the helium that's previously escaped your clutches. Even hydrogen is associating more closely with your atmosphere. Given current conditions, the primary effect of all this is to greatly enhance the efficiency of gas collection.

Further up where the business of wind, rain, and thunder is of no concern, you continue collecting ice, which you proceed to guide into increasingly beautiful and visible rings. Some small fraction of the new ice crashes into and is assimilated by your moons in the process, especially after you try to collapse them onto yourself. When the dust of this last bombardment clears up, you find a new moonlet of icy rubble in a somewhat unstable orbit outside but too close to Satellite I. Surveying them in order of formation, you observe the following properties for each one:
  1. Satellite I: This rocky moon was a result of your first capture, in which you collided with a planetesimal crossing your orbit from an altitude not much higher than where you are right now. Its internal composition, which includes a small iron core, isn't drastically different from yours as a result of being partially made of your own magma. It has a faint atmosphere, and its surface is a coat of fairly smooth ice despite the constant impacts as a result of frequent remelting/remodelling thanks to tidal forces.
  2. Satellite IV: This dense, dusty moon was captured during your brief passage through its orbit on the way to the asteroid buffet. Situated in the less crowded outer edges of your disk, it has sustained a more or less solid surface for some time, and its mostly icy surface marred by pinkish and orangish streaks preserves evidence of a number of your more exotic recent captures.
  3. Satellite III: This icy moon of unusual composition arose at the conclusion of the asteroid banquet. Aside from the ice, little about its unusually organic-rich composition is as expected.
  4. Satellite II: Your most recent satellite is a pile of icy rubble that seems to have arisen from ring clumping.
It may be a good idea to name your satellites to avoid confusion.

Orbital controls:
[ ] Move to a higher orbit
[ ] Move to a lower orbit
[ ] Collect more gas
[ ] Collect more ice
[ ] Collect more dust
[ ] Collapse...
-[ ] self
-[ ] moon
-[ ] rings
[ ] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))

Geological controls:
[ ] Export core heat (use with strong consensus will boil off oceans and instigate another round of crustal remodeling)
[ ] Retain core heat (further use will induce a geological coma)
[ ] Increase weathering (releases CO2​, decreases roughness)
[ ] Decrease weathering (absorbs CO2​, decreases roughness)

(You are free to vote for both an astronomical control and a geological control)

(T17: Missing votes have been added manually for Space Jawa, harnackam)
(T18: Missing votes have been added manually for SeaTheTree, Space Jawa
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[X] Collect more dust

because i have no idea what to do with the atmo at the moment and how fucking with it when the current situation looks good enough to soon start live.
[X] Collect more gas
[X] Increase weathering (releases CO2, decreases roughness)

[x] Sat 1: Iron Mirror
[x] Sat 2: Rogue Glacier
[x] Sat 3: Frozen Seed
[x] Sat 4: Striped Chronicler

Think we might want consider collapsing Sat 3 into ourselves to jumpstart organic life? Or do we already have organic life. Not sure.
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[X] Look around in more detail (Other celestial bodies/planets)

[X] Decrease weathering (absorbs CO2, decreases roughness)

From what i remember, weathering is the process by which stuff exposed to the surface turns to dust, and this should lead to more complete fossils and rockier terrain.
[X] Move to a higher orbit

Ok since we just did retain heat, I'll move to higher orbit as you advised.
While moving to a higher orbit is still useful, since our star/sun might still ignite (which I don't think it has done yet), it is no longer an urgent priority. I am not sure what is a priority for fostering life currently, so moving to a higher orbit is as valid as anything else. Feel free to vote for that, otherwise according to your preference.
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Orbital controls:
[X] Move to a higher orbit

Geological controls:
[X] Decrease weathering (absorbs CO2, decreases roughness)

moving to a higher orbit is still useful, since our star/sun might still ignite (which I don't think it has done yet)

I'm not entirely certain on what steps we need to take to begin fostering life-- but I think I'll take the 'safe' option of going to a higher orbit if it means not getting potentially burnt to a crisp.
Orbital controls:
[X] Fuse Satellites II and III together.

We have too many satellites, it'll clutter up! We should clean up our near-orbit system to perhaps 2 large satellites?

Geological controls:

[X] Increase weathering (releases CO2, decreases roughness)
[X] Collect more ice

[X] Name Moons: Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde

[X][Geological Control] Increase weathering (releases CO2, decreases roughness)
[X] Collapse...
-[X] self

Well im going to be at drill for a bit. So this is my last vote for 4-5 updates (based on previous reates)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by 6 ZeV Proton on Mar 7, 2024 at 6:06 AM, finished with 17 posts and 15 votes.
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Others (inner) Total: 1
1 1
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Others (outer) Total: 3
3 3
6 ZeV Proton threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Stable orbit? Total: 5
5 5
Turn 19: You are a wet rocky planet with a thick, insulating atmosphere, at least four moons, and a fine ring system
Astronomical controls said:
[X] Collect more dust: 12.5%
[X] Collect more gas: 12.5%
[X] Collect more ice: 12.5%
[X] Move to a higher orbit: 12.5%
[X] Fuse Satellites II and III together.: 12.5%
[X] Look around in more detail (Other celestial bodies/planets): 6.3%
[X] Move to a lower orbit: 6.3%
[X] Collapse -[X] Satellite 3: 6.3%
[X] Collapse -[X] moon: 6.3%
[X][Orbital Control] Keep moons as they are.: 6.3%
[X] Collapse -[X] self: 6.3%
Concordance: 35.2%

[X] Name Moons: Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde: 66.7%
[x] Name Moons: Iron Mirror, Rogue Glacier, Frozen Seed, Striped Chronicler: 33.3%
Concordance: 37.0%
Geological controls said:
[X] Increase weathering (releases CO2, decreases roughness): 60.0%
[X] Decrease weathering (absorbs CO2, decreases roughness): 40.0%
Concordance: 80.4%


Your moons are now named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde in order of increasing distance.

Your first order of business is collecting more dust, gas, and ice for further projects, and although some small amount of it does go to your moons, most of it ends up bombarding your surface as a result of preparations by the wily collapse bloc and opposition to moon modification. Pinky benefits the most from this situation and triples in mass in the confusion, rapidly surpassing Blinky in stature and density while still being dwarfed by Inky and Clyde. The shock from the arrival of the new material is also enough to trigger differentiation, and stony dust sinks to Pinky's core.

In the interest of stabilizing Blinky's orbit and reducing the number of moons to manage, you have begun moving Blinky out to bring about a collision and merger in the far future. At the current pace, it's likely Blinky will crash into Inky or deorbit before colliding with Pinky.

There appears to be considerable disagreement on whether to increase or decrease weathering, and the current result is a slight increase in erosion that softens your sharpest peaks and fills your deepest valleys slightly. The carbon dioxide freed by this would raise your surface temperature by a fair bit if not for the dust cloud kicked up by this turn's additions of dust and ice, which mask about half of the heating.

Looking around at other celestial bodies in the sytem, you notice your proto-star drinking up nearby gas and trying to squeeze to ignition. Unless you sit back for an incredibly long time to let your chemistry cook into something interesting, it may take some time before it ignites and blows away the comforting blanket of nebula gas (probably pushing the water frost line out past your most recent orbit). The inner planetesimals don't all seem to be doing very well, and since you last looked there, at least one appears to have shattered into an asteroid belt. Another seems to have done well enough for itself as a rocky planet half your size with a nice atmosphere.

The outer ones have made an unsettling amount of progress, and coming up on your next orbit is a rocky planetesimal close to your size that appears to be in the process of gobbling up untold volumes of gas. It probably won't be the most massive gas planet if/when it's cleared its orbit, but assuming you don't just join it as a satellite, merge with it, or something strange, it'll be a strong competitor for material for ages to come. It's not much better further out, and the third dense belt from your current one holds enough material to build a great gas giant with a hefty core of ice-derived material from scratch. Luckily, things seem to be moving more slowly out there, and you may be able to catch up if you take the lead in gathering material and growing.

Your final order of business this turn is to migrate, and you move ever so slightly further from the sun, which is enough to negate the heating from freed greenhouse gases in a lasting way. Combined with the dust from impact events, your surface temperature is a few degrees lower for now.

Having succeeded in not freezing or boiling off all your liquid water for some time, the following information will be available each relevant turn:

Average air temperature
Freezing 🞀–––––o–🞂 Boiling

Average sea temperature
Freezing 🞀–––––o–🞂 Boiling

From here, forming life is a mere matter of waiting a very long time (more specifically, long enough to let the sun ignite and let the other planetesimals form into planets). This isn't something to be done lightly, and a significant margin will be needed to jump that far.

Time controls:
[ ] Maintain current tempo
[ ] Let time pass (requires 6-vote margin)

Orbital controls:
[ ] Move to a higher orbit
[ ] Move to a lower orbit
[ ] Collect more gas
[ ] Collect more ice
[ ] Collect more dust
[ ] Collapse...
-[ ] self
-[ ] moon
-[ ] rings
[ ] Look around in more detail (Specify target(s))

Geological controls:
[ ] Export core heat (use with strong consensus will boil off oceans and instigate another round of crustal remodeling)
[ ] Retain core heat (further use will induce a geological coma)
[ ] Increase weathering (releases CO2​, decreases roughness)
[ ] Decrease weathering (absorbs CO2​, decreases roughness)

(You are free to place a vote in each category of control)
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