The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

What does that even mean? Are we expecting something other than dream-visions about two of the Targ pretenders (I'd bother to look up their names, but there is little point) this time?

EDIT: even if, say, we were to divine that we were in fact Aerys's bastard and hatched the dragon we have, a days-old dragonling isn't going to turn the tide of battle.
Shade is generally giving people prophetic visions. Cersei just so far used very little of it to get the visions she got unasked for (due to Targ actions) under control, and that one time to cling to Jaime after he died.

I'll leave the rest of the questions unanswered for now. That is for the dreams to talk about, if you are willing to make a leap of faith.
oh yes absolutely, sorry I'm not trying to state I think any decisions is out of character
I just think one is more....idk how to say it narratively appropriate for how she is always portrayed? At least to me, hence my vote, everyone should vote as they will
I will state again that I think the idea of destroying westeros because we are losing is just kinda bad sportsmanship, and frankly I don't think we have the IC knowledge nor power to do any such thing
Yeah, the whole idea of ending the world thing is just grossly out of reach for Cersei anyway. You barely control Kings Landing and the Red Keep these days and have no plan, no mechanism and no knowledge to do anything on that scale.

Leave the end of the world plots to people who spent a lot of time and effort over the course of the game onto that.
I'll leave the rest of the questions unanswered for now. That is for the dreams to talk about, if you are willing to make a leap of faith.
I don't think I am. Mere information at this point, given the balance of force, is unlikely to make a difference to the outcome of events no matter what it is.

But that's just me.
??? Did we have the option to become the Avatar of the Seven or something? Cause Stannis got straight up God gifts and easily beat one of the strongest fortresses in Westeros.
Stannis' empowerment came from sacrificing one of the few things he truly ever loved. Storms End. His home

I'd think anything Cersei did would require similar. Also he hasn't really done anything with it yet? Okay maybe he has and we just don't know but, there aren't like stories of him cleaving through armies like a Dynasty Warriors protag or creating flaming wrecks from his enemies castles/armies large enough to see on the horizon. I don't doubt it's a large buff, but blaming Cerseis losses and setbacks on him is giving a lot of not yet earned credit.
There is nothing to lose by choosing the Shade of the Evening. She is going to fall off the precipice one way or another. She might as well gulp down the Shade like there is no tomorrow. In her case, there literally is not.

Well, good luck to the groups that are striving to bring about the end of all things. One genuinely hopes that they succeed. Since such is not possible for Cersei, then hopefully this option will at least add drama and flair to her final act.
"While the levies dispersed across the region for the time being as gathering them in one place had become unsustainable without the bounty of the Mander at his beck and call"

Does this mean that Renly's advancing army will have fewer soldiers than expected?
Oh, yes, Stannis' exact thoughts were of being willing to sacrifice all the crowns owed to him. The vision of him with a crown vanished. A bounty of a metaphysical sacrifice to complement the physical one of Storm's End.
[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.
"While the levies dispersed across the region for the time being as gathering them in one place had become unsustainable without the bounty of the Mander at his beck and call"

Does this mean that Renly's advancing army will have fewer soldiers than expected?
No. Scouting reports are clear that Renly gathered them all for this. Edmure believes he intends to supply himself by leaning on the Reacher lords loyal to him, now that he had time to solidify his control again. Kings Landing will run out of food much faster than his force.
[X] You need a miracle. Drink. Dream. See if you can find one.

Just to be clear, I'm doing this entirely for the funny. Let's have a bad trip.
He sacrificed a lot more than just that.

Oh, yes, Stannis' exact thoughts were of being willing to sacrifice all the crowns owed to him. The vision of him with a crown vanished. A bounty of a metaphysical sacrifice to complement the physical one of Storm's End.

Huh. Yeah. Damn getting some real Buddhism vibes with breaking all earthly attachments there. What are mortal ties and relationships (fuedal law, a physical place, the idea of home, etc) to true enlightenment?

On the other hand Cersei is the most attached lady ever. Let's get mired in the cycle of Samsara/physical reality!

[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.
[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.
F*** It, I want our Cersei to live long enough to ensure, or at least be there, when the Old Lion dies. If someone has been making our lifes impossible it's Tywin

Not gonna kick the buck until Father is Dead. For if we are going to lose and die, let's drag him with us
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I mean the reason we are so doomed is fighting Tywin
I would probably advocate for a tear stained absolutely begging letter asking for him to save us
it won't work, we've burned that bridge, but the blackwater plan is just stalling, we will eventually be stuck in the cerceibunker in the red keep and steiner's counterattack will not save kings landing.
I'm all for kicking and clawing for one more day but unless we have a plan to try and get someone to at least ensure we live if out of power then we'd be wiser to retreat to dragonstone or highgarden and accept we can't hold the city, because we can't
I mean the reason we are so doomed is fighting Tywin
I would probably advocate for a tear stained absolutely begging letter asking for him to save us
it won't work, we've burned that bridge, but the blackwater plan is just stalling
I actually think Tywin would help liberate King's Landing, not for Cersei's situation, but because if Tommen and Myrcella die, it severely hurts the likelihood of Tywin ever getting a grandchild on the throne.

I'm just curious. As the quest writer, at what point did you realize "Oh...they are so fucked"?
Well, it has already been clearly stated. The game board, such as it is, will inevitably result in Cersei's loss. If one actually wants a chance for a rebound, then the game board needs to be flipped. Choosing to delay Renly is not the option for those that want to flip the board.
@Azel, while the quest is going to end soon, one way or another, one would still be interested in seeing what happens with the Targaryen players. Would it be possible to receive updates about them after Cersei loses?
Damm, that early? Well, I did keep advocating for it, but people kept saying it would make us look weak. Ah well, nothing left to do, but to rage against the dying of the light.
...and why we would have done that if he Is a direct threat to Joffrey's ascension?
Besides our overall focus wasn't a bad one: Make peace with as many Kingdoms as possible so we can focus in crushing the Baratheon brothers.
I think the fact we are about to be reduced to the Cercei bunker ranting about Steiner strongly indicates that our overall focus was in fact a bad one.
We blew up our own support base and lost the service of the most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms in exchange for Edmund Tully and what.... 4 thousand men?
I think the fact we are about to be reduced to the Cercei bunker ranting about Steiner strongly indicates that our overall focus was in fact a bad one.
We blew up our own support base and lost the service of the most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms in exchange for Edmund Tully and what.... 4 thousand men?
Everyone is making Steiner jokes, but nobody seems to notice that ordering Tarly to march is exactly that. :V
[X] You need a miracle. Drink. Dream. See if you can find one.

Y'know what? Screw it. At this point it's plain to see that Cersei is losing, pretty much everyone else thinks we're crazy and most of our allies are likely trying to figure out a way to abandon the burning ship and our "best" option is to trade land for time in the hopes we get reinforcements that may never come.

Might as well do what Cersei's good at and double down since it's too late to back out now.