The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

A big problem is that the strategic situation is just not going to magically improve. The mistakes from the first turns compound and now you are running out of options. This turns plan for example was overall a good call, baring the part where you sent a no-name commander to perform a naval invasion with little to no intel while spreading your fleet all over the entire Narrow Sea. Tarly for example managed to prevent Kevan from seizing more of the Crownlands. The trading plan overall worked out.

It's just all too little too late to really fix things. You already have dipped into the larders and the naval trade can not remotely make up for losing the northern Crownlands (due to Tywins actions last turn preventing any sowing) and the Reach (due to Renly cutting off you access). You already have the peasant rabble rouser in the city and causing problems.

If all you want at this point is to burn it all, then kick back with that bottle of Shade and listen to the nice voice.
@Azel, to confirm, overdosing on the Shade of the Evening is the best option for at least helping to accelerate the objective of destroying all Westeros, reduce it to ashes from which no life can emerge again? Bringing about the apocalypse is what one truly desires here.
@Azel, to confirm, overdosing on the Shade of the Evening is the best option for at least helping to accelerate the objective of destroying all Westeros, reduce it to ashes from which no life can emerge again? Bringing about the apocalypse is what one truly desires here.
I suspect not. Westeros's ecosystem is not a sympathetic one and does not wilt and flower with the monarch or regent. Nor do we make a particularly apt Fisher Queen. If we want to burn the world, we'll have to do it ourselves.
......Well that confirms it. We are screwed no matter what we do. Unless it's said we can turn this around then I think I'm done. Quest was written very good at least. Just disappointed on how things went.
You did not delve sufficiently into the higher mysteries to have much of an idea about the metaphysics of this world.

I can however say that the whole "wildfyre the Wall" thing will not work for reasons starting with plain logistics.
Once again I have to convince people that everything is fine.

Renly will right now meet with Stanis Baratheon, who had plot armor in the canon, and here he is the whole Azor Ahai!
You just need to wait a little and everything will be fine. Just a little more.

I completely understand the people who are frustrated, no one likes losing or being caught in a death spiral.
Early decisions really destroyed our position and then we doubled down and hyperfocused leaving us in a state where we don't really have a way to claw things back. But there's no point dwelling or litigating such things, its past and over and done with.
I don't think that the embrace madness ideas are entirely out of character for Cercei, but I also just don't think it feels right for me. This quest is not the only part of this game story, and honestly responding to being a losing situation by trying to burn everything down as much as possible and ruin westeros as best we can feels very "I'm taking my ball and going home"
Ultimately I don't think its how Cercei would play it-she's not Aerys, she wouldn't be like I've lost time to burn down everything with me.
She's utterly delusional she thinks she's a genius and she fundamentally can't accept losing. She would be sitting in the red keep ordering Steiner to counterattack and save King's Landing even as everything falls apart. If we're going to lose I think we should go down kicking and clawing and refusing to give up. Its what she would do.

[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.

we stall and hope that maybe Tarly can make it back to buy us another day . If you can't play to win, play to keep alive as long as possible and hope something changes
About what i suspected since turn 2, we didn't have enough information about anything, and little control over most of our team, this outcome was what i expected.
Even more so since our enemies are many, and one of them is literally given supernatural superpowers.
Hm, well, since gulping down the Shade of the Evening and listening to the voice is stated as the option for burning it all, one hopes that it would at least contribute to the end of Westeros, death beyond death, oblivion with no hope of a new beginning.
[X] Send for Rossart and have his pyromancers help prepare the defence.

I'd prefer to have my blaze of glory be literal.

Minor question, since we only ever found that one hidden stash of Wildfire under the Sept, we can assume that the others are still there, or perhaps stolen by whoever we let investigate the matter.
I can remember who we let investigate the matter, Vary maybe?
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Hm, well, since gulping down the Shade of the Evening and listening to the voice is stated as the option for burning it all, one hopes that it would at least contribute to the end of Westeros, death beyond death, oblivion with no hope of a new beginning.
Would definitely be interesting to take Westeros down with us, we've been spiraling since turn 2, so we may not win but we can make it so noone really wins.
At least the forlorn hope vote is on the lead by 1 vote... azor ahai and Renly will meet on the road going north and they are likely to fight
Seriously though, Renly doesn't seem like a serious enemy. Like, he was screwing up the whole time during this quest.

It would have all been over for us long ago if he had just been able to come to an agreement with Mace. Instead, 2 strange tournaments, a burned Storm's End and only half of the Reach army.

I don't believe in this man. He does not have talented commanders, and his independent army management skills raise questions.
Ultimately I don't think its how Cercei would play it-she's not Aerys, she wouldn't be like I've lost time to burn down everything with me.
Mind that all the current options are available because they would be in character for Cersei at this point due to prior choices and circumstances. Including calling for the pyromancers or trusting magic to offer a solution to her problems.

Even more so since our enemies are many, and one of them is literally given supernatural superpowers.
Not just him. Some of the Targs too, but they are far away from Westeros right now.
Though it's funny to me how everyone keeps bringing up Stannis as having gotten a shot in the arm, but not being willing to follow his example.

Minor question, since we only ever found that one hidden stack of Wildfire under the Sept, we can assume that the others are still there, or perhaps stolen by whoever we let investigate the matter.
I can remember who we let investigate the matter, Vary maybe?
Nobody investigated that. And Jaime killed both Aerys, Rossart and the other pyromancer leaders, so nobody alive knows of it.
Seriously though, Renly doesn't seem like a serious enemy. Like, he was screwing up the whole time during this quest.

It would have all been over for us long ago if he had just been able to come to an agreement with Mace. Instead, 2 strange tournaments, a burned Storm's End and only half of the Reach army.

I don't believe in this man. He does not have talented commanders, and his independent army management skills raise questions.
Speaking of which, the cold-blooded political aim of confronting Renly's mostly-Reacher host with a mostly-Reacher army of our own would be to try and convert Renly's host back to the legitimate government of Olenna Tyrell (who is the chief of the government in all but name, and would quite like her army back thank you very much).
Though it's funny to me how everyone keeps bringing up Stannis as having gotten a shot in the arm, but not being willing to follow his example.
??? Did we have the option to become the Avatar of the Seven or something? Cause Stannis got straight up God gifts and easily beat one of the strongest fortresses in Westeros.
You are currently losing. If you want a chance to come back, you need to first be willing to flip the board and pay the price.
What does that even mean? Are we expecting something other than dream-visions about two of the Targ pretenders (I'd bother to look up their names, but there is little point) this time?

EDIT: even if, say, we were to divine that we were in fact Aerys's bastard and hatched the dragon egg we have, a days-old dragonling isn't going to turn the tide of battle.
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[X] You need a miracle. Drink. Dream. See if you can find one.

Well, then, whether it leads to a chance for resurgence or helping to contribute to the end of all existence, it will be dramatic and entertaining.
Mind that all the current options are available because they would be in character for Cersei at this point due to prior choices and circumstances. Including calling for the pyromancers or trusting magic to offer a solution to her problems.
oh yes absolutely, sorry I'm not trying to state I think any decisions is out of character
I just think one is more....idk how to say it narratively appropriate for how she is always portrayed? At least to me, hence my vote, everyone should vote as they will
I will state again that I think the idea of destroying westeros because we are losing is just kinda bad sportsmanship, and frankly I don't think we have the IC knowledge nor power to do any such thing