The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

[X] Use your ships to evacuate the court and as many troops as feasible to Dragonstone.

We're probably doomed at this point anyway but:

King's Landing is untenable. We don't have the supplies for a seige. Doubling down on the Shade-of-the-Evening doesn't seem promising to me.

So far, our biggest successes have been at sea rather than on land. We still have a fleet that can contest our enemies on the oceans. Relocating to Dragonstone naval base is probably our best bet. Or least the most sensible way to lose. :V
If we let the Iron Throne go to Renly, we pretty much lose all political legitimacy. And I do not see ourselves being able to retake the capital with our paltry forces. Better to double down and go out with a bang.
[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.

The main issue here, I think, is time. If Randyll Tarly can return to relieve the city quickly enough, we can most likely beat Renly (who is by no means a capable commander) even with a numerical disadvantage.

Based on canon we can infer that fording the Blackwater without ships is either impossible or very hard. Renly doesn't really seem to have any fleet to contest our control over the water.

Retreating to Dragonstone is something we absolutely cannot do right now. Whatever bits of remaining influence and legitimacy we have left will disappear in the wind if we do so and abandon the capital. The Reach is most likely to go all to Renly's side if that happens, including the Redwynes.
Well... Things Have Been Better. I wonder, if we lose categorically, will the quest end, continue in a different form, or restart?

[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.
I'm just curious. For the people who voted on drinking Shade of the Evening, what are you hoping to see? I just don't see (no pun intended) how any grand revelation would aid us now.
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It would not help, no. It is not the point. Everyone saw it coming. Cersei is going to lose. Therefore, discard all inhibition. Do whatever is likely to be interesting. Choose whatever will bring the most entertainment.

Let Cersei go out in as spectacular and flamboyant a manner as possible.

One had hoped to have time to organize something even more grand, but if such is not possible, then making all of King's Landing her funeral pyre will have to suffice. Well, not just her funeral pyre. Let it be the pyre of as many of her enemies as possible as well.
[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.
[X] Gather the troops to break through to the west and relocate the court to Highgarden.
[X] You need a miracle. Drink. Dream. See if you can find one.

No need to do nothing while we're getting krunked; we can drink for a miracle, and prepare a backup plan at the same time.
[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.
This.....really does seem like nothing is ever going our way. Enemy just happened to blind us, happened to just be in a area we are trying to take or just doesn't work out for whatever reason while working out for our enemies though..... Honestly don't know what to do at this point.
This.....really does seem like nothing is ever going our way. Enemy just happened to blind us, happened to just be in a area we are trying to take or just doesn't work out for whatever reason while working out for our enemies though..... Honestly don't know what to do at this point.
I suspect that the entire quest was set up to fail because frankly the author tears up any plan we have the turn after we make it.
Winning the game of thrones was never going to be easy. Magic gambles and diplomatic slights-of-hand are not how a war is won, troops and logistics are. That has been the persistent strategic mistake made in previous turns, and is being made again in this one by throwing away a real response to guzzle shade of the evening.

Like, Tywin was a catch-22. Loyalty to him means subjugation and use as a marriage pawn for the Lannisters, which would mean a relatively stable end to the war and movement into cloak and dagger games to avoid that fate. Fairly similar to canon. Disloyalty to him, as we've seen, shatters the realm and means a second civil war of immense scope and difficult odds. Where we are now.

The QM isn't against us, just not biased for us. Previous turns supported war and then didn't take actions to support it. It's really as simple as that.

Dooming at the 11th hour is the same error as was made leaning on magic and diplomatic gambits. Renly does not have this city. Stannis is ???. And Tywin is busy for the moment.

Bleeding Renly over the Blackwater is the correct strategic move, so take that move. If you want to win, you have to fight. It will be bloody and imperfect rather than a freely given victory, and it might not work. But planning to destroy KL in wildfire for drama's sake or drowning in shade dreams for whatever reason is obviously not going to do anything but select "Quit Game".
[X] Try to prevent Renlys host from crossing the Blackwater, but cede the southern crownlands to his control.

Okay, I will explain my reasoning. To be quite honest, I'm not content with just burning King's Landing. I want to bring an end to all of Westeros. And to do that, we need to live a little longer.
If you want to win, you have to fight.
Oh, winning is well and truly off the table, and probably always was. Being as flamboyantly irrational as possible is the only point in the whole affair.

(Not voting for the sake of not pissing in the Cheerios of people who think there's a position to be salvaged here. But my heart is with Rossart.)
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A sliver of more time? Well, if it is enough to arrange something that will at least help to accelerate burning all of Westeros to ash, by all means. The spectacle would be dazzling, phenomenonal.

As Nero said in I, Claudius, "What a pretty thing a fire is."