Paracusia Isekai
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In a different world, there existed a young American named Alexander (Alex). One fateful day, amidst grappling with auditory hallucinations, Alex was abruptly transported to a wondrous realm. It is now within the power of those inner voices to guide them (or not) on the path of survival in this extraordinary and enchanting world.
Chapter 1
The Golden State
Chapter 1: How it begins

Once upon a time, in the early days of an American boy by the name of Alexander(Alex) something really interesting happened. Since he was a kid, Alex heard strange sounds that nobody else could hear. It was like whispers, conversations, and even loud noises were always around him. This confused and bothered Alex a lot because he couldn't understand why he was hearing things that others couldn't. As Alex grew up, the sounds didn't go away and they became more frequent, interrupting different parts of his life - like school, studying, and hanging out with friends. These weird sounds made it hard for him to focus, have conversations, and do well in school. Alex's parents and teachers didn't know what to do about this strange situation, so they took him to see doctors and specialists to try to figure it out. After many tests and evaluations, Alex got a diagnosis: auditory hallucination disorder. Even though it was tough, Alex didn't let his condition bring him down. He found ways to deal with the sounds and keep going with his life. Now that Alex is in college, he still has to deal with the sounds, but he's not afraid to face them and keep moving forward.


Alright, let me set the scene for you. It was a typical morning in Alex's life. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling the warmth and comfort of his cozy bed. As he looked around, his room came into focus - the neatly organized study desk, the lil' bookshelf filled with textbooks and personal belongings, and the walls adorned with posters and pictures that showcased his interests and vibe. The sun's rays gently streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on everything in the room. It was like a calm oasis, a safe haven for Alex to retreat to amidst the challenges of his auditory hallucination disorder. And then, out of nowhere, the familiar auditory hallucinations made their presence known once again. It was as if they had their own voice, their own story to tell. They whispered and murmured, filling the air with ethereal sounds that only Alex could hear. But what were they saying? What secrets did they hold? That's the question that lingered in Alex's mind as he tried to decipher the mysterious messages.

[] Write-in(20 words or less responses)


Meanwhile, in a world beyond Alex's perception, ethereal entities concealed themselves, their curiosity piqued by his every action. Unseen and unnoticed by Alex, they closely observed his every move, studying him with an unwavering fascination.
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Game Mechanics
So, as the voices inside Alex's head, you don't have direct control over what the host does; you're just along for the ride. But you can give your thoughts, suggestions, ideas, plans, and stuff like that. In the end, though, it's up to Alex to make the final call on what to do. But some voices have more influence than others; the more questers vote for a certain voice, the more likely it is for Alex to listen to it.

When submitting votes, it is crucial to use short and concise sentences, limited to a maximum of 20 words. This promotes better understanding and faster decision-making. Moreover, the more Questers who vote on the same item, the greater the chance that the host will take action and introduce modifiers to the dice roll.

Aside from the main quest, feel free to submit omakes that expand on the story and enhance the overall experience. These omakes can offer more context, delve into side characters, or introduce new plot elements, giving players a deeper immersion into the game world. By submitting omakes, players not only help expand the narrative but also have a chance to earn rewards as a token of gratitude for their creative contributions.
[X] "Hey Man, we're here to help, I'd suggest heading to the library and studying. Who Knows what you might learn."
[X] "Aw damn, sorry kid, no idea we were bothering you. You can ask us to quiet down, you know?"

Just to put the idea that we, the sounds and voices, never intended to make his life harder, and that he could have just, asked for us to be quiet. "My life has been so difficult- because I never thought to ask you to be quiet?"
[X] "Aw damn, sorry kid, no idea we were bothering you. You can ask us to quiet down, you know?"

Just to put the idea that we, the sounds and voices, never intended to make his life harder, and that he could have just, asked for us to be quiet. "My life has been so difficult- because I never thought to ask you to be quiet?"
Wouldn't that work best once they ask? And not before? Saying it now would be weird.
[X] "Aw damn, sorry kid, no idea we were bothering you. You can ask us to quiet down, you know?"
While some voices could be perceived as "good", there are going to be other voices that might be "bad" for Alex. So don't be surprised if multiple interest start to clash with one another
[X] I am absolutely sure you're going to be isekai'd soon, magic will be real, I am sure of it
A little trolling and foreshadowing I see here lol
A Mother’s Worries
Likely noncanon and definitely terribly written.

A Mother's Worries
A Mom always worries about their children, no matter the circumstances. She simply saw her son suffering more than most other parents she knew. She knew he suffered from Auditory hallucinations, and she knew it pained him, and caused him to struggle with his life, despite that she was always proud of him. Despite the voices, he still tried to make things work, and that's all she cared about.

With her hand, turning over the eggs, she was making for a simple breakfast of bacon and eggs, she turned. She saw Alex's childhood friend. A beautiful young lady, who reminded her of herself when she was that age, and the only friend Alex really had.

Without Alex being aware, as a Mother she knew she believed her son was a psychic after he had saved her life, She doubted he even remembered it. After that she had never left him no matter how bad those voices got. As a mother she knew that Alex had taken it as a voices being clear moment, and those were fleetingly rare, and hadn't happened in many years. That had always bothered her as a mother, the voices were only ever truly clear in the past, during moments he had no reason to know about something, and yet knew just how to act. It was disturbing in a way, but she chalked it up to ideas that he learned from television or the like. She didn't know why he knew how to perform CPR to save his childhood friend, but he did it.

With a smile she asked the girl "How are you doing dear, your studies doing well? Alex should be coming down at any minute."

The Girl smiled, her sweet smile, "I'm fine, thanks, for being you."

As a Mother she was worried about her son, but knowing he meant well, and he tried was all that mattered to her.
I believe in self consistency and I think there's a logical reason why it would be hard to understand us from Alex's perspective, because we're not starting from the beginning but in Media Res.

I've tried to think of many ways of talking about this, and the omake was a false start. I've tried to come up with an analogy and the closest I can come up with is something few people would understand.

Imagine Omniscient Reader, we'd be sponsors and viewers on Alex's channel. Nah not famous enough.

Better yet imagine a Twitch Stream, that continued from Alex's birth to now. And we're the viewers of the stream commenting and having Alex the streamer react. Except, he's a human with a bunch of viewers he was overwhelmed by a million people telling him to do thousands of things.

If this is an apt analogy then, it's clear what would happen and what previous moments of Clarity would represent times when all those million people upvoted and enhanced a single comment. A rarity, but much like a long stream for us, the more time passes the less Spirits that would be interested in him. After all, even if someone is interested they may stop 5 seconds into the vid due to an event irl, and simply watch back later leaving behind the up to date stream, and the ability to comment. Then there's those that just lose interest for one reason or another.

I imagine in this case, we're the viewers that remain, who want to watch him even now, despite the struggles. We care about him, for one reason or another and that's why we're watching and commenting.

This means, even if we all already understood with enough spirits a bunch of them will comment. There will be times when there's a lul of course, but it's still true.
[x] "Better get breakfast. Life is about to become a lot more interesting"

but i could be convinced to also fortify this one:

[ ] I am absolutely sure you're going to be isekai'd soon, magic will be real, I am sure of it
Should it be exact phrase or can be description of what was said?

[X] "I am Koyaanisqatsi, a moniker that comes closest to unveiling the essence of my being in human tongue."

[X] "The chariot reversed, the fool, and the tower. All cards are in accordance. Disastrous change is coming. Brace for impact."
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[X] "Hey Man, we're here to help, I'd suggest heading to the library and studying. Who Knows what you might learn."

[X] I am absolutely sure you're going to be isekai'd soon, magic will be real, I am sure of it

The first one is going to be very useful, but the second one is funny lol
[X] "The chariot reversed, the fool, and the tower. All cards are in accordance. Disastrous change is coming. Brace for impact."

Okay, this should be 20 words, if I counted it right.
[x] "Better get breakfast. Life is about to become a lot more interesting"

but i could be convinced to also fortify this one:

[ ] I am absolutely sure you're going to be isekai'd soon, magic will be real, I am sure of it
As the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Should it be exact phrase or can be description of what was said?

[X] "I am Koyaanisqatsi, a moniker that comes closest to unveiling the essence of my being in human tongue."
I will refrain from having the voices self giving themselves a name. :3
[X] "Hey Man, we're here to help, I'd suggest heading to the library and studying. Who Knows what you might learn."

[X] I am absolutely sure you're going to be isekai'd soon, magic will be real, I am sure of it

The first one is going to be very useful, but the second one is funny lol
Ah the first stack votes, good very good
[X] "The chariot reversed, the fool, and the tower. All cards are in accordance. Disastrous change is coming. Brace for impact."

Okay, this should be 20 words, if I counted it right.
Very ominous indeed
You will be right to assume to have this been non-canon. That been said, it is still an omake, so pick your reward

1: + 1 dice roll for Chapter 1
2: + 1 dice roll for Chapter 2
3: roll d20 to determine what item Alex brings with him when potentially heading out
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You will be right to assume to have this been non-canon. That been said, it is still an omake, so pick your reward

1: + 1 dice roll for Chapter 1
2: + 1 dice roll for Chapter 2
3: roll d20 to determine what item Alex brings with him when potentially heading out
I'll ask, but I'll respect if this isn't given an answer, can you clarify those options? They don't make sense to me.
I'll ask, but I'll respect if this isn't given an answer, can you clarify those options? They don't make sense to me.
I completely understand and I will try to answer it as clearly as possible. As mentioned before you the Questers are mere passengers for this ride, so at best you could make suggestions towards Alex, and it will be up to him to follow up.

Now every write-in will be subjected to a dice roll, and depending on what was written will have a dc check to be clear for Alex to even consider it listening to. A second dice will be rolled to see the conclusion of acting said statement.

So the first two give you modifiers to your dice rolls at the end of the vote for all write-ins. The third is a mystery
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I completely understand and I will try to answer it as clearly as possible. As mentioned before you the Questers are mere passengers for this ride, so at best you could make suggestions towards Alex, and it will be up to him to follow up.

Now every write-in will be subjected to a dice roll, and depending on what was written will have a dc check to be clear for Alex to even consider it listening to. A second dice will be rolled to see the conclusion of acting said statement.

So the first two give you modifiers to your dice rolls at the end of the vote for all write-ins. The third is a mystery
Then, I'll go for the mystery box. A random item.