Command and Conquer: Tiberium Apocalypse

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"Philadephia uplink unsuccessful - rerouting - StratNet uplink successful.

Welcome back, Commander.

Today's threat level remains high. While GDI campaigns prior to the Temple Prime explosion have successfully pushed Nod forces back deep into the Yellow Zones and neutralized a number of high ranking warlords, InOps reports that the Brotherhood has proven more resilient to the alien incursion, swiftly regrouping and reorganizing their military capabilities.

Refugees attempting to reach the Blue Zones have shared valuable information, revealing a high degree of infighting within Nod. It seems various factions are vying for control over GDI assets bordering the Blue Zones, taking advantage of the chaos and fatigue among Initiative forces.

Due to the Third Tiberium War, many GDI Yellow Zone abatement projects have been abandoned and lay in various states of disrepair. Additionally, the containment infrastructure in the Blue Zones and civilian relief efforts suffer a similar fate, New Eden has been reclassified as a Yellow Zone. Sky Survey scans confirm that Tiberium contamination is rapidly worsening all over the globe, exacerbating the decline in quality of life for those residing in and a rapid collapse of the biosphere of the areas most affected.

To compound matters, the two liquid Tiberium detonations in Europe have resulted in the swift expansion of Red Zone One. The death toll has risen into the tens of millions as Ion Storms continue to wreak havoc on eastern Europe.

Welcome to the Apocalypse. Good luck Commander."
"Philadephia uplink unsuccessful - rerouting - StratNet uplink successful.

Welcome back, Commander.

Today's threat level remains high. While GDI campaigns prior to the Temple Prime explosion have successfully pushed Nod forces back deep into the Yellow Zones and neutralized a number of high ranking warlords, InOps reports that the Brotherhood has proven more resilient to the alien incursion, swiftly regrouping and reorganizing their military capabilities.

Refugees attempting to reach the Blue Zones have shared valuable information, revealing a high degree of infighting within Nod. It seems various factions are vying for control over GDI assets bordering the Blue Zones, taking advantage of the chaos and fatigue among Initiative forces.

Due to the Third Tiberium War, many GDI Yellow Zone abatement projects have been abandoned and lay in various states of disrepair. Additionally, the containment infrastructure in the Blue Zones and civilian relief efforts suffer a similar fate, New Eden has been reclassified as a Yellow Zone. Sky Survey scans confirm that Tiberium contamination is rapidly worsening all over the globe, exacerbating the decline in quality of life for those residing in and a rapid collapse of the biosphere of the areas most affected.

To compound matters, the two liquid Tiberium detonations in Europe have resulted in the swift expansion of Red Zone One. The death toll has risen into the tens of millions as Ion Storms continue to wreak hav-"

You slam the laptop shut in frustration, EVA's voice fading as the device enters low power mode. The sudden outburst momentarily draws the attention of the other civilian and military GDI officials, before they quickly return to their activities, delivering reports or quietly conversing, a pleasant hum of activity that leaves you restless with your hands fidgeting.

Exhaling slowly, you divert your gaze toward the window, peering out at what was once the White House lawn. The tiberium Nod seeded there during their initial assault on the eastern seaboard metropolitan area has eradicated any trace of the once pristine space. In its place lies a dull expanse of gray, featureless concrete, accompanied by heightened defenses and stringent security measures of what has been converted into GDI's current, momentary seat of power.

The view of Washington D.C. is now obscured by infantry barracks, vehicle depots, and prefabricated wall sections, guarded by watchtower turrets ominously scanning their surroundings. Meanwhile, surface-to-air missile launchers and anti-aircraft batteries relentlessly scan the darkened sky, obscured by a perpetual veil of dust and ash. This somber shroud hangs over the Earth, expected to persist for decades at best, and further deteriorates what little remains of the planet's fragile biosphere.

A reminder of your sins.

You are back in your command post in Italy, close to where it all began: Ground Zero, near what was once the city of Rome at the Tiber river. The air is filled with a cacophony of officers and aides shouting orders and relaying urgent reports. They scurry between stations, mirroring the chaos unfolding on the command table before you. Your eyes dart across the display, fixated on the slow advance of the relentless blue dots, inching their way up the riverbed. They methodically push back the purple dots, their progress punctuated by the incessant blinking of combat alarms that engulf the entire front of the operation towards the relay. The severity of the situation tightens your chest, leaving your mouth dry and your hands gripping the edge of the command table, knuckles turning white.

"Dear God, the entire ridge is flanked by Storm Columns! We're losing as many men to the ion storm as to the aliens."

"We're pinned down by Assault Carriers! We urgently require immediate air support!"

"Being swarmed by buzzers from all sides! We need to pull back!"

"Where the hell is our artillery support? We're being torn apart here!"

"Command, we've lost two more mammoth tanks! Repeat, two more mammoth tanks down!"

"Tripods have us pinned! We can't hold our position!"

"Command, this is Bravo Team. We're under heavy fire and taking casualties. We won't last much longer!"

"This is Alpha Team. We're being decimated by enemy aircraft!"

"Command, our eastern flank is breached! The enemy is pouring through! We need backup!"

"God help us! We're facing heavy resistance! The entire flank is collapsing!"

"Medics! We have wounded everywhere! We can't handle the casualties alone!"

"Repeat, lost another tank! We're being shredded out here!"

You exhale slowly and try, and fail, to relax, quickly taking into consideration your options. Orders you don't remember leave your mouth, dots move according to your whim, each one of them countless lives with families and friends you are sending into hell. You order your Juggernauts to target the Storm Columns, you commit a reserve unit to the eastern flank along the riverbed assault, you redirect and reorganize the Zone Trooper Squads to provide cover while backline units extract the wounded, all while pinned down by Assault Carriers.

"What's the state of Phoenix and Saber Squadron?", you shout across the commotion. "I need them loaded up with Rattlesnakes and blow the Carriers guarding the relay out of the sky."

"Saber is down to a single Firehawk and Phoenix is at half strength", a tired command officer answers you from his console. "Sorry, Commander."

"Commander, the alien mothership is coming towards us. ETA, thirty minutes."

"We have Devastator Warships coming in from the west."

A tired chuckle escapes your lips as you look at the reports from other fronts. The battle at Threshold-19 rages on, with aliens converging on the location, and Nod fiercely defending any attempts by GDI to destroy the tower. In Blue Zone Four, the invaders' terror attack threatens to breach the inner defenses. Above Ground Zero, the ion storm intensifies, posing a risk of cutting off air support and your evacuation routes. Weariness fills your being as you address the situation.

"Very well. All units, disengage from the assault and retreat to designated evacuation points. I repeat, disengage and retreat to the evacuation points. Implement retreat plan delta-four."

Confusion hangs in the air as someone seeks clarification.

"This is the end for us," you declare, your voice tinged with resignation. "We've come this far relying solely on willpower and determination, deep within the isolated Italian Red Zone, cut off from support. Signal the Enterprise in the Mediterranean to load a B-24 with the liquid tiberium bomb, and order Phoenix squadron to provide escort. We're packing up."

You are acutely aware of the risks and uncertainty surrounding the use of the bomb, its uncertain blast yield echoing the gravity of the gamble you are about to take. It is a desperate attempt to eliminate the invaders before they can regroup and fortify themselves within the Red Zones, potentially with an intact tower whose true purpose remains enigmatic. You are among the first to be evacuated, hurriedly ushered into an Orca transport, your eyes tracing the poisonous, lighting streaked sky above. Memories of the faces of those you fought alongside during these grueling three years flood your mind, etching themselves into your soul.

You didn't know you would never see any of them again.

"Commander, the Director is ready to see you",
a gruff voice returns you into the here and now. You look up at the visor of the commando's helmet, nodding and packing up your things before you are escorted to the oval office. The door closes behind you with a hiss, pneumatic locks engaging while the commando takes up position to the side of the room, invisible yet ever present. It's the second time you have been in here, the first time having been when you reconquered D.C. with your forces. It is cleaned up and repaired now, but also remodeled, all signs that this was once the seat of power of the United States removed and replaced with GDI heraldry and memorabilia.

Boyle is sitting at the desk behind armor glass panels, eyes fixated upon news reports broadcasting an interview with him, unveiling plans to begin construction of a second Philadelphia Station. You may not like the man, but he knows how to make a statement. Philadelphia II will be bigger and better than the aging first station, the faults in the ASAT network that allowed Nod to launch their devastating first strike mended. GDI will emerge stronger and more resilient than ever.

"Commander", he shuts off the TV and gets up to greet you, approaching you with a well trained friendly grin on his face, shaking hands before he motions you to sit down. "I hope your skills did not rust too much during your time in home detention while I cleaned up that political incident."

He chuckles at that, while you remain stone faced. Part of you would like to punch him, but your position is shaky enough as is, so you just try for a smile and a non committal answer. "I can't complain."

"General Granger's resignation was a heavy blow, especially with our lack of experienced command officers", Boyle maneuvers the conversation back to where he wants it to. "But that is politics. I assume it is hopeless to attempt to accept my offer to make you the Chief of Staff?"

"Director", you try to be diplomatic. "I am a Field Commander. I lack the institutional experience that would be needed for such a position."

"For now", Boyle hums, leaning back and putting his cane over his legs. "Please don't feel the need to martyr yourself because of the collateral damage. You won a great victory that day against impossible odds, Commander, for both of us, for humanity and GDI. In the eyes of the public, you are a hero. A hero thanks to which we will emerge better and stronger than before."

"Doesn't look too much like it", you huff, motioning out of the window at the darkened sky.

"Once I have secured financing for my Reconstruction Bills from the Council and GDI's corporate partners, I expect things to return to some sense of normality within one or two years", he leans forward, his face growing serious. "If Nod does not throw a spanner in the works again, Commander. Do you have any ideas of the sheer amount of investment in New Eden GDI lost due to the Brotherhood's and the Alien's interference. We will not give Nod another decade of buildup to ruin our attempts to eradicate Tiberium again", Boyle states definitely, going from serious back to friendly and encouraging again. "But for that I will need the help of brave and skilled military officers like you, Commander. Help me end Nod once and for all, crush them forever, drive their remains into the Red Zones to die and deliver me Kane chained before my feet so we can together enter the history books as the ones who won the battle for the planet once and for all."

"Easier said than done, Director", you chuckle, actually quite amused at his demands. "GDI did not fail in its attempts to destroy the Brotherhood or capture Kane because of a lack of effort."

"I am aware, which is why I am proposing this little alliance, Commander. You win me the victories I need as political capital to bring my ambitions for GDI to fruition and I will provide you and the military all the funding you'll need to bring Kane to heel. As I said, stick with me and we'll lead GDI to a brave new future." Boyle puts on that camera grin again, his back straightening out as he gives you that speech. "Just be aware I invested significant political effort to isolate you from the fallout of the Ground Zero battle and I'll always ensure to see returns on my investments."

You clench your jaw at the unspoken and unsubtle threat, but you knew from the start it would likely come down to something like this. Can Boyle try and put the blame for the 25 million lives lost back on you now, you don't know, but he is the Director. Regardless, if you decline your military career might as well be over and Boyle will find someone worse to serve his schemes. Boyle is a bastard, but one who knows the value of these types of informal alliances. It's not like you could not use this. You have fought and bled for GDI, thrown your comrades and subordinates to their deaths to wrangle victory from the cusp of defeat at the hands of Kane or the Invaders too many times to give up now. It is the dead that drive you forward to protect the living from your greatest, most hated enemy.

In your opinion, who is the greater threat to GDI right now? (Vote for one)

[]The Scrin
Many details around the invaders are still unclear, but they present the greatest threat mankind has ever faced. The Scrin are an extraterrestrial civilisation with incredibly advanced and deadly technology, vast knowledge about tiberium and an unending hunger for it. They will return one day, you can feel it, and when they do, GDI must be ready. Humanity will survive, whatever it takes.

[]The Brotherhood of Nod
The Brotherhood has been a constant thorn in mankind's side, fanatical in their zealous belief that the very thing eating and killing the planet is their salvation, resisting all GDI efforts to combat the spread of Tiberium and riling up the population of the Yellow Zones against GDI with lies and propaganda. Kane is a genocidal maniac who lured the Scrin to Earth for his own twisted designs, killing millions in the process. The Brotherhood and their prophet have to be stopped, whatever it takes.

[]The Dissenters
The greatest threat needs not hate you, or even want you harm. In truth, the dissenters, the opposition of the Boyle directorate, want only the best for mankind, and you believe they believe that. But they drew down the Yellow Zone patrols, and Nod snuck in and destroyed DC. They made common cause with Kilian Qatar, and Nod regained nuclear weaponry and burned Sidney. And when the Scrin stood ready to burn the planet, they opposed the only weapon that could stop them.

"I understand, Sir", you nod carefully.

"Fantastic decision, Commander", Boyle rubs his hands together in satisfaction. "The paperwork for your reinstation is already finished and on my desk. I'll sign it once you're on route to Blue Zone Four."

"The Arabian Peninsula?" You ask, going through the possibilities of why exactly there.

"To secure GDI's strategic interests in the region. You'll get a more thorough briefing on the way", he hands you a file, chuckling. "Here are the forces available to you. Keep in mind, without General Granger we are still a little disorganized and thus I am afraid I cannot quite lend you the quality and amount of forces you'll want, but I have read your records, I am sure you will manage."

And with that you are led outside again. Your brief meeting with the Director of GDI meeting comes to a close, leaving you left in the now very sterile White House's lobby figuring out what forces you're left with before your flight to the Middle East takes off in a few hours.

You will be having a subordinate commander, pick one: (From here on planvote)
[]Commander Britanny Loss
Born in Blue Zone Three, Commander Loss' record is average, cited in dispatches for several successful defensive operations during the Scrin attacks on her home. Her excellent social skills are noteworthy, her bond with her troops raises morale considerably, although the close relationships with the men under her command have resulted in a mild alcohol problem. (Increased Leadership, reduced Willpower, Trait: Mild Alcohol Dependency)
[]Commander Trevor Dirksen
A Scandinavian native, Commander Dirksen began his career in a GDI logistics unit that earned him his stars during the somewhat lengthy Helsinki siege in the Third Tiberium War. While his file notes his administrative and logistical skills, his other areas of expertise are lacking and he often defers to the advice of his subordinate officers. (Excellent Logistics, reduced willpower, all other skills reduced)
[]Commander Madlyn Bakken
Commander Bakken's area of expertise is armored assault. A former tank commander, she understands the armored battlefield very well, the downside of which is a certain inflexibility when it comes to making proper use of other types of assets.
(Bonus to all skills when able to make proper use of medium and heavy armor, malus if not)

[]Commander Otto Stringer
Commander Stringer is noted as being a prodigy, not quite at your level but enough to earn him several commendations. What has held back his advancement is his almost pathological hatred of Nod, a result of the Brotherhood being directly responsible for the death of his parents according to the psych report. No investigation has ever been able to verify reports of war crimes or POW abuses despite rumors, but the friction with locals or his own subordinates is well documented. (Greatly increased, Tactics, Strategy and Willpower, Trait: Brotherhood Hatred)
[]Commander Emilie Aoki
A veteran of the Second Tiberium War, Commander Aoki has never accepted promotions away from field command, though her file does not go into detail as to why. The daughter of a Japanese diplomat and an Australian military officer, she only notes a certain sense of duty she feels to the position. While still mentally sharp and highly skilled, she is nearing the end of her active service. (All skills increased, Trait: Close to Retirement)

Each of you will command a division, pick one for your subordinate, and one for you:
[]GDI Motorized Division
Several motorized and a few mechanized battalions make for a highly mobile force with comparatively small logistical and maintenance needs. (Current Main Components: GDI Infantry, GDI Utility Truck, Guardian APC, Pitbull)
[]GDI Mechanized Division
A force of mechanized battalions making for a well-protected, versatile combat force with moderate logistical and maintenance needs(Current Main Components: GDI Infantry, Guardian APC)
[]GDI Armored Division
A core of mechanized battalions with several medium armor battalions for heavy fire support, an armored Division is a more cumbersome, heavy hitting and heavily armored force with heavy logistical and maintenance needs. (Current Main Components: GDI Infantry, Guardian APC, Predator Tank)
[]ZOCOM Division
A branch primarily created for Red Zone operations, ZOCOM divisions can hit hard in more normal combat environments too with several battalions of power armored infantry and specialized support vehicles, with heavy logistical and incredible maintenance needs. (Current Main Components: Zone Troopers, Zone Raiders, Guardian APC, Shatterer)
[]Steel Talon Division
A small experimental branch of GDI's armed forces, the Steel Talons are among the few still making use of GDI's powerful walker tech, serving as an experimental testing ground for GDI equipment, which leads both to incredible logistical and maintenance needs. (Current Main Components: GDI Infantry, Mobile Repair Transport, Wolverine, Titan)

Although all divisions have a degree of competence in all required fields of combat, attaching support units to cover weaknesses or add utility is common practice. Pick two per Division:
Several artillery vehicle companies to provide additional heavy, long distance fire support to the division. (Current Main Components: Juggernaut)
Several support vehicle companies to provide anti-air support to the division. (Current Main Components: Slingshot, SAM batteries)
Additional utility vehicle units and technical specialist attachments for FOB and bridge construction and repair, demolition, minefield laying, vehicle maintenance and recovery.
[]Recon Unit
Several units of specialized recon elements to provide the division with greater awareness. (Current Main Components: Pitbulls, Sniper Teams)
[]Commando Units
Several commando and special forces teams provide the division with some additional special operations capability. (Current main components: Commando, Sniper Team)
[]Zone Armor Units
Several mechanized power armor companies to provide the Division with heavy infantry. (Current Main Components: Zone Trooper, Guardian APC)
[]Medium Armored
Several Medium Armor Companies for additional armored firesupport. (Current Main Components: Predator Tank)
[]Heavy Armored
Several Heavy Armor Companies for heavy assault capacity. (Current Main Components: Mammoth Tank)
Attach a battalion of light infantry in Ox air transports (ZOCOM gets Zone infantry ) with Hammerheads and a few Orcas for fire support. (Current Main Components: GDI Infantry/Zone Troopers and Zone Raiders, Ox, Hammerhead)
[]Military Police
Keeping order in a warzone requires specialist skills. And some Guardians hauling those specialists. (Current Main Components: GDI Infantry, Riot Troopers, Guardian APC)
Field depot equipment and staff, but it'll help a lot with keeping everything in working order. (Current Main Components: Technician, Mobile Repair Transport)
[]Field Hospital
Staff and equipment to deploy a MASH gets troops to expert medical staff sooner, saving lives. (Current Main Components: Doctor, Nurse, Ambulance)
Additional vehicles and personnel to provide additional logistical capacity. (Current Main Component: Truck, Ox air transport, GDI Infantry)
[]ZOCOM Unit
A couple companies of Zone Troopers, Zone Raiders and some Shatterers to provide some limited Tiberium environment operation capacity. (Current Main Components: Zone Trooper, Zone Raider, Shatterer)
[]Steel Talon Unit
A couple of Steel Talon companies provide fire support. (Current Main Components: Wolverine, Titan)

Pick Two Theater Support Units:
[]Orbital Drop Troops
Several companies worth of GDI Space Force orbital drop zone troopers ready to be deployed anywhere onto the planet within half an hour or less. (Current Main Components: Zone Troopers)
-[]Firehawk Squadron
A squadron of Firehawks, GDI's current in-service multi-role aircraft, capable of carrying either four rattlesnake AA-missile or two groundpounder surface bombs in its hardpoints.
-[]Orca Squadron
A Squadron of Orca Mk. IV ground attack VTOL aircraft, capable of carrying 6 air-to-ground missiles.
-[]Air Transport Squadron
A squadron of Orca Carryalls and Ox VTOL transports to provide enhanced mobility or logistical capacity into difficult to reach areas.
-[]Apollo Squadron
A squadron of Apollos, GDI's most advanced and unmatched supersonic air superiority fighter.
[]InOps Intelligence Unit
A group of analysts and specialists help filter the information flowing in from various sources to determine the enemy's positions and disposition. Among them are two familiar names, Lieutenant Kirce James and Lieutenant Sandra Telfair, with whom you already worked during the Third Tiberium War.
[]Ion Cannon Capacity
Orbital Command will prioritize your request for heavy fire support
[]Weather Prediction Unit
Up to date weather data is important in any military operation, but in the exceedingly hostile Red Zone environments absolutely critical.
[]Engineer Support Unit
Although not prepared for frontline combat, Engineer Support Units greatly expand your ability to deploy bases and maintain infrastructure.
[]Amphibious Assault Landing Unit
Navy specialists, dedicated marines and transport hovercraft greatly ease the planning and performance of any assaults across large bodies of water.
[]High-End Maintenance Unit
An expanded theater maintenance facility can take a severely damaged vehicle and either repair it as new or salvage what is still good on it.
[]High End Medical Unit
Top level medical support decreases fatalities and shortens recovery times of personnel.
[]Quartermaster Corps
Extensive depots for all sorts of supplies run with great efficiency, some would swear the quartermasters are able to see the future given how fast requests for resupply are filled.

Thanks for participating. I reserve myself the right to disregard, interpret, change and add to both Command and Conquer lore as I see fit to support the narrative. Comments and feedback sustain my soul.
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[X]The Dissenters

[X] Plan: Armor and mechinzed
-[X]Commander Otto Stringer
-[X]GDI Motorized Division - Otto
-[X]ZOCOM Unit - MC
-[X]Engineer - ZOCOM - MC
-[X]Recon Unit - ZOCOM - MC
-[X]Military Police - GDI - Otto
-[X]Field Hospital - GDI - Otto
-[X]InOps Intelligence Unit
-[X]Quartermaster Corps
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[X]The Scrin
[X]Plan First in the fight.

-[X]Commander Madlyn Bakken
-[X]ZOCOM Division-MC
-[X]Maintenance -MC
-[X]Logistics -MC
-[X]GDI Armored Division -Bakken
-[X]Medium Armored -Bakken
-[X]Zone Armor Units -Bakken
-[X]Weather Prediction Unit
-[X]Orbital Drop Troops

So. Really simple. If I could I would write Tiberium as our biggest threat. Not an option, so Aliens are. That means the plan is pretty simple.
Our division. Zocom. Then we get logistics and maintanences. We're going to be operating in the red zone. This is our reason to be. No-one beats us in the red.

Subordinate commander. GDI steel. Armoured division with a commander who knows what to do. Then she gets tanks on top and some Mechanised zone troopers.

Finishing off, weather prediction unit because we're operating in the red. And Prioritised ODT support for emergencies. There's nothing quite like multiple squads of Zone troopers arriving and flattening anything that gives us trouble anywhere on the planet.
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[X]The Brotherhood of Nod
[X]Plan: Death to Scorpions
-[X]Commander Otto Stringer
-[X]GDI Mechanized Division - MC
--[X]Recon Unit - MC
--[X]Commando Units - MC
-[X]GDI Armored Division - Stringer
--[X]Artillery - Stringer
--[X]Maintenance - Stringer
-[X]InOps Intelligence Unit
-[X]Ion Cannon Capacity

Geared towards the singular purpose of ousting Nod out of whatever hole they hide in, we keep Stringer mostly in the back to support us while our mechanized division delves into the weeds until we find a target worthy of an armoured division. Or an orbital strike.
[X] Plan: Behind every great leader there is an even greater logistician.
-[X] Commander Trevor Dirksen
-[X] ZOCOM Division - MC
--[X]Recon Unit - MC
--[X]Commando Units - MC
-[X] GDI Armored Division - Dirkson
--[X]Artillery - Dirkson
--[X] Logistics - Dirkson
-[X]InOps Intelligence Unit
-[X] High-End Maintenance Unit

[X]The Scrin

Way I see it, A Logistician as a Aid is absolutely perfect, It means he can keep our own offensive fueled. Alongside that Giving him the Armoured Division is perfect because as a Gas guzzling giant, its exactly what he is best suited for mitigating their downsides. In addition, The Logistics Attache goes perfectly with artillery and Armoured.
The Zocom units can hit super hard, and between recon and Commando's we will create large cracks wherever we hit, and then the Freight train of GDI armoured can secure and widen any cracks we made with our rapid Zocom forces.

If we plan for steel talon or armoured, High end maintenance unit is amazing and between both Dirkson, Logistic and High end maintenance, Armoured and Artillery are compounding package.
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[X] Plan: Behind every great leader there is an even greater logistician.
-[X] Commander Trevor Dirksen
-[X] ZOCOM Division - MC
--[X]Recon Unit - MC
--[X]Commando Units - MC
-[X] GDI Armored Division - Dirkson
--[X]Artillery - Dirkson
--[X] Logistics - Dirkson
-[X]InOps Intelligence Unit
-[X] High-End Maintenance Unit

This one look great for smacking the minor nod warlords which is what GDI needs right now but I'm a bit worried about it's ability to stabilize areas. That being said it seems fairly mobile so maybe we could roll as a QRF or mobile task force to break nod's back and let the regular part of GDI pick up what's left.

[X] The Brotherhood of Nod
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[X]The Scrin
[X] Plan Last Chances
-[X]Commander Emilie Aoki
-[X]ZOCOM Division - Emile Aoki
--[X]Military Police
-[X]Steel Talon Division - MC
-[X]InOps Intelligence Unit
-[X]Weather Prediction Unit

Emile Aoki with the ZOCOM, MC with Steel Talon. A commander's last hurrah to fight the war that was supposed to be, and another for redemption with a division that was sent to obscurity due to repeated failures. Not much anti-air capabilities now that I think about it without Emilie's support... Though I want to explore more of the Walkers in GDI I guess.

InOps Intelligence Unit... might give some light over Emilie Aoki should this Plan win, maybe, and Weather Prediction Unit because this plan might fight in the Red Zones. The latter could be swapped for a Theater Aircraft Firehawk Squadron though, maybe the former but Intelligence is a bit vital I think going forward. Still, watching this Quest and curious how it pans out. o.o/

..speaking of Steel Talons..

[ ]The Brotherhood of Nod
[ ] Plan Vengeance!
-[ ]Commander Otto Stringer
-[ ]GDI Motorized Division - MC
--[ ]Artillery
--[ ]Recon
-[ ]Steel Talon Division - Otto Stringer
--[ ]Maintenance
--[ ]Logistics
-[ ]Aircraft
--[ ]Firehawk Squadron
-[ ]InOps Intelligence Unit

Another Plan in mind. Still, I'll probably vote another Plan though that has us fighting the Scrin... I vaguely recall there was another Quest that went against the Nod as GDI... :V Time to fight the other faction hopefully in this Quest!

[X] Plan: Behind every great leader there is an even greater logistician.
[X]The Scrin
[X]Plan First in the fight.
[X] Plan: Behind every great leader there is an even greater logistician.

I like both of these plans. Do kinda lean to First in the Fight due to the orbital drop troops but at the same time I also like the commando in the other plan.
..speaking of Scrin, we might need to be extra careful about their ability to deploy Buzzer Swarms via their tactical ability. That could screw over infantry badly, and I think that's one way to out a Commando due to dropping it on top of the person's head.

Most of the Plans have armored choices, so I guess there's not much to worry about Scrin vehicles with Buzzer Swarms... I hope.
I have no idea what plan to vote for but…

[X] The Brotherhood of Nod

I know ousting Nod, will win us lots of political capital and our director did say he wants Kane's head.
[X] Plan: Behind every great leader there is an even greater logistician.
-[X] Commander Trevor Dirksen
-[X] ZOCOM Division - MC
--[X]Recon Unit - MC
--[X]Commando Units - MC
-[X] GDI Armored Division - Dirkson
--[X]Artillery - Dirkson
--[X] Logistics - Dirkson
-[X]InOps Intelligence Unit
-[X] High-End Maintenance Unit
..speaking of Scrin, we might need to be extra careful about their ability to deploy Buzzer Swarms via their tactical ability. That could screw over infantry badly, and I think that's one way to out a Commando due to dropping it on top of the person's head.

Most of the Plans have armored choices, so I guess there's not much to worry about Scrin vehicles with Buzzer Swarms... I hope.

The Scrin got blown to kingdom come, their transmitter destroyed, the invasion gleet scattered.

What are the odds they show their face again?
What are the odds they show their face again?
The name Tiberium Apocalypse might give a hint.

Also, you can add a medium armor support unit to an armored division, but it will lead to both commanders malding over whoever made the decision to give the armored division more predator tanks instead of something that adds more utility.
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[X]The Brotherhood of Nod
[X]Plan: Death to Scorpions

Quite frankly Nod needs to go, we can't have them in our back when the aliens return.