If I Were A Rich Man (No SV, Time to make Money.)

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Begin Again
Begin Again

-[X]Bring Simon: Simon nodded and you held his back.
-[X]Bring Grace: Grace smiled at you as you held her hand. "Just like those story books. We're going on an adventure."
-[X]Bring Walter: You looked at the sleeping Baby Walter. "Don't let him become like us. Don't let him know nothing but abuse and whatever the hell that gene donners call parenting?"

You looked at them and felt every gaze that was befalling you. And you realized that you couldn't for the right reasons, ever abandon them.

It would be cruel to do so otherwise. Anyone with a heart would say the same.

And you were one of the rare people that did

"Whatever you do… you will listen to me." You said with a smile on your face, as you took their hands, and led them away.

Reward: Expenditure increased by 400. Gain 1 personal action.

Your siblings are now joining you in your retinue, and you can teach them things.

All your Sibling's Stress Levels are at (Elevated) and if it gets any worse, they will suffer, and they will negatively impact your rolls

Disaster Roll increased by 30 for the next three turns. If they succeed… Well, you'll see.

[X]Quick and Easy: You are in need of money quickly, perhaps with a job that will help you build up your resume, along with getting you what you need to survive.
-[X]Get a Job at a Restaurant: They will pay you and feed you… That's a good place to start. Rolled:D100 + 30 => 69
[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something new
-[X]Cooking Rolled:D100 => 91+30=121

You got a job at some old-time dinner from back when Portland wasn't a shithole relegated to the whims of corporate monopolies and interests. It was an old Burger place that had a crusty old geezer as the man running the show. And dear god was crusty and greedy.

"John." He said your name with disgust as you came running out from the back. "I had three orders needed ten minutes ago and now the delivery guy is here, hop to it."

"I don't know how to cook." You replied. "You and the guys won't let me near the line."

"Well, you saw how everyone did it right? Just do as they did and make sure not to burn them."

You really did not like that you were being thrown to the wolves.

But you did realize something very good.

Cooking was easy as long as you had the ingredients and knew the tempo. And the rhythm was easy to learn.

Prepare, cook, make, and serve. It was almost too simple that you really wondered if the sapping bullshit of the service industry really chewed people out from people who did not understand that same rhythm.

Or maybe it was because customers were indeed the shittiest of people. Which they were, but by god, did they pay when things really got into it, and they saw just how well things went.

After the first few burgers were duds, you were not good.

Then you changed the settings on the grill, and the fryer because they were cooking too slowly.

Three days later, people were tipping you dozens of dollars per burger, because that's how they did it.

Sure you didn't see any of that… But who the hell cares?

You got really good at this cooking thing.

Reward: Gain 1000 EC. The Restaurant likes you.

Gain Cooking (Skilled) You know how to cook. And for most people, that means everything (Unknown Effect. Quality of Life increased. Working in the service industry gains +20 to the rolls. Can now experiment with making food)

-[X]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better. Rolled:D100 => 11+30=41

You didn't find any place to stay, because it was out of your budget range.

But you did manage to stay at one of the local parks, with the local homeless for awhile.

Sure it was a stressful situation, but they were nice. Mostly. Only had to draw on them once to make sure your stuff was not taken.

It wasn't comfortable. In fact, most nights you didn't sleep, and just had to sit and watch, making sure no one stole your things.

Semi Failure: You managed to keep your things and keep safe. However, John gains A Level of Stress (Semi) and will suffer a -5 to his rolls until he is able to destress or rest)

Gain 1 Personal Action next turn.

Disaster Roll:D100 => 28+30=58

You were almost caught. You had worked for 16 hours and realized that you needed to get to your family.

It was almost too late. Corpo agents were looking for your brother, and they had been roughing up the local homeless.

And then they shot at them. Saying they were scum and the dredges of the earth.

You had barely had time to grab your things before they brought in armored trucks and started beating people senselessly trying to find you, even rounding up the kids and placing them against the walls to scan their faces.

It was incredible that you had even managed to escape.

Reward: You were almost caught, but still have your things and your family.
Current Cash and expenditure Status:

1750 Dollars

650 Dollars for food and water.

Modified Night Raven Model 12 Handgun: A Modified handgun with a bio code grip to prevent anyone other than you from using it. It is a relic from the Oil Wars of the 2030s, but it's plentiful and billions of rounds are still in circulation. The Tried and Tested Mercenaries firearm. It's easy to modify, and easy to handle. Perfect for beginners and masters alike. (Unknown Effect, increased combat rolls)

Legal Work: You need Money, so time to take that leap and join the workforce.

(Choose 1)

[]Quick and Easy: You are in need of money quickly, perhaps with a job that will help you build up your resume, along with getting you what you need to survive.
-[]Get a Job at a Restaurant: They will pay you and feed you… That's a good place to start.
-[]Find Work at an Auto Place: Everyone needs cars to work, especially the piece of Craps from Halo and Whatever that Chinese firm is called.
-[]Go to a Bookstore: Maybe you can call in a favor from that one place you helped protect that one time?
-[]Write in

[]A Little bit of Violence: There is plenty of legal work for a man your age, young and inexperienced can take part in. In fact, so many in fact, you suspect that there are places that want to hire.
-[]Find a Security Job: Everyone needs to protect the security of their business.
-[]Community Policing: The Streets of ole Portland are rife with gang violence and bad people. Perhaps you can do something to help everyone.
-[]Mercenary Work: Who knows, maybe there will be legal jobs for you to take. Last you heard there is some work that doesn't involve breaking and entering and breaking every law on Record.
-[]Write in

[]Found your Own Company: You are going to get the trademark to not only your own business but also your own company. Just to be safe.

[]Join the Army: You need stability, and you need… something to keep you from falling into despair.

Personal Actions:

Choose 4 (What you are homeless, not giving you more things than a teenager can handle.)

[]Some Fun: You need to remind yourself that they are kids. Maybe a day where you relax will be enough to help them calm down (Cost 100 EC)

[]Write Something?: You want to write something. So you might as well try.
-[]Write in

[]Enroll your Siblings: Your siblings need to get back to school with the summer coming to an end. Perhaps that will help you… work more, and not worry about them. But it also gives them a target.

[]Homeschooling: You need to teach them the standard curriculum. And you can do that with just a smartphone and some headphones.

[]The Mind of a Chemist: You don't have the Equipment, nor do you have anything that could be construed as proper… anything. But you need to work on something (Cost 100 EC)

[]Go Shopping: You need to get some things. (Start a shopping miniturn)

[]Range Time: You need to blow off some steam, so shooting targets is always something that you can do (Cost 300 EC)

[]Experiment with Cooking: Maybe you can make a new Recipe! (Cost 50 EC)

[]Friends from School: You need to find out who from school might be willing to look at you. Who might actually still want to be your friend?

[]Try to Get to College: Maybe your GPA and schooling might get you into college.

[]Modify your Pistol: You may not be a gunsmith, but the Nightraven is very easy to modify, just needs a 3d printer and some instructions.

[]Keep Tabs on your Family: You are going to make sure your siblings are going to be safe. No matter what.

[]Watch the News: Let's see how… the rest of the world is going on?

[]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better.

[]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something new
-[]Write in skill below.

[]Teach a Skill: Teach one of your siblings how to do something.
-[]Write in below, and who you wish to teach.

[]Change your view: You can't just keep going on like this. Time for a change?

AN: Enjoy, and vote in plan format

You will get the siblings character sheets soon.
[X] Plan: An Honest Living
-[X]Quick and Easy: You are in need of money quickly, perhaps with a job that will help you build up your resume, along with getting you what you need to survive.
-[X]Get a Job at a Restaurant: They will pay you and feed you… That's a good place to start
-[X]Some Fun: You need to remind yourself that they are kids. Maybe a day where you relax will be enough to help them calm down (Cost 100 EC)
-[X]Enroll your Siblings: Your siblings need to get back to school with the summer coming to an end. Perhaps that will help you… work more, and not worry about them. But it also gives them a target.
-[X]Keep Tabs on your Family: You are going to make sure your siblings are going to be safe. No matter what.
-[X]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better.

Here's my thought, family fun and keeping tabs to ensure our siblings are kept unstressed and the parents out of our hair. Follow up on the restaurant job for steady employment and throw our sins into school to make sure their getting the proper education. And finally shelter to get that stress debuff down. We should probably do family fun every other turn to keep stress down too and put time management into next turn to add actions.
All your Sibling's Stress Levels are at (Elevated) and if it gets any worse, they will suffer, and they will negatively impact your rolls

Disaster Roll increased by 30 for the next three turns. If they succeed… Well, you'll see.

Oof, we need to get some shelter and find somewhere to hide our siblings. Also we probably need to homeschool them instead of sending them to school until the heat dies down.

[X] Plan: An Honest Living but less danger
-[X]Quick and Easy: You are in need of money quickly, perhaps with a job that will help you build up your resume, along with getting you what you need to survive.
--[X]Get a Job at a Restaurant: They will pay you and feed you… That's a good place to start
-[X]Some Fun: You need to remind yourself that they are kids. Maybe a day where you relax will be enough to help them calm down (Cost 100 EC)
-[X]Homeschooling: You need to teach them the standard curriculum. And you can do that with just a smartphone and some headphones.
-[X]Keep Tabs on your Family: You are going to make sure your siblings are going to be safe. No matter what.
-[X]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better.
[X] Plan: An Honest Living but less danger

Guess we have to ride out some turns for them to lose interest in us but it's worth it.
Three days later, people were tipping you dozens of dollars per burger, because that's how they did it.

Sure you didn't see any of that… But who the hell cares?

You got really good at this cooking thing.

Reward: Gain 1000 EC. The Restaurant likes you.

Gain Cooking (Skilled) You know how to cook. And for most people, that means everything (Unknown Effect. Quality of Life increased. Working in the service industry gains +20 to the rolls. Can now experiment with making food)
Well, looks like we got good at the cooking thing.
And also, wonder what the unknown affect is, a product of the artificial crit?
-[X]Cooking Rolled:D100 => 91+30=121
[X] Plan Trying Again
-[X]A Little bit of Violence: There is plenty of legal work for a man your age, young and inexperienced can take part in. In fact, so many in fact, you suspect that there are places that want to hire.
--[X]Community Policing: The Streets of ole Portland are rife with gang violence and bad people. Perhaps you can do something to help everyone.
-[X]Homeschooling: You need to teach them the standard curriculum. And you can do that with just a smartphone and some headphones.
-[X]Friends from School: You need to find out who from school might be willing to look at you. Who might actually still want to be your friend?
-[X]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better.
-[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something new
--[X]Time Management


Violence: Again, we're a combat expert. This is our specialty.

Homeschooling: Public school puts a target on their backs, so let's do this instead.

Friend: We need some support.

Find a Shelter: We also need to get rid of that debuff. Maybe our friend will let us crash at their place.

Time Management: I was going to vote for Foraging to take advantage of our new talent for cooking, but then I got reminded that this is a thing. More Actions will definitely be helpful.

And for the sake of approval-voting...

[X] Plan: An Honest Living but less danger
Question to clarify do we have plus 30 to the next two disaster rolls cause we did one this turn or starting now?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Oct 28, 2022 at 1:34 AM, finished with 20 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: An Honest Living but less danger
    -[X]Quick and Easy: You are in need of money quickly, perhaps with a job that will help you build up your resume, along with getting you what you need to survive.
    --[X]Get a Job at a Restaurant: They will pay you and feed you… That's a good place to start
    -[X]Some Fun: You need to remind yourself that they are kids. Maybe a day where you relax will be enough to help them calm down (Cost 100 EC)
    -[X]Homeschooling: You need to teach them the standard curriculum. And you can do that with just a smartphone and some headphones.
    -[X]Keep Tabs on your Family: You are going to make sure your siblings are going to be safe. No matter what.
    -[X]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better.
    [X] Plan: An Honest Living
    -[X]Quick and Easy: You are in need of money quickly, perhaps with a job that will help you build up your resume, along with getting you what you need to survive.
    -[X]Get a Job at a Restaurant: They will pay you and feed you… That's a good place to start
    -[X]Some Fun: You need to remind yourself that they are kids. Maybe a day where you relax will be enough to help them calm down (Cost 100 EC)
    -[X]Enroll your Siblings: Your siblings need to get back to school with the summer coming to an end. Perhaps that will help you… work more, and not worry about them. But it also gives them a target.
    -[X]Keep Tabs on your Family: You are going to make sure your siblings are going to be safe. No matter what.
    -[X]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better.
    [X] Plan Trying Again
    -[X]A Little bit of Violence: There is plenty of legal work for a man your age, young and inexperienced can take part in. In fact, so many in fact, you suspect that there are places that want to hire.
    --[X]Community Policing: The Streets of ole Portland are rife with gang violence and bad people. Perhaps you can do something to help everyone.
    -[X]Homeschooling: You need to teach them the standard curriculum. And you can do that with just a smartphone and some headphones.
    -[X]Friends from School: You need to find out who from school might be willing to look at you. Who might actually still want to be your friend?
    -[X]Find a Shelter: You need to find someplace for you to sleep at night. Maybe then, something can get better.
    -[X]Learn a New Skill: You want to learn something new
    --[X]Time Management
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