If I Were A Rich Man (No SV, Time to make Money.)

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Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Oct 20, 2022 at 11:48 AM, finished with 35 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Started from the bottom... and still there.
    -[X] Johnathan Mercer
    -[X] 18
    -[X] Legal
    [X]Plan Cyberpunk Space hunter
    [X] Plan: Gangster's Paradise
    [X] Plan: Not Easy
    -[X] Name: Mendel Dreamlander (Male)
    -[X] Image pic: QM chooses
    -[X]18: Well Fuck, 18 years old and now utterly kicked out of your home, without barely any warning, because your parents were assholes. You have nothing, no bank account, no home, and now, no support. The only thing you have is a high school diploma and your grit. Good luck. (Begin with only one skill set to competrnt, but, you are young, with a lifetime ahead of you to learn and grow, and have the ability to choose your own congenital (Genetic) trait)
    -[X]Legal: You are going to make your money square. After all, the government can only take so much. And the Corps can't buy your soul. At least you think.
    [X] Name: Lucas Taylor
    [X] Image: QM's choice
    [X]21: Well it was a shitty way to end your free ride, on a bender that fucked you up. But soon, things only just got worse. Because now you are out in a city where you do not know anyone, and now, you have to make your way in the world. And that is terrifying. (Begin with Two skillsets to competent, and one that is skilled. But you will start with a random good and bad trait)
    [X] Illegal: Hey, with the entire world being run by criminals... What's one more criminal in the lot?
    [X]Plan Cyberpunk Space hunter revised
    [X]Plan Loving It
    -[X]Mac Donald
    ---[X]21: Well it was a shitty way to end your free ride, on a bender that fucked you up. But soon, things only just got worse. Because now you are out in a city where you do not know anyone, and now, you have to make your way in the world. And that is terrifying. (Begin with Two skillsets to competent, and one that is skilled. But you will start with a random good and bad trait)
    ----[X]Gray: It seems you like living on the edge, doing the things that aren't exactly legal... but it does pay... If you survive of course. Turns out Grey Market and those that run it... well, they have difficulties.
The Skills
The Skills:

Well, you are poor, that much is true, but you have a few things that are going for you. Like your health… Well, actually you don't really know if you even have that.

Actually, what do you have?:

Choose your Skills (Due to age: Choose 1 Skill to be set to competent, however, you can choose 2 more, to serve as skills you have only just learned.)

[]Chemistry: You always had a knack for understanding the thing that is the complex understanding of the universe.

[]Writing: You can write worth a damn, it's one of the few things you are good at.

[]Firearms handling: You know how to properly handle and maintain, and shoot firearms.

[]Foraging: You know how to survive and find your own food and survive in a far more rural environment.

[]Video Games: You know how to play video games. And play them well.

[]Film making: You enjoy making films and the filmmaking process.

[]Write in
Choose 2 Virtues Traits:

[]Brave: A heart that is truly uncowed by fear is a wondrous sight to behold. (+10 to Combat rolls)

[]Calm: The reflection in the water is clearest when left undisturbed. (+5 to All rolls)

[]Content: At once the simplest and most difficult goal to attain. (All rolls difficulty will be lowered to 40. Lose Stress Every turn you do not take the max actions. You only have 3 Actions.)

[]Diligent: If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again. (+15 to all rolls, but if you fail, gain a level of stress.)

[]Forgiving: Is it not destroying your enemies when they become your friends? (+10 to diplomacy rolls.)

[]Generous: "Who is more charitable? The one who gave the bounty they could spare, or the one who gave the pittance they had?" (If you fail a roll, there is a chance someone will help you. But if you fail, gain a level of stress)

[]Gregarious: A voice that brings with it laughter at every turn is rarely turned away. (+10 to all diplomacy and Artistic Rolls. Diplomacy rolls will gain a reroll)

[]Honest: "You can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for." (-10 to Intrigue rolls, but if you succeed, you will negate intrigue rolls malus the next turn. Do it twice, gain a +10 to intrigue rolls)

[]Humble: Virtuous are those who feel no need to prove their worth. (+5 to Diplomacy and Artistic Rolls.)

[]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+15 to all rolls. Special Actions available)

[]Family Person: "It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on." Positive Opinion with relatives/spouses/spouses to relatives. If you are caring for another Relative… Automatically pass one roll to make sure they are safe.)

[]Stoic: A face like a mask carved from stone, revealing nothing of one's inner thoughts. (+10 to Intrigue and Personal Rolls. -10 to artistic rolls)

Choose 2

[]Vain: "Ugh, there is mud on my shoes, I need new ones!" (-5 to stewardship, diplomacy rolls.)

[]Judgemental: "I shall take my leave from this den of iniquity!" (-10 to diplomacy Rolls)

[]Careless: "Now, where did I put that letter...?" (A single Random roll suffers a -20)

[]Craven: Fear is the mindkiller. (-10 to combat rolls)

[]Wrathful: What can men do against such reckless hate? (-5 to Stewardship rolls +5 to certain diplomacy)

[]Slothful: "I love work. I could sit around and watch it all day." (-5 to all rolls. +5 to all personal Rolls)

[]Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)

[]Shy: "O-oh, hello." ( +10 Intrigue rolls, -10 diplomacy rolls)

[]Deceitful: A good lie contains a nugget of truth, and the best lies speak nothing but the truth yet still mislead. (+10 Intrigue Rolls, -10 Diplomacy rolls)

[]Arbitrary: "I don't care what yesterday's me said, he's not here." (-5 to all rolls in the stats noted. Martial, Diplomacy & Stewardship.)

p[Impatient: Who has time to wait around for good things to come these days? (-5 to all rolls. If it succeeds, gain +5 for the next turn)

[]Paranoid: "...The less you use, the further you'll go." (+5 to Intrigue Rolls, -5 Diplomacy Rolls)

[]Sadist: "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention." (-5 Diplomacy rolls. +5 to combat rolls)

[]Aloof: "Yes, I can see the bloodstains. Why do you ask?" ( -5 Diplomacy Rolls On artistic rolls, roll an additional D100. If it is higher, add to the first roll)

Choose Your Genetic Trait:

(Choose 1)

[]Left Handed
[]Genetically engineered
[]Let Magoose Roll the Dice

Enjoy, Vote in Plan format please!
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[X] A Young Man.
-[X]Chemistry: You always had a knack for understanding the thing that is the complex understanding of the universe.
-[X]Write in: Martial Arts: You decided to learn them to better defend yourself. Granted guns would do a better job of that in this day and age, but you were a young man who watched too many Martial Arts movies.
-[X]Write in: Electronics: Cyberware got popular recently. Might as well learn about it.
-[X]Calm: The reflection in the water is clearest when left undisturbed. (+5 to All rolls)
-[X]Diligent: If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again. (+15 to all rolls, but if you fail, gain a level of stress.)
-[X]Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)
-[X]Impatient: Who has time to wait around for good things to come these days? (-5 to all rolls. If it succeeds, gain +5 for the next turn)

I basically just made the traits of a Teenager. Thought it fit.
[X] Plan Lets Break Bad
-[x]Chemistry: You always had a knack for understanding the thing that is the complex understanding of the universe.
New Skills
-[x]Writing: You can write worth a damn, it's one of the few things you are good at.
-[x]Firearms handling: You know how to properly handle and maintain, and shoot firearms.
-[x]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+15 to all rolls. Locks you to being Illegal in gaining money. Special Actions available)
-[x]Calm: The reflection in the water is clearest when left undisturbed. (+5 to All rolls)
-[x]Deceitful: A good lie contains a nugget of truth, and the best lies speak nothing but the truth yet still mislead. (+10 Intrigue Rolls, -10 Diplomacy rolls)
-[x]Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)
Genetic trait
-[x]Left Handed
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[X] Plan Aspiring Movie Maker
-[X] Film making (Competent)
-[X] Writing (New)
-[X] Foraging (New)
-[X] Diligent
-[X] Ambitious
-[X] Craven
-[X] Aloof
-[X] Quick
[X] Plan Lets Break Bad
-[x]Chemistry: You always had a knack for understanding the thing that is the complex understanding of the universe.
New Skills
-[x]Writing: You can write worth a damn, it's one of the few things you are good at.
-[x]Firearms handling: You know how to properly handle and maintain, and shoot firearms.
-[x]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+15 to all rolls. Locks you to being Illegal in gaining money. Special Actions available)
-[x]Calm: The reflection in the water is clearest when left undisturbed. (+5 to All rolls)
-[x]Deceitful: A good lie contains a nugget of truth, and the best lies speak nothing but the truth yet still mislead. (+10 Intrigue Rolls, -10 Diplomacy rolls)
-[x]Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)
I love your plan but you need to pick a genetic trait...

And could I convince you to change calma for []Diligent? Getting a +30 to all actions would be immensely useful...

Besides that @Magoose while most genetic trait are pretty self explanatory, what are the effects of Cyberbaby and genetically engineered?
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I love your plan but you need to pick a genetic trait...

And could I convince you to change calma for []Diligent? Getting a +30 to all actions would be immensely useful...
Dilligent might be better but calm does have the benefit of having zero downside. Plus somebody's already voted for the plan and changing it after somebody has already voted for it kinda feels like cheating. If they're cool with it though then yeah, I'd agree dilligent is better most of the time
I have seen some of them in other quests... But I don't understand how being left handed is comparable to being strong, of how being a psychopath is good...
Lets just say that being left handed in Cyber world is highly unusual, considering brain modification...

Most everyone in the world were forced to be right-handed by brain modification.

Also, I'm being a little biblical. :V

And being Psychopath is an actual advantage in this world. But you are not without empathy. :V

Especially with what I plan to do with this, you'll see.
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THey are secret for a reason.

But they are all very good.
You know you live in a strange world when being a Psychopath is apparently a good thing. :V

[X] Plan I'm in a hurry and can't think of a name right now
-[X]Firearms handling: You know how to properly handle and maintain, and shoot firearms. (Competent)
-[X]Chemistry: You always had a knack for understanding the thing that is the complex understanding of the universe.
-[X]Writing: You can write worth a damn, it's one of the few things you are good at.
-[X]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+15 to all rolls. Special Actions available)
-[X]Family Person: "It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on." Positive Opinion with relatives/spouses/spouses to relatives. If you are caring for another Relative… Automatically pass one roll to make sure they are safe.)
-[X]Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)
-[X]Aloof: "Yes, I can see the bloodstains. Why do you ask?" ( -5 Diplomacy Rolls On artistic rolls, roll an additional D100. If it is higher, add to the first roll)


Firearms: I want to be a Combat specialist, so this is a must.

Chemistry: I can see this potentially allowing us to make explosives, which ties into my desire to make a Combat specialist.

Writing: Most appealing out of the remaining options. Maybe we can make some use of this.

Ambitious: Tied with Diligent for biggest stat boost, unlocks Special Actions and has no stated downsides. I'm picking this up.

Family Person: I would've gone for Diligent, but this appeals to me for non-stat related reasons, so going with this.

Vengeful: Aside from being good for our combat ability, I generally like this. Don't mess with our family if you know what's good for you.

Aloof: Would've gone for Wrathful to chain with Vengeful, but I like this more.

Quick: This and Strong are the only ones I'm even vaguely familiar with in terms of CK2 Quests, and of the two, Quick has more overall utility. With that said, I can see Psychopath having some potential synergy with Aloof based on Aloof's description (although I don't know if that synergy would be positive or negative. Would be interesting though).
[X] Plan: A man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will
-[X]Firearms handling: You know how to properly handle and maintain, and shoot firearms. (Competent)
-[X]Chemistry: You always had a knack for understanding the thing that is the complex understanding of the universe.
-[X]Writing: You can write worth a damn, it's one of the few things you are good at.
-[X]Ambitious: "Chaos is a ladder." (+15 to all rolls. Special Actions available)
-[X]Diligent: If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again. (+15 to all rolls, but if you fail, gain a level of stress.)
-[X]Vengeful: Serve cold for the utmost sweetness. (+2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, -2 Diplomacy.)
-[X]Aloof: "Yes, I can see the bloodstains. Why do you ask?" ( -5 Diplomacy Rolls On artistic rolls, roll an additional D100. If it is higher, add to the first roll)

My reasoning coincides mostly with @JAGwin But getting a +30 to every roll is too good to pass.
[X] Plan: A man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will

It's hard to say no to a plus 30 to all rolls
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