Web of Life (Spider-Man AU)

Once more... we stand on a precipe.
Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jul 30, 2020 at 11:06 AM, finished with 21 posts and 10 votes.
[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)

Damn, I missed the last vote. Better get my vote in now.
[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)

Y'all who actually want to do crime-fighting? A press pass is pretty much an automatic "in through the front door" sort of entry for a LOT of things.

We also have it from the QM that the only other jobs available SUCK. (Trying to be Tony stark without money, interning at uni, fashion police). This one gets us access to cool science things and is actually going to pay.

Robbie wants us to become Mr. "Because Science" give or take.

Besides, journalism in crime fighting is a thing that's done so much work there's definitely room for it to be deconstructed. Or reconstructed.
I wouldn't call tony stark without money something that sucks, mostly because he literally confirmed that it's completely possible for us to become filthy stinking rich off of one invention.
I wouldn't call tony stark without money something that sucks, mostly because he literally confirmed that it's completely possible for us to become filthy stinking rich off of one invention.

And the Daily Bugle wants to make Peter a star, so he'll have an audience waiting for that invention.

The path to being the next Tony Stark is being offered on a silver platter.
And the Daily Bugle wants to make Peter a star, so he'll have an audience waiting for that invention.

The path to being the next Tony Stark is being offered on a silver platter.
While i think that's a rather optimistic view, i agree with the idea that trying to make incredible, physic breaking inventions without an stable source of income is rather bad move, at least with this job well get some name and income before starting to pump our inventions to the market.
And the Daily Bugle wants to make Peter a star, so he'll have an audience waiting for that invention.

The path to being the next Tony Stark is being offered on a silver platter.

Get name recognition among the public.

Get a steady income that lets you in the front door of places so you can make connections in the industry so maybe our next job is at one of the places I listed earlier (Rand, Oscorp, etc.).

"Oh, yeah, that's Peter Parker the applied-sciences columnist. Our sales went up 5% after his column about our stuff went out. What's he want?"

"A job. He said he had a couple refinements that could really take it to the next level."

"Dude knows his stuff. Schedule him for a 3:00 interview."

After all, it's not what you know, but who you know, and that press pass gets us past a lot of potentially-imposing front doors.
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[X] I would like to work here.
- [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
- [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
It's not closed till the OP says it is, and the last was both just a tally and an inform that there were a tie. Now there's not, but the OP hasn't been back on to close, so no, not closed, and still possible to re-tie or shift the other way till it is closed.
I think we are donezo here. VOTE CLOSED, PEEPS.
Adhoc vote count started by asphaltus on Jul 30, 2020 at 10:31 PM, finished with 30 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] I would like to work here.
    - [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
    - [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
    [X] I would like to think about it some more. (Refusal)
    [X] I would like to work here.
    - [X] Get a press pass, and reporter privileges (2 FP)
    - [X] Make hours even more flexible. (2 FP, Bugle's never appears in clashes)
It's not closed till the OP says it is, and the last was both just a tally and an inform that there were a tie. Now there's not, but the OP hasn't been back on to close, so no, not closed, and still possible to re-tie or shift the other way till it is closed.
Ah, sorry then, i though it was clos-
I think we are donezo here. VOTE CLOSED, PEEPS.
-ed.... speak of the devil...
PD: seriously, i apologise for that.
I give a lot of time for votes, but sometimes people don't see it if it's not on front page, which means when I update a tally, I do expect a few more voters to stagger in afterward. After 12 or 14 votes, though, everyone who wants to vote has already voted, so I'm like okay, let's close it whenever, it won't make a difference now. Speaking of which, @R2Walker , what would you have gone for?