Web of Life (Spider-Man AU)

[X] Aunt May used to help out at various charities. Perhaps it would be good for Uncle Ben to see and further her cherished work – it might make him feel better. And it would help the charity as well.
[X] Aunt May used to help out at various charities. Perhaps it would be good for Uncle Ben to see and further her cherished work – it might make him feel better. And it would help the charity as well.
[X] Aunt May used to help out at various charities. Perhaps it would be good for Uncle Ben to see and further her cherished work – it might make him feel better. And it would help the charity as well.
[X] Aunt May used to help out at various charities. Perhaps it would be good for Uncle Ben to see and further her cherished work – it might make him feel better. And it would help the charity as well.
@asphaltus this does kinda disprove your entire point about everyone choosing logos options because they advantage us more then the other options.
[X] Aunt May used to help out at various charities. Perhaps it would be good for Uncle Ben to see and further her cherished work – it might make him feel better. And it would help the charity as well.
@Totadileplayz The approach system is something I made myself, and I have not disagreed with the idea of using INTELLECT for Logos checks - I've chosen not to apply it for freely for all checks, for all skills, at least without running a few in-quest interactions first and gauge how they're working.

What we convince them of is far more important to everyone then how we convince them to do so.
For some cases, maybe. Sometimes you simply want to verbally beat down the guy, or have multiple ways of making the same point, or care about the fastest way to get the result - not the how. Things like that have to be taken into consideration.

Each method has their own advantages and disadvantages
There are 5 different talking skills, spread out over 3 different stats, 9 types of arguments, along with different talents and Approaches - it's not so easy to balance. If I simply agree to Logos=Intellect, it can run roughshod over the whole system, and I'm not willing to do that before even getting past one social interaction.

You're actively doing this to punish us for choosing a specific stat.
That's untrue. There's a line between punishing and limiting - and I am very conscientious of it. You were never going to be good at everything from the beginning - otherwise, what will you spend XP going on forward? A High Presence would've equally boosted a majority your talking chances - because Presence is a talking stat, for a good social character. You went all-in on Intellect, for a great thinking character. You're saying that you're punished because you have a 44% chance of succeeding in something that you haven't specialized and have 0 skills in? No, I don't think that's true.

And if it turns out it was, I'll boost it.

Pathos is likely the most effective, and it is listed as a default stat.
I don't get what you're saying here - no approach is inherently better than other, and you don't have it as a default stat. I'll explain the system as we go along - perhaps that'll clear things up.

frankly Intellect is the only one that actually logically fits with Logos
And I've already agreed on making a Talent to switch in Intellect when you make a triple Logos check. I can rationalize it too - Intellect may be about Logos, but getting your point across requires the Presence skill. You need to be smart and persuasive - so if you going all-in on your smartness, making a completely logical argument, you get to replace one with Intellect, and the other two remain the default. And again, this is with 0 skill, no talents, just your base abilities.

Really, the first few updates will be testing things about. If things don't work, I'll already agreed that I'll change it. But not before that.
Inserted tally - Vote Closed.
Adhoc vote count started by asphaltus on Jun 20, 2020 at 12:46 PM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Resolve is easy in the heat of the moment. Uncle Ben might be fine now, but that could change. He needed professional help.
    [X] Aunt May used to help out at various charities. Perhaps it would be good for Uncle Ben to see and further her cherished work – it might make him feel better. And it would help the charity as well.
7. The Help We Give
Uncle Ben's Store, Evening

The topic was a little hard to bring up, but it was necessary.

"And I've had an idea…" Peter let the sentence hang in the air for a while, thinking of how he would react. "Uncle, I don't want to say this… but you should see a doctor."

"Doctor? What for?"

"You know the reason," Peter said softly. "Aunt May's… passing has affected you really badly. You've changed, uncle." His uncle looked away at the words; it had clearly stung. "You need help."

"Because I have been sad?" He tried to smile but stopped once he realized Peter was serious. "Peter, every man who loses his wife is grieving. Seeing a doctor won't change any of that."

"But it's not the same. It's been months, and the pain's still the same for you. No – it's gotten even worse. You don't talk as much. You're lost in your thoughts most of the time. You've come home dead drunk twice. Even the neighbors have noticed, uncle." He pleaded. "You need help, and the best option is counseling. Doctors are trained for this; they'll know what to make of your situation."

"I didn't know it was that bad." Uncle Ben shook his head thoughtfully. "I know I've been out of it, but I always thought that was a part of the… grieving. When my dad died, I know my mom had something similar – she would stare off in the distance – but she recovered after a while. Didn't take her any doctors."

Peter didn't say anything; he wanted silence to force his point. It didn't work. "You're not the same." He eventually spoke. "And grandma might have had it easier if she did."

"You're right. It's just that – I don't know about psychologists. Feel like they're taking a pretty penny for telling you how to think." He raised his hand to forestall his nephew's argument. "Yes, I know that's not the case – but that's how I see it. But you're right. You're right. This isn't normal, and I need to see a doctor." He looked at his palms as if staring at his decision.

Peter took his hand. "You're making the right choice. I'm glad we talked."

"I'm glad too." Uncle Ben smiled. "And Peter… I may have been an unreliable uncle the past few months, but that's going to change. I promise." He hugged him. "So if you need anything, or want to talk, don't be afraid to ask. I'm here for you."

Home, Night

Uncle Ben had agreed to see a psychologist, just as Peter wanted. He was relieved he talked with him; the conversation might've been more painful if he had waited. No matter his goals or ambitions, he would've been a poor son if he ignored his family.

And since the matter had been resolved, he could focus on other things.


[] Peter worked on planning his crime-fighting initiative.
[X] Peter visited his neighbors and assured them he was alright.
[] Peter tutored Jean, and other school things.
[] Peter met with Eddie Brock and his job offer.

Gained 2XP.
QM: Yes, this was simply about introducing Uncle Ben as a character and giving him a direction, and basics of social conflict. Most of the beginner quests are like this, but they'll increase the number of threads as we go along.

Peter Parker Vs Uncle Ben (Social Conflict)

Peter Strain = 13/13 Uncle Ben = 10/10

Peter Argument - Resolve is easy in the heat of the moment. Uncle Ben might be fine now, but that could change. He needed professional help. (HELP Argument – Logos (Charm - PRESENCE) , Logos (Charm - PRESENCE), Logos* (Charm - INTELLECT))

Uncle Ben Argument - Simple Rebuttal. (Same Argument Types and Approach as Opponent)

Since this isn't a dire situation, one will concede at half health, rounded up. (Peter =< 7, Uncle Ben<=5). Rounds occur simultaneously. In case both reach half health in same round, both will make an unopposed Cool Check. Whoever has less success loses.

Round 1

Peter Parker
Action: Logos Argument - Charm 0, Presence 2 - Rolls 2 Ability,1 Difficulty, 1 Challenge - RESULT: 3 Success, 2 Threat
Resolving Success: Strain Damage = 3 (Success) +2 (Base Presence) = 5 - 2 (Resistance) = 3. Uncle Ben = 7/10.
Resolving Threats: Own Logic Revealed - Slight Authority Bias. (Opponent can add +1 Boost to Logos Argument)

Uncle Ben
Action: Logos Argument - Charm 1, Presence 1 - Rolls 1 Ability, 1 Proficiency, 2 Difficulty - RESULT: 1 Success
Resolving Success: Strain Damage = 1 (Success) + 1 (Presence) = 2 - 3 (Resistance) = -1. Peter Strain = 13/13

Round 2

Uncle Ben:
Action: Logos Argument - Charm 1, Presence 1 - Rolls 1 Ability, 1 Proficiency, 2 Difficulty - RESULT: 1 Success, 1 Advantage
Resolving Success: Strain Damage = 1 (Success) + 1 (Presence) = 2 - 3 (Resistance) = -1. Peter Strain = 13/13
Resolving Advantage: Recover Strain. Uncle Ben = 8/10.

Peter Parker:
Action: Logos Argument - Charm 0, Presence 2 - Rolls 2 Ability,1 Difficulty, 1 Challenge - RESULT: 1 Failure
Resolving Failure: No Change.

Round 3

Peter Parker:
Action: Logos Argument - Charm 0, INTELLECT 4 - Rolls 4 Ability,1 Difficulty, 1 Challenge - RESULT: 2 Success, 1 Advantage
Resolving Success: Strain Damage = 2 (Success) + 2 (Base Presence) = 4 - 2 (Res) = 2. Uncle Ben = 6/10
Resolving Advantage: Opponent Logic Revealed: Anecdotal Fallacy?? (1/2)

Uncle Ben:
Logos Argument - Charm 1, Presence 1 - Rolls 1 Ability, 1 Proficiency, 2 Difficulty - RESULT: 1 Success, 2 Threat
Resolving Success: Strain Damage = 1 (Success) + 1 (Presence) = 2 - 3 (Resistance) = -1. Peter Strain = 13/13
Resolving Threat: Own Logic: Irrational Fear (Opponent can add +1 Boost to Logos Argument)


Peter Strain = 13/13 Uncle Ben = 8/10.

Conflict can go on, but Uncle Ben concedes.

QM Note: Wow. 3 Successes in the first roll - it had a 3% chance of happening. The rest was more or less to my expectations. You succeeded more often than not, Uncle Ben's Logos resistance meant that the conflict could go on, and we had a good spread of advantages and threats to spice things up. Nice.

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[X] Peter visited his neighbors and assured them he was alright.
[] Peter tutored Jean, and other school things.
[X] Peter visited his neighbors and assured them he was alright.

Feels like the logical follow-up to the last vote.
[X] Peter visited his neighbors and assured them he was alright.
Inserted tally. Vote closed - Meeting the neighbors it is.
Adhoc vote count started by asphaltus on Jun 24, 2020 at 2:41 AM, finished with 14 posts and 14 votes.
8. Meet the Thompsons
Thompson House, Evening

After the talk with Uncle Ben, Peter decided to make good on his word and visited the Thompsons. They weren't strictly neighbors, as they lived a few blocks away, but their families had always been close to each other. Uncle Ben and Uncle Harrison worked in the force together, Aunt May and Aunt Rose played bridge every weekend, and Peter and Eugene… tolerated each other.

Peter sighed. It was the last part that made things so difficult. Flash used to be a good friend, but they had drifted apart in middle school. He was more into sports, whereas he deviated towards science. He was popular, and Peter was not. Schools always had a social grouping – Flash belonged, and he did not. And so they went their own separate paths.

Peter sighed as he rang the bell. I hope he isn't around.

The door appeared to open by itself; he had to glance downwards to see the figure. The kid couldn't have been more than four feet tall – his face was full of freckles, and his bright blue eyes narrowed as he observed the visitor. "Who the fuck are you?"

This had to be Timmy; Flash's younger brother. "I'm Peter. Parker." Though hadn't expected him to curse. "Uh… is your mom here?"

He gazed with suspicion, then finally chose to run inside. "Bro! There's some guy here to meet mom!"

He waited at the door, politely ignoring the conversation inside. (Who is it? I fucking don't know! Did he give a name? Uh… Packer? … Who? Oh, okay, let me see..). Another guy appeared before him – a bigger, beefier version of the kid from before. "And don't curse, you little creep!" He shouted inside, before finally turning to face him. "Wait – Parker? What the fuck are you doing here?" He sounded annoyed.

"Uh, is your mom here?" Peter asked, lifting up the package he was holding. "I've got something for her."

"You can give it to me."

He could, but that would be half-assing things. "I'd rather do it in person."

Flash considered it for a few seconds before opening the door. "Mom's gone out; she'll be back in a while." He led him inside; there was a TV running in the background, although nobody seemed to be watching. "Wait here, okay?"

Flash left Peter on the couch, and it took a few minutes for him to realize he wasn't coming back. It felt oddly awkward to be left alone in someone else's house. Could he change the channel? Was he supposed to? Not knowing what to do made him self-conscious, so he defaulted back to an old tactic – pretend to be engrossed in phone until something happened.

It lasted for twenty minutes. He heard the latch-key turn and the doors open, and a warm voice speak out. "Boys! I'm home! Come and help me!" He heard the footsteps as the figure rounded the corner, and saw the blonde with an exuberant smile. "Boys! Oh wait – Peter? Is that you, Peter?" Her hug was tighter than a bear; Peter could only squeeze uncomfortably in her grasp. "What a wonderful surprise!" It was a relief when she let go. "And it's been so long! What brings you here?"

"Well, since we hadn't seen each other in a long time, I thought I'd pop by, see how you were doing." He held up the bag to ward off another hug attempt. "And I brought some shortcakes!"

"Oh, that's marvelous, dear," She smiled, and then frowned as Flash appeared. "FLASH! Where have you been? I've some groceries in the car – go bring them up!" When she turned to Peter, the tone changed once more. "This has been a really pleasant surprise. Come on, I've some cookies –"

"Actually, I have something –" Peter had faced this choice before, and he had no intention of wasting hours of life.

"Nonsense! Don't tell me you're going to leave without even talking to your aunt!" She grabbed onto his arm; her grip was too strong. "Come on. I also made some sourdough fritters, and you've got to taste them…"


There were fritters, a piece of an apple pie, cookies (banana and chocolate chip), and lastly, her home-made pizza. Aunt Rosie had gathered all in the dining room, feeding them one delicacy after the other. Tim sat beside Peter, swinging his legs, completely carefree. Flash sat across him, glaring at him between chunks of food. Aunt Rosie sat in front of him, unrelentingly asking about everything and everyone. Peter was trapped.

"And then we hugged it out." He finished.

"Uh-huh. That's good to hear." She paused. "And what about school?"

"What about it?"

"You're doing okay? Anybody say something at school?"

"School's fine. Nothing's happened at school."

"… Peter, you can tell us, you know. We are all on your side. Everybody supports you. You know that, right?"

"I do. I do." The pepperoni was delicious. "And I am grateful for it."

"So… what happened at school?" She was persistent.

"Nothing happened at school, Aunt Rosie."


"Really. I promise."

"Hmmm… is that true, Eugene?"

"Huh? Sure, I guess." He replied.

"Oh… you don't even pay attention, do you?" She sighed. "Seriously, why can't you pay attention? If you're a friend, you should know these things! Look - Peter, how is Eugene at school?"

"He's great, I guess?" Peter answered cautiously. "Their team won a match recently, so that's good?"

"See – he knows about you! Why can't you do the same?"

"It's not the same, mom! Everybody knows about the teams, not about specific people."

"Don't be making excuses, Eugene." She snapped. "You should've been paying attention. You should be more like Peter."

Uh oh. That was a low blow. Peter saw the boy's fists tighten, as he started glaring furiously. "It's not the same, Aunt." He decided to help smooth things over. "I'm terrible at sports – can't do what he does. And Flash is a really good player – everyone in school likes him."

"And what good has it done?" She wasn't ready to back down. "He plays, breaks his leg – for what? A trophy isn't going to make him better. Meanwhile, he's failing his actual classes because he doesn't study! I'm so -" She continued on, but Peter wasn't listening.

Oh no. Flash had gone stone-faced, but his eyes were burning. You started this, they seemed to say. You'll pay for it.

"- In fact, I have to ask – Peter, can you help him?"

"What?" "What?" Both of them spoke together.

"You heard me! Peter can help you study and pass your classes! It'll be perfect!"

"I'm sure that's not necessary. I mean, I'm not a tutor or anything, and Flash can learn on his own."

"No he can't." She waved it aside. "He's been struggling with all his classes – you'll be great help."

"Mom. I don't need this guy." He spoke slowly, holding back the anger from seeping into his voice.

"Like hell you don't! Don't listen to him, Peter – that's just his pride talking. I'll convince him. You'll be a great help." She reached out and took his hand. "And it'll mean a lot to me." She pleaded. Peter glanced towards Flash, who was silently staring daggers. Say yes, his eyes said. See what happens.

How had it come to this?

[] Agree to tutor Flash.
[] Disagree, don't help him.

Home, Night

Well, with that done with, he could focus on other things.

[] Peter talked with Uncle Ben, after his visit to the doctor.
[X] Peter tutored Jean, and other school things.
[] Peter met with Eddie Brock, and his job offer.
[] Peter worked on planning his crime-fighting initiative.


QM Note: I'm sorry… this was supposed to be out earlier. Really, I want to pick up the pace, but work just killed this week. Very sorry. As for the relationship between Flash and Peter, this is setting the groundwork. The tutoring thing might seem repetitive with both Jean and Flash, but actually, things would've been different with different stats/friends, so it's actually unique how it ended up.
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