[X] Gather a Team
-[X] Emma Jackson
--[X] Create a military staff
Creating a military staff is the first step to setting up the administration for the military and it will be able to undertake a single action each turn.
It will act like a hero with only the Martial stat and 3D4 will be rolled to determine its stats.
Cost 10 budget and 5 budget per turn
DC 40
--[X] Recruit Angela Miller
Angela Miller was the person that introduced you to how live in the lower parts of the hive was for those living there and has been one of the larger supporter of the charity you set up. As she grew up as part of a merchant family she would be a great help with managing the colonies economy.
Gain a new hero: Angela Miller, she has 12 stewardship and rolls 3D4 for the other stats.
DC 30
-[X] Sophia Jackson
--[X] Meet with the Adeptus Ministorum
The Imperial church will be a minor player on the new colonies unless invited.
Provide funding for the imperial church to set up in your colony.
DC 20: Free church when your colony gets created.
DC 40: +1 Piety
So here is a first pass. I have real reservations about sending a psyker to talk to the church, but her Piety should smooth things out. We are a military person so focusing on gathering a command staff makes sense. Angela is a friend and natural stewardship hero.
This approach should help with out action economy. Building from this we can raise a regiment and pivot to gathering our civilian administration. Schmoozing with other governors, disposing of our corvette in some way, and gaining wider ad mech support are other priorities.
@sunrise I assume we will gain at least one Astropath? An action around trying to get a choir or maybe support for finding and containing rogue psykers would make sense.
-[X] Emma Jackson
--[X] Create a military staff
Creating a military staff is the first step to setting up the administration for the military and it will be able to undertake a single action each turn.
It will act like a hero with only the Martial stat and 3D4 will be rolled to determine its stats.
Cost 10 budget and 5 budget per turn
DC 40
--[X] Recruit Angela Miller
Angela Miller was the person that introduced you to how live in the lower parts of the hive was for those living there and has been one of the larger supporter of the charity you set up. As she grew up as part of a merchant family she would be a great help with managing the colonies economy.
Gain a new hero: Angela Miller, she has 12 stewardship and rolls 3D4 for the other stats.
DC 30
-[X] Sophia Jackson
--[X] Meet with the Adeptus Ministorum
The Imperial church will be a minor player on the new colonies unless invited.
Provide funding for the imperial church to set up in your colony.
DC 20: Free church when your colony gets created.
DC 40: +1 Piety
So here is a first pass. I have real reservations about sending a psyker to talk to the church, but her Piety should smooth things out. We are a military person so focusing on gathering a command staff makes sense. Angela is a friend and natural stewardship hero.
This approach should help with out action economy. Building from this we can raise a regiment and pivot to gathering our civilian administration. Schmoozing with other governors, disposing of our corvette in some way, and gaining wider ad mech support are other priorities.
@sunrise I assume we will gain at least one Astropath? An action around trying to get a choir or maybe support for finding and containing rogue psykers would make sense.