story post 17
weather = 58(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 43(roll) /3 = 51 +10% food

Trade warfare 14+7=21: learn about militia's
Study bows 90+5-25: +70 at 130/200
Study bows 50+7-25: +32 at 162/200
construct longhouse: 74+7+20+10= 111 +20 to woodworking at 70/100
Elder council: Warfare +15 at 43/100

Gather plants 72+5 =77: 5 food
Tend Orchards:16+5+5=26: 4 food
Tend Orchards 72+5+5=82: 6 food

Hunting(large animals) 1+10+4-5= failure, looses next turn as well
Hunting(small animals) 22+10+4-5=31 1 food
Hunting(small animals) 64+10+4-5=73 5 food
Hunting(small animals) 65+10+4-5=74 5 food
farming 9+5=14: failure
farming 9+5=14: failure
shaper study improved farming tools: 49+10+10-25 = +44 at 97/100

Random event 41: The battle: +50 to warfare, +20 to improved knives
+20 on study bows as a gift for not offering the option to lock study actions 182/200
warfare at 93/100, improved knives at 83/100
patrols 80: warfare +10 , warfare complete
patrols scout hills: 26, DC -13 for scouting there
domestication of wolves: 61 > wolf domestication at 82/100

Stream camp +1 = 1 food
longhouses +2 x2 = 4 food
Battlefield loot = 3 food

Patrols: -1 food
Elder council -1 food
Tamed wolves +4 to hunting rolls
Specialization: all food producing actions get DC 15: 1 food, +5 to all other locked actions
Patrols do a scouting roll at roll/3.

food eaten= 12(nr of tasks) x3 = 36 +1+1 = 38
food produced: 5+4+6+1+5+5+1+4+3 = 36 *1.1 = 37
Growth: -1 from food, -5 replacing patrols -1 battle losses = -6 growth.
More then 2/3 of needed food(24): no Stability loss from food shortage
stability roll = 5 *(39/38) = 5 Stability: below average

Tribes Status:
Stability: below average.
Food: minor surplus
Growth -3/48
Tools: 4 spears, 5 knives and 4 axes.

Under the leadership of Sweetvoice another group of buildings was completed, a group of longhouses at the flint outcrop camp. the work went fast enough that she had time to visit the orchards to talk about the harvesting of trees for the use in the planned buildings.
[longhouses build, +20 to woodworking at 70/100]

With all of the available farmland in use Shaper spend her time working on a new tool for the planting of seeds. The new tool is called the hoe and that is left to do is teach our farmers the best ways to use these tools. The farmers ran into troubles when they decided to burn a scrubs near the settlement that was used for farming only three years ago and found out that wheat does not grow as well there then on farmland created from denser parts of the woods.
[improved farming tools: +44 at 97/100, two farming actions fail]

In the months following the battle against the orcs it became clear that while few hunters had died among those that did where many of the leaders who organized the hunts resulting in several years of poor hunting. There are still less leaders among the hunters then normal and it will take years more to select and train them. Restoring the patrols went better and they are back at their old strength and have started to spend more of their time training for war.
[Poor rolls for the hunters result in on group not hunting this turn]
[Patrols give a +10 bonus to maneuver rolls]

There was much the tribe learned about warfare when they studied their battle against the orcs and compared it to the tales traders brought back from the bison hunters. It explained why there where so few big battles on the plain, there was not enough game to be hunted for a large number to support themselves while moving around forcing group to split up and meet up near a target a risky affair or prepare stockpiles of food along the planned route in advance, both gave enemies ways to counter them. The other major issue was the impact even minor losses could have on a tribes ability to hunt and the lack of usable loot besides tools and weapons.
[research into warfare is completed, several new study projects are unlocked]
[There will be a informational post about warfare this week]

With the amount of time the tribe spends studying some claim it would be better to have a large dedicated group working on that while others think it would make the tribe less able to respond to unexpected challanges. Is a dedicated group created?
[study] No
Nothing changes
[study] Yes
Replace any of the locked actions or a open one with a study one.
A locked study action get +5 from specialization and if it replaces a open one the tribe gains one boost.
A locked study action can only be used for study actions and write in what they study first.

The new campsite of the children of the rives appears to be in a area where a lot of wolves live as they have spend most of their time clearing the wolves out of there. the fighting between the hill hunters, bison hunters and the sons of the dragon has seen both sides change the way they fight, the hill hunters have started training for war all year round while the sons of the dragon have are starting to use shields made of wicker. The constant shared fighting has another effect the hill and bison hunters are working together so much that some start see them as bison hill tribe instead of two separte tribes.

children of the river: Friendly, offers woodworking and wants tamed dogs or tools
Deer hunters: Neutral, offers food and wants tools
Hill hunters Friendly, offers warfare wants tools, help fighting and food.
Bison hunters Friendly, offers warfare wants tools.
Sons of the dragon Hostile, no trade possible

[elders] pick a study project from the list under tasks.
[tools] What do the tribes artisans focus on? (traps, spears, axes, knives, atlatls, study bows or study farming tools)

Locked tasks: Gather plants x1, Tend Orchards x2 Hunting(small animals) x3, Hunting(large animals) x1 , Craft tools x1 and Farming x2
With less groups that can do tasks then actions choose one that gets a +20 bonus:
[Boost] Gather plants
[Boost] Tend Orchards
[Boost] Farming
[Boost] Hunting(small animals)
[Boost] Hunting(large animals)
[Boost] Craft tools
[Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)

With the tribes numbers they can perform 3 tasks this year, one is done by the admin hero Sweetvoice and has to be Maintain camp, any of the build actions or study Woodworking.

Shaper will study improved farming tools or farm if forest get cleared and she can.
Sweetvoice needs to roll 70 or higher to survive.

[task] Raid
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send
Targets: eastern hills(the source of the orcs), the sons of the dragon
DC 20: one group joins DC 50: two groups DC 70 three groups.

[task] Gather plants(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 70: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Tend Orchards max 3 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Provides food from Orchards.
DC 25: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 70: 6 food.
+5 from knives, +5 from axes

[task] Farming (max 2 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Sow and harvest food.
DC 30: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 70: 7 food
+5 from knives

[task] Clear forest
-1 max hunting task, +2 max sowing tasks.
DC 20
+10 from axes

[task] Fishing (max 1 times per turn, 0 locked in)
Fish in the streams of the forest
DC 30: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 60: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 3 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 65: 5 food DC 85: 6 food.
+10 from spears

[task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by hunting large animals
DC 50: 4 food DC 60: 5 food DC 80: 6 food DC 90: 7 food.
+10 form spears +1 food form atlatl

[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 food per trapline
DC 10: trapline provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Craft tools[type]
known tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 30: enough tools for one group DC: 70 two groups DC: 95 three groups

[task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
the first markers will allow a extra campsite, the second reduces the DC of trade tasks by 5 the third increases the odds other tribe send trades to us.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 35 get +5 and DC 80 get +10 on all other task rolls

[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South(The great river), West(open plains with bison herds), East(Home of the wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources, DC 60 or 90 for harder to find resources
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.

[task] Create new settlement[location]

valid locations: The old Oaks(minor gains to woodworking)
Not allowed due the size and cohesion of the tribe.
There can be one settlement per five groups in the tribe.
Each settlement created increase the maximum sowing and hunting actions by one.
DC 10: camp is created DC 70: camp is created with simple shelters
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, when you offer food you get 1d100-20 instead.
DC 25: trade successful. 2 food/1 tools DC 60 gain 3 food/2 tools DC 60 gain 5 food/3 tools.

[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per camp
Valid targets: none
Reduces the amount of food needed by the tribe by two.
DC 20: shelters provide bonus next turn DC 60: bonus this turn.
+10 from axes

[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 20 palisade bonus next turn DC 60 bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] The great hall
A great hall from where the tribe is ruled, unlocks new options to increase the area under the tribes control.
Allows the creation of outposts that can claim resource sites for the tribe.
progress 0/120
gain roll-20 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] A House for the gods
Acts a center of the tribe and helps to keep it together.
Lowers the DC of the worship hero action by 5
Unlocks culture, allowing tribes to merge.
progress 0/300
gain roll-50 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-25) but can not lose progress

- Smoking food. 68/100
By smoking fish and meat it can be kept for longer.
Unlocks smokehouse: +1 food max one per three groups of hunters or fishers.
loose one less growth when short on food per smokehouse.

-Improved knives 83/100 : knives give +10 to gathering actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.

-Bows 182/200
Unlocks the hunting(bow task):
[task] Hunting(Bows)
Provides food by hunting, requires bows.
DC 30: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 60: 7 food. 80: 8 food. 95: 9 food.
+5 from spears

-Woodworking 70/100
Gets +10 from 80+ build actions and +20 from 90+ ones.
Decreases the DC of building longhouses and related structures by 10.
Decreases the DC of A House for the gods by 10.
Decreases the of the great hall by 10.

-Farming tools 97/100 : -5 to the DC of Farming actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ farming rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ farming rolls before modifiers.

-Formation warfare 0/200
Gives +10 on maneuver rolls
lowers the DC of the raid action by 10
10 progress is made on a 80+ raid rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ raid rolls before modifiers.
+5 on 70+ patrol rolls, +10 at 80 and +20 at 90.

- Militia 0/100
Creates a militia giving +10 to combat roles but -5 to the roll for the task
There will be a vote for how many groups are part of the militia

-Wicker shields 0/100
Give a +10 bonus to defence but last only a single battle/raid.
[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.

[X] [elders] Woodworking

[X] [tools] Study bows

[X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)

[X] [task] Maintain camp
[X] [task] Clear forest
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
- [X] Children of the River

We've run out of room for more farms, our admin hero is dying and needs to be replaced, we can complete two techs this turn and setting up the trail markers should give us three more food-based actions.
Last edited:
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
- [X] Children of the River
The trail markers task doesn't have a subvote.
[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
- [X] Study smoking food

[X] [elders] Woodworking

[X] [tools] Study bows

[X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)

[X] [task] Build trap line
[X] [task] Clear forest
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
The trail markers task doesn't have a subvote.
[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
- [X] Study smoking food

[X] [elders] Woodworking

[X] [tools] Study bows

[X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)

[X] [task] Build trap line
[X] [task] Clear forest
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
Wait really? I assumed the action would be to set up trail markers between two camps thanks for the heads up. And good eye on setting the studying group to do some research I forgot about that.

[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
- [X] Study smoking food

[X] [elders] Woodworking

[X] [tools] Study bows

[X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)

[X] [task] Maintain camp
[X] [task] Clear forest
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
Last edited:
[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
- [X] Study smoking food

[X] [elders] Woodworking

[X] [tools] Study bows

[X] [Boost] Hunting(large animals)

[X] [task] Build trap line
[X] [task] Clear forest
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
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We get replacements by rolling 95+ on tasks.

Edit: I'm voting for the same plan you are. Suggest a plan with better odds of getting a hero before calling people out.
...You're not, look at my plan again we have different tasks.

Plus with my plan, we have more than twice the chance of getting a new hero and a chance of upping our stability.
...You're not, look at my plan again we have different tasks.

Plus with my plan, we have more than twice the chance of getting a new hero and a chance of upping our stability.
Ok. Maintain camp instead of Build trap line for increased chance of immediate stability upgrade rather than food increase to counteract the stability and growth loss.

If you want a better chance of a hero use the [Boost] decision to focus on one task. I'll edit my vote to this.
[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
- [X] Study smoking food

[X] [elders] Woodworking

[X] [tools] Study bows

[X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)

[X] [task] Maintain camp
[X] [task] Clear forest
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
Ok. Maintain camp instead of Build trap line for increased chance of immediate stability upgrade rather than food increase to counteract the stability and growth loss.

If you want a better chance of a hero use the [Boost] decision to focus on one task. I'll edit my vote to this.
What are you talking about with stability and growth loss the trap lines gives +1 food it's not the end of the world not grabbing it.
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...I mean or we could have the best of both worlds and have the boost focus on maintain camp giving us the maximum possible chance of getting a hero. Also, what are you talking about with stability and growth loss the trap lines gives +1 food it's not the end of the world not grabbing it.
More food means more growth and a modifier change to the stability roll.
We have 10 other rolls to get a 95+ on, so I don't know how you're getting more than twice the chance of getting a hero with doing a maintain camp action.
It has double the chance of any other given action.
More food means more growth and a modifier change to the stability roll.
It's a +1 to food production that isn't all that much that's like a 2% increase in food production and a very tiny modifier on the stability roll besides in the long run missing out on one turn of +1 food matters much less than getting another free action for many turns to come. Also, I just remembered the critical has to be natural in order to spawn a hero and therefore where we apply the boost does not matter.
[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
- [X] Study smoking food
Hunting is at [task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in) so clearing forest does not result in a group of hunters loosing their job.
I will move this to one of the reserved post once completed as i am not sure about the exact numbers for health to use.

The base health for groups is 200, damage includes wounded fighter unable to keep fighting and those that died.
For each 25% damage taken(50 with 200) 1 growth is lost.
I am thinking of going with a higher number for health(300 or 400) to have less bloody battles that end more often due low morale then wiping out the enemy.
What do you think?

Battles begin with a scouting roll to try and find the other side and get the troops in the best place, both sides roll a single D100.
If you win by 20 you get a +10 bonus to maneuvering by 40 +20 all the way to +50 at a 100 point gap.
Bonuses for this roll can be gained from knowing the area the battle is in and having dedicated scouts.

Next both sides roll a maneuvering roll to determine initial positions.
If you win by 20 you get a +10 bonus to maneuvering by 40 +20 all the way to +50 at a 100 point gap.
These bonuses are for the first round of combat.
Bonuses for this roll can be gained by winning scouting, some techs.

If both the scouting and maneuver roll are won by at least 50 the first combat roll is a surprise one where only one side deals damage.

Combat consists of opposed rolls between groups with the two strongest fighting each other and going down the list until the weakest in both armies.
During the first round of combat only groups with ranged weapons can attack.

When one side has more groups the strongest remaining group fights the strongest group not yet fighting two enemies.
If there are groups left after all are fighting two groups the remaining groups fight with ranged weapons if they have them or wait as a reserve.

Each turn of combat consist of the following rolls:
side one attacks rolls a 1d00 and the other side rolls a 1d100 for defense
if the attack roll is higher then the defense one the defenders take the difference in damage
next the other side attack and defense rolls are make.

Next rolls for morale are made:
if the roll is lower then the amount of damage taken morale drops.
if the roll is higher then 100 + damage taken - damage done morale increases.

Good: +10 to attack and defense rolls
Normal: +0 to all rolls
Wavering: -10 to attack, defense and morale rolls
Broken: group tries to retreat does not attack.
If more then 50% of a army are wavering or broken it tires to retreat.
If the battle is to attack the last settlement of a tribe then the defenders fight until 50% of their forces are broken instead

Gear, skill and other modifiers to rolls:

Stone tipped spears : +10 to attack rolls
crude spears: +5 to attack rolls
stone knives, stone axes: +5 to attack rolls
clubs +0

Wicker shields : +10 to defense rolls.

Hunters: +10 to attack rolls , +5 to defense rolls
Militia training +10 to attack rolls , +10 to defense rolls
Full time warriors +30 to attack rolls , +30 to defense rolls, +25% health

Losses taken:
25-50%: -10 to attack rolls , -10 to morale rolls
51-75%: -20 to attack rolls , -25 to morale rolls
76+%: -30 to attack rolls , -50 to morale rolls

Being attacked by two groups: -10 to defense rolls
Only thing I can really say is that once you start having large groups of full-time warriors, you're going to want to change things up.

For instance, having a unit of Archers, they're always going to fight at range if at all possible, so you'd need to add something in where unit types have attack preferences. With archers probably being something like 'Always attacks at range unless enemy has clear melee superiority of numbers, gets free ranged attack before being engaged in melee combat unless attacked by cavalry or surprise'

With cavalry once (if) we obtain it having a preference for attacking ranged units first, rear and flanks second and only last a direct attack on melee units. Well, until you unlock medium and heavy cavalry that is. Which should take a while as I've heard that the original wild horses wouldn't be able to take the weight of the armour and weapons, as well as the rider, needed to qualify for medium or heavy cavalry. Would be one of the reasons chariots were the first type of cavalry unit and stuck around for so long. The horses could pull the chariot with a warrior in it (especially as chariots were made as light as could be managed) but not have a 'normal' person riding them, especially once you added the weight of arms and armour on.

But that's probably a fair way away. By which I mean should start emerging once true settlements, even if only basic villages, start appearing. Not the current camps we have, but greater. Though the House of the Gods and the Great Hall do show the first signs of leading to that sort of thing.
[X] [study] Yes
- [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
-- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
- [X] Study smoking food

[X] [elders] Woodworking

[X] [tools] Study bows

[X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)

[X] [task] Maintain camp
[X] [task] Clear forest
[X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Sep 27, 2018 at 2:43 AM, finished with 270 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] [study] Yes
    - [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
    -- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
    - [X] Study smoking food
    [X] [elders] Woodworking
    [X] [tools] Study bows
    [X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)
    [X] [task] Maintain camp
    [X] [task] Clear forest
    [X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
    [X] [study] Yes
    - [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
    -- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
    - [X] Study smoking food
    [X] [elders] Woodworking
    [X] [tools] Study bows
    [X] [Boost] The task chosen task this turn(bonus divided over actions)
    [X] [task] Build trap line
    [X] [task] Clear forest
    [X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
    [X] [study] Yes
    - [X] The hunting group that loses their hunting grounds.
    -- [X] If no one loses their hunting grounds free action group.
    - [X] Study smoking food
    [X] [elders] Woodworking
    [X] [tools] Study bows
    [X] [Boost] Hunting(large animals)
    [X] [task] Build trap line
    [X] [task] Clear forest
    [X] [task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: random event Total: 83
83 83
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: tribe stability Total: 28
28 28
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: weather Total: 61
61 61
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Maintain camp Total: 59
59 59
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: study smoking food Total: 78
78 78
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: study bows Total: 81
81 81
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: trail markers Total: 99
99 99
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Gather plants Total: 20
20 20
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Tend Orchards Total: 63
46 46 17 17
sunrise threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Hunting(small animals) Total: 247
75 75 97 97 75 75
sunrise threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming Total: 133
54 54 79 79
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Farming, shaper Total: 19
19 19
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: patrols Total: 21
21 21
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: domesticating wolves Total: 9
9 9
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Childern of the river Total: 295
31 31 85 85 88 88 91 91
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Hill tribe Total: 298
59 59 81 81 82 82 76 76
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: southern bison hunters Total: 155
27 27 48 48 61 61 19 19
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: sons of the dragon Total: 180
4 4 95 95 43 43 38 38
sunrise threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: deer hunters Total: 126
47 47 65 65 1 1 13 13
sunrise threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: bison hunting effects Total: 78
78 78
story post 18
weather = 51(old weather) + 50(return towards average) + 61(roll) /3 = 54 +10% food

Maintain camp 59+10+7(sweetvoice)+10(axes) = 86
Study bows 81+5-25: +61 at 200/200 ,1 bow made
Study smoking 78+7-25: +69 at 100/100 smokehouse can be build
Trail markers 99: two sets of trial markers constructed
Elder council: Woodworking +15 at 85/100

Gather plants 20+5 =25: 3 food
Tend Orchards:46+5+5=56: 5 food
Tend Orchards 17+5+5=27: 3 food

Hunting(large animals) 1+10+4= recovering
Hunting(small animals) 75+10+4= 89 6 food
Hunting(small animals) 97+10+4=113 6 food , unlock option to retrain hunters.
Hunting(small animals) 75+10+4= 74 5 food
farming 54+5=69: 6 food
farming 79+5=84: 7 food
shaper farming 79+5+10=94: 7 food

Random event 83: shaper lives another turn before needing rolls for high age.
patrols 21:
patrols scout hills: 7, DC -4 for scouting there
domestication of wolves: 9 > wolf domestication at 82/100

Stream camp +1 = 1 food
longhouses +2 x2 = 4 food

Patrols: -1 food
Elder council -1 food
Tamed wolves +4 to hunting rolls
Specialization: all food producing actions get DC 15: 1 food, +5 to all other locked actions
Patrols do a scouting roll at roll/3.

food eaten= 12(nr of tasks) x3 = 36 +1+1 = 38
food produced: 5+4+6+1+5+5+1+4+3 = 53 *1.1 = 58
Growth: +20 from food = 20 growth.
More then 2/3 of needed food(24): no Stability loss from food shortage
stability roll = 28 *(58/38) + 86 = 128 Stability: average

Tribes Status:
Stability: average.
Food: major surplus
Growth 17/48
Tools: 4 spears, 1 bow, 5 knives and 4 axes.

The years following the battle of the hill saw the tribes farmers expand the land being used for farming by clearing large parts of the forest near their settlements forcing the hunters to travel further while looking for game. Lead by shaper the farmers used these new fields to produce more food then ever seen by the tribe in the past. The hunters returned with enough meat that there was plenty of meat to experiment with while trying to work out how to operate a smokehouse.
[plenty of food and gained the option to build smokehouses.]

Sweetvoice spend her days selecting leaders to replace her and dividing all of the work she was doing among them as her health slowly decreased. To make the work of keeping the tribe together easier markers where added to the route between both main settlements of the tribe and to several of the outposts used by the patrols and hunters. These markers where craved into the trees in the forest and made by stacking stones in the more open parts of the route. Seeing that the tribes was in good hands she passed away in her sleep.
[the markers allow a new settlement under the tribes control, stability raised to average]

The tribes artisans have completed the first bows and first archers have been trained and now it is time to decide where to send them. There are several groups that want the help of these first archers, the first are the patrols that want to push deeper into the eastern hills, next are the hunters that want to try out their impact on hunting and finally the study group wants to look into how they best can be used on the battlefield.
[archers] Patrols
Get a scouting action on the eastern hills
[archers] Hunters
Get +2 food from hunting with bows
[archers] Study
Get a free study formation warfare action.

The children of the river are building longhouses at their new settlement on the great river and on the great plains the bison hunters have a new chief that is called the gaint for he towers over the rest of the tribe and he is planning a major attack on the sons of the dragon in the years to come.

children of the river: Friendly, offers woodworking and wants tamed dogs or tools.
Deer hunters: Neutral, offers food and wants tools.
Hill hunters Friendly, offers warfare wants tools and food.
Bison hunters Friendly, offers warfare wants tools.
Sons of the dragon Hostile, no trade possible

[elders] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gains +15 progress.
[study] pick a study project from the list under tasks that gets a roll.
[tools] What do the tribes artisans focus on? (traps, spears, axes, knives, atlatls, bows, study farming tools or study improved knives)

Locked tasks: Gather plants x1, Tend Orchards x2 Hunting(small animals) x3, Hunting(large animals) x1 , Craft tools x1, Farming x2 and Study 1x
With less groups that can do tasks then actions choose two that will get a +20 bonus:
[Boost] Write in action to boost

With the tribes numbers they can perform 2 tasks this year, one is done by the farming/artisan hero Shaper and has to be farming, tool making or study farming tools/improved knives.

[task] Raid
Each time this task is taken more groups join the raid
Write in the groups you want to send
Targets: eastern hills(the source of the orcs), the sons of the dragon
DC 20: one group joins DC 50: two groups DC 70 three groups.

[task] Gather plants(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by collecting edible plants.
DC 20: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 70: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Tend Orchards max 3 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Provides food from Orchards.
DC 25: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 70: 6 food.
+5 from knives, +5 from axes

[task] Farming (max 2 times per turn, 2 locked in)
Sow and harvest food.
DC 30: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 70: 7 food
+5 from knives

[task] Clear forest
-1 max hunting task, +2 max sowing tasks.
DC 20
+10 from axes

[task] Fishing (max 1 times per turn, 0 locked in)
Fish in the streams of the forest
DC 30: 3 food DC 40: 4 food DC 60: 5 food.
+5 from knives

[task] Hunting(small animals)(max 3 times per turn, 3 locked in)
Provides food by hunting small animals
DC 35: 3 food DC 45: 4 food DC 65: 5 food DC 85: 6 food.
+10 from spears

[task] Hunting(large animals)(max 2 times per turn, 1 locked in)
Provides food by hunting large animals
DC 50: 4 food DC 60: 5 food DC 80: 6 food DC 90: 7 food.
+10 form spears +1 food form atlatl

[task] Hunting(Bows)
Provides food by hunting, requires bows.
DC 30: 4 food DC 40: 5 food DC 50: 6 food DC 60: 7 food. 90: 8 food.
+5 from spears

[task] Train hunters archery.
Teaches a group of hunters to use bows.
DC 5: training succeeds.

[task] Build trap line(max 1 per group of hunters)
Creates a line of traps increasing the amount of food collected by hunters.
+1 food per trapline
DC 10: trapline provide bonus next turn DC 50: bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Craft tools[type]
known tools:
-Stone tipped spears: Gives a group of hunters +10 on the roll.
-Axes: Gives a +10 bonus while creating a camp.
-knives: Gives +5 bonus on gather plants and camp building.
DC 30: enough tools for one group DC: 70 two groups DC: 95 three groups
- Bows: used in ranged combat and hunting.
DC 40: enough tools for one group DC: 80 two groups DC: 105 three groups

[task] Trail markers(max number of settlements +1)
With trade between the camps on the rise a network of trail markers would allow easier travel.
DC 30: Trail markers provide bonus next turn DC 80: bonus this turn.
the first markers will allow a extra campsite, the second reduces the DC of trade tasks by 5 the third increases the odds other tribe send trades to us.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] worship Heroes
Seek the favor of the divine.
DC 35 get +5 and DC 80 get +10 on all other task rolls

[task] scout[target]
Finds new resources valid targets are: The old forest(current location), North(more forests), South(The great river), West(open plains with bison herds), East(Home of the wolves)
DC 30 for easy to find resources, DC 60 or 90 for harder to find resources
If resources are not found the DC is reduced by roll/2.

[task] Create new settlement[location]
valid locations: The old Oaks(minor gains to woodworking)
There can be one settlement per five groups in the tribe.
Each settlement created increase the maximum sowing and hunting actions by one.
DC 10: camp is created DC 70: camp is created with simple shelters
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Trade
Valid targets are the following tribes: Bison hunters, children of the river, Hill hunters.
Collect teachers, create tools and prepare food to trade to the target.
write in to target specific tribes/thing to trade
When trading techs both gain 1d100 on the tech, when you offer food you get 1d100-20 instead.
DC 20: trade successful. 2 food/1 tools DC 60 gain 3 food/2 tools DC 60 gain 5 food/3 tools.

[task] Construct Longhouses
max once per camp
Valid targets: none
Reduces the amount of food needed by the tribe by two.
DC 20: shelters provide bonus next turn DC 60: bonus this turn.
+10 from axes

[task] Maintain camp
Add the result of this roll to the stability roll.
On a 90+ roll gain a administration hero.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build palisade
All camps have a palisade
DC 20 palisade bonus next turn DC 60 bonus this turn.
+5 from knives, +10 from axes

[task] Build smokehouse: +1 food, max one per three groups of hunters or fishers.
By smoking fish and meat it can be kept for longer.
loose one less growth when short on food per smokehouse.

[task] The great hall
A great hall from where the tribe is ruled, unlocks new options to increase the area under the tribes control.
Allows the creation of outposts that can claim resource sites for the tribe.
progress 0/120
gain roll-20 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] A House for the gods
Acts a center of the tribe and helps to keep it together.
Lowers the DC of the worship hero action by 5
Unlocks culture, allowing tribes to merge.
progress 0/300
gain roll-50 progress each time this action is taken.
+10 from axes

[task] Study[target]
Some new ideas result in new tasks right away others need more time or dedicated study to use.
You gain progress equal to (1D100-25) but can not lose progress

-Improved knives 83/100 : knives give +10 to gathering actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ Craft tools rolls before modifiers.

-Woodworking 85/100
Gets +10 from 80+ build actions and +20 from 90+ ones.
Decreases the DC of building longhouses and related structures by 10.
Decreases the DC of A House for the gods by 10.
Decreases the of the great hall by 10.

-Farming tools 97/100 : -5 to the DC of Farming actions
10 progress is made on a 80+ farming rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ farming rolls before modifiers.

-Formation warfare 0/200
Gives +10 on maneuver rolls
lowers the DC of the raid action by 10
10 progress is made on a 80+ raid rolls before modifiers.
10 more progress is made on a 90+ raid rolls before modifiers.
+5 on 70+ patrol rolls, +10 at 80 and +20 at 90.

- Militia 0/100
Creates a militia giving +10 to combat roles but -5 to the roll for the task
There will be a vote for how many groups are part of the militia

-Wicker shields 0/100
Give a +10 bonus to defense but last only a single battle/raid.
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Is the scouting action per-turn or just a one time thing? Also shouldn't we be able to build a settlement at the old oaks now that we have the trail markers?
Alright then:
[X] [archers] Study
[X] [elders] woodworking
[X] [study] Formation warfare
[X] [tools] bows
[X] [boost] toolmaking
[X] [boost] study
[X] [task] farming
[X] [task] Build smokehouse