The Amber Age: Pantheon Edition (Collaborative)

My major complaint of for we are death is not talking to Ari'see who just lost her husband.

[X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
[X] Plan Making Friends
-[X] Bless the Leaders
-[X] Bless the Priests
-[X] Inspire in Influence
--[X] Inspire to Bless the Leaders x2
--[X] Inspire to Bless the Priests
--[X] Inspire to Bless the Warriors
--[X] Inspire to Bless the Storytellers
--[X] Inspire to Bless the Medicine Men
-[X] Contact Ari'see (Prompts decisions): 1 Sustenance
-[X] Preside in Nonas

DE Used: 18 of 18
Sustenance Used: 6 of 6

Reasoning- trying to faith bomb to get a high faith growth for the turn. Bless the priests for an extra DE for next turn since this way we will have 4 next turn (Faith gains to DE kick in the turn after faith increase). Talking to the spirit we know of who just lost her husbando and seeing what we can find out from her and hopefully coordinate actions a bit.

Also we have influence 7 and 3 shrines (T3, T2 and T1). I am hoping to get a shrine in E'Hawe started next turn as that gives us the reach to hit our rival spirit to the west.

Inspire leaders twice- faith growth
Inspire priests- want to see what inspire does for them (hope it is DE)

Also by spreading it out we should hopefully get some good skill XP gains across the board.
Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on May 27, 2018 at 2:23 PM, finished with 56 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
    [X] For we are Death!
    [X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
    [X] Plan Making Friends
    -[X] Bless the Leaders
    -[X] Bless the Priests
    -[X] Inspire in Influence
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Leaders x2
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Priests
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Warriors
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Storytellers
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Medicine Men
    -[X] Contact Ari'see (Prompts decisions): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Preside in Nonas
    [X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
    [X] For we are Death!
    -[X] Preside in [Nonas] (Has a small chance for a number of positive settlement effects, and may convert mortals): 3 Sustenance
    -[X] Bless the Storytellers (Loremaker Act, Generates [0.3] Culture): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Bless the Storytellers (Loremaker Act, Generates [0.3] Culture): 1 Sustenance x2
    -[X] Call a Raid (Tests combat to steal resources from controlled tiles- Northwest Enemy Tile): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Ignite (Generates Fear progress, Influence Attack on [Northwest Enemy Tile]): 6 DE
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE
    --[X] Bless the Warriors (Destruction Act, Generates 1 Legend)
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE x2
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE x3
    --[X] Bless the Leaders (Peerage Act, Generates 1 Faith Progress)
    -[X] Inspire in Influence (Generates 2 Faith progress): 3 DE x4
    --[X] Bless the Storytellers (Loremaker Act, Generates [0.3] Culture)
    [X] For we are Death!
    [X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
    [X] Plan Making Friends
    -[X] Bless the Leaders
    -[X] Bless the Priests
    -[X] Inspire in Influence
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Leaders x2
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Priests
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Warriors
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Storytellers
    --[X] Inspire to Bless the Medicine Men
    -[X] Contact Ari'see (Prompts decisions): 1 Sustenance
    -[X] Preside in Nonas
Last edited:
My major complaint of for we are death is not talking to Ari'see who just lost her husband.
My reasoning is that we have two plot hooks to follow, and I prefer to go all out on one. Especially as we are forced into a confrontation every turn until there is a victor. As such, I am putting a major effort as we would be unable to do as much in the next turns.

The Sustenance is used in two parts. First is Presiding in Nonas, the location of our third shrine. There are no Faithful there there and I wish to claim the village before the usurper does. The two more are used to bless the storytellers to tell more of our own tales. My understanding is that this solidifies our own Narrative. The last is a raid to combo with Ignite as Martial and Magical victory give Eclipse progress directly.
[X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
[X] Plan Making Friends

We are relying on a lot of Divine Magic, so it makes sense to fortify it. I think Mystic is also a reasonable pick, but as I expect the heavy use of Inspire to continue I think Magi will be more worthwhile overall.
[X] Magi (Increases the effectiveness of Divine Magic slightly)
[X] Plan Making Friends
In other words increasing our destructive power when we have Fire and Death Traits will make us quite a deadly motherfucker my good chaps.
[X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
[X] Plan Making Friends

Even though I don't understand the mechanics very well, I think this plan is good as long as our rival doesn't do what we were about to do, i.e. going all out on destroying us ( which I think would be hard, since we are only consideringsuch an "Overwhelming Firepower" plan because we have all the the DE from the past turns. It's unlikely the rival spirit has so many DE, and as such, won't be able to do THAT much damage to us.)

In short, building a strong foundation seems more effective in the long run.

As a sidenote, I like the faith approach more, since we( even though I don't think i ever voted) were never able to go pure faith before.
[X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
[X] Plan Making Friends

Even though I don't understand the mechanics very well, I think this plan is good as long as our rival doesn't do what we were about to do, i.e. going all out on destroying us ( which I think would be hard, since we are only consideringsuch an "Overwhelming Firepower" plan because we have all the the DE from the past turns. It's unlikely the rival spirit has so many DE, and as such, won't be able to do THAT much damage to us.)

In short, building a strong foundation seems more effective in the long run.

As a sidenote, I like the faith approach more, since we( even though I don't think i ever voted) were never able to go pure faith before.
Our followers will have even more Faith in us if we show that we can conquer our foes in such a way only smouldering cinder and charred gore remain of those that dare contest our power:V
[X] Mystic (Unlocks better fate manipulations)
[X] Plan Making Friends

Even though I don't understand the mechanics very well, I think this plan is good as long as our rival doesn't do what we were about to do, i.e. going all out on destroying us ( which I think would be hard, since we are only consideringsuch an "Overwhelming Firepower" plan because we have all the the DE from the past turns. It's unlikely the rival spirit has so many DE, and as such, won't be able to do THAT much damage to us.)

In short, building a strong foundation seems more effective in the long run.

As a sidenote, I like the faith approach more, since we( even though I don't think i ever voted) were never able to go pure faith before.
Well the difference between the two is

Death! 9 Faith Progress

Friends 12 Faith Progress

There is a difference, but not much.

Got omake describing the origins of Best Shark.

A Joyous Birth.

You were born in the dark, Under the weight of the ocean.

In the drift and flow of the sea currents, you wandered.

You swam among other creatures like yourself, your brothers, sisters, family.

Like you, they killed and ate the other creature's of the ocean. Like you, they swam eternal, never stopping, never resting.

Like you, they knew the smell of weakness, like you they hunted it, and struck it down, as was only right.

Weak things were unsightly, doomed to die.

You swam with them for an age, living their simple life, hunting their simple prey, But, in time, you grew bored, these creatures were similar, and you had much affection for them… but they were not the same as you.

They were content to exist and to feed, but you wanted more, you wanted to

In the end, you had hands, and they had not.

And you could not change that.

Saddened and confused, you swam away. To find a place for yourself, to find a way to sate your desires.

And so you Swam

And the world was filled with light.

And it was good.

You continued to swim, and water gave way to something strange, so much thinner, and lighter. On instinct you found yourself opening your mouth, and pulling inwards, swallowing this new thing.

And that felt good too.

In the distance you saw something, a great mass of greens and browns…


And you found a new place to swim towards, but never did you get too close, for you knew yourself unwelcome there.

And so you swam, and you pondered, and you waited.

And then one day, near the great mass of land, you found him.

A young man, hardly more than a boy, swimming in the deep waters.

Something was wrong with that.

The man, upon seeing you, called out. He asked who you were and where you hailed from.

And so you spoke for the first time. You could not tell him who you were, for you had no name, but you told him you hailed from below.

He seemed confused by that.

You swam and spoke with the man for a time, and all the while that feeling of wrong stirred within your mind. But you dismissed it.

You had been lonely, and now you were not, and despite the wrongness, it was good.

Eventually the man had to return to the land, and he asked that you come with him. And so you continued to swim and speak with him.

When you finally had reached the shallows, when you no longer swam but instead walked in the water, you turned away, to return to the ocean, to the womb that birthed you.

The man called out again.

You turned and saw other creatures like him, Other men, and not men that looked like you! just on the shore, out of reach of the water.

The man, the first one you had met, extended his hand, and told you that you were welcome to come ashore with him.

And finally, you knew what had been wrong before.

You took his hand in yours, and pulled him into an embrace, and you

The others on the shore saw your grin and cried out.

Red filled the water, Screams filled the air.

Meat filled your mouth.

Joy filled your heart.

One less foolish person, who went where they did not belong, filled the world.

And you felt that it was good.

Despite his foolishness, you had taken the kind, dumb, young man's offer into your heart, just as you had taken his flesh into your belly, you walked the land now as easily and as freely as you swam the seas.

You feel kinship with the men and women of Gi-ha, in the same way you felt yourself similar to the other creatures you had met in the ocean, the
But in the end, it was the same.

You we're not completely of the humans, just as you we're not completely of the sharks.
For You had gills, and they had not.

But this time… you knew how to fix that.



Kalea is best spirit.​
The uncertainty was about Faith Progress.

I honestly do not think the one DE ie as valuable as an extra inspired warrior.
Ah, well there are three leader blesses in there I think you forgot as I have a min of 15 faith gain (1 free action bless leaders, 2 bless under inspire for 3 and 6 inspires for 12). Also that 1 DE would let us do 2 inspires next turn (also doing an inspire priest to see what that does but hopefully gives us at least 1 DE as well so 5 DE for the next turn, best case it generates 2 or 3 so we can be at 6 or 7 next turn)
Ah, well there are three leader blesses in there I think you forgot as I have a min of 15 faith gain (1 free action bless leaders, 2 bless under inspire for 3 and 6 inspires for 12). Also that 1 DE would let us do 2 inspires next turn (also doing an inspire priest to see what that does but hopefully gives us at least 1 DE as well so 5 DE for the next turn, best case it generates 2 or 3 so we can be at 6 or 7 next turn)
You should probably seperate that into two lines as it looks like only five inspirations.

Inspires cost 3 De, so going to to 4 becaise of your Priest Inspiration does not get an extra Inspire.

We have no idea how much faith progress is necessary, so I rather not assume we can suddenly jump two or three.

Even then 9 Progress is still a hefty amount.
You should probably seperate that into two lines as it looks like only five inspirations.

Inspires cost 3 De, so going to to 4 becaise of your Priest Inspiration does not get an extra Inspire.

We have no idea how much faith progress is necessary, so I rather not assume we can suddenly jump two or three.

Even then 9 Progress is still a hefty amount.
We are at least at 5/12 faith progress, might be higher by 1 or 2. Your plan would net us 9, getting us to 2/15 towards faith 5, while my plan would be 16 (forgot the auto +1 faith we get if we dont fear that turn), or 9/15 towards faith 5. At that point inspire leaders (3 faith), auto 1 and both free on bless leaders would net us faith 5. At faith 4 we are looking at +6 faith progress max (inspire (3), two bless leader (2), auto (1)) or another 3 turns to hit faith 5 so that is a major difference in our plans. To hit faith 5 this turn would need a very generous boost thanks to crit or some additional faith gain from somewhere.

Also I do have inspire- bless priest and the normal bless priest so that should put us at 5 or more DE which gives us 1 inspire and maybe some spare for another action or if we get an extra DE from inspire priest that gives us two DE actions next turn. I did forgot initially and thought inspire was 2 DE before seeing it was 3 DE when calculating for next turn so that was how I had two initially.
Eh, it still does nothing this round about the competition, which is focus of my plan.

I rather get a big push going and get a headstart.