Wolf of the Sea

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  • Fellow Destroyermen?
    Also, USS Iowa? I know it's a battleship, just not sure which one.
    Wolf of the Sea
    Wolf of the Sea
    Yep, I do read Destroyermen.

    As for the Iowa it's the Missouri.

    Yeah, it was one of the two..
    Thor, do us all a favor and stop trying to backseat author.
    Whiskey Golf
    Whiskey Golf
    Not when you're hounding the author to write the way you want. Ceative input is fine - thats how I became GG's de facto author and the Montana author for Eternity. Backseat authoring is not.

    You are not writing Changing Destiny, Sky is.
    Same could be said for Belated Battleships and you trying to push for steelhull vessels in a story about shipgirls.

    I offer you the same challenge. If you're that enthusiastic about a story and have all these ideas in your head, write it yourself.
    Wolf of the Sea
    Wolf of the Sea
    Hmm okay, I will add it to the project list.
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