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  • I just re-read A Cloudy Path and would like to say that it's one of my favorite stories on this site. Few authors take the time to put together characters well enough that it compares favorably to the original stories. Thank you for writing this and I hope to see it continued in the future.
    I'd just like to say: thank you for what you've written. I just finished reading all of A Cloudy Path, and it was better written than Worm itself was. You've got some serious talent for writing! I hope the monsters that inhabit the internet didn't stifle that, considering how much (I assume) you must have enjoyed writing to create a work that's over 1.3 million words.
    I love your work! I came across A Cloudy Path when it got added to (which I turn came across via r/rational, where I think you'd be pretty appreciated). I haven't gotten to the end of what's available yet (still in the Teeth arc), but I wanted to pipe in and say how much I'm enjoying it.

    Out of curiousity, do you want a copy of the notes and details I typed up for the missing Endbringers that never showed up in Worm canon?
    Yeah, definitely. I may or may not use them (obviously not going to spoil anything), but more details are always better, I'd say.
    Hey, Lacks! I noticed you haven't been on SV for nearly a week now and wanted to check in. Obviously you won't see this unless you log on, but I figure it can't really hurt.

    Everything okay with you?
    So-so. Having some knee related issues, which has made doing things pretty painful and tiring. Spent most of the last week lounging around in bed. Still been writing, but I haven't really felt like getting online and posting.
    Sorry to hear about that. Hope you feel better soon.
    Hey Lacks, I'm trying to catch up with A Cloudy Path, but I don't remember the last chapter I read. Can you help me?

    Aeon was visiting New Wave and talking about the Butcher when Panacea blurts out about Aeon's possible death(I think?)
    Just saw your excellent banner for A Cloudy Path. I may follow the quest on SB, but I think I'll poke my head in the SV thread, see what's unique there.
    I don't think I mentioned it, and it almost certainly wasn't intentional on your part, but getting an update on my birthday was a nice suprise. :)
    Just made an account to say thank you for your efforts with 'A Cloudy Path!'
    It's a great read, and so much lighter than most Worm fiction that it's quite refreshing.
    I joined just to be able to post in your thread of ACP :p
    Thank you for making such an awesome story :)
    Sadly I cannot post replies to your thread on mobile apparently, so I'll have to wait for me to get on a computer. Until then, your ACP obsessed fan - Legacy
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