• Pretty much recovered from my illness, but still trying to get a lot of things together. Started up with a few quests.
    Been rather sick, finally diagnosed with mercury poisoning, and am now starting to feel better. Be awhile before I get caught up on quests.
    How did you get mercury poisoning anyway? Just curious since that seems an unusual thing to get these days.
    Hope your feeling better, be nice to see you back in Durins quest :)
    Attending my brother's wedding, followed by a family reunion. Will have only intermittent internet access for next two weeks.
    Hey Eldar, haven't seen you around on Embers in the Dusk for a few weeks and was wondering if you had dropped it.
    So I started reading Embers in the Dusk mostly because I know it's your other main quest.

    I have to wonder how you guys in that quest were able to tolerate the ridiculously stupid other planets. (Up to the second high council meeting now.) I mean you guys kept giving away for free STCs which gave massive production bonuses, while the other planets hoard every scrap of knowledge they have away from you
    Elder Haman
    Elder Haman
    Really? Until this last disaster we actually had positive population growth. Enough that we had to devote enormous resources to expanding our cities. Several people complained that it was straining credibility to have that high of population growth.
    Elder Haman
    Elder Haman
    However, I think that Embers is not really a good quest for you. You might enjoy Hedge Maze Quest (if you are okay with occasional mood whiplash). Or Moonlight Magica, if JDite starts it back up again.
    I don't mean that you had negative population growth. I mean that your % population growth per year gradually declined through the quest despite many actions to improve population growth rate. You started out averaging around 8% per year for the first decade and now you're averaging like 2%. Despite having like +5% growth worth of techs and infrastructure actions.
    Hey, you're pretty much the only economist I know, are negative interest rates as Bizzarro-world a thing as they sound? Apparently Japan, Sweden and Switzerland have them now, and I find the concept far more amusing than I should.
    Elder Haman
    Elder Haman
    Sorry for the late response. Didn't get an alert for some reason.

    Well, negative interest rates basically means that people are paying you money for the privilege of loaning you money.

    As you might expect that means that either something is really wrong, or that your economy is so hot that people are desperate to get people to borrow money... which also probably means something is horribly wrong.
    Elder Haman
    Elder Haman
    In this case, it means something is horribly wrong. People are not borrowing money to invest despite there being low interest rates suggests that either there is too much uncertainty for people to risk investment, or that people have lost the drive to invest. Hopefully it's the first case.
    No offense.

    You put a lot of time, effort, thought, detail and words into analysis and plans. I'm left with the choice between following along, falling behind, or [X] Elder Haman.
    How is it you made you avatar into a gif?
    If you upload a .gif file of the right size so it doesn't need resizing, it will be animated on your profile page.
    I have noticed that your omake are quite numerous and all of a high quality.
    Have you any ambition of hosting your own quest in the future?
    Elder Haman
    Elder Haman
    I've thought about it, but I feel like I can't make the time commitment. I'd hate to start a quest and then have to abandon it unfinished.
    I know that feeling. :(
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